• last year
Destiny Episode 5
00:00:00It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:30It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:35It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:40It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:45It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:50It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:55It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:00It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:05It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:10It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:15It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:20It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:25It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:30It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:35It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:40It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:01:46Written and Directed by
00:01:56Cinematography by
00:02:51Yeah, çok geçmiş olsun sevgilinin durumu nasıl iyi diye duyduk ama
00:03:18Biz yani
00:03:37Canım oğlum
00:03:40Ne oluyor ya beni aradılar hastaneden apar topar geldim gel aşkım gel
00:03:50O iyi mi iyi bir kaza geçirmiş Allah onu önce sana
00:04:01Sonra da bize bağışladı
00:04:20Merak etme çok iyi doktor en kısa sürede uyanır dedi yavrum
00:04:28Oğlum bir şey yok korkma ver bakayım çantanı bana sen bırak
00:04:36Hiç korkma tamam mı oğlum her şey düzelecek
00:04:41Burası kalabalık oldu biz çıkalım isterseniz
00:05:06Allah Allah
00:05:22Mert kardeşim aslı kız arkadaşı
00:05:29Öyle mi öyle tabi prenses sen ne sanmıştım
00:05:37Ben bir şey sanmadım canım ben ne sancağım
00:05:44Kardeşini söyle benim hatamdı kusura bakmasın
00:05:49Ne senin hatandı
00:05:51Senin hatan bir değil ama
00:05:55Kazaya ben sebep oldum yani çarpıştık
00:06:07Niyeyse hiç şaşırmadım dua et kızın başına bir şey gelmesin
00:06:13Yemin ediyorum pişman ederim seni
00:06:17Bak benle öyle dikine dikine konuşup benim tepemin tasını attırma anladın mı
00:06:23Ali napıyon ya daha deminle konuştuk
00:06:36Mert oğlum eline düştük Allah aşkına bir kere laf dinle bir kere şu ailene yardımcı ol ya
00:06:42Ya ben sizin gibi yalancı değilim anne anla artık bunu
00:06:45Ya ben bilmem böyle oyunları
00:06:47Ya oğlum sen yalan söylemeyeceksin zaten yalanı ben söyledim
00:06:49Sen sadece ağzını kapatıp susup oturacaksın bu kadar ya
00:06:52Ha o zaman yalancı olmuyorum anne öyle mi
00:06:54Mert bak yemin ediyorum seni siler atarım evlatlıktan reddederim oğlum seni
00:07:00Sen beni silip atalı çok oldu zaten
00:07:03Bana koymaz anne sen bilirsin
00:07:07Ha Mert Mert oğlum oğlum dur yavrum bak abin biz rahat bir hayat yaşayalım diye kıvranıyor zavallı
00:07:15Ya şu kızı gördün abin hiç normalde böyle bir kızın suratına bakar mı ya
00:07:19Bak yüzdük yüzdük kuyruğuna geldik oğlum
00:07:21Eğer abinin aslıyla sevgili olduğu öğrenilirse bütün emeklerimiz heba olur
00:07:27Mert Allah aşkına
00:07:29Allah aşkına oğlum
00:07:32Hadi gel geç otur şuraya
00:07:34Ya bana acımıyorsunuz tamam anladım bunu tamam
00:07:36Ya şu kıza bağıracağım be
00:07:38Ya para için değer mi annem bunlara
00:07:42Ay delireceğim
00:07:46E hadi biz gidelim artık
00:07:50Sen de kardeşinle ilgilen yalnız kalmasın yazık
00:07:54Ayakkabılarına ne oldu yine prenses
00:07:56Hem kazayı duyunca öyle birdenbire çıplak ayak gelmiş koşarak hemde
00:08:14Ya işte böyle haberi alınca ne yaptığımı bilemedim yani
00:08:16Koşa koşa geldim farkında bile değilim
00:08:26Boşuna koşmuşsun
00:08:30Baksana sapasağlam hiçbir şey yok
00:08:32Olan Aslı'ya olmuş değil mi
00:08:34Hayır diyorum ya hayır
00:08:38Ben Mert'le ilgileneyim korktu tabi
00:08:40Şey Aslı uyanınca bana haber verir misin
00:08:42Ya biz onunla tanışmıştık da
00:08:48Ben bir geçmiş olsun dilemek istiyorum
00:08:53Siz nasıl tanıştınız Aslı'yla anlamadım ben
00:08:57Ya o şimdi uzun hikaye anlatırım ben sana sonra
00:08:59Sen beni ara uyanınca
00:09:09Vay be kardeşinin sevgilisiymiş
00:09:13Esatife bak
00:09:27Ne yapıyorsun ya gel şöyle yaslan bana
00:09:29Ver yükünü bana
00:09:39Teyze ben iyiyim ya
00:09:41İyiyim iyiyim gerçekten bak ayıldım da
00:09:43Hiç gerek yok valla
00:09:45Ya olur mu öyle şey ya
00:09:47Ya Ali sen niye bana böyle yapıyorsun
00:09:49Ben ne dedim şimdi ne kusur işledim
00:09:53Yani bazen bir şey oluyor böyle kızı veriyorsun bana anlamıyorum
00:09:59Teyze ben iyiyim
00:10:01Yani valla iyiyim bak
00:10:03Çok iyiyim hiçbir şeyim yok
00:10:07Tamam sen git evine ya
00:10:13Oğlum Allah aşkına bir kere laf dinle
00:10:15Bir kere ya
00:10:17Ya Harun bir şey söyle şuna
00:10:22Bu saçmalığa izin vermeyeceğim
00:10:24Ben senden bugüne kadar bir şey istedim mi
00:10:28İstedin mi söyle
00:10:30Şimdi tek bir şey istiyorum sana
00:10:34Biz o bizim kurtuluşumuz
00:10:36Nikah masasına oturup evet diyene kadar
00:10:38Abini kolla
00:10:42Bunu ailemiz için yap
00:10:44Ya ne ailesi be
00:10:46Hangi aileden bahsediyorsun abi sen
00:10:48Annemden mi senden mi
00:10:52Nerede ya benim ailem
00:10:54Hiç kusura bakmayın
00:10:56Birinin hayatını daha mahvetmenize izin vermeyeceğim
00:11:08Ya tamam Ezo odaya kadar çıkmana gerek yok ben hallederim
00:11:10Ali boşa konuşuyorsun ha
00:11:12Odaya girip yatağa yatana kadar yanındayım
00:11:14Sonra giderim istersen
00:11:16Bakar mısınız
00:11:19Ya az önce özür dileyecektim aslında ama
00:11:21Uygun zaman değil gibi geldi
00:11:23Hah aynen aynen
00:11:27Bir yaşadıklarımızı bir sindirelim
00:11:29Bir herkesin sinirleri yatışsın
00:11:31Sonra yine konuşursunuz nasıl olsa
00:11:33Ali bey de kaçmıyor değil mi oğlum
00:11:35Tabi canım nasıl ödeşiriz bilmiyorum
00:11:37Boynum kıldan ince
00:11:39Sonuçta ben sebep oldum kazaya
00:11:41Yani keşke böyle bir kaza olmasaydı ama
00:11:43Allah sevdiğini sana bağışlamış sonuçta
00:11:47Siz yanlış anlamışsınız
00:11:53Aslında benim sevgilim değil
00:12:03Neyin peki
00:12:09O benim
00:12:17O benim
00:12:39Allah kahretsin aileme bıktın
00:12:47Tekrar çok özür dilerim nasıl telafi ederim bilmiyorum ama
00:13:01Ay yani benim oğlanlar da böyle sevdiler mi ölümü ne
00:13:17Ay çok geçmiş olsun
00:13:19Sağ olun Cavidan hanım
00:13:21Vallahi ucuz atlattık
00:13:23Çok şükür
00:13:25Ali nerede onu görebilir miyim
00:13:27Yaz onun yanında
00:13:29Nerede olacak Ali
00:13:31Bağlamış oğlumun boynunu bir ip
00:13:33Nereye çekse Ali orada
00:13:37Sen git elini yüzünü yıka
00:13:46Git elini yüzünü yıka
00:13:48Hadi kendine gel
00:13:50Hadi yavrum
00:13:52O kaza yaptığı kız var ya
00:13:54O ameliyattan çıkmış
00:13:56Onu görmeye gittiler
00:13:58Ezo ile birlikte
00:14:00Tamam Ekrem
00:14:10Ölmüş gitmiş adam
00:14:12O uğraştıkları şeye bak
00:14:15Cavidan hanım görse
00:14:17Kalpten gider vallahi
00:14:19Hiçbir şey olmaz
00:14:21Sandığından daha sağlamdır Cavidan hanım
00:14:27İşim var
00:14:29Ne işin var azıcık dur bekle
00:14:31Beraber gidelim
00:14:33Allah Allah
00:14:35Beni de koydu bir yana
00:14:55Niye burada duruyorsun sen Ali'ye niye bakmadın
00:15:01İyi haberini aldım
00:15:03Evlerine gideriz ziyarete
00:15:07Ayakkabısını ver şunun
00:15:15Babaanne Ali kime çarpmış biliyor musun
00:15:19Ya bu Nermin hanım var ya
00:15:21Nermin hanımın bir tane daha oğlu varmış
00:15:23Mert onun sevgilisine
00:15:25Kız da diğer arabadaymış
00:15:29Dizi gibi vallahi
00:15:31Boşuna dememişler
00:15:33İstemediğin ot dibinde biter diye
00:15:41Ezo bir saniye
00:15:45Babaanne bir dakika bekle geliyorum ben
00:15:55Her şey yolunda mı prenses
00:15:57Yolunda yolunda
00:15:59Değiller ya çok şükür ikisi de
00:16:01Önemli olan sensin
00:16:03Sen iyi misin
00:16:15Bir an kanadı sandım
00:16:17Tırnaklarımı geçirince
00:16:19Ne diyorsun ya
00:16:23Aslıyla sevgili sandın ya beni
00:16:25Onu söylüyorum
00:16:31Öyle sanmadım ben niye öyle sanayım
00:16:37Yani hem bana ne
00:16:39Bence de
00:16:41Neden sen kendini tanıyorsun
00:16:43Neden sen kendini üzüyorsun
00:16:45Bundan sonra hırsını benden çıkart
00:16:49Tırnaklarını bana geçir
00:17:07Ne alakası var ya ne diyorsun Allah'ım yarabbim
00:17:13Ne kadar tatlılar değil mi
00:17:15Baksana çok yakışıyorlar
00:17:23Hadi araba bekliyor
00:17:29Sen hasta uyanınca bana haber ver olur mu
00:17:31Ben ziyarete geleceğim onu
00:17:39Ezo hadi
00:17:43Şunun güzelliğine bak
00:17:45Melek yüzlüm benim ya
00:17:51Ay o kadar seviyorum ki
00:17:53O kadar seviyorum ki
00:17:55Sanırsınız ben doğurdum
00:18:09Biz senden vazgeçemedik
00:18:15Sanki kendim doğurmuşum gibi seviyorum
00:18:17Böyle bir sevgi inanılmaz ya
00:18:19Ay çok tatlı değil mi Harun
00:18:21Böyle içime içime sokasım geliyor ya
00:18:27Ay çok tatlı değil mi Harun
00:18:29Böyle içime içime sokasım geliyor ya
00:18:31Ay çok tatlı değil mi Harun
00:18:33Böyle içime içime sokasım geliyor ya
00:18:51Ezo kızım iyi misin
00:18:53Yüzün bembeyaz oldu
00:19:01Ezo bir şey mi var
00:19:14Aman ne oluyor buna be
00:19:18Anne duyacaklar
00:19:20Aman duyarlarsa duysunlar ne var
00:19:22Ona da yazarız bir tane hikaye
00:19:24Olur biter ya bizde hikaye çok yavrum
00:19:26Aslı ile Ezo tanışıyorlar
00:19:30Hadi şimdi buna da bir hikaye uydur
00:19:34Ay ben bunaldım
00:19:36Vallahi billahi bunaldım ya
00:19:39Ay bu ne biçim bir kasaba aksiyonu bitmiyor bu ne ya
00:19:43Aslı'yı bu hastaneden hemen çıkartmamız lazım
00:19:47Mert nerede
00:19:49Aman ne bileyim ben gitmiş bir yerde kusuyordur
00:19:51Yalan midesine dokunuyor biliyorsun
00:20:29Taksi yok mu ya
00:20:35Ezo ne oldu kızım birden bire
00:20:38Babaanne beni bir elleme bir dur
00:20:40Ezo beni korkutuyorsun
00:20:42Taksi dur
00:20:46Ezo ne oluyor
00:20:58Taksiyi takip et çabuk
00:21:36I'm Zeliha Bozdağlı's daughter.
00:21:39I'm my mother's daughter.
00:21:43You can trust me.
00:21:46I don't oppress anyone like my father.
00:21:51Look, did you see?
00:21:53You raised your foot, your daughter stepped on it.
00:21:56Would it ever come to your mind?
00:21:58Would they believe it if they told you?
00:22:01That's how it turned out.
00:22:03She talked straight.
00:22:05Just like you.
00:22:07I think you should be proud of your daughter.
00:22:10By the way,
00:22:14she burned the farm.
00:22:18Don't worry.
00:22:19I'm not talking about this here and there.
00:22:21No one knows.
00:22:23You know me best.
00:22:26I brought Halal on behalf of Bozdağlı family.
00:22:33We couldn't give up on you.
00:22:47I'm calling you.
00:22:51I'm calling you.
00:22:54I'm calling you.
00:22:57I'm calling you.
00:23:00I'm calling you.
00:23:03Yes, Ezohan.
00:23:05I'm outside.
00:23:08Did something happen?
00:23:11Okay, I'll be right there.
00:23:26It's time for the medicine.
00:23:28Are you taking your medicine regularly?
00:23:30Don't worry, we take good care of our patient.
00:23:53The funeral is a complete lie.
00:23:55You wouldn't believe it if you saw it.
00:23:57It's on everyone's collar.
00:24:00How did you know the deceased?
00:24:02We knew it well.
00:24:06We knew it well.
00:24:09Keep this.
00:24:12As a souvenir.
00:24:24What did you do?
00:24:27Good, good.
00:24:28Thank God.
00:24:29Don't ask if we have a charity.
00:24:33We'll stay tonight.
00:24:34We'll go out tomorrow.
00:24:38I kiss you a lot.
00:24:42Aunt Necla called.
00:24:45Thank you.
00:24:46Where's Ezo?
00:24:48He's gone.
00:24:50It's settled.
00:24:53Are you feeling better?
00:24:55Where are you going?
00:24:56We have to stay tonight.
00:24:58I'm fine, mom.
00:24:59Why don't you know the value of life?
00:25:01What if something happens?
00:25:02Mom, I'm fine.
00:25:04Ezo again, right?
00:25:06He's upset.
00:25:08You want to go.
00:25:10You're the one who's upsetting me, not Ezo.
00:25:13Let's get out of here before we fight.
00:25:16Let's see how the girl is.
00:25:31Mom, what are you doing?
00:25:33We talked a lot.
00:25:35What if he wakes up?
00:25:37What if he hears us?
00:25:39I guess we'll wake up, right?
00:25:44We have to transfer Asli before Ezo comes.
00:25:46Okay, but we can't go out without closing the account.
00:25:49Okay, I'll take care of it.
00:25:51Son, this is a private hospital.
00:25:53We don't know if the operation was good or the bed was good.
00:25:56We can't go out without closing the account.
00:25:58Son, this is a private hospital.
00:26:00We don't know if the operation was good or the bed was good.
00:26:02We can't go out without closing the account.
00:26:18You're a thousand years old.
00:26:20How could I not think of that?
00:26:25Mert is in my room.
00:26:27I called him, but he didn't answer.
00:26:29I'll call him again.
00:26:59How's your girlfriend?
00:27:01Is she okay?
00:27:03She hasn't come to her senses yet.
00:27:05Get well soon, son.
00:27:10By the way, if you let me, I'd like to pay for the hospital expenses.
00:27:14No need.
00:27:16Don't get me wrong.
00:27:18I feel more comfortable in your conscience.
00:27:20I feel more comfortable in your conscience.
00:27:23I said no need.
00:27:26Let everyone close their own accounts.
00:27:31Okay, you know.
00:27:34Get well soon.
00:27:50If you let me, I'll kill you.
00:27:52I'll kill them.
00:28:18Brother Cemal.
00:28:21Brother Cemal.
00:28:23Isn't there anyone?
00:28:25Isn't this Cemal's house?
00:28:27Yes, ma'am.
00:28:29What is this girl doing here?
00:28:31Isn't there anyone?
00:28:33Brother Cemal.
00:28:34Ms. Ezo.
00:28:35Brother Cemal, where are you?
00:28:37I hope there's no problem.
00:28:40Brother Cemal, I need to ask you something very important.
00:28:44Go ahead.
00:28:45I saw a ring in my father's car.
00:28:50That ring is now in Harun's mother's finger.
00:28:53What is that ring doing in that woman's finger?
00:28:58Brother Cemal, say something.
00:29:00What is that ring doing in that woman's finger?
00:29:07Limit says insufficient.
00:29:14And try this card.
00:29:17Unfortunately, the block is giving errors.
00:29:25And try this.
00:29:30I'm sorry.
00:29:31This is also invalid.
00:29:33Is there any support after the exit?
00:29:35I mean, we need to close the account for you to be able to leave.
00:29:40I work with Boz Dağ, I'm the manager.
00:29:42Boz Dağ?
00:29:44I need to get approval.
00:29:46Of course, they'll approve it.
00:29:47It's their fault anyway.
00:29:48They'll pay.
00:29:50We'll pay, but...
00:29:53What's the hurry?
00:29:58We're going to leave.
00:29:59Is there a problem, Mr. Ali?
00:30:02No, isn't it better to stay in the hospital?
00:30:06I guess we're not going to look at the house.
00:30:08We're going to look at it in more detail.
00:30:11I guess we're not going to look at the house.
00:30:13We're going to take you to a more comprehensive hospital.
00:30:15Look, if anything happens on the way, we won't take responsibility.
00:30:19That's why.
00:30:24I mean, this is a good hospital.
00:30:26If there's a special doctor you want, we'll get him to come and talk.
00:30:29That's what my brother wants.
00:30:31All right, then.
00:30:34I'm Ali Demir.
00:30:36You can pay the bill at the holding in Boz Dağ.
00:30:39I'll call now and give instructions.
00:30:47Keep in mind.
00:30:48Until the patient recovers, all expenses are ours.
00:30:51It's our debt.
00:30:55Here you go. Can I get a signature here?
00:31:09Can I get a signature here?
00:31:14Brother Cemal, talk to me.
00:31:17Why are you silent? Why don't you say anything?
00:31:20It's the same ring, Cemal. I'm sure it's the same ring.
00:31:23What's she doing with her finger?
00:31:26I gave it.
00:31:30You gave it?
00:31:34Who told you to give it to him?
00:31:37Say something, brother Cemal.
00:31:44Who is that woman?
00:31:53I mean, I don't like to answer this.
00:31:58I think you should ask him.
00:32:02I think so.
00:32:07Cemal is right.
00:32:16You should ask this question to Mrs. Nermin.
00:32:37I don't know.
00:32:39Some of the cards are insufficient, some are blocked.
00:32:44That's a shame. Is it that bad?
00:32:48I'll tell you something.
00:32:49Get rid of this cure as soon as possible.
00:32:53Mom, what are you talking about?
00:32:54What is it?
00:32:56I'm already angry.
00:32:58There's nothing left for us.
00:33:01On the one hand, Ezo goes and meets Asli.
00:33:03On the other hand, Cineli comes and hits him.
00:33:07It's a small town.
00:33:10You don't even know your neighbor.
00:33:13Anyway, I talked.
00:33:16The ambulance is ready.
00:33:18We're going when Asli gets better.
00:33:20Right away.
00:33:24You have to be quick from now on.
00:33:27Are you declaring your love for Ezo?
00:33:29Are you wearing a ring on your finger?
00:33:30I don't know what you're doing.
00:33:31It is forbidden for us to breathe without making the Bozdağlı sit at the wedding table.
00:33:37Okay, mom.
00:33:39I'll do it somehow.
00:33:46Okay, I'll do it.
00:33:54All for your own good.
00:33:56So that my children can live a peaceful and happy life.
00:33:59You know that, don't you?
00:34:04I know, mom.
00:34:06I know.
00:34:08My dear.
00:34:12Tell me, mom.
00:34:14Tell me not to stay in it.
00:34:16Tell me I knew, I was right.
00:34:18Tell me I was going back when you were coming.
00:34:20Tell me you're naive, you're stupid.
00:34:23Tell me not to stay in it.
00:34:24Tell me you're naive, you're stupid.
00:34:27Sometimes a favor is better than an advice, my daughter.
00:34:31I didn't know about your father's relationship with that woman.
00:34:36But I wasn't surprised at all.
00:34:40No, it won't be like this.
00:34:43Ömer, pull to the right.
00:34:48Ömer, stop.
00:34:49Ömer, stop.
00:34:54Ömer, stop.
00:35:12Let him go.
00:35:15Let him realize what happened to him.
00:35:18He's a Bozdağlı.
00:35:20He's in my blood.
00:35:22Let him come to his senses.
00:35:24He'll ask for every penny he lost.
00:35:30Go on, Ömer.
00:35:45Are you still in the hospital?
00:36:08What happened? You look pale.
00:36:10You didn't sound well on the phone anyway.
00:36:12Ali, why didn't you love this Harun?
00:36:17Look, tell me clearly, why didn't you love him?
00:36:21You knew something, didn't you?
00:36:22Ezo, did he do something?
00:36:25If so, I swear-
00:36:26No, he didn't do anything.
00:36:29Tell me, did you know anything?
00:36:33About my father?
00:36:35Your father?
00:36:37What does your father have to do with it?
00:36:39I don't know. He asked for money for the funeral.
00:36:43Harun told me, I didn't believe him anyway.
00:36:49Why would your father give a million?
00:36:53His mother asked for it from your grandmother.
00:37:00Who are you to ask for a million?
00:37:05I mean, people only give that money to their closest ones.
00:37:08To their children, their family, their friends, maybe even more.
00:37:13Or to their stepmother.
00:37:22I don't know.
00:37:38Ezo is asking for you.
00:37:40Come home.
00:37:50Don't make your husband wait too long.
00:37:52I won't go back to the farm, mom.
00:37:54I can't look at my daughter's face because of my shame.
00:37:57Can't you see how I am?
00:37:59Is this how I'm going to be an example to my daughter?
00:38:01The boy has already heard what you said.
00:38:04He's going to hate his father.
00:38:06Are you afraid because your grandson doesn't love your son?
00:38:10Do you want me to give you a secret?
00:38:13There is no God's servant in this world who loves his son more than you do.
00:38:16Because your son is not a human, he's a devil.
00:38:19Then divorce him.
00:38:20Divorce him then.
00:38:22No one is forcing you.
00:38:25Give me my daughter, I'll go.
00:38:27You can come when you want, I'll bring you too.
00:38:30I won't keep you away, I promise.
00:38:33I'm begging you, talk to the Prophet now.
00:38:35Can't you see how I am?
00:38:39Ezo is our daughter's daughter-in-law.
00:38:42She can't go anywhere.
00:38:44But you are the daughter-in-law.
00:38:46Excuse me.
00:38:50You're the daughter-in-law, aren't you?
00:38:53You're all the same.
00:38:57If they asked you if you were my daughter, not my daughter-in-law.
00:39:00Because if you had a daughter, you'd only love her that much.
00:39:02But you see, you throw your daughter-in-law first, right?
00:39:07Because you have as many children as you have a daughter-in-law.
00:39:14There is no such world, mother-in-law.
00:39:17Your grandson gave birth to this daughter-in-law.
00:39:20I gave birth to my own child, I'm not going to leave here.
00:39:23And I'm not going to give you my only grandchild.
00:39:26Either you leave this house and never see your daughter again.
00:39:30Or you won't be able to sit quietly and see your husband's sin.
00:39:34Which one should I shut up to?
00:39:37What kind of woman are you?
00:39:39Should I shut up to my beatings?
00:39:41Should I shut up to the cruelty I suffered?
00:39:43Or should I shut up to the matress?
00:39:48I'm telling you she has a matress.
00:39:50And she's a pavilion singer.
00:39:52I went, I faced her, I met her.
00:39:56I saw it with my own eyes.
00:39:58I said, I'm her wife.
00:40:00Do you know what she said to me?
00:40:03She said, you're the one who's in trouble, honey.
00:40:21Who's that in your dress?
00:40:24It's me.
00:40:26I was a young girl.
00:40:29But it suits you better, doesn't it, Harun?
00:40:50What are you doing?
00:41:03My dear daughter.
00:41:05Mother, mother.
00:41:14Mezo, what are you doing, daughter?
00:41:17You're making me angry, mom and dad.
00:41:21She gave these to me so I could wear them.
00:41:26And look how sweet she is.
00:41:29And she tells me, I don't have a daughter.
00:41:32I wish you'd call me mom.
00:41:38You know I miss her.
00:41:46I'm going crazy.
00:41:49Mezo, what are you doing?
00:41:52I'm going crazy, mom and dad.
00:41:57I feel like I betrayed my mother.
00:42:18I'm going crazy, mom and dad.
00:42:30Let it be.
00:42:34Do you think your son knows how humiliated his mother is?
00:42:38He's as humiliated as I am, mom and dad.
00:42:43It's not known, daughter.
00:42:45No one's face is known.
00:42:48But you can't expect manliness from a child raised by such a woman.
00:42:58Sister Esma, Ali, you.
00:43:01You all told me, but you didn't listen to me.
00:43:07I couldn't believe my real face.
00:43:11Ali tells me, you're going straight to your nose.
00:43:14I'm sorry.
00:43:18How can I know?
00:43:20That's what I thought when I told you.
00:43:25My daughter.
00:43:28What do you think?
00:43:30We're your family.
00:43:33I'm not going to wait for evil from us, but from the outside.
00:43:37I'm sorry, mom and dad.
00:43:41I'm so sorry.
00:43:44Don't cry.
00:43:48You'll learn to listen to the big word.
00:43:51You'll learn to learn, and then you'll eat us and yourself.
00:44:00Don't be sad, beautiful girl.
00:44:03Don't be sad.
00:44:05Tonight, their mother and calf will leave the town without even looking back.
00:44:12Don't be sad.
00:44:15Don't be sad.
00:44:24What are you doing at home?
00:44:26I'm here to change my clothes, mom.
00:44:28For God's sake, Harun.
00:44:30Did you leave Asli and Mert there alone?
00:44:33The kid's not going anywhere.
00:44:35Asli will stay in the hospital until she gains weight.
00:44:37Don't leave it empty anyway.
00:44:40We've seen who's going to come out of where.
00:44:42Besides, you know Mert.
00:44:44The slightest thing can get him in trouble.
00:44:46Okay, look, I'm going.
00:44:48I'm ready, okay?
00:44:50Okay, let me go to Ms. Cavidan.
00:44:54I was invited to tea.
00:44:57They hadn't let us in the door until yesterday.
00:45:00Which mountain did the wolf die in?
00:45:02What happened tonight was just a trailer.
00:45:05When Ezo finds out that his messenger is a murderer,
00:45:11the movie will start then.
00:45:15Men don't just share their beds with their masters.
00:45:21They also share their secrets.
00:45:23Their darkest secrets.
00:45:27Get along with me, Cavidan.
00:45:30Besides, we're getting married soon.
00:45:35Don't leave your mother alone, son.
00:45:38Just do what you want.
00:45:41Okay, my queen.
00:45:43But if you don't mind, I'll sit with you for five minutes.
00:45:47I'll enjoy it a little bit.
00:45:49No, we're going to be women.
00:45:51Besides, who knows, maybe next time we'll all go together.
00:45:56To ask for a girl.
00:46:01Come on.
00:46:04Let's go.
00:46:34I love you.
00:46:36I love you too.
00:47:04I love you too.
00:47:23What's going on?
00:47:29What's going on?
00:47:31What's going on? Is something wrong with Bekir?
00:47:57Empty the room!
00:47:59Mother, don't leave Bekir!
00:48:01Mother, please don't leave Bekir!
00:48:03Empty the room!
00:48:05Let me go!
00:48:07Let me go!
00:48:15Open the door, please!
00:48:25Bekir, hold on, please!
00:48:34Don't leave me, please!
00:48:38Hold on, please, Bekir!
00:48:42Please don't leave me!
00:49:02Are you okay?
00:49:07Okay, calm down.
00:49:12Let's put you here.
00:49:14Come here.
00:49:16I'll hold you.
00:49:19Come here.
00:49:21Come here.
00:49:40Okay, I'll take care of it.
00:49:43Come here.
00:49:44Drink some water.
00:49:51I can't breathe!
00:49:55Okay, calm down.
00:49:57Look at my eyes.
00:49:58Calm down.
00:50:01Look at me.
00:50:02Look at my eyes.
00:50:08Now take a deep breath with me.
00:50:22Let's do it again.
00:51:20Thank you.
00:51:42Harun, why are you here?
00:51:44Five minutes, mom.
00:51:45I swear.
00:51:46I swear to God.
00:52:02Nishe, get up and look at the door, sister.
00:52:06Sit down.
00:52:11My wife gave me a pillow.
00:52:13I said sit down.
00:52:16Until I say get out of here, no one will move from here.
00:52:28You will do as you see and hear.
00:52:31What happened in this house today will stay in this house.
00:52:37Do you understand?
00:52:40Whatever you say, my wife.
00:52:43You come upstairs in half an hour.
00:52:47Don't be late.
00:52:54What's going on, Cemil?
00:52:56Why did my wife tell you that?
00:53:12Ezo, how are you?
00:53:21You were a little bad last time I saw you. Are you feeling better?
00:53:24I'm fine.
00:53:26It's better to see you.
00:53:32Come on in.
00:53:34Let's not keep you waiting.
00:53:36Thank you very much.
00:53:43Where are you going?
00:53:46I was wondering when you didn't answer my phone.
00:53:51I had a job.
00:53:56What did you do?
00:53:58I have a job.
00:54:02Are you okay?
00:54:04I'm fine. What are you asking?
00:54:08I was wondering when I saw you like that.
00:54:11Did something happen to bother you in the hospital again?
00:54:15It happened.
00:54:18Something happened.
00:54:22But it was a means.
00:54:25I came to myself.
00:54:31If there's nothing else to say, I'm going in.
00:54:35Have a good time.
00:54:37I'll go to the hospital alone.
00:54:38I'll go to the hospital alone.
00:54:40It's too late.
00:54:43Ali paid the hospital bills.
00:54:48It's too late.
00:54:50Did he feed you?
00:54:52Is he paying for three cents?
00:54:54When he sees...
00:54:55When he sees what?
00:54:57What did you see in Ali?
00:54:59Ali doesn't work with money.
00:55:02We look alike.
00:55:05I don't understand either.
00:55:06Accounting books.
00:55:12There are people who lower themselves for three cents.
00:55:24Are you talking to me?
00:55:29In general.
00:55:33Why don't you understand?
00:55:35I don't understand.
00:55:38Aren't you the man who rejected a million dollars?
00:55:50I'm really curious.
00:55:53Why did you reject this money?
00:55:56Wouldn't it be easier for you?
00:56:01Are you trying to tell me something?
00:56:03What's going on?
00:56:06Nothing's going on.
00:56:09I took a lesson today.
00:56:12I say it's for him.
00:56:15What's that lesson?
00:56:17Tell me.
00:56:19Maybe I'll learn something.
00:56:21You'll learn.
00:56:24You'll learn over time.
00:56:27Don't worry.
00:56:32If you don't have anything else to say...
00:56:35I won't make your mother wait.
00:57:03We need to be prepared for everything.
00:57:06Mr. Bekir is trying to hold on to life, but...
00:57:09But let's see what happens.
00:57:11Let's read his prayer, right?
00:57:13You didn't say thank you.
00:57:16I'm sorry, unfortunately.
00:57:21Don't be sad.
00:57:23Bekir will live.
00:57:25He won't leave me.
00:57:27I'm sorry.
00:57:29I'm sorry.
00:57:30He won't leave me.
00:57:45Bekir, did you hear me?
00:57:49You'll live.
00:57:51You won't leave me.
00:57:53You won't give up.
00:57:54You won't die.
00:57:57You won't die while he lives day by day.
00:58:06You'll wake up, Bekir.
00:58:10You'll wake up, and they'll pay for it.
00:58:24You'll wake up, and they'll pay for it.
00:58:34Ms. Cavidan.
00:58:38Your invitation made me very happy.
00:58:41I mean, I'm glad we finally made a deal.
00:58:47Because getting well is important to us.
00:58:50Especially for us.
00:58:51Because we're going to see each other all the time, right?
00:59:02I guess your tea hours are always like this.
00:59:05With songs.
00:59:07You're not surprised to surprise me all the time.
00:59:17That was my father's favorite song.
00:59:18Is that so?
00:59:28I thought you'd know, but I'm surprised.
00:59:31You don't know.
00:59:34Of course I know the song, but...
00:59:36...how can I know that the Prophet won't love me because of it?
00:59:40Your voice is beautiful now.
00:59:45If you know the song.
00:59:47I mean, if you were my wife.
00:59:54I mean, my voice is not bad, but...
00:59:57...what does it have to do with this?
01:00:04I'm sorry.
01:00:06I'm sorry.
01:00:09Don't break me.
01:00:15Please don't break my grandson.
01:00:23If he doesn't have a memory...
01:00:25...my son does.
01:00:37Do you want me to sing seriously now?
01:00:45I don't know how it's going to be here now.
01:01:07You wander around me
01:01:11You look into my eyes
01:01:16My darling, my baby
01:01:21Why, why do you make me sad?
01:01:27My darling, my baby
01:01:31Why, why do you make me sad?
01:01:47Yes, so...
01:01:49...we remembered the Prophet.
01:01:52May God rest his soul.
01:01:54He was a very special man, father.
01:01:58How special?
01:02:02I mean my father.
01:02:05How special was he?
01:02:16How special was he for you?
01:02:21As special as I know him.
01:02:23How special was he?
01:02:29Okay, but how special was he?
01:02:34You've known each other for 15 years...
01:02:37...and you've spent a lot of time together.
01:02:43And he was so generous...
01:02:45...that he gave you a million.
01:02:54He must have trusted you.
01:02:57Ezo, is something wrong with your nerves today?
01:03:08I'm not your daughter.
01:03:14I'm Zeliha's daughter.
01:03:17I'm not your daughter.
01:03:20I'm Zeliha's daughter.
01:03:24I'm Zeliha's daughter.
01:03:32I really don't understand what's going on...
01:03:36I'll leave...
01:03:38...because I don't understand what's going on here.
01:03:41Sit down!
01:03:54Of course I couldn't tell you...
01:03:56...what's going on, right?
01:03:58When it comes to it...
01:04:00...I'll start from the beginning.
01:04:03But please sit down.
01:04:05We have a long chat...
01:04:08...and a lot to talk about.
01:04:16I really don't understand what we're going to talk about.
01:04:20I really don't understand what we're going to talk about.
01:04:22You understood very well, Ms. Nermin.
01:04:24Don't talk like that.
01:04:26I know you're my father's mistress.
01:04:28I'll kill you!
01:04:49I'm at the hospital, auntie.
01:04:51Bekir was dying, I'm telling you.
01:04:53What does it matter to me?
01:04:55Whoever hears it should hear it.
01:04:56Okay, I'll come.
01:05:01Mr. Harun?
01:05:03What's up?
01:05:05Did something happen to someone?
01:05:08She's not at the hospital, she's on her way.
01:05:14I'm saying...
01:05:16...my sister's girlfriend is here and I came to visit her.
01:05:21Look, Mert.
01:05:23We've met before.
01:05:27Mert, it's me.
01:05:36Seher, it's me.
01:05:42Okay, then.
01:05:44Get well soon.
01:05:46Thank you.
01:05:54Where did you come from?
01:05:56How do you know me?
01:05:58I was one of the servants at the hospital.
01:06:04I'm saying her name.
01:06:06She just said Seher.
01:06:08I think my mother is right.
01:06:10Don't get involved in the hospital.
01:06:12I mean, it's impossible for you to be from our neighborhood with this taste.
01:06:15I hope so.
01:06:18I hope I'm not involved in the hospital.
01:06:20Just kidding.
01:06:22Just kidding.
01:06:26Just kidding.
01:06:56Just kidding.
01:07:02What are you saying?
01:07:04I have two grown-up children.
01:07:06What a disgusting accusation.
01:07:12You, Ms. Cavidan.
01:07:14This is all because of you, isn't it?
01:07:16You did everything to ruin our peace since the day we came here.
01:07:22I don't know anything.
01:07:24It's God's work.
01:07:26Is that so?
01:07:30let me open my mouth a little bit so that your peace is ruined.
01:07:36Don't blame my parents at all.
01:07:41That ring on your finger was the one that caught you.
01:07:49I saw it in my father's car yesterday.
01:07:52Did you take your notes?
01:07:56He couldn't give up on you.
01:07:59Ezo, it's not like that. I...
01:08:02What do you mean?
01:08:10My father enjoyed it, huh?
01:08:14Of course, we never saw them.
01:08:17He never took my mother.
01:08:21So you don't have time left.
01:08:27Let go.
01:08:31Did you love my father?
01:08:34Ezo, what are you talking about?
01:08:36I'm talking about my father. Did you love him?
01:08:39He couldn't forget you after 15 years.
01:08:42It's obvious that he loved you.
01:08:45Besides, he loved us when we were still a family.
01:08:48He loved my mother when she was alive.
01:08:51He loved me when I was a child.
01:08:57Your father was my best friend for many years.
01:09:02You were my father's master.
01:09:08You came into our house without any shame.
01:09:11You sat at our table.
01:09:13You smiled at us.
01:09:15Which one of you is Fatma?
01:09:17Which one of you is Fatma?
01:09:23Ah, here comes Cemal.
01:09:27Brother Cemal.
01:09:29Look, she's lying to you.
01:09:31Tell me.
01:09:33What are you doing with this woman's ring?
01:09:41I gave it to her.
01:09:47Take it.
01:09:49Are you still going to deny it?
01:10:11I'll tell you everything.
01:10:13I have nothing left to hide.
01:10:22I kept quiet because my sons wouldn't accept it.
01:10:26I hid it.
01:10:28I kept it in me.
01:10:30I hid everything in me.
01:10:32Oh, no one should hear.
01:10:34Oh, no one should see.
01:10:36It's very hard to carry this burden alone.
01:10:40Ask Cemal if you want.
01:10:42Cemal is the biggest witness of my days.
01:10:56Tell me.
01:10:58Tell me, don't hide your eyes.
01:11:10Because I
01:11:13don't want to hide anything anymore.
01:11:26We've been together for years with Cemal.
01:11:57What did you see in Ali?
01:11:59Ali can't do anything with money.
01:12:02I don't understand either.
01:12:04In accounting.
01:12:06But there are people who lower themselves for three cents.
01:12:11Of course.
01:12:13Are you trying to imply something to me?
01:12:15No, I'm not.
01:12:17I'm not trying to imply anything.
01:12:19I'm not trying to imply anything.
01:12:21I'm not trying to imply anything.
01:12:23I'm not trying to imply anything.
01:12:24Are you trying to imply something to me?
01:12:27What's going on?
01:12:29Nothing's going on.
01:12:31I took a lesson today.
01:12:34For him.
01:12:42My love.
01:12:44You finally came to your senses.
01:12:46Where am I?
01:12:48Stop, don't move. You're in the hospital.
01:12:50Don't move, don't move.
01:12:52Okay, okay.
01:12:54She's awake.
01:12:58It was an accident.
01:13:00It's over.
01:13:02You're fine, you're here.
01:13:04Calm down.
01:13:08I'm glad you're here.
01:13:11I'm glad you're here too.
01:13:13You scared me.
01:13:15I thought I was going to lose you.
01:13:19Would you really be sad?
01:13:21Of course I would be sad.
01:13:22Whoever loses these lips will be sad.
01:13:53I've never been so belittled in my life.
01:14:02Shame on you.
01:14:04Ms. Nermin.
01:14:06Ms. Nermin, please stop and listen to us.
01:14:10Ms. Nermin.
01:14:15What do you think you're doing?
01:14:17What do you think you're doing?
01:14:19The woman is lying to us.
01:14:23Why are you silent?
01:14:27Why are you still standing here?
01:14:29Come on.
01:14:34Cemal, pull yourself together.
01:14:36Look at me.
01:14:39Look at me.
01:14:41That woman is a snake.
01:14:42If you think she won't hurt you because you hurt her, you're wrong.
01:14:48She'll poison you at the slightest chance.
01:14:51Pull yourself together, Cemal.
01:14:53She's the last person you'll hurt in this world.
01:14:57Come on.
01:14:59Tell her everything.
01:15:01Come on.
01:15:09Look at me.
01:15:10You've been eating my son's bread for years.
01:15:14Cleaning up this mess is your debt to this family.
01:15:19I paid my debt to this family more than 15 years ago, Ms. Cavidan.
01:15:24It's over now to clean up your son's mess.
01:15:41Ms. Nermin.
01:15:45Ms. Nermin.
01:15:47Please listen to me.
01:15:50I've heard enough of you.
01:15:52I've heard enough.
01:15:54But I didn't know it was like this.
01:15:57Cemal didn't say anything either.
01:15:59You can't say that.
01:16:01You can't say that.
01:16:06I'm sorry.
01:16:07I'm so sorry.
01:16:09I'm asking you one thing, Ezo.
01:16:11I don't want my children to hear this.
01:16:13I haven't given birth yet.
01:16:15If they hear this, I can't look at their faces.
01:16:18At least respect this.
01:16:26Can you take me home?
01:16:31Ms. Nermin.
01:16:32Ms. Nermin.
01:16:37Ms. Nermin.
01:16:39Please forgive me.
01:16:41I'm so sorry.
01:16:58Thank God.
01:17:00It's good news.
01:17:02But no one can do it like you.
01:17:05Thank you, dad.
01:17:07Enjoy your meal.
01:17:09So, did you like it, son?
01:17:12You couldn't eat because you were looking at your phone.
01:17:18You're looking at your phone.
01:17:21Is someone going to call?
01:17:23Ezo said he'd call, but...
01:17:25At least leave us alone at dinner.
01:17:28We didn't eat a single meal because of your taste.
01:17:34Dad, I'm fed up.
01:17:36I'm fed up.
01:17:38I'm tired of hearing her name.
01:17:41What did she do to you?
01:17:43What did she do to you, mom?
01:17:46Did she disrespect you?
01:17:48Did she talk behind your back?
01:17:50What didn't you give her?
01:17:58Calm down.
01:18:00I don't want to argue at this table.
01:18:02Then leave me alone.
01:18:05Because if I sit here, the argument will get longer.
01:18:10Go after that murderer's daughter.
01:18:18That girl's name is Ezo.
01:18:21Get used to it, mom.
01:18:23You couldn't even bear to hear her name today.
01:18:26Tomorrow she will be your daughter-in-law.
01:18:28Whether you accept it or not, I will propose to Ezo.
01:18:33You better get used to it now.
01:18:52Dad, mom, what am I going to do now?
01:18:54How am I going to fix this?
01:18:55It's not just two words. I broke up with her.
01:19:00I don't know what to do.
01:19:02I can't think of being with Cemal for 40 years.
01:19:10Dad, mom.
01:19:15Give me a reason.
01:19:17How am I going to win this woman's heart?
01:19:32Eight letters.
01:19:34Don't worry.
01:19:37It's on fire.
01:19:39It's on fire.
01:19:41I couldn't get out of it.
01:19:44What about you?
01:19:46Why are you going out?
01:19:48Didn't Ms. Cahide tell you?
01:19:50Sometimes you can't control your curiosity.
01:19:53What happened?
01:19:55Did Cemal do something?
01:19:57Yes, he did.
01:19:59He did what we couldn't do.
01:20:02You know Ms. Namin.
01:20:06He set fire to Merceme.
01:20:09What are you saying?
01:20:13Come on.
01:20:15What are you saying?
01:20:17What are you saying about what Cemal did?
01:20:19It's a secret.
01:20:20It's a secret.
01:20:22Didn't he set fire to you?
01:20:28Oh my God.
01:20:51I'm sorry.
01:20:53I left you in such a strange situation.
01:20:56But I'll solve it as soon as possible. Don't worry.
01:21:01Thank you, Cemal.
01:21:03I can't pay you back.
01:21:20I'll pay you back.
01:21:23It's okay.
01:21:39Come on. What are you talking about, Ezo?
01:21:43They love each other.
01:21:45How could you not understand that?
01:21:47She said we're together.
01:21:50It's not possible for me to believe in life, Ezo.
01:21:57The way of the mind is the same, who would believe that?
01:22:07Why would a woman lie to her parents?
01:22:09Let's say the woman is lying.
01:22:11Brother Cemal, why would you believe her?
01:22:13Haven't we known this man for years?
01:22:15Have we seen a mistake, a lie of this man?
01:22:19I swear, I haven't seen it.
01:22:21So what?
01:22:23It's obvious that the man didn't want to talk to her.
01:22:25That's why he asked her to go to his office.
01:22:27And I...
01:22:29Why don't I go quietly?
01:22:35So what was that money thing?
01:22:38Why would Uncle Rasul give so much money to someone else's lover?
01:22:42Does he have a mind? Does he have logic?
01:22:43No, I don't believe in life.
01:22:45I don't know, Ali.
01:22:47Maybe he didn't feel sorry for Brother Cemal.
01:22:50Maybe he didn't want her to go home.
01:22:52I don't know.
01:22:57Why do you ask me everything?
01:22:59I mean, I'm telling you everything I know.
01:23:03That's right. Why am I asking you?
01:23:05Let me ask him.
01:23:07Ali, where are you going?
01:23:09To Brother Cemal.
01:23:11Ali, wait.
01:23:13Ali, I've already ruined everything.
01:23:17I'm sorry.
01:23:47Open the door.
01:23:51Open the door.
01:23:55Open the door.
01:24:07What's going on?
01:24:09I heard something.
01:24:13Tell me what's going on.
01:24:15Listen to me.
01:24:17Brother, look.
01:24:19You've been with us for years.
01:24:21I respect you. I value you.
01:24:23But don't do this to me, okay?
01:24:25Don't do this to me.
01:24:27But it's happened.
01:24:29It happens.
01:24:31There is no cure for what has happened.
01:24:33Now tell me the truth like a man.
01:24:35What are you doing with this woman?
01:24:37When did you see me doing anything, Ali?
01:24:39What is this then?
01:24:42What is this then, brother?
01:24:46The woman says we're in love with Cemal.
01:24:48You don't say anything.
01:24:50Tell me first. Are you a friend?
01:24:52Are you an enemy?
01:24:54Tell me. I'll decide.
01:24:58You're saying I'm either with you or against you.
01:25:01Is that so?
01:25:02That's right.
01:25:04That's right.
01:25:06Because there's no middle ground.
01:25:08Whoever you're with is my enemy.
01:25:15If you're going to call me an enemy because I love a woman.
01:25:18Thank you.
01:25:20But for the woman I love,
01:25:22I'll take everyone on.
01:25:24Including you.
01:25:29What about you, son?
01:25:31Wouldn't you take the whole world on for Ezo?
01:25:35Tell me.
01:25:38Tell me.
01:25:44Couldn't you find another woman to love?
01:25:49Could we choose the women we could love?
01:25:54Was there such a luxury, Ali?
01:25:57Was there?
01:26:02Don't forget to tell Adem.
01:26:04Tell him to take it early in the morning.
01:26:07Okay, Ezo. Don't forget. Don't worry.
01:26:09Look at me.
01:26:11Tell me this again.
01:26:13This woman said she's been with Cemal for years.
01:26:17How many times do I have to tell you?
01:26:19Tell me until you convince me, Ezo.
01:26:22Don't be like my parents, Ali.
01:26:26I'm thinking about how I'm going to face those people here.
01:26:29You're living as you go along.
01:26:32Can't two people love each other, Esma?
01:26:35They do.
01:26:37They do.
01:26:43Don't tell anyone.
01:26:45If Harun finds out...
01:26:53What happened to Mr. Harun?
01:26:59I saw him at the hospital.
01:27:07What did you do to yourself?
01:27:09Wash your face. You came from the hospital.
01:27:12Your brother's girlfriend had an accident.
01:27:19I think they're trying to kill me.
01:27:27I'm going to tell you something.
01:27:31In the name of God.
01:27:35Don't tell anyone.
01:27:47Mr. Harun...
01:27:50I think I like you a lot.
01:27:58I think you look good together.
01:28:04Don't ever look at my face again.
01:28:08I'm sorry.
01:28:09I'm sorry.
01:28:10I'm sorry.
01:28:11I'm sorry.
01:28:12I'm sorry.
01:28:13I'm sorry.
01:28:14I'm sorry.
01:28:15I'm sorry.
01:28:16I'm sorry.
01:28:17I'm sorry.
01:28:18I'm sorry.
01:28:21Why won't he look?
01:28:27Where will he see such a beautiful face?
01:28:32Don't cry.
01:28:37Don't cry.
01:28:48What are you looking at?
01:28:51Give me some water.
01:28:52Don't cry.
01:29:18Don't cry.
01:29:48Don't cry.
01:30:18Don't cry.
01:30:19Don't cry.
01:30:20Don't cry.
01:30:21Don't cry.
01:30:22Don't cry.
01:30:23Don't cry.
01:30:24Don't cry.
01:30:25Don't cry.
01:30:26Don't cry.
01:30:27Don't cry.
01:30:28Don't cry.
01:30:29Don't cry.
01:30:30Don't cry.
01:30:31Don't cry.
01:30:32Don't cry.
01:30:33Don't cry.
01:30:34Don't cry.
01:30:35Don't cry.
01:30:36Don't cry.
01:30:37Don't cry.
01:30:38Don't cry.
01:30:39Don't cry.
01:30:40Don't cry.
01:30:41Don't cry.
01:30:42Don't cry.
01:30:43Don't cry.
01:30:44Don't cry.
01:30:45Don't cry.
01:30:46Don't cry.
01:30:47Don't cry.
01:30:48Don't cry.
01:30:49Don't cry.
01:30:50Don't cry.
01:30:51Don't cry.
01:30:52Don't cry.
01:30:53Don't cry.
01:30:54Don't cry.
01:30:55Don't cry.
01:30:56Don't cry.
01:30:57Don't cry.
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01:32:15Don't cry.
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01:32:29Don't cry.
01:32:30Don't cry.
01:32:31Don't cry.
01:32:32Don't cry.
01:32:33Don't cry.
01:32:34Don't cry.
01:32:35Don't cry.
01:32:36Don't cry.
01:32:37Don't cry.
01:32:38Don't cry.
01:32:39Don't cry.
01:32:40Don't cry.
01:32:41Don't cry.
01:32:42Don't cry.
01:32:43Don't cry.
01:32:44Don't cry.
01:32:45Don't cry.
01:32:46Don't cry.
01:32:47Don't cry.
01:32:48Don't cry.
01:33:03What happened Cemal?
01:33:05What's going on?
01:33:07Did you drink?
01:33:08How can you be so sure that you're loved, that you're still loved, that I won't
01:33:15pity you, that I'll come running to you when you hold my lap like a donkey?
01:33:22What kind of feeling is it to be so sure that you're loved, Hermin?
01:33:27Shall we talk in the morning?
01:33:29Now go.
01:33:3015 years.
01:33:3115 years.
01:33:32Don't you ever listen?
01:33:3315 years.
01:33:3515 years.
01:33:3615 years.
01:33:37Don't you ever listen?
01:33:38I'm still here.
01:33:39What kind of poison is this?
01:33:40I can't get it out of me, Nermin.
01:33:41Cemal, please.
01:33:42I'm just wondering one thing.
01:33:43Didn't you love me even for a day?
01:33:44For a moment.
01:33:45For a moment.
01:33:46Cemal, I'm begging you.
01:33:48Didn't you ever think of choosing me?
01:33:50I didn't.
01:33:51I didn't.
01:33:52I didn't.
01:33:53I didn't.
01:33:54I didn't.
01:33:55I didn't.
01:33:56I didn't.
01:33:57I didn't.
01:33:58I didn't.
01:33:59I didn't.
01:34:00I didn't.
01:34:01I didn't.
01:34:02I didn't.
01:34:03I didn't.
01:34:04I didn't.
01:34:05I didn't.
01:34:06I didn't.
01:34:07I didn't.
01:34:08I didn't.
01:34:09I didn't.
01:34:10I didn't.
01:34:11I didn't.
01:34:13I didn't.
01:34:14I didn't.
01:34:15I didn't.
01:34:16I didn't.
01:34:17I choose this guy only for 14 years now.
01:34:18I haven't had the chance to choose this guy for at least 14 years.
01:34:19Whenever I get the chance, it's him.
01:34:20Why are you choosing someone for 14 years?
01:34:21To have children.
01:34:22거든, senor Elif.
01:34:24You will never have your chances.
01:34:25This is between you and me now, Yasmin.
01:34:29This is between you and me.
01:34:32I asked you for help.
01:34:34You helped me.
01:34:36I thanked you.
01:34:38If you ask me again, I'll thank you again.
01:34:40I'll thank you many times.
01:34:42But if two worlds came together,
01:34:44it wouldn't have happened.
01:34:46It didn't happen.
01:34:48It won't happen.
01:34:50It won't happen.
01:34:52It won't happen.
01:34:54It won't happen.
01:34:56It won't happen.
01:34:58It won't happen.
01:35:00It won't happen.
01:35:04You should know
01:35:06your place.
01:35:30You should know
01:35:32your place.
01:35:34You should know
01:35:36your place.
01:35:38You should know
01:35:40your place.
01:35:42You should know
01:35:44your place.
01:35:46You should know
01:35:48your place.
01:35:50You should know
01:35:52your place.
01:35:54You should know
01:35:56your place.
01:35:58You should know
01:36:00your place.
01:36:28I'll make you coffee.
01:36:42Good morning.
01:36:44Cevden Hanım said
01:36:46I should wash up.
01:36:48If you don't mind.
01:36:50Come in, Sergen.
01:36:58I'm sorry.
01:37:08You're not mad at me
01:37:10because I talked like that yesterday, right?
01:37:14After all,
01:37:16it doesn't concern me.
01:37:18No, I'm not mad.
01:37:20Why would I be mad?
01:37:22It's good.
01:37:24Let's do it sometimes.
01:37:26Your dress is beautiful.
01:37:32Why are you still sleeping?
01:37:34Aren't you going to get ready?
01:37:38Why would I get ready?
01:37:42Really, you don't know?
01:37:46Ms. Cevden is making me work all morning.
01:37:50Ms. Nermin and Cemal
01:37:52invited me to dinner.
01:37:56I'm sorry
01:37:58I offended you.
01:38:00Please forgive me.
01:38:02Ezo Bozdağlı.
01:38:30Good morning.
01:38:32Good morning, dear.
01:38:34You told everyone to get ready
01:38:36for tonight.
01:38:38What's up?
01:38:40Since you're up,
01:38:42call Nermin and Cemal
01:38:44and tell them we'll be waiting for them tonight.
01:38:46I sent flowers to the woman in your name.
01:38:48Mom, what happened?
01:38:50You were getting on my nerves
01:38:52with Ali yesterday.
01:38:54I don't understand.
01:38:56I thought you were right.
01:38:58We were wrong.
01:39:00Why would people
01:39:04Nermin doesn't have a tongue,
01:39:06Cemal has a memory.
01:39:08Since we exposed their secrets,
01:39:10we need to win their hearts.
01:39:16We have a lot to do until tonight.
01:39:24Good morning.
01:39:40Good morning.
01:39:42Good morning, son.
01:39:44Have a seat.
01:39:46Enjoy your meal.
01:39:48I'm not hungry.
01:39:52call me if anything happens.
01:40:00why do you make everything
01:40:02so difficult?
01:40:04He's worried about you.
01:40:06He wants the best for his son.
01:40:08He wants the best for his son.
01:40:10He said,
01:40:12there's nothing better than Ezo for me.
01:40:14I made my decision.
01:40:16I'm not going to give up
01:40:18because my mom doesn't want it.
01:40:20No one gives up
01:40:22on you, son.
01:40:24But don't
01:40:26give up.
01:40:28Look, son,
01:40:30if you
01:40:32keep going
01:40:34the way you were born
01:40:36and grow up,
01:40:38you won't be happy
01:40:40and when you look back,
01:40:42you'll find a place
01:40:44like before.
01:40:50He's not answering.
01:40:52He doesn't want to talk.
01:40:54Maybe he can't hear you.
01:41:00Good morning, Ms. Nermin.
01:41:04Yes, Ms. Ezo.
01:41:06I was going to say,
01:41:08I sent you flowers,
01:41:10but did you take them?
01:41:20I did.
01:41:22Okay, then.
01:41:24Ms. Nermin, I'm so sorry.
01:41:26I know
01:41:28I shouldn't say this,
01:41:30but please forgive me
01:41:32for my childhood and ignorance.
01:41:34I want to forgive myself.
01:41:36If you come with Cemal
01:41:38in the evening, I'll be very happy.
01:41:42No, there's no need. Thank you.
01:41:44Ms. Nermin, please.
01:41:46Please, let me
01:41:48go with Cemal.
01:41:52I mean...
01:41:54We'll see in the evening.
01:42:02What happened, dear?
01:42:04What did he say?
01:42:06He said we'll see in the evening.
01:42:08He won't come, obviously.
01:42:10If I were him,
01:42:12I wouldn't come either.
01:42:18He'll come.
01:42:20If my name is Cavidan,
01:42:22he'll come running.
01:42:48I said I'm not hungry.
01:42:50Why did you bother?
01:42:54please don't do this.
01:42:56Look, I don't want to break you.
01:42:58But I can't promise my heart.
01:43:00I was a kid.
01:43:02I loved him.
01:43:04Whether he's been there or not,
01:43:06he's been there since that day.
01:43:10I know you want your son not to be sad,
01:43:14I'm sorry.
01:43:16I know you want your son not to be sad, but
01:43:18he won't be sad, mom.
01:43:22You saw how I ran to the hospital.
01:43:26Let me
01:43:30marry the one I love.
01:43:34Otherwise, we'll have a hard time.
01:43:36I'll get old and die.
01:43:42Because he's the only one in my heart.
01:43:48you say that,
01:43:50but do you have his heart?
01:43:52If he doesn't love you
01:43:54like you love him,
01:43:56or if he doesn't see you
01:43:58like you look at him.
01:44:00Do you think I didn't think about it?
01:44:02But now
01:44:04I'm tired of waiting
01:44:06because I'm afraid of the answer I'll get.
01:44:08I don't want to suffer
01:44:10for a question
01:44:12I haven't asked in my life.
01:44:38Where are you?
01:44:40I was offended.
01:44:42I've just come out of the house.
01:44:44Maybe Ms. Nermin will come tonight.
01:44:46I don't think they'll come, but...
01:44:49Anyway, why did you call me?
01:44:50You put me in a bind.
01:44:52You'll see now. Come on.
01:44:53Ali, I don't have much time.
01:44:55Where are we going?
01:44:56Okay, this way. Come on.
01:44:59Look, don't hold me too much.
01:45:02Look, I really don't have time.
01:45:03Come, come.
01:45:04Where are we going?
01:45:07Go, go.
01:45:13Thank you.
01:45:15Ali, why are we in a bind?
01:45:21Here you go.
01:45:26Are you going to choose a ring?
01:45:30Didn't you say,
01:45:31if you're going to buy me a gift again,
01:45:33I should choose it?
01:45:34I'm not interested.
01:45:37No, I said that, but...
01:45:44I'm going to buy my mom a gift.
01:45:46Her birthday is coming up.
01:45:48Let's see what you like.
01:45:50Ali, tell me from the beginning.
01:45:52What do you think?
01:45:54Oh my God.
01:45:56Let me see.
01:45:59These are too young.
01:46:02I'm saying my mom is old.
01:46:04She shouldn't hear.
01:46:05No, I'm not saying that, but...
01:46:07I don't know.
01:46:08I don't think she'll like these.
01:46:10How about this?
01:46:11How about this?
01:46:12Let me see.
01:46:13What is this?
01:46:14It's as big as my head.
01:46:16Are we blind?
01:46:17Take this.
01:46:18Let me see what else is there.
01:46:20Actually, you know...
01:46:24This is nice, too.
01:46:26It'll cut when you sweat.
01:46:28This won't work either.
01:46:30Let me see.
01:46:31Ali, look, this is nice.
01:46:33There's this, too.
01:46:34What do you think?
01:46:36How do I know?
01:46:38Put it on your finger and see.
01:46:42How is it?
01:46:49If you like it.
01:46:52Why should I like it?
01:46:53Are we buying it for me?
01:46:55Ali, why are you always looking at the stone?
01:46:58You really don't understand these things.
01:47:01Let me see.
01:47:03I think you should buy this.
01:47:05Aunt Zuhal likes it.
01:47:06It's colorful and has a stone.
01:47:07She'll like it.
01:47:08Okay, we chose this.
01:47:10I have work to do.
01:47:12I'm going.
01:47:16Pack this properly.
01:47:18Don't take it to your wife.
01:47:21Come on.
01:47:31Pack this, then.
01:47:34Good luck, sir.
01:47:40Good luck.
01:48:10Good luck.
01:48:41I'm sorry.
01:48:42Let's do it this way today.
01:48:44Then I'll find a way.
01:48:46We'll say we broke up.
01:48:48It'll be over.
01:49:14What are you doing?
01:49:15Let go of my hand.
01:49:17Let go of my hand.
01:49:18What are you doing?
01:49:19Let go.
01:49:25Come in.
01:49:39Esma, invite your guests.
01:49:46I thought we were going to be alone.
01:49:48There's no stranger.
01:49:50Of course, we're alone.
01:49:52Ezo will be here soon.
01:49:58I'm sorry.
01:49:59I'm sorry.
01:50:00I'm sorry.
01:50:01I'm sorry.
01:50:02I'm sorry.
01:50:03I'm sorry.
01:50:04I'm sorry.
01:50:05I'm sorry.
01:50:06I'm sorry.
01:50:07I'm sorry.
01:50:08I'm sorry.
01:50:09I'm sorry.
01:50:10I'm sorry.
01:50:11I'm sorry.
01:50:12I'm sorry.
01:50:13I'm sorry.
01:50:14I'm sorry.
01:50:15I'm sorry.
01:50:16I'm sorry.
01:50:17I'm sorry.
01:50:18I'm sorry.
01:50:19I'm sorry.
01:50:20I'm sorry.
01:50:21I'm sorry.
01:50:22I'm sorry.
01:50:23I'm sorry.
01:50:24I'm sorry.
01:50:25I'm sorry.
01:50:26I'm sorry.
01:50:27I'm sorry.
01:50:28I'm sorry.
01:50:29I'm sorry.
01:50:30I'm sorry.
01:50:31I'm sorry.
01:50:32I'm sorry.
01:50:33I'm sorry.
01:50:34I'm sorry.
01:50:35I'm sorry.
01:50:36I'm sorry.
01:50:37I'm sorry.
01:50:38I'm sorry.
01:50:39I'm sorry.
01:50:40I'm sorry.
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01:52:07I'm sorry.
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01:52:15I'm sorry.
01:52:16I'm sorry.
01:52:17I'm sorry.
01:52:18I'm sorry.
01:52:19I'm sorry.
01:52:20I'm sorry.
01:52:21I'm sorry.
01:52:22I'm sorry.
01:52:23I'm sorry.
01:52:24I'm sorry.
01:52:25I'm sorry.
01:52:26I'm sorry.
01:52:27I'm sorry.
01:52:28I'm sorry.
01:52:29I'm sorry.
01:52:30I'm sorry.
01:52:31I'm sorry.
01:52:32I'm sorry.
01:52:33I'm sorry.
01:52:34I'm sorry.
01:52:35I'm sorry.
01:52:36I'm sorry.
01:52:37I'm sorry.
01:52:38I'm sorry.
01:52:39I'm sorry.
01:52:40I'm sorry.
01:52:41I'm sorry.
01:52:42I'm sorry.
01:52:43I'm sorry.
01:52:44I'm sorry.
01:52:45I'm sorry.
01:52:46I'm sorry.
01:52:47I'm sorry.
01:52:48I'm sorry.
01:52:49I'm sorry.
01:52:50I'm sorry.
01:52:51I'm sorry.
01:53:13Children, why are you standing there,
01:53:16don't act strange.
01:53:18Your mother has something to talk to you about.
01:53:21We'll have a sweet chat.
01:53:23Come on in.
01:53:43One second, what are we going to talk about?
01:53:45One minute, one minute, one minute.
01:53:47Brother, you saw this guy, right?
01:53:55Were you holding my mother's hand?
01:53:57Mert, sit down.
01:53:59What am I going to sit down, mom?
01:54:09Who am I talking to?
01:54:11Are you deaf?
01:54:13I asked you a question.
01:54:16Were you holding my mother's hand?
01:54:24Sit down.
01:54:42Okay, I sat down.
01:54:44Go ahead, tell me.
01:54:56Mom, say something.
01:54:58Talk to me. Who is this guy?
01:55:05I said, who is this guy?
01:55:14Who is this guy?
01:55:16It's time to say goodbye.
01:55:18Goodbye, my love.
01:55:46It's time to say goodbye.
01:55:48Goodbye, my love.
01:55:50Goodbye, my love.
01:55:52Goodbye, my love.
01:55:54Goodbye, my love.
01:55:56Goodbye, my love.
01:55:58Goodbye, my love.
01:56:00Goodbye, my love.
01:56:02Goodbye, my love.
01:56:04Goodbye, my love.
01:56:06Goodbye, my love.
01:56:08Goodbye, my love.
01:56:10Goodbye, my love.
01:56:12Goodbye, my love.
01:56:14Goodbye, my love.
01:56:16Goodbye, my love.
01:56:18Goodbye, my love.
01:56:20Goodbye, my love
01:56:36Can you see this beautiful wife?
01:56:42How many kisses
01:56:44You're a woman like a butterfly.
01:56:46Like a phoenix.
01:56:49Well done.
01:56:53Well done, Adem. Well done to you too.
01:56:57You know, I used to see these alone.
01:57:02Cemal used to come to Mrs. Nermin's house.
01:57:05He used to whisper to her.
01:57:09You can't hide it.
01:57:11You can't understand it right away.
01:57:14I don't understand it either, you know?
01:57:16What does Cemal have to do with Nermin?
01:57:19Well, whatever you have to do with Seher and Mr. Bekir,
01:57:23that's what it's about.
01:57:33Girl, if Mrs. Nermin whispered to her,
01:57:37when Mr. Bekir wakes up, he might take your niece, huh?
01:57:41You can't cut hope from God.
01:57:48Look at me.
01:57:50Don't talk nonsense and make me angry.
01:57:54You're going to pour hot soup down your head now.
01:57:57I don't have a daughter to give to that bastard.
01:58:05Look, look.
01:58:07Well, you don't have a daughter to take.
01:58:14Wait, you're going to faint.
01:58:16Take this, girl.
01:58:17Come on.
01:58:29Mom, talk to me.
01:58:30Say something. Who is this man?
01:58:37Cemal was my late son's driver.
01:58:56What was I saying?
01:58:57I was saying Cemal.
01:58:59Cemal has never done anything wrong to our family so far.
01:59:03I mean, I'm faithful to every move, every word of Cemal.
01:59:09Ms. Cavidan.
01:59:15Oh, sorry.
01:59:18I'm sorry.
01:59:19I mean, when you're so quiet, I thought I'd have a chat.
01:59:24Of course, please.
01:59:26As a mother, you can explain to your sons.
01:59:49Why are you quiet?
01:59:55Ms. Nermin.
02:00:00Didn't we meet today for this?
02:00:02Wasn't that our goal?
02:00:04Weren't you going to talk to your sons?
02:00:24We've been together with Cemal for years.
02:00:30We've been together for years.
02:00:42That's it.
02:00:43There's no other way.
02:00:47No, let's not say there's no other way.
02:00:50Let's not close it like that.
02:00:54Your mother has come a long way with Cemal.
02:00:57A good way.
02:00:58If you'll excuse me, with God's permission.
02:01:28With God's permission, we will ask for your mother.
02:02:06The boy's nerves are broken.
02:02:09He's a boy, of course. It's hard for him.
02:02:13May God give you ease, Ms. Nermin.
02:02:24Mert, that's enough.
02:02:29That's enough.
02:02:35That's enough. Cut it out.
02:02:42I think it's enough, mom.
02:02:47It's enough and it's even increased.
02:02:53That's enough for me.
02:02:59Too much.
02:03:12Cemal, do you realize how difficult it is for you to leave Ms. Nermin?
02:03:16Why are you quiet?
02:03:19That's your habit.
02:03:21You're always quiet where you're supposed to be.
02:03:24That's why it happens to you.
02:03:29Don't forget this day.
02:03:32The day you made me live.
02:03:35Never forget.
02:03:37I'm going to make you suffer a lot.
02:03:59Get out of my table.
02:04:03Get out of my table.
02:04:05I'm going to make you suffer a lot.
02:04:11Get out of my table.
02:04:31What is it?
02:04:34It's all because of you.
02:04:35What right do you have to hold my hand?
02:04:37What right?
02:04:39What's your purpose?
02:04:40You said you'd take advantage of the opportunity, didn't you?
02:04:43Nermin, listen to me.
02:04:44What am I supposed to listen to?
02:04:46Who are you to listen to you?
02:04:49Why do you care so much about yourself?
02:04:53Let me go.
02:04:54You're never going to see me again.
02:04:57Did you hear me?
02:04:58You're not even going to get close to me.
02:05:00Put this in your head.
02:05:11What's going on? What are you doing?
02:05:19If I stay, nothing good will happen.
02:05:23Let's talk.
02:05:25Did I go to the fire blind?
02:05:28I need to listen to myself.
02:05:30Let's talk.
02:05:32There's nothing to talk about, Mert.
02:05:34There is.
02:05:37She's a single woman.
02:05:40They've been together all these years.
02:05:43If she says she's happy, it's okay.
02:05:47What Mert?
02:05:49Okay, let's go beat him up.
02:05:51Let's beat him up.
02:05:52Do you want that?
02:05:54It happened.
02:05:56I'm not very curious.
02:05:58Don't make me talk.
02:06:00Okay, I'm trying to calm down.
02:06:02Help me.
02:06:05What should I do?
02:06:07Do this, Mert.
02:06:10I'm broken.
02:06:11No one sees it.
02:06:13I'm broken.
02:06:16Pull yourself together.
02:06:18Aren't you a brother?
02:06:20Take me out of my hand.
02:06:29Do you know what to do?
02:06:34Go to the hospital.
02:06:37Give me a minute.
02:06:40I'll get myself together.
02:06:44We'll talk later, okay?
02:06:54Let's go.
02:07:16Harun, where are you going?
02:07:18Harun, please stop.
02:07:20What are you doing?
02:07:21You're being childish.
02:07:23Can we talk?
02:07:25Give it to me.
02:07:27Give it to me.
02:07:31I'll finish it right away.
02:07:34Is it more valuable than my children?
02:07:36My children won't want it.
02:07:37I'll continue.
02:07:38I'll call Cemal and finish it.
02:07:43Do you think I'm stupid?
02:07:47Do you think I'll believe what you're doing?
02:07:53Do you think I'll believe that you can have a relationship with that driver?
02:07:58But my son, that's his heart.
02:08:01Enough, mom.
02:08:02Don't do it to me.
02:08:14The man you're in a relationship with is Rasul Bozdağlı.
02:08:17Ezo's father.
02:08:23EZO'S FATHER
02:08:53EZO'S FATHER
02:09:23EZO'S FATHER
02:09:51They went to work.
02:09:53That's why they left early.
02:09:56Come on, sit down.
02:09:58Since you've worked so hard, let's eat together.
02:10:04Not just you.
02:10:06Invite the others, too.
02:10:07Let's eat together.
02:10:09Let's call them, ma'am.
02:10:10Yes, ma'am.
02:10:14Me, Nise.
02:10:16Look here.
02:10:18My wife is calling you.
02:10:19Let's go.
02:10:30I hope the food was good, ma'am.
02:10:33It was good.
02:10:37Here, ma'am.
02:10:39What are you doing, girl?
02:10:41Come on, we'll eat together.
02:10:43Come on, sit down.
02:10:48EZO'S FATHER
02:10:53Bon appetit.
02:10:54Bon appetit.
02:10:55Bon appetit.
02:11:01Slow down.
02:11:05Madem, you were afraid that you wouldn't have any dessert, huh?
02:11:15How was the food, ma'am?
02:11:17It was very good.
02:11:18Very good.
02:11:22So, Cemal is in trouble, huh, ma'am?
02:11:24With all due respect.
02:11:26With all due respect.
02:11:27With all due respect.
02:11:30Where's Ezo?
02:11:33He went out with Ali.
02:11:35If he's with Ali, there's nothing to worry about.
02:11:38They'll come anyway.
02:11:47EZO'S FATHER
02:11:54EZO'S FATHER
02:12:15You got the good news so quickly.
02:12:18We're surprised.
02:12:20Mr. Bekir finally woke up.
02:12:25Get well soon.
02:12:31I think the doctor talked to you.
02:12:33You know what's going on.
02:12:38I'm sorry for your loss.
02:12:39First of all.
02:12:44They said there was no problem asking questions, but...
02:12:51Mr. Bekir.
02:12:54It was reported that there was a fire.
02:13:00So, someone set fire to the farm that night.
02:13:06Ms. Seher...
02:13:07Everyone who set fire to the farm that night said you might have seen him.
02:13:17You know...
02:13:18You sent me a video that night.
02:13:22You turned off the video because you didn't know who was there.
02:13:28Did you see his double chin, Bekir?
02:13:43Bekir, don't be afraid.
02:13:47No one can hurt you.
02:13:51There's a big commander here.
02:13:53Come on.
02:13:55Don't be afraid to say what you know and what you've seen.
02:14:05I'm thinking.
02:14:16Kupuk kupuk.
02:14:20Kupuk kupuk.
02:14:23I smelled it first.
02:14:30There was a glow.
02:14:35Then there was a smoke.
02:14:45Then he went to the door.
02:14:49Someone was there.
02:14:52At the door.
02:14:58Who was at the door, Bekir?
02:14:59I don't know.
02:15:14That's why we came to the town, right?
02:15:17That's why I could ask for a million from this man.
02:15:23Ms. Cavidan knew, right?
02:15:25That's why she hated you.
02:15:31Now I'm going to tell you everything from beginning to end.
02:15:33Come on.
02:15:34Mom, for God's sake.
02:15:36Don't do it.
02:15:38You know that ship that you can't finish.
02:15:41He was sailing in my barn.
02:15:44He was walking with the money I borrowed from his married girlfriend.
02:15:51Do you know how hard it is for me?
02:15:55I wish you hadn't done this to me.
02:15:59If the man...
02:16:03If you hadn't put me on the same table, mom.
02:16:08That guy's tricks.
02:16:10His tricks.
02:16:13I can't stop thinking about it.
02:16:17I hate you and myself.
02:16:26From me to here, Nermin Şamlı.
02:16:29Wouldn't I be more of a gang member in your ship?
02:16:47Mr. Bekir, who did you see at the door?
02:16:56Look, Bekir.
02:17:00You're the only witness to what happened that night, Bekir.
02:17:04You lost your sister.
02:17:06Cavidan's only son.
02:17:14I'm sure finding the one who burned the farm.
02:17:17It will be a piece of your pain.
02:17:21So try to pull yourself together.
02:17:27Remember Bekir.
02:17:29You turned it off when you were shooting the video.
02:17:32Who was there?
02:17:35The boy has just come to his senses.
02:17:37He's already in pain.
02:17:39Let it go now.
02:17:40You'll talk later.
02:17:42On the contrary.
02:17:44We're going to go over it.
02:17:46Justice should not be delayed any longer.
02:17:51We've been waiting a long time.
02:17:53Isn't that right, Miss Cavidan?
02:17:56That's right.
02:17:57You're right.
02:17:59I buried my son, Commander.
02:18:02That's why I came running here.
02:18:06I hope this will be enough for your excitement and anxiety.
02:18:16Isn't that right, Mr. Bekir?
02:18:22Your sister's killer will not continue to walk around outside.
02:18:30Let's take a look, Miss Cavidan.
02:18:36There's smoke everywhere.
02:18:44Someone's there.
02:18:49At the door.
02:19:00Who was it?
02:19:02Was it someone you knew?
02:19:17That's him.
02:19:30You grew up in your sister's hands.
02:19:33The woman who made you a mother.
02:19:36Everyone who burned the farm took it from him, Bekir.
02:20:11I know it's hard.
02:20:13But we've been waiting for this day for months.
02:20:15Try to remember.
02:20:20Think well, son.
02:20:22Think very well.
02:20:30Was it a man or a woman?
02:20:40Do you remember this?
02:20:42Come on, Bekir.
02:20:59Come on.
02:21:04Do you remember the last time?
02:21:12I couldn't breathe.
02:21:19I don't remember.
02:21:21I don't remember, sir.
02:21:29I don't remember.
02:21:49What do you mean you don't remember, Bekir?
02:21:55You were afraid, weren't you?
02:21:57You were scared.
02:21:59You were staring at me like a snake.
02:22:03But don't be afraid, Bekir.
02:22:05Don't worry.
02:22:07Nothing can happen to you.
02:22:09You have a huge state behind you.
02:22:12You have a commander, Bekir.
02:22:14I don't remember you.
02:22:17I don't remember.
02:22:20My sister died here.
02:22:23My father died.
02:22:25You didn't leave me alone.
02:22:28You didn't leave me alone.
02:22:30I remember everything you did to me.
02:22:33I remember everything.
02:22:38Okay, you're right.
02:22:41You're right.
02:22:44What are you waiting for?
02:22:46Are you waiting for me to cry like a child?
02:22:50Okay, Bekir.
02:22:52I'm leaving.
02:22:54Go to sleep and rest.
02:22:57Thank God for forgiving you.
02:23:28Our patient has just regained consciousness.
02:23:31In such cases, it is very common for the patient to have temporary memory loss or not remember certain details.
02:23:41He remembers everything in the morning.
02:23:44Right, doctor?
02:23:46I think you're his relative.
02:23:49The only relative in this life is me.
02:23:54We are engaged to Bekir.
02:23:58My advice is to get psychological help.
02:24:02Therapy will help him reconcile with what he has experienced and remember what happened that night.
02:24:08Get well soon.
02:24:10Have a nice day.
02:24:14You will see that he will remember one by one, commander.
02:24:21If not today, tomorrow.
02:24:23He will definitely say it.
02:24:28Are you okay?
02:24:33There must be very difficult moments for you.
02:24:36We will be a little more patient while the killer is about to be caught.
02:24:44Get well soon, Cavidan.
02:24:57Get well soon.
02:24:58Get well soon, Cavidan.
02:24:59Get well soon, Cavidan.
02:25:00Get well soon, Cavidan.
02:25:27Sorry for the delay.
02:27:26Is there no one?
02:27:29Is there no one?
02:27:35Is there no one?
02:27:56There is an angel on the wall, there is an angel on the door.
02:28:05There is an angel on the wall, there is an angel on the door.
02:28:10There is an angel on the wall, there is an angel on the door.
02:28:14But my head, nanay, my teeth hurt, nanay, I drank too much, nanay.
02:28:20Nanay, nanay, my heart, nanay, nanay, my honey, nanay.
02:28:27But my head, nanay, my teeth hurt, nanay, I drank too much, nanay.
02:28:35Nanay, my heart, nanay, nanay, my honey, nanay.
02:28:39Kundurama kundoldu, atmaya kürek gerek, kundurama kundoldu, atmaya kürek gerek.
02:28:52Masa yarın yanında, yatmaya yürek gerek. Masa yarın yanında, yatmaya yürek gerek.
02:29:00Masa yarın yanında, yatmaya yürek gerek. Ama başım, nanay, ağrıdı dişim, nanay, çok içmişim, nanay.
02:29:09Nanay, gülüm, nanay, nanay, ağrım, nanay.
