Basierend auf Nick Hornsbys Roman Funny Girl erzählt die Serie Funny Woman die Geschichte von Barbara Parker, die in den 1960er Jahren von der Schönheitskönigin in Blackpool zum national gefeierten Comedy-Talent aufsteigt. Funny Woman wird bei Sky zu sehen sein.
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00:01Let's all shout for Miss Sophie Strong!
00:06Hiya! It's good to be back.
00:09Good morning, gentlemen. My show, my terms.
00:14Oh, I see the vicar's in.
00:16I don't understand what a young woman feels like.
00:21You lied to me my whole life.
00:24I don't care about everyone else. I just want to be with you.
00:27What's the matter with you?
00:28Nothing! Everything!
00:31You want me to go in the rules?
00:33No, I want you to break them.