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00:02:04You hungry?
00:02:17I don't understand it.
00:02:19He's so full of anger.
00:02:22You want to talk about it?
00:02:25Every time I bring it up, he says it's me and nothing's changed.
00:02:30I still love him.
00:02:31You know, and I want to believe that he's the same guy who swept me off my feet last August.
00:02:38You guys did have a good year.
00:02:40I mean, that's what, uh, six months more than most people get.
00:02:46Okay, come on.
00:02:47Most people aren't honest with each other until they get to know each other.
00:02:50I mean, that's why so many relationships fall apart.
00:02:54I'm not as cynical as you.
00:02:56I haven't given up on him yet.
00:02:57No, I'm not telling you to.
00:02:59I liked him.
00:03:00I've always liked him.
00:03:01It's just that, uh, it would have been nice if he was ten years younger.
00:03:05I mean, for your sake.
00:03:06Comes with drugs for that now.
00:03:09Not that it's any of your business, but Duke never had any trouble in that area.
00:03:14I knew it.
00:03:16Not that I would know he hasn't touched me in two months.
00:03:22Yeah, I hate to see you like this.
00:03:25Is there anything I can do?
00:03:32It's just a phase, right?
00:03:35And go through this?
00:03:37Nah, yeah.
00:03:39I wouldn't know.
00:03:46Speak of the devil.
00:04:05I'm telling you, you deny nothing, you explain nothing.
00:04:10That's the way I always handle it.
00:04:15Oh, life is good, gentlemen.
00:04:17Life is very good.
00:04:23Atta boy.
00:04:35Excuse me.
00:04:42Excuse me.
00:04:44Oh, excuse me.
00:04:46Oh, it's fine.
00:04:48It's fine.
00:05:00Excuse me.
00:05:05Excuse me.
00:05:14I advise you to rejoin the party.
00:05:16Be nice, honey.
00:05:18I was checking on dinner.
00:05:20I'll be right back.
00:05:30What's happening to us, Duke?
00:05:33I keep telling you, Kate, it's all in your head.
00:05:36Things changed.
00:05:40Look me in the eye and repeat that.
00:05:57Thank you.
00:06:06Are you okay?
00:06:08What are you doing for lunch tomorrow?
00:06:12The Post had a picture of you two.
00:06:14On page six.
00:06:16At that polo charity match.
00:06:20He's not the guy I married.
00:06:22They say people don't change.
00:06:25They're wrong.
00:06:27People change.
00:06:29But only for the worse.
00:06:32You know, it's the weirdest thing, too.
00:06:34I could swear he's having me followed.
00:06:36Why? Does he think there's someone else?
00:06:38I guess.
00:06:40Is there?
00:06:41Don't be ridiculous.
00:06:43What about him?
00:06:45What about him? Has he said anything?
00:06:47About what?
00:06:49I don't know. About someone else?
00:06:51About being unhappy?
00:06:53About a divorce?
00:06:55Who said anything about a divorce?
00:06:57No one.
00:06:59I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help you figure this out.
00:07:02I waited a long time to get married.
00:07:04I never had any burning need to be somebody's wife.
00:07:08I wish I could say the same.
00:07:11I hate being alone.
00:07:13It makes me feel like such a loser.
00:07:15What are you talking about? You're beautiful.
00:07:18You're smart. You're successful.
00:07:20I've been working since I was 17.
00:07:23I wouldn't mind taking a break.
00:07:25You know, a lot of people think I married Duke for his money.
00:07:28I never thought that.
00:07:29I never gave a damn about $300 dinners or five-star resorts.
00:07:33I know.
00:07:39You haven't heard anything, have you?
00:07:41Any rumors about Duke?
00:07:43Me? Are you kidding?
00:07:45Just, I don't know, just with the divorce comment and all.
00:07:49I live on the other side of the tracks, remember?
00:07:52I hear nothing.
00:07:53I only move in these circles when you call me.
00:07:57Did you have fun at the party?
00:07:59Yeah. I met this cute guy, Nick Galati.
00:08:03Oh, God.
00:08:05Half the women in town are in love with him, but you know, he's not a nice guy.
00:08:11What does a girl have to do to get laid around here?
00:08:15I wouldn't know.
00:08:27It's all right.
00:08:30She thinks I'm having dinner with a client.
00:08:35I'm tired of worrying all the time, Duke.
00:08:38I'm tired of lying.
00:08:41I'm tired of hiding from everyone.
00:08:45And I'm tired of being such a nag.
00:08:50You are many things, Diana, but a nag is not one of them.
00:08:57She knows it's over, Duke.
00:09:01How much longer do I have to wait?
00:09:35I have to talk.
00:09:37Paragraph three, section five.
00:09:40One million dollars for every year of marriage, prorated per section nine.
00:09:45Paragraph three C, bringing the payout to eight hundred and sixty two thousand dollars and forty nine cents.
00:09:52Eight hundred and sixty two thousand dollars and forty nine cents.
00:09:56How would you like that dispersed, Miss Graham?
00:09:59I wouldn't.
00:10:04One million even, but that's it. This isn't a negotiation.
00:10:08Look, you can keep your money.
00:10:11Okay, just give me a couple of days to pack up my stuff and get out of the house.
00:10:17Give us a minute, will you please?
00:10:28That's very generous of you, Kate.
00:10:31I wish my first two exes were more like you.
00:10:37Believe it or not, Duke,
00:10:40there was a time not that long ago walking down the aisle next to you
00:10:46I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
00:11:06No rush packing.
00:11:09I could live on the boat for a week or two.
00:11:12I just come by for occasional change of clothes.
00:11:18I guess.
00:11:43Oh, Miss Graham, I'm so sorry. I just heard.
00:11:51I'm going to miss you, Sam.
00:11:54As much as I'm going to miss you, ma'am.
00:11:57I'm going to miss you too.
00:12:00I'm going to miss you too.
00:12:03I'm going to miss you too.
00:12:06I'm going to miss you too.
00:12:09As much as I'm going to miss you, ma'am.
00:12:14Duke gave me a few days to pack.
00:12:17I'll make you a batch of that banana bread before I leave.
00:12:23I'm just the caretaker here.
00:12:26I know I shouldn't speak any ill about Mr. Fairbanks,
00:12:30but I've seen him through two wives and more women than he has a right to.
00:12:35And none of them, none of them can hold a candle to you.
00:12:39Oh, that's very sweet of you, Sam.
00:12:43God's own truth, ma'am. You're the best thing that's ever happened to him.
00:12:47And I think he's making a terrible mistake.
00:12:51So do I. Believe me.
00:12:54But he's made up his mind and there's nothing I can do to change that.
00:13:05I'm sorry.
00:13:35I'm sorry.
00:13:51Jim, where's that?
00:14:05Message box is full. Please call again later.
00:14:35Get out!
00:15:06Miss Graham!
00:15:08It's nothing, Sam. I'm OK.
00:15:35Come on.
00:16:05Come on.
00:16:35Come on.
00:16:38Come on.
00:17:02I think they've got a VIP section up in heaven.
00:17:06Right there behind the velvet road, scanning the crowd.
00:17:09Oh, Mr. Fairbanks. Step right through, sir. We've been expecting you.
00:17:20Is it Fairbanks?
00:17:23Yes, sir. The one and only. And listen to this.
00:17:26The happy couple were getting a divorce.
00:17:29Interesting. Talk to you later.
00:17:32The divorce was his idea?
00:17:38You mind telling us what happened?
00:17:44In the marriage?
00:17:50I don't know what happens in any marriage.
00:17:53Are you married, detective?
00:17:56I was.
00:17:58What happened in your marriage?
00:18:00I don't know, Miss Graham. I guess my wife just fell out of love with me.
00:18:05Whatever you're thinking, detective, you're wrong.
00:18:21I know this is a tough time for you, Miss Graham.
00:18:26We're sorry to put you through this.
00:18:30Thank you.
00:18:36Thank you.
00:18:41Gotta love wakes.
00:18:43Yeah, they're awful.
00:18:47Oh, every last one of them was thinking the same old thing.
00:18:51She killed Duke.
00:18:54Nobody was thinking that.
00:18:56Yes, they were. Everyone except for dear old Sam.
00:19:00They just want to know, I guess.
00:19:03I want to know.
00:19:05So do I.
00:19:08I want to know.
00:19:11I want to know.
00:19:14So do I.
00:19:19Why are you looking at me like that?
00:19:21Like what?
00:19:23Tell me what you heard.
00:19:25Nothing. Just, you know, it's an awful lot of money. That's all.
00:19:31They just talked about the money. Except Muffy Jones.
00:19:36She didn't say a word about the money. She's just jealous.
00:19:42She's been waiting seven years for Hiram to croak.
00:19:45And next month they're going to Barbados to celebrate his 94th birthday.
00:19:51Kind of see her point.
00:19:55Well, you did do pretty well for yourself, Kate.
00:20:01I cannot believe you just said that.
00:20:04I'm sorry. I get honest when I drink too much.
00:20:09And I'm just being honest. Duke was leaving you.
00:20:13It's not like you really lost a husband or anything.
00:20:16He was already gone.
00:20:19I think I like you a lot better when you're less honest.
00:20:24And you may think you know me, Diana.
00:20:28But you don't know me at all.
00:20:32I'm sorry.
00:20:35I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:20:39Don't be mad at me. You're my only friend.
00:20:45I don't want to lose you.
00:20:49This is the Fairbanks place here. From the house to the marina here, it's less than 15 minutes.
00:20:54Another 22 minutes in the same direction, you're pulling into downtown Seattle.
00:21:01What about the boyfriend? The mechanic?
00:21:06You want me to talk to him first?
00:21:08Yeah, I'd like to hear his alibi before we get into hers.
00:21:12All right. I'm on it.
00:21:32Marriage hit a rough patch.
00:21:35But I guess you already knew that.
00:21:38He filed for divorce.
00:21:40When did he say she moved to Seattle?
00:21:42About a year before last, mid-July.
00:21:45She was living with a guy in New York, and it ended badly, so she moved out here to lick her wounds.
00:21:50Ah. Stayed at your place?
00:21:53Yeah, I got her certified, put her to work.
00:21:56You know, I hate to harp on this, but I'm a little confused here.
00:21:59You were living together when she met Duke Fairbanks?
00:22:03Yeah, we're friends, Detective.
00:22:07I've been since college, and not that it's any of your business, but I'm gay.
00:22:14That explains it. Most of it, anyway.
00:22:18I didn't realize I was a suspect.
00:22:23I didn't realize I was a suspect.
00:22:26I never said that you were.
00:22:28Am I?
00:22:30I don't know yet. Where were you on the night of the murder?
00:22:33A mile up the coast, Cheever's Landing.
00:22:35I got a call about a sloop with a burned-out cam.
00:22:38I was in the competition playing games with me because there was no sloop.
00:22:41Cheever's Landing, huh? That's, what, 30 minutes up the coast?
00:22:45I own a .38 snub-nosed detective, no knives, though, just in case you were wondering.
00:22:50I never said anything about knives.
00:22:52No, no, you didn't, did you? But they did.
00:23:00Whoops. Guess you missed that one, Detective.
00:23:15Someone always comes along to contest the will.
00:23:18Third cousin, Uncle Bob.
00:23:21Flight attendant claiming to be the mother of his bastard child.
00:23:25But I really don't foresee any problems.
00:23:30It's all yours, Kate.
00:23:34It's funny how things work out.
00:23:37What is that supposed to mean?
00:23:39Oh, nothing.
00:23:41You were walking away from $800,000, and today you are worth a hundred million and change.
00:24:12Audi dealership on Harbor Avenue, please.
00:24:19Got the new window in already, huh?
00:24:24How did it go?
00:24:26Excuse me?
00:24:27With Simon, the lawyer.
00:24:30Sorry, do I know you?
00:24:32I do know you.
00:24:34Nice little send-off for old Duke, by the way. Was T.S. Eliot your idea?
00:24:38Who the hell do you think you are?
00:24:41Let me out of this car.
00:24:42When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, then how should I begin?
00:24:46Pull the car over now and let me out.
00:24:49It's ten percent, Kate.
00:24:51What's ten percent?
00:24:53Ten percent of $100,000.
00:24:55I don't know what you're talking about.
00:24:57It's ten percent, Kate.
00:24:59What's ten percent?
00:25:01Ten percent of $103,000,000 when it comes to...
00:25:04Well, let's just round it off and call it an even $10,000,000, huh?
00:25:08What the hell are you talking about?
00:25:10I killed Duke for you.
00:25:12And I'm going to insist on being paid for my services.
00:25:17You're a sick man.
00:25:20Pull over!
00:25:21Believe me now?
00:25:23Little Duke with the daddy he adored?
00:25:26Maybe they're finally together again up there in that big trout stream in the sky.
00:25:29Let me out of this car. Pull over right now!
00:25:32Half a million by Friday, Kate, is a show of good faith,
00:25:34and I'll wait on the balance once the estate is settled.
00:25:36Let me out of the car!
00:25:40Looking forward to doing business with you.
00:25:56Look, they said that there was no such taxi, no such medallion.
00:26:00Uh, I don't know what to tell you, Ms. Graham. It's a heck of a story.
00:26:05What, do you think I'm making this up?
00:26:12Ten percent, huh?
00:26:15How much does that cost?
00:26:24How much does that come to?
00:26:33Well, thanks. You guys have been a really big help.
00:26:53Thank you.
00:27:23Thank you.
00:27:46Do we have a deal?
00:27:49You look very pretty.
00:27:53Where are you?
00:27:55Where are you?
00:27:58Make it easy on yourself, Kate. Pay up and I disappear.
00:28:04You're out of your mind.
00:28:06You don't trust me.
00:28:10How are you doing this?
00:28:12I don't understand you, Kate. What is there to think about?
00:28:15Especially at this stage, with the police breathing down your neck.
00:28:19Who are you?
00:28:22Your partner, Kate.
00:28:24And I must tell you, I'm going to be very disappointed if you let me down.
00:28:27And me disappointed?
00:28:29Not a pretty picture.
00:28:31Think about it, Kate.
00:28:33I'm all you have left.
00:28:35Please don't be mad at me. You're my only friend.
00:28:38I don't want to lose you.
00:28:40Ask her about Duke.
00:28:43Ask her about New York last October twice.
00:28:46Ask her about New York last October twice.
00:28:48And you ask her about New York twice a week for the past two months.
00:28:57You're lying.
00:28:59Oh, I've upset you. Look how your hands are shaking.
00:29:04The down payment, Kate. That good faith half million we talked about. I'm waiting.
00:29:09You'll never get away with this.
00:29:19Are you there?
00:29:21I'm here. And I'll be here until I get my money.
00:29:27I'm not giving you a single penny.
00:29:30Do you hear me?
00:29:34You know something, Kate? This is a first for me.
00:29:39I'm not afraid of you.
00:29:41Of all the choices I had.
00:29:43Do you hear me? I'm not afraid!
00:29:45Everyone pays, Kate. Everyone.
00:29:55Can you give me one phone call?
00:30:02Kate, none of this makes any sense at all.
00:30:04They found a pair of my sneakers in the back of my truck with blood on them.
00:30:07And my alibi doesn't stand.
00:30:09Now there's no trace of any cult achievers landing.
00:30:11And get this, they don't believe I'm gay.
00:30:13Oh my God, they think...
00:30:15Yeah, yeah.
00:30:17I can't get through to these guys. I mean, this cop came by and he's tanning.
00:30:20He's asking me all about you and Duke and I told him the truth.
00:30:23I told him the truth. I said you guys were unhappy.
00:30:25And yeah, it bothered me, sure. I mean, you're my best friend, Kate.
00:30:30Kate, I didn't kill Duke. I couldn't kill anybody.
00:30:34I know.
00:30:36It's crazy. They can't possibly think that.
00:30:39Yeah. Yeah, they think. They think I killed him for you.
00:30:44It's gonna be fine.
00:30:46I'm gonna get you out of here.
00:30:48Everything's gonna be fine.
00:30:52They're holding him without bail.
00:30:54What? Can they do that?
00:30:56When it's as cold-blooded as it was, yes.
00:30:59He didn't do it, Harry.
00:31:01I know, Jim. Please help him.
00:31:03You can't be serious.
00:31:04I couldn't be more serious.
00:31:06He's gonna be charged with Duke's murder, Kate.
00:31:09And when the cops find out you're paying for his defense, well, they're not gonna like it.
00:31:15The press are hell. They're gonna eat you alive.
00:31:18You don't understand. I know Jim didn't do it. The guy in the cab did.
00:31:22The guy in the cab?
00:31:23He told me himself.
00:31:26Look, I'll drop by the jail later.
00:31:29Thanks, Harry. I won't forget this.
00:31:41I'm sorry about Jim.
00:31:44Maybe we can work this out, though.
00:31:47Dinner tonight, I'll call you.
00:32:05That's it? Dinner tonight, I'll call you?
00:32:07Yes, that's it. Dinner tonight, I'll call you.
00:32:15Hello, Diana.
00:32:20I'm Diana Coles. I got a call from Detective Tannen.
00:32:23I'm Detective Tannen. This is Captain Shaw. If you could just step in the hall, we'd be right with you.
00:32:31Miss Graham, let's get back to this phone call of yours.
00:32:34He said that he will call you tonight to discuss dinner.
00:32:39How do you feel about wearing a wire?
00:32:46All right, Miss Graham, if you can just come with me, I'll set you up.
00:32:49Thank you.
00:32:52He was fun in bed, wasn't he?
00:32:54Why don't you go on in?
00:33:04I'm right behind you.
00:33:05I see you.
00:33:06If you lose me, just talk. I'll catch up.
00:33:09Anything yet?
00:33:16Miss Graham? Miss Graham, can you hear me?
00:33:29Captain. Yeah, it's me. I lost her.
00:33:35I'm sorry I had you running around in circles, Kate, but you can't be too careful these days.
00:33:41You think you're so clever, don't you?
00:33:43No, no, no, Kate. I'm not clever. I'm a genius.
00:33:48We'll see how much of a genius you are.
00:33:50Come on. Don't be that way.
00:33:53This is a wonderful restaurant. Let's try to make it a fun evening.
00:34:00Thank you.
00:34:05Ah, the lady will try it. It's her favorite chardonnay.
00:34:07It's fine.
00:34:12Come on. Relax. Enjoy yourself. I ordered that seared foie gras you like.
00:34:18Who are you and how do you know all these things about me?
00:34:20It's what I do, Kate. I make it my business to be informed.
00:34:24I could call for help right now.
00:34:26Please. I have been looking forward to this meal all day.
00:34:34Oh. You know what makes me happy, Kate?
00:34:39I'll tell you what makes me happy.
00:34:43That there's no shortage of beautiful young women who marry for money.
00:34:48For a genius, you're not doing too well.
00:34:52You're already wrong about me.
00:34:57Maybe you're right.
00:34:59Morality is in such short supply these days.
00:35:02It never occurred to me that someone might refuse to play along.
00:35:05Get Jim out of jail. Then we can discuss playing along.
00:35:09I'm afraid I can't help you there.
00:35:11You're the one who chose to take the moral high ground.
00:35:14If you'd listen to me, Jim would be at the Ramrod right now, dancing with the boys.
00:35:19I suggest you listen to your lawyer. The press is going to eat you alive.
00:35:24I suggest you forget about Jim. He's as good as dead.
00:35:26At the night of the murder, he was on his way to Cheever's Landing to repair a burned out camshaft on a boat that doesn't exist.
00:35:34It's not much of an alibi.
00:35:36That mixed with the hair and the blood samples left at the crime scene, well...
00:35:41You son of a bitch.
00:35:44Madame did not enjoy her foie gras?
00:35:47You can take it away.
00:35:52Let me spell it out for you.
00:35:53Three days before the murder, you took $50,000 out of one of your New York brokerage accounts.
00:35:58I did no such thing.
00:35:59No, you're right. That's inaccurate. You didn't actually take the money out.
00:36:03It's still in transit.
00:36:05I don't follow.
00:36:07Well, that's the thing about money, Kate.
00:36:09I can take a little bit here and there and get away with it, despite some fairly impressive advances in security, but what fun would that be?
00:36:16And sooner or later, they follow the money.
00:36:19Because that's what they do.
00:36:20They follow the money.
00:36:22Because that's what they do, Kate.
00:36:24They follow the money.
00:36:26And in this case, they're going to follow it all the way to Jim's numbered account in Zurich.
00:36:30Jim? Jim doesn't have a numbered account in Zurich. Jim doesn't have any money at all.
00:36:35You're wrong. He opened up one a few weeks ago.
00:36:38He needed a safe place. Well, a relatively safe place for the down payment on Duke's murder.
00:36:47Nobody's going to believe that.
00:36:48It's not a question on whether they believe it or not. I push a button and it's done.
00:36:55Those crazy Swiss. They go to such great lengths to protect their clients, but even they draw the line at murder.
00:37:10What's that?
00:37:11That is a Louis Quartel's armoire. Circa 1700. It's magnificent.
00:37:19It has these tortoiseshell inlays and these brass and ivory pulls and these little mythological beasts carved on the side.
00:37:26I don't understand.
00:37:31Come on, make an effort. This is as charming as I get.
00:37:35We're talking about an armoire.
00:37:38Yes, Kate, an armoire.
00:37:39Yes, Kate, an armoire.
00:37:41It's not something you'd find at a flea market. It's Louis Quartel's, huh? It's museum quality.
00:37:46It's a little too much for my taste, frankly, but I think it'll go nicely in your place.
00:37:50I never bought any lousy armoire.
00:37:52Yes, you did. That's what you spent the $50,000 on.
00:37:58I get it.
00:38:02I play along, I get the armoire, there's your $50,000, detective.
00:38:06I don't play along, you dump the money in Jim's account.
00:38:10God, you are smart. I can't begin to tell you how impressed I am. Don't you love the way it works?
00:38:16The $50,000 gives them Jim, and it also gives them you.
00:38:21You picked the wrong woman.
00:38:23There's one final glitch. It's double now, I want 20%.
00:38:28Come on, it's a deal, and you know it. Besides, you really want them to start digging around?
00:38:32The night of the murder, Kate, the shape you were in when you got home?
00:38:37That was you. Jim's email, the smashed window.
00:38:43I already have means and motive. A couple of key strokes, I doctor the surveillance tapes, say, and presto, you have opportunity.
00:38:54I've had enough. Let go of me.
00:38:58I've had enough. Let go of me. Let go! Murderer!
00:39:11I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry. I thought she was ready to leave.
00:39:18The doctor's accounting warned me that she wasn't ready, I shouldn't have said anything.
00:39:28I'm sorry.
00:39:47Now this was the night of the murder, according to marina security, around 7pm.
00:39:51Almost got a temper.
00:39:53How the hell did we miss this? I thought the marina had turned over all the tapes.
00:39:56Nobody's sure. Head of security says one of his guards stumbled across it this morning. Seems to think it was misfiled during backup.
00:40:03She's playing games with us, Captain. Last night with the wire was no accident. She wanted to lose me.
00:40:09Yeah. Yeah.
00:40:26Okay. I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:40:43I'm sorry, Miss Kate. You insisted.
00:40:46It's alright, Sam.
00:40:48You have a good time last night, Miss Graham?
00:40:50A good time? What are you talking about?
00:40:53You got it, right? On tape?
00:40:56I didn't get anything, Miss Graham, which is pretty much the way you planned it.
00:40:59Excuse me?
00:41:01I need you to come downtown, ma'am.
00:41:04I'm not cooperating with you. You already believe I'm guilty.
00:41:41Welcome home, Mr. Mathis. How was Cleveland?
00:41:46A few glitches, but nothing I couldn't handle.
00:41:48Do you know that Cleveland has the highest population of Hungarians in the world outside of Budapest?
00:41:53No, sir. I didn't know that.
00:41:55It's interesting people, those Hungarians. I bet their language. Every word sounds like a cry for help.
00:42:04Things good here?
00:42:06Yes, sir. You staying a while?
00:42:08Actually, no. I leave for Bozeman tonight. Found a guy who hasn't filed his tax return since 82.
00:42:14Wow, sir. I don't know how you do it.
00:42:16Everyone has their secrets, Joni. I have a feeling you have a few of your own.
00:42:22How's your mother?
00:42:24Better, thanks. She can't stop talking about the beautiful orchids you sent.
00:42:28I got a lovely note from her. She's a fine woman, your mother. I hope you know how lucky you are.
00:42:34Yes, sir. I do.
00:42:36To have someone like her to guide you through this uncertain world, that's a real blessing, Joni. You try not to forget that.
00:42:42Christine Chalet to administration. Christine Chalet to administration.
00:42:53845. Here it is, ma'am. The reservation was made through Cal Morgan, Crystal Court Motel.
00:43:01Thank you.
00:43:11Thank you.
00:43:41Oh, I'm sorry. I just need a few more minutes in the room. Could you come back?
00:43:46Thank you.
00:44:11Thank you.
00:44:31Breaking and entering, Ms. Graham. Maybe we'll start with that and work our way up.
00:44:41Thank you.
00:44:52They called the restaurant this morning. Your story checks out. But there's no sign of this Cal Morgan character.
00:45:03Did they get anything from the hotel?
00:45:05Except for me.
00:45:07I don't believe this.
00:45:11Thank you.
00:45:35Hang on, Chelsea. Help is on the way.
00:45:38With all due respect, Your Honor, Ms. Graham is neither a criminal nor a flight risk.
00:45:43I asked for her passport, Counselor.
00:45:45Yes, Your Honor. I apologize.
00:45:47She's not to leave the state either. Do you understand, Ms. Graham?
00:45:51Yes, Your Honor.
00:45:53Just in case you don't, I'm freezing your assets.
00:45:55But, Your Honor.
00:45:56Any violation, bail will be revoked. Is that understood?
00:46:00Understood, Your Honor.
00:46:02Next case.
00:46:08He's done this before. Everybody pays. Those were his exact words. Everybody pays.
00:46:13Do you know what that means?
00:46:15That means that there are women all over the country who know he's out there and they don't give a damn.
00:46:19That makes them accessories after the fact, right?
00:46:21That's the right legal term, isn't it?
00:46:23I'm sorry. I have to go.
00:46:25What do I have to do to convince you I'm not crazy?
00:46:28I'll call you later.
00:46:30Thank you.
00:46:32What do I have to do to convince you I'm not crazy?
00:46:36I'll call you later.
00:46:52I told you, Kate. Everybody pays.
00:46:55But not you. Not you, huh?
00:46:58You had to be special. You had to get old moral on me.
00:47:01Where the hell are you, you sick bastard?
00:47:03Huh? You're still gonna pay, Kate.
00:47:06Only this time, you're gonna pay with your freedom.
00:47:24I'm sorry.
00:47:54I'm sorry.
00:48:27Libby Chaykin?
00:48:29Who's calling?
00:48:31This is Kate Graham.
00:48:33You may have read about me.
00:48:35My husband, Duke Fairbanks, was recently murdered up here in Seattle.
00:48:38And this concerns me how?
00:48:41I believe you have the wrong Libby Chaykin.
00:48:47The gall of that woman.
00:48:49Wanting to know if there was one.
00:48:51The gall of that woman.
00:48:53Wanting to know if there was more to Maura's death than I let on.
00:48:58And I was wondering if you were ever approached by a stranger immediately following your husband's death?
00:49:18Is this Deborah Winston?
00:49:21My name is Kate Graham. I'm calling to talk to you about when your husband was killed ten years ago.
00:49:25Who is this?
00:49:26Kate Graham.
00:49:28I'm from Seattle. I was married to Duke Fairbanks. I'm sure you heard about the murder.
00:49:32Is this some kind of joke?
00:49:34No. I need your help.
00:49:36I'm trying to find out if a man showed up immediately following your husband's death demanding money.
00:49:44Who do you think you are, huh?
00:49:46Don't you dare call this number again.
00:50:10My decorator.
00:50:12Really? Okay, send her up.
00:50:37You're not Lorraine?
00:50:39No, ma'am. My name is Kate Graham. I'm the one who called you Tuesday night.
00:50:44Get the hell out of here, you crazy bitch!
00:50:46I'm sorry. I didn't mean to threaten you. I'm here because I need your help.
00:50:50Yeah, well, I'm going to call the police.
00:50:52Go ahead. Call them. Maybe we can tell them our strangely similar stories.
00:50:56I'm wanted for murdering my husband.
00:50:59But I didn't kill him. A man showed up shortly after his death to collect.
00:51:04Does any of this sound familiar?
00:51:07I spent the last two days calling women all over the country.
00:51:12All rich women who lost their husbands in violent ways.
00:51:16Maybe I was wrong about some of them, but not all of them.
00:51:19And I know I wasn't wrong about you.
00:51:21I am not going to warn you again.
00:51:24I know how you feel, Miss Winston.
00:51:27I understand what it's like to be alone in the world.
00:51:31I am going to nail this bastard with or without your help.
00:51:35So ask yourself this question when that day comes.
00:51:38What are you going to tell the police?
00:51:41Get out!
00:51:43I'll leave you my number in case you change your mind.
00:51:46All right.
00:52:17Oh my God, what happened to your face?
00:52:22I'm making new friends left and right.
00:52:28Any luck?
00:52:31None of them will admit to anything.
00:52:34Yeah, that's true.
00:52:37I don't know.
00:52:39I don't know.
00:52:41I don't know.
00:52:43I don't know.
00:52:45Yeah, that's great.
00:52:48If I could just get ahead of him.
00:52:51If I could just find the next couple before he gets to them.
00:52:55Right, find the victim before the murder.
00:52:57No, listen, I think there's a way.
00:52:59The woman that I just went to see in Portland, she's an orphan.
00:53:02The one in Georgia, Libby.
00:53:05She was raised by an alcoholic mother.
00:53:07She's got no father, no brothers, sisters, nothing.
00:53:10Kate, I don't follow.
00:53:11They're all alone in the world, isolated.
00:53:13They make perfect targets.
00:53:15Like you.
00:53:18Yeah, like me.
00:53:20That's a regular gut-wrenching Cinderella story.
00:53:30You're brilliant.
00:53:33He's my only friend, Harry.
00:53:35If I want to visit Jim, I'll visit Jim.
00:53:38Well, that's not why I'm here.
00:53:39Anyway, we've got bigger problems than Jim.
00:53:42The night of the murder, you told Tannen
00:53:44that you left the house around seven
00:53:46and that you were back within the hour?
00:53:48That's right.
00:53:50That's the night that Jim emailed me about meeting him for dinner,
00:53:52only it wasn't Jim, it was that murdering son of a bitch
00:53:54setting up the phony carjacking.
00:53:56Why are you looking at me like that?
00:53:58We've been through this.
00:54:00The police don't believe the carjacking story.
00:54:02They think you were at the marina with Jim.
00:54:04That's insane. I was downtown.
00:54:06I thought I was on my way to dinner.
00:54:07They tore your computer apart, Kate.
00:54:09There's no record of any email from Jim.
00:54:11They have all your cell phone records.
00:54:13There's nothing to or from Jim or from anyone else for that matter.
00:54:15It can't be.
00:54:17Look, it's better.
00:54:19Your own surveillance tapes say you were gone for over three hours.
00:54:21That's ridiculous.
00:54:23Sam was here when I got home. Ask him.
00:54:25Kate, I'm sure Sam's a wonderful human being,
00:54:27but to hear the cops tell him,
00:54:29he can't even remember his own name.
00:54:31He warned me.
00:54:33About what?
00:54:35The tapes.
00:54:37He said he could doctor the tapes.
00:54:40I don't understand the technology, Kate.
00:54:43I can't even tell you how to work my cell phone.
00:54:45I'm telling you.
00:54:47The man is a genius with computers.
00:54:49He knows everything about me,
00:54:51down to the Chardonnay I drink.
00:54:53Maybe we need to start thinking about pleading this out.
00:54:56I didn't kill him!
00:54:58I didn't kill him!
00:55:07I'm sorry.
00:55:09No, I'm the one who's sorry.
00:55:13Well, I gotta find some computer geek
00:55:16who can explain all this to me.
00:55:18Please don't give up on me, Harry.
00:55:21No more surprises, okay?
00:55:25No more surprises.
00:55:28No more surprises.
00:55:58No more surprises.
00:56:29No more surprises.
00:56:31No more surprises.
00:56:32No more surprises.
00:56:57I have 30 days to get out of the house.
00:56:59Can you believe it?
00:57:00It's in the lousy prenup.
00:57:02I mean, who thinks of these things?
00:57:04Before you even marry the person,
00:57:06you have lawyers figuring out exactly how to get rid of you
00:57:08when everything goes to hell.
00:57:10Excuse me.
00:57:12Do you mind taking a picture of me?
00:57:14It's for my wife and kids.
00:57:16I got it in here somewhere.
00:57:18I'm like the last hole out in America.
00:57:20I refuse to go digital.
00:57:22I believe technology will be the death of us all.
00:57:26Would you...
00:57:30Do you mind?
00:57:32Thanks. I'm such a klutz.
00:57:40There you go.
00:57:42Oh! Great!
00:57:44No, forget it. I'm okay.
00:57:46No, please.
00:57:48It's nothing, really.
00:57:50Maybe I should look into getting a digital camera after all.
00:58:00Let's go.
00:58:31Well, if it rained on Sunday,
00:58:33there were muddy tracks in her driveway,
00:58:35so for all we know,
00:58:37she's on her way to Venezuela with her $100 million.
00:58:39We've got her passport,
00:58:41but the court froze her asset,
00:58:43so I doubt she's on her way out of the country.
00:58:45Come on, Captain.
00:58:47The woman's gone. Vemos.
00:58:49Well, I guess a ride in APB wouldn't hurt.
00:58:51You got it.
00:59:24Excuse me.
00:59:26Chelsea Fordham?
00:59:28I need to talk to you for a moment.
00:59:30Do you know my husband?
00:59:34That's too bad.
00:59:36I was hoping maybe you had something on him.
00:59:38Something I could use in the divorce.
00:59:40I think your husband is in danger.
00:59:42Wow. Hallelujah.
00:59:44I'm being serious.
00:59:46Yeah, so am I. I hate the bastard.
00:59:48I think someone's trying to kill him.
00:59:51What did you just say?
00:59:53A man.
00:59:55This is what he does.
00:59:57He looks for people in bad situations
00:59:58and fixes things.
01:00:00Fixes things?
01:00:02You have a prenuptial agreement, right?
01:00:05Wait a minute.
01:00:07Did that son of a bitch send you?
01:00:09No. Chelsea, listen to me.
01:00:11You need to call George.
01:00:13It's risky for me.
01:00:15The man that I am talking about
01:00:17is probably in Santa Brea right now
01:00:19keeping an eye on George.
01:00:21If he sees me, it's all over.
01:00:23Do me a favor, would you?
01:00:25Tell George it's not working.
01:00:26He's got bad buyers.
01:00:28Chelsea, George didn't send me.
01:00:30I'm here for me.
01:00:32Do you think I don't know George?
01:00:34Do you think I'm stupid or something?
01:00:38I don't.
01:00:40But you have no idea what you're up against.
01:00:43I am trying to help you.
01:00:46You don't scare me.
01:00:58Yeah, this is the Santa Brea California Police Department.
01:01:00I'm calling about that APB.
01:01:02You're talking to Detective Tannen. What do you got?
01:01:04Two very solid maybes.
01:01:06One of our guys thought he spotted her
01:01:08near a burger joint on 3rd.
01:01:10And an hour later, she was seen
01:01:12about a mile away at a gas station.
01:01:14By the time we got there, she was gone.
01:01:16The officer's pretty sure we have the right woman
01:01:18down to the blue coop.
01:01:20It's one slippery broad.
01:01:22So what brings her to Santa Brea?
01:01:24I don't know.
01:01:26Let's go.
01:01:56Who is it?
01:01:58Mr. Fordham, it's the management, sir.
01:02:00We have a little something for you.
01:02:04Oh, champagne.
01:02:06My favorite champagne.
01:02:08Yes, sir.
01:02:10That's what Fortune Magazine said
01:02:12in the profile they ran last year.
01:02:14You guys really did your homework.
01:02:16We make it our business to be informed.
01:02:18Thank you.
01:02:20No, thank you.
01:02:22If there's anything else you need,
01:02:24please don't hesitate to call.
01:02:26I don't mean to be rude,
01:02:28but can you tell me what you're doing?
01:02:32I'm sorry about the music.
01:02:34I think the room is bugged.
01:02:38I don't know where to begin.
01:02:40I guess your imminent divorce
01:02:42is a good place to start.
01:02:44You do this often?
01:02:46Excuse me?
01:02:48Well, I'm flattered, kiddo.
01:02:50I really am.
01:02:52You're very attractive, very enterprising,
01:02:54but I need you to leave now.
01:02:56I know it's a long time,
01:02:58but that is not what this is about.
01:03:06So what did you say your name was?
01:03:08I didn't.
01:03:10It's Kate Graham.
01:03:12So, Kate Graham.
01:03:14Let me see if I understand you correctly.
01:03:16Now, someone, you're not exactly sure who,
01:03:18is planning on murdering me,
01:03:20maybe in a matter of days,
01:03:22maybe any minute now.
01:03:24As a result, there's no divorce.
01:03:26A hefty 10% for his efforts,
01:03:28as you so nicely put it.
01:03:30Look, I know that this is really hard
01:03:32to believe, Mr. Fordham,
01:03:34but for both of our sake, please,
01:03:36I am begging you, you've got to believe me.
01:03:38Why don't we just go to the police?
01:03:40I'll lay it out for them.
01:03:42I believe I'm going to be murdered.
01:03:44I know this because a strange woman
01:03:46lied her way into my hotel room and told me so.
01:03:48Okay, I'll go with you.
01:03:50Excuse me?
01:03:52To the police.
01:03:54We need each other.
01:03:57Go ahead.
01:04:05Lady, please!
01:04:08Why am I having this conversation with you?
01:04:10I mean, who the hell are you, really?
01:04:12How do you even know that this guy is after me?
01:04:14I can throw a stone off this balcony,
01:04:16hit 50 divorcing couples.
01:04:20Oh, my God.
01:04:27Come on in, Sally.
01:04:29Sorry, Mr. Fordham.
01:04:31It took longer than expected.
01:04:33That's okay.
01:04:35There's someone I'd like you to meet.
01:04:37This young lady here believes
01:04:39that I'm going to be the victim of foul play.
01:04:41Mr. Fordham is in danger.
01:04:43No, look, kiddo, I'm not going through that again.
01:04:45Get out.
01:05:16Yes, sir, you're very welcome.
01:05:18Good night.
01:05:26Good night.
01:05:57Can I help you?
01:06:00Yes, I believe you can.
01:06:02I think you have the wrong room.
01:06:04No, I think not.
01:06:06I'm exactly where I want to be.
01:06:08Who the hell are you?
01:06:10My name is Mathis,
01:06:12but I go by many different names.
01:06:14What's your name?
01:06:16I'm Matthew.
01:06:18And you?
01:06:20I'm Matthew.
01:06:22And you?
01:06:24I'm Matthew.
01:06:26I was talking to you,
01:06:28and I would appreciate it
01:06:30if you'd listen to me when I'm talking.
01:06:32I'm sorry.
01:06:34I think good manners are important, don't you?
01:06:38Would you like to know who I am and why I'm here?
01:06:42Thank you.
01:06:48I was born in southern Illinois,
01:06:51not far from the Ohio River.
01:06:52My father worked for the Department of Transportation.
01:06:55It wasn't an inspiring job,
01:06:57but it was honest work,
01:06:59and he was an honest man.
01:07:04My mother was a schoolteacher.
01:07:08She had all these high ideals
01:07:10about changing the world
01:07:12one kid at a time.
01:07:16But reality reared its ugly head.
01:07:19And I was the only one
01:07:20who reared its ugly head.
01:07:22You see, we were poor.
01:07:25Not white trash, exactly,
01:07:27but maybe two or three steps removed.
01:07:29And it's hard to be idealistic when you're poor.
01:07:35My father came home one day
01:07:37to find her gone.
01:07:41Short note, hastily written,
01:07:44I don't love you anymore.
01:07:51There's not a word about me.
01:07:56Not a single word.
01:08:02Do you mind?
01:08:06Can I get you anything?
01:08:08No, thank you.
01:08:10She met some rich guy from the Lake Forest area.
01:08:14One of those blue-blooded,
01:08:16trust fund,
01:08:18cocktail of four types.
01:08:20His family came over on the Mayflower
01:08:22and had done precious little
01:08:24to distinguish themselves since.
01:08:26Look, if this is about money, I can give you...
01:08:28Of course it's about money, George.
01:08:30Money's the way we keep score, after all.
01:08:32But it's only partly about money.
01:08:34And frankly, that's the least interesting part.
01:08:43I know what you're thinking.
01:08:46You're thinking a rich guy ruined his life
01:08:48and now he's gonna take it out on me.
01:08:50But you're wrong.
01:08:53I like what I do.
01:08:56I love it, in fact.
01:09:01George, take a look at yourself.
01:09:04Look, there's a reflection right there.
01:09:13What's with the hoop earring?
01:09:16Does that make you Johnny Depp or something?
01:09:18Because I hate to break it to you,
01:09:20you're not Johnny Depp.
01:09:22You're just a rich old guy
01:09:24with a hoop earring.
01:09:27Well, you were.
01:09:34I'll do anything you say.
01:09:36Ah, it's too late, George. You've had your fun.
01:09:38Now it's my turn.
01:09:41You know,
01:09:43I don't consider myself a bad person,
01:09:45but this is the part I most enjoy.
01:09:48It's like a good game of chess.
01:09:51At some point in every game,
01:09:53there's one move that changes everything.
01:09:55I should have listened to him.
01:09:57What'd you say?
01:10:01No, you just said something right now, George.
01:10:03You said, I should have listened.
01:10:05You should have listened to what, George?
01:10:07I don't know. To the woman.
01:10:09Woman, what woman?
01:10:11I don't know.
01:10:13Hey, what woman?
01:10:15Kate, Grant, Grant, I don't know.
01:10:17How'd she find you?
01:10:19She was in here, Wes.
01:10:21Fifteen minutes ago.
01:10:31You should have listened.
01:10:49Oh, man.
01:10:52Was there anything...
01:11:02Hello, Harry.
01:11:04Hello, Kate.
01:11:06There's this rumor that you're in Santa Brea.
01:11:08I can't talk. You're a lawyer.
01:11:10It'll just get you into trouble.
01:11:12And what do you know about the late George Fordham?
01:11:14I tried to warn him, Harry.
01:11:16He didn't believe me.
01:11:18I had two leads.
01:11:20George Fordham was one of them.
01:11:22The other one is no more.
01:11:24A what?
01:11:26A $50,000 antique.
01:11:28I don't know anything about fringe antiques, do you?
01:11:30Oh, for God's sake, Kate.
01:11:32Please come home. Turn yourself in.
01:11:34We can make this right.
01:11:36Turn myself in?
01:11:38Harry, I didn't do anything.
01:11:40How can you not believe me now?
01:11:42Look, this guy is too good.
01:11:44If I don't find him, then I might as well confess.
01:11:48Thank you.
01:11:58Thank you.
01:12:02Pretty weird.
01:12:04I'll say.
01:12:06I got Kate Graham, dead husband, clearly murdered, lots of money.
01:12:09You got Chelsea Fordham, dead husband, strangled, lots of money.
01:12:14And I'm having a hard time making a connection between your dead guy and my dead guy.
01:12:16Well, there's only one connection.
01:12:18That's Kate Graham.
01:12:22But what if this guy exists?
01:12:24Mr. 10%.
01:12:26No one ever saw him.
01:12:28Not exactly. He was seen once with her at that fancy restaurant.
01:12:30But back then, I thought the whole thing was staged.
01:12:32And now?
01:12:34Now I'm beginning to wonder.
01:12:36Maybe he does exist.
01:12:38Maybe he's done this before.
01:12:40Killed on spec. That's crazy.
01:12:42Think about it.
01:12:43Kate Graham came all this way to warn two strangers about a murder that hadn't even happened yet.
01:12:46She knows something we don't know.
01:12:48She got ahead of him.
01:12:50This guy's miles ahead of us. Hell, he's not even on our radar yet.
01:12:52But he's only two or three moves ahead of her.
01:12:54What about Kate's gay buddy?
01:12:56I thought you said you had blood evidence linking him back to Fairbanks.
01:12:58Blood evidence hasn't meant anything since O.J. Watts.
01:13:00Look, I got a friend with the Bureau, Charlie Staten.
01:13:02I'm gonna give him a call.
01:13:13I'll be right back.
01:14:14Good morning.
01:14:18I'm, uh, looking for an armoire.
01:14:22I was here visiting a friend.
01:14:24She showed me something in a book.
01:14:26Louis Couture's, I think it was.
01:14:28Late 1600s. Sound about right?
01:14:31That would be very rare, ma'am.
01:14:33Exceedingly difficult to find.
01:14:36And I hate to be rude, but how good of a friend is she?
01:14:40How good of a friend is she?
01:14:42Well, I wouldn't want to spend much more than, say, $50,000.
01:14:49Well, I see. A very good friend indeed.
01:14:53The armoire that she showed me had tortoiseshell inlays, if I remember correctly.
01:14:58And ivory poles.
01:15:00And I believe there were dragons that were carved into the panels.
01:15:03If it's out there, I'll find it for you.
01:15:06These days, I conduct 70% of my business online.
01:15:27Apparently, she thought Mr. Fordham was in some kind of danger.
01:15:31Do you know why or from whom?
01:15:33Mr. Fordham didn't go into detail.
01:15:36He was irritated.
01:15:38I'd brought papers that needed his attention, and he was eager to get to them.
01:15:43Was there anything else you remember?
01:15:46Anything, even if you don't think it might help.
01:15:49No, not really.
01:15:52But now that I think about it,
01:15:55I passed a gentleman in the corridor as I was leaving.
01:15:59I remember he smiled at me.
01:16:01A big, pleasant smile.
01:16:04I remember thinking he looked like a very happy person.
01:16:12Excuse me.
01:16:14I'm sorry.
01:16:16I'm sorry.
01:16:18I'm sorry.
01:16:20Excuse me.
01:16:30Yes, she's here.
01:16:32Hold on.
01:16:34I have some good news and bad news.
01:16:37There's a dealer in San Francisco who has something very similar to what you described.
01:16:41It's a little more than what you wanted to pay, really,
01:16:44and he's not even too sure if it's still on the market.
01:16:46But I think it's worth pursuing.
01:16:47Let me talk to him.
01:16:49I don't think you understand, ma'am. I work on commissions.
01:16:51How much?
01:16:54I want to know where the armoire is. I'll take care of the commission myself.
01:17:10So he made the shipping arrangements himself?
01:17:13And you have no idea where it went?
01:17:18Where's your car?
01:17:20Ma'am, we're going for a little drive.
01:17:24She jumped out of the car when I stopped at the traffic light.
01:17:28When I pulled over to call you, she had disappeared into the crowd.
01:17:32Tell me again about the armoire.
01:17:34She was incredibly pushy, absolutely determined to find it.
01:17:38Well, what's with this armoire? What am I missing here?
01:17:42She mentioned it back in Seattle.
01:17:43This guy, Mr. Ten Percent, he was using it as insurance.
01:17:47If she played along, it'd be delivered to her house.
01:17:49If she didn't, she'd have to explain why she deposited $50,000
01:17:52into a Swiss bank account belonging to her friend Jim.
01:17:54The gay guy.
01:17:56The implication being that she paid Jim to murder Duke.
01:17:58So where is it?
01:18:00The armoire? I have no idea.
01:18:08Hi, Harry, it's Kate. I found it.
01:18:10Kate, where are you? What the hell is going on?
01:18:12I found the armoire.
01:18:14The antique?
01:18:16Yes. He's very smart.
01:18:18He bought it through a bogus corporation and used an independent shipper
01:18:20so it'd be impossible to trace.
01:18:24Nothing is impossible, Harry. Nothing.
01:18:26It's amazing what an underpaid shipping clerk will reveal
01:18:28when he thinks he's talking to a cop.
01:18:30Oh, it's wonderful impersonating a police officer.
01:18:32It's added to your long list of charges.
01:18:34I'm going to nail this son of a bitch, Harry,
01:18:36and I'm going to make all of you believers.
01:19:10I don't know.
01:19:12I told them all that crazy stuff that she told me
01:19:14and then they looked at me like I was the crazy one.
01:19:19The beach house?
01:19:21Okay, I just...
01:19:23I need to pack a few things
01:19:25and then I need to tell the cop outside.
01:19:27Yeah, for protection.
01:19:32Give me an hour.
01:19:38Hello, Chelsea.
01:19:40Oh, I can see you were told to expect me.
01:19:42I didn't do anything.
01:19:44I swear to God.
01:19:46Please, please don't hurt me.
01:19:48I'm not going to hurt you.
01:19:50I just wanted to talk to you about Kate Graham.
01:19:52I'll do anything you want.
01:19:54Okay, I will give you anything you want.
01:19:56Just please, please don't hurt me.
01:19:58Just relax.
01:20:00Now let's start at the beginning.
01:20:02When did Kate Graham first come to see you?
01:20:04I don't know anything else about her.
01:20:06Okay, I swear.
01:20:08I don't know where she is.
01:20:10I don't know what she knows.
01:20:12I'm begging you.
01:20:14I promise I won't tell anyone you're here.
01:20:36This is a voicemail from flight 429 to Chicago.
01:20:56I just got off the phone with Charlie,
01:20:58my friend at the bureau.
01:21:00He found a number of interesting cases
01:21:02going all the way back to 93.
01:21:04Seven wealthy women, four murders, three unusuals.
01:21:08A car accident, a heart attack on a treadmill,
01:21:10come on, the suspense is killing me.
01:21:12That's it.
01:21:14The feds didn't know what they were looking for.
01:21:16Hell, until I called, they didn't know
01:21:18they were looking for anything.
01:21:20Now they got something.
01:21:22Now they're going to re-interview all the women
01:21:24and start looking for others.
01:21:26Think about it.
01:21:28You're married to some rich bastard.
01:21:30You hate him.
01:21:32He dies, leaves you a truckload of green.
01:21:34Some guy shows up a few days later,
01:21:36says, I'm here to collect.
01:21:38You really going to begrudge him a few bucks
01:21:40if we find her?
01:21:42Only if we find her before he does.
01:22:10Yes, hi, I need to get on the first plane to Chicago.
01:25:119-1-1, emergency.
01:25:13I'm calling from 418 Hollis.
01:25:15I need the police here.
01:25:38418 Hollis.
01:25:40I need the police here right away.
01:25:42What is the nature of your emergency?
01:25:44There's a man...
01:25:49My name is Kate Graham.
01:25:51I'm wanted for murder in Seattle.
01:25:54I'm ready to turn myself in.
01:26:09You're too late.
01:26:11They know. They're on their way.
01:26:16I underestimated you.
01:26:20You overestimated yourself.
01:26:26This is as charming as I get.
01:26:34418 Hollis.
01:26:36We'll take it.
01:26:39Wanted for murder in Seattle.
01:26:55I should have killed you a long time ago.
01:26:59I told you everyone pays, Kate. Everyone.
01:27:01That's right.
01:27:03And this time it's your turn!
01:27:49I swear to God I'll kill you!
01:28:01I'll kill you!
01:28:32His friends at the revenue service had nothing but the nicest things to say about him.
01:28:37Best supervisor we ever had, always went the extra mile, a whiz on those computers.
01:28:43I still don't get it.
01:28:45Guy has 48 million bucks in the bank and he's still running around the country doing field audits.
01:28:49What's there to get? It's not about the money.
01:28:51It's never just about the money.
01:28:54Miss Graham, I just wanted to...
01:28:58Thank you.
01:29:27Oh my God.
01:29:57Oh my God.
01:30:27It's him.
01:30:57It's him.
01:31:28It's him.
01:31:29It's him.
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