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Undercover cop offers genuine, unfiltered footage from police body cams, aiming to serve as an educational resource for viewers. We pride ourselves on delivering unique and original content that hasn't been featured on internet before.
All raw footage featured on our channel is sourced directly from the respective Police Departments, with the appropriate commercial usage rights. Some incidents may involve a fee and take several days to process.

Please note that our channel operates independently and is not affiliated with any law enforcement agency.

We edit and condense hours of footage into short, engaging segments to highlight the most informative and entertaining parts, similar to other popular channels like Code Blue Cam, Real World Police, Active Police Cam, Blue Watch, and Bodycam Files.

* This channel is made strictly for educational and news gathering purposes. Not affiliated with any law enforcement agency. *

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00:00On the night of October 5th, 2022, officers were dispatched to a complaint of vehicles racing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
00:06This is Squadron 7. Reckless driving in the Sherman and Paramount area.
00:10Unknown description of the vehicle, but a vehicle is recklessly driving in the area.
00:15Ongoing issue. Vehicle has been doing this for the past two hours.
00:19However, the incident was quickly upgraded to a major crash involving multiple vehicles.
00:30As the first squad arrives on scene, one officer immediately begins directing traffic.
00:35Hey, keep going. Keep going, bro. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
00:38While the other heads towards the scene of the accident.
01:01You okay?
01:02The driver of the vehicle is found sitting on the outside of the car on the curb.
01:06Are you okay? He's trapped.
01:09The passenger seems to have been thrown into the back seat of the vehicle.
01:16Do you have fire?
01:17Negative. I'll get your vehicle information shortly.
01:20All occupants are out of the vehicle.
01:22There's one occupant trapped in the black Mercedes. They're trying to get him out right now.
01:31Did someone call your vehicle or did you climb out?
01:37Do you have ID?
01:39No, I don't have ID.
01:51Were you driving this car, man? Were you driving this car, man?
01:55Were you driving this black car?
01:57What's your last name, bud?
02:02Ow, my... I can't feel my leg, yo.
02:08Spell your last name again for me. M-C...
02:20Spell your last name again for me, man. M-C...
02:28What's your first name?
02:32Yeah, J-I.
02:33Say, J-A-Y?
02:34J-A-Y. Ow, my arm popping out of place.
02:40It's okay, just relax.
02:42Just relax, just relax. J...
02:46Spell your first name, man. J-A-I.
02:49I... J-A-I-Q-U.
02:54Do you have a middle initial?
02:57The officer learns the driver's name is Jaquan Q. McMurtry.
03:00After blocking traffic off with cones,
03:02the second officer runs to the scene and checks on one of the other vehicles involved in the crash.
03:09Anyone in here?
03:12Trapped or not?
03:17Were you in here by yourself?
03:20What's hurting right now?
03:21My whole body.
03:22Your whole body? Okay.
03:23You got a driver's license or anything on you?
03:27Okay, that's fine, bud.
03:30Which way were you driving?
03:32All right.
03:33What happened?
03:47And I just looked in my mirrors and I checked,
03:49and I seen the first car slide past me, almost hit me.
03:53Then that car, I don't know what happened,
03:55and he just... I just got hit.
03:57Did you feel where you got hit at first?
03:59It came from the back.
04:01What's your address?
04:02Ah, bro.
04:04What's your address?
04:06What's your address, man?
04:16Oh, my God, bro.
04:18What's up?
04:19Was this young man in this car right here?
04:21Yeah, he was in this car.
04:23Okay, do you see where he was sitting?
04:25I think he was the driver.
04:27The driver?
04:28Okay, thank you.
04:29The officer shares Jaquan's information to the firefighter.
04:32It is immediately apparent that he is suffering from many injuries,
04:35and officials soon discover that he will need to be put in a neck brace
04:38to prevent further injury.
04:40As the officer walks away,
04:42you can see the wreckage from the car is scattered all over the road.
04:45Reports conducted at a later date
04:47determined the car was traveling 109 miles an hour
04:50during the street race that caused the accident.
04:53A firefighter is seen starting up the jaws of life
04:55for the passenger of the vehicle,
04:57whose identity is not yet known.
04:59The passenger's injuries also appear much more severe than Jaquan's,
05:02and so officials focus their attention towards getting him into an ambulance first.
05:08So there was racing another car?
05:11The other car then, you know, hit me.
05:14That car hit me from that side.
05:17From that side?
05:18I guess, from the back.
05:20And then the other car almost hit me from this side.
05:24So, as soon as I seen that car almost hit me,
05:27you know, I kind of, you know, got over a little bit.
05:30So, I'm looking, and my other mirror is seeing the other car.
05:35You want to go to the hospital?
05:42Can you walk?
05:44I don't know.
05:45I haven't got off the car, Mom.
05:46I'm hurt.
05:47Don't move, man.
05:51I'm sorry.
05:52I just need to breathe.
05:56Is the car...
05:59I understand.
06:02This is the second accident he's been in here.
06:04This is the second accident he's been in.
06:06I'm a good man.
06:07I'm a good man.
06:09I don't care.
06:10Sir, can you just tell her you're good?
06:14I just...
06:17I'm not saying he's involved.
06:20I understand that.
06:21That's why I need to secure the area, okay?
06:23Can you just do me a favor?
06:24Y'all better do what y'all gotta do.
06:25I'm not playing.
06:27This is my truck.
06:28I appreciate it.
06:38You guys are all gonna have to be over here, okay?
06:42We just gotta give them some room, okay?
06:43So can you guys step back this way?
06:46I know, man, but we gotta secure the scene, man.
06:50To that tree?
06:53As long as...
06:54Hey, you can be right here.
06:55You can be literally right here, okay?
06:57I just gotta run to the tree.
07:00So can you all get on this side, please?
07:04I know, man, but...
07:05Hey, we gotta try to keep a little bit.
07:08That, I don't know.
07:09I just got here, so...
07:11Wait, it wasn't the other driver?
07:14I haven't went over there.
07:15I just came straight to you.
07:16No, I'm talking about a car.
07:18Just that car I know of, man.
07:21Dude, that's the car that hit me.
07:23Hey, guys.
07:26Can you guys just stand over on that side of the tree, man?
07:29I appreciate it, man.
07:30There's an ambulance to come take you there.
07:34You coming through, man?
07:39Did they make you?
07:44Well, just so you guys know,
07:45I'm gonna send a guy over here.
07:47It's his family member.
07:48He's doing okay.
07:50He's gonna end up taking him to the hospital.
07:53He was just worried.
07:54He wanted to come in, and I'm like,
07:55I'm choked up.
07:56I don't want you to get tackled by the cops.
07:57I understand, man.
07:59You're here for this guy, correct, sir?
08:00Yes, sir.
08:02I just gotta make sure
08:03when the officer comes back
08:04that we got his info and all that
08:05before you guys head out, okay?
08:08I understand, man.
08:09I just wanted to let you know
08:10so you guys rush out of here and all that
08:12without at least us getting some info.
08:14Okay, I appreciate it.
08:15Okay, no problem, man.
08:16I appreciate it.
08:33Hey, Mac.
08:34Did you get dude's info?
08:35Yeah, go ahead.
08:36Okay, because his family member's here,
08:37so I just wanted to make sure
08:38that we got his info.
08:39Hey, bud, we gotta go on the other side, too.
08:40No, he's here.
08:41Hey, he's here for him.
08:42No, I know.
08:43We put mom over there, too, right now.
08:45Oh, okay.
08:46You're my sergeant.
08:47You gotta be outside to take bud.
08:48All right, well, I'm gonna go back
08:49while Mark's here.
08:50Okay, I appreciate it, man.
08:51Listen, even his mom, we put outside, man.
08:52Okay, I just...
08:53It's just for our safety.
08:54I just have to check on him, man.
08:55I know.
08:56We just gotta make sure
08:57we get his treatment, get him out,
08:58and make sure he gets checked on, all right?
08:59Okay, that's fine.
09:00I appreciate it, man.
09:01All right, thank you.
09:02An MFD dude let him in, so...
09:04That's why I was like,
09:05I appreciate it.
09:06Yeah, even mom, we moved out.
09:08This officer takes a closer look
09:09at the wreckage
09:10and reveals just how far
09:11the tree pushed into the car.
09:13It appears the trunk of the tree
09:14is just touching the base
09:15of the front row seats.
09:17It is a miracle either occupant
09:18was able to get out
09:19of the vehicle at all.
09:24Can you get out on that side?
09:27All right.
09:28We won't be able to move right now,
09:30Not right now.
09:32We got med rigs and stuff coming in.
09:35We can't leave right now.
09:37There's a large quantity
09:38of marijuana.
09:40That guy you're not gonna get
09:41a lot of answers from.
09:43He's in horrible condition.
09:46But somebody should probably
09:47ride in the back with him
09:48when they go.
09:50I gotta go, bud.
09:51You gotta go, I'm coming.
09:52I gotta go.
09:53You gotta go.
09:54You gotta go.
10:08Make sure you slam that box.
10:10I'll slam it.
10:11I'll slam it.
10:12Yeah, I got it all packed there.
10:14Lay back.
10:15Lay back.
10:16Lay back.
10:17Lay back.
10:19Yeah, let's get it, sir.
10:21Is that your last name, bud?
10:23Is that your last name, bud?
10:26I'm undisclosed.
10:27I'm over-authorized.
10:28Please take this off.
10:30I'm not actually fine.
10:31You're not, man.
10:32Please take this off.
10:34What's your last name, bud?
10:35Please take this off.
10:37Leave it on.
10:38Leave it on.
10:39You gotta leave this on, man.
10:40You gotta leave it on.
10:42I can't breathe.
10:43You're all right.
10:44Calm down, man.
10:46Just call right here.
10:47Call console.
10:48We're gonna have them
10:49come and get you.
10:50My heart.
10:51Come on, please take it off.
10:52It's my heart.
10:53It's my chest.
10:54It's my chest, bro.
10:57It's my heart.
10:58There you go.
10:59It's giving out, bro.
11:00Where is your heart?
11:01I am small.
11:02Bro, it hurt, bro.
11:03It's giving out on me, bro.
11:04Please help me.
11:05Listen to me.
11:06It's right here.
11:07It's my heart.
11:08It's giving out.
11:09It's right here.
11:10All right, hold on.
11:11Give us one second.
11:12We're gonna get you on the cot.
11:13We're gonna get you on the cot, all right?
11:14Come on.
11:15Get this.
11:18Hold still.
11:19What does it say?
11:20I don't know.
11:21It's a broken license pass.
11:22Someone break his license pass.
11:23It's a broken license pass.
11:24Someone's speaking in foreign languages.
11:25So who is this guy?
11:26They don't even know who he is.
11:27Who is this guy?
11:30Hey, relax.
11:31Relax, relax.
11:32He's a passenger of the BMW?
11:36He's not talking or anything right now.
11:38He's gone in and out of control.
11:40Now you gotta relax.
11:42Let me just let them work on him and then once we get there we'll give him his paycheck.
11:45Can you guys get anything?
11:48That's what the boss was just calling me about.
11:53Yeah, there's some more right in the center council area.
11:57Then he's got one, two, three, four, five.
12:01Five phones.
12:03Six phones.
12:10Came out of this car.
12:12Bigger bag of weed.
12:14That's in my wagon already.
12:16Nope, nope, nope.
12:18Lay back.
12:19Lay back.
12:20Hey, lay back.
12:22Where is he?
12:23He's back here.
12:24He's back.
12:25Gotta relax.
12:27Oh, he's got a big piece of glass in his skull.
12:31Okay, I'll let Sarge know.
12:33So the passenger apparently has like a big piece of plastic or glass in his skull.
12:39So that's why he's going in and out of conscious.
12:42So it could be a serious.
12:45At the hospital, this officer searches the bag that belongs to the driver of the vehicle.
12:49The officer started the search after medical staff told him they saw a small bag of weed through the opening.
13:02Oh, shit.
13:06Y'all have like...
13:09That might be fentanyl.
13:12Y'all got like Narcan and stuff, right?
13:14On hand?
13:18No, I'm just...
13:20At least that stuff spreads around.
13:22Hey, dude, are you still at work?
13:23Yeah, you better come back to the hospital, dude.
13:25This kid's got like a fucking fistful of crack, dude.
13:32This dude's bag is full of drugs, dude.
13:38It's in the prisoner property thing.
13:40He had like a little...
13:42He's got like a little gram of weed.
13:44But then when I opened up the backfill bag, he's got a bunch of corner cuts all wrapped up.
13:48And it's like there's a tan substance, there's a white substance, there's a rocky substance.
13:53Like this dude was fucking dealing.
13:58I'm just absolutely...
14:01Wow, I missed a lot.
14:03Yeah, dude, I'm telling you.
14:07Like this is...
14:16Yeah, like a shitload, dude.
14:18It's in his little fanny pack.
14:20Hold on, I'll describe it to you.
14:26Yeah, dude, he's got like...
14:28Dude, it's like if you balled up your fist.
14:30He's got like a bag and then inside are like three separate bags.
14:34One's got a bunch of rocks.
14:37The other one's got like some...
14:39Some like...
14:40Like tan.
14:42It looks like parmesan garlic colored...
14:45You gotta come back and get this stuff, bro.
14:59Yeah, quite a bit.
15:02Can I see?
15:04Don't touch anything, officer.
15:06Oh my.
15:08What is that?
15:09I don't know if there's sun all in it.
15:12That's a lot of shit.
15:15Do you think there's diamonds in it, though?
15:17Oh, that's a girl.
15:23Checkmate, buddy.
15:26No, I gotta babysit some stupid drunk that runs too long.
15:34Thank God.
15:35And they wanted me in inventory.
15:37You know, you want me to sit up here with a crack in your arm for 12 hours in a hospital room?
15:42That's smart.
15:48What the hell?
15:55I didn't smell them, man.
15:57I didn't smell them, man.
15:59The money stays in that property.
16:01Yeah, I just wanted...
16:02I counted it.
16:03I counted it.
16:04I counted it.
16:05I counted it.
16:06I counted it.
16:07I counted it.
16:08I counted it.
16:09I counted it.
16:10I counted it.
16:11I counted it.
16:12I counted it off just in case they tried anything like that.
16:15I didn't know if I went towards the charge of, you know, like distribution or...
16:20No, you can't.
16:21Not unless it's $5,000 or more.
16:23Yeah, I didn't know, so...
16:25Did it come in that bag, or did you put it in that bag?
16:27The drugs?
16:29No, that came in that.
16:31I didn't.
16:32So, um, would you do me a favor?
16:38I hate doing this kind of shit a lot.
16:42Put your...
16:43Oh, you've got your camera on.
16:45Just keep the camera on.
16:47Put this in the...
16:48Put it back into his bag.
16:49I'm wanting it back into his bag.
16:51Because that's his property.
16:52Yeah, I got the bag it was located in as well.
16:55It was in this one.
16:56Next to it?
16:58No, it was...
16:59It was in here.
17:00Was it in the bottom?
17:02No, I guess when the nurse was...
17:04Was moving it when I was out there.
17:07Like, this part was open, which you saw.
17:09It was in here like this.
17:12This part was closed.
17:13This was inside here.
17:16But, yeah, the weed was just, like, sitting right there.
17:18She's like, uh, he's got weed on him
17:21when she was moving the bag to do whatever.
17:24So I have to write a report
17:25saying that you're the one who found it?
17:27Just because the DA's going to be like,
17:28oh, how did you notice that he had blah, blah, blah.
17:31You have to go through to close, right?
17:34So I go through everybody's belongings on admission
17:36to see what they have,
17:37and then that way they have to be charged in the computer
17:39so when they leave,
17:40they have everything they need to go through.
17:42And I opened just the front pocket of his bag
17:45and I found the weed in the front pocket,
17:47and then I didn't look at anything else.
17:50And then that's when I left and I told June
17:53and he went and looked in the back pocket.
17:55I was like, oh, I missed all the rest of it.
17:57No, it's fine.
17:58Yeah, I wouldn't...
17:59That's fine.
18:00I appreciate it.
18:01All right, thank you.
18:02You're good.
18:04Thank you, sir.
18:07Appreciate you.
18:09Jaquan's history with the court
18:10and their tactics with bail bonds
18:12frustrated the public
18:13and especially the parents of Denari Peer,
18:15who was the passenger in critical condition.
18:18Unfortunately, Denari succumbed to his injuries,
18:21resulting in a parent's worst nightmare.
18:23Denari's parents were particularly upset
18:25about why Jaquan was even out of jail at all.
18:28To their frustrations,
18:29they would discover the court released Jaquan
18:31on multiple felony charges several times
18:33over the course of the previous two years
18:35using bail bonds.
18:37Jaquan's first release on bail
18:39was for the amount of $1,000
18:41for the charge of possessing a firearm
18:43as an adjudicated delinquent in March of 2021.
18:46Five months later, in August of 2021,
18:48he would get arrested again
18:50for three additional charges of possessing a firearm
18:52as an adjudicated delinquent
18:54and one charge of bail jumping.
18:56Within a week after his arrest,
18:57he would pay a $3,000 cash bond
18:59to be released again.
19:01Within a few weeks,
19:02he got a ticket for operating a vehicle
19:04without a valid license
19:05but appears to have not been jailed for that charge.
19:07Two months later, in October of 2021,
19:10Jaquan was arrested for possessing
19:12one to five grams of cocaine
19:14with intent to distribute
19:15and posted a cash bond of $500.
19:19it appears the complaint for this charge
19:21was not filed until nine months later
19:23in July of 2022,
19:25adding confusion to the timeline.
19:27It appears that Jaquan then failed to appear in court
19:29in August of 2022,
19:31resulting in a forfeiture of his $500 cash bond.
19:34Days later after Jaquan appeared in court that same month,
19:37they set and post another $500 cash bond for him.
19:40In September of 2022,
19:42Jaquan's bond was forfeited again,
19:44although the Wisconsin court website
19:46does not make the reasoning clear
19:48and then they seem to correct themselves at a later date,
19:50suggesting they vacated the forfeiture of the cash bond.
19:53This makes sense as this was just a few weeks prior
19:56to the events that have taken place in this video
19:58and Jaquan was out on bail at this time.
20:01A couple weeks after the events in this video,
20:03the court posted another cash bond for Jaquan for $50,000.
20:07A week later,
20:08a man by the name of Marvel Coleman,
20:10a counselor for troubled youth,
20:12paid for Jaquan's release.
20:14additional bonds were also set for Jaquan's previous charges
20:17weeks afterwards,
20:18one in the amount of $5,000
20:20and another in the amount of $20,000.
20:23These were all paid
20:24and the $20,000 bond seemed to be paid for with only $17,000.
20:29The next month, Jaquan was back out of jail.
20:32At this point,
20:33we count seven instances where the court had the choice
20:35between keeping Jaquan in jail
20:37or releasing him back to the public,
20:39even after charges of second-degree reckless homicide
20:41and possession of more than 40 grams of cocaine
20:44with intent to distribute.
20:46the parents of Denari Peer were outraged by this decision.
20:49They contacted the local press
20:51and Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm
20:53to voice their concerns,
20:54particularly towards catch and release tactics
20:57as well as low bond amounts
20:58that don't equate to the crimes committed.
21:00This just can't keep happening.
21:02When we spoke to John Chisholm,
21:03he blamed the commissioner.
21:05It just seems like he's doing more damage
21:08to the community than good.
21:10You think that if the DA would have been tougher
21:12on McMurtry, your son would still be here today?
21:17If someone is proving that they have a habit
21:21of committing crimes,
21:22especially while pending charges are still underway,
21:27there shouldn't be a bail for that.
21:29You know, and part of these charges
21:31was felony bail jumping.
21:33So, you know, I'm all for giving someone a chance,
21:39but once that person shows
21:41that those chances are just going in vain,
21:44then I believe that they should be a lot stricter
21:47and there should be no bail
21:49or a substantial raise in the bail.
21:53Denari didn't get a second chance,
21:55so basically it was $500 and he was at home.
21:58No ankle monitoring or any type of supervision,
22:03and he was just allowed to roam the streets
22:05and is actually doing the same thing now.
22:07He's at home.
22:08Yeah, he's at home on GPS monitoring.
22:12We have attempted to reach out to Chisholm.
22:15We have also spoken with our ADA as well
22:20regarding the bail.
22:22When we spoke to them,
22:23the words that they used was fair.
22:26Right, fair.
22:27Which I found insulting
22:29because you're telling the victims
22:33what's fair to the person that killed our son.
22:37It's disgusting, you know,
22:40to know that they're treating him,
22:45you know, with gentle hands,
22:48you know, allowing him to go to funerals
22:51that were of someone that wasn't related to him.
22:56I mean, he's had a list of requests and wishes,
23:00and it seems like they're just giving him what he wants.
23:04And meanwhile, we're told what's fair.
23:07I miss his hugs and his kisses.
23:10Even though he was 20, he would just...
23:14We're a very affectionate family,
23:16so he would always give me and his dad hugs and kisses.
23:23You know, I just miss him.
23:27I just miss him.
23:29In January of 2023,
23:31two months after Jaquan's final release,
23:33Marvel Coleman refunded his $50,000 cash bond.
23:36He cited that he was frustrated
23:38that the courts shared his information
23:40and that he was not aware that they would do that.
23:42Interestingly, Marvel shared
23:43that he worked close to Jaquan's family
23:45and his intention was to help.
23:47However, Marvel's own wife
23:48appears to have been unaware
23:50of Marvel's spending of $50,000
23:52and even called the press
23:53to ask them what was going on,
23:55seemingly avoiding asking her husband directly.
23:57Before the events in this video,
23:59Jaquan was already facing numerous charges,
24:01which included four counts of possession
24:03of a firearm by adjudicated delinquent,
24:05one count of felony bail jumping,
24:07one count of not carrying a license,
24:09one count of displaying
24:10an unauthorized vehicle registration plate,
24:12and one count of possession
24:13of one to five grams of cocaine
24:15with intent to distribute.
24:16Of those charges,
24:17he was convicted of three counts
24:19of possession of a firearm
24:20by adjudicated delinquent,
24:22one count of not carrying a license,
24:24and one count of displaying
24:25an unauthorized vehicle registration plate.
24:28For these convictions,
24:29he was fined a combined total of $170
24:32and was sentenced for a total
24:33of one year and nine months in prison,
24:35along with one year probation.
24:37One count of possession of a firearm
24:39by adjudicated delinquent
24:40and one count of felony bail jumping
24:42was dismissed.
24:43He is still awaiting a verdict
24:44and sentencing for his charge
24:46of possessing one to five grams of cocaine
24:48with intent to distribute.
24:50For the events seen in this video,
24:51he is being charged for
24:53one count of second-degree reckless homicide,
24:55one count of knowingly operating
24:57a vehicle without a license
24:58and causing death,
24:59three additional counts
25:00of felony bail jumping
25:02for not showing up
25:03to his previous court hearings,
25:04and one count of possessing
25:0640-plus grams of cocaine
25:08with intent to distribute.
25:09On August 8, 2024,
25:11Jaquan was found guilty
25:12by a jury trial
25:13on one count of second-degree
25:14reckless homicide,
25:16one count of operating a vehicle
25:17without a license
25:18and causing death,
25:19and three counts
25:20of felony bail jumping.
25:22He was found not guilty
25:23of possessing 40-plus grams of cocaine
25:25with intent to distribute.
25:27His sentencing for these verdicts
25:28will be determined
25:29on September 20, 2024.
25:31Donari-Pierre's parents,
25:32Nicole Byrd and Jackie Pierre,
25:34have been heavily outspoken
25:35about their son's case
25:36and the need for bail reform
25:38in the state.
25:39They have made news appearances
25:40as well as online petitions
25:41to change the state's standards,
25:43in addition to ensuring Jaquan
25:44is sentenced to the fullest extent
25:46of the law for his crimes.
25:47I knew it wasn't just
25:48a regular traffic accident
25:51that Jaquan was driving...
25:58I mean, reckless isn't even
26:00the word to use, you know,
26:02when you're driving
26:03in a 35-mile-an-hour zone
26:05going 109 miles an hour
26:07with no valid driver's license.
26:09Your son got a ride
26:11from someone who he trusted.
26:13He did trust him.
26:14He just needed a ride.
26:15My son didn't have a chance
26:17to make that decision for himself.
26:19He didn't have a chance
26:20to get out of the car
26:22when Jaquan started driving that way.
26:24It's been rough for us, you know.
26:29That's my heart.
26:31That's my son, man.
26:36I miss him so much.
26:39I know.
26:40They've also made
26:41a dedicated Facebook group
26:42that not only keeps the public
26:43aware of their son's case,
26:44but brings to light
26:45other devastating criminal cases
26:46in Milwaukee.
26:47You can find those links
26:48in the description below.
