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Season 1 | show | 2024| S1 | Official Featurette | dHNzX1hHU3hKUTdaamYw


00:00She's trying. He's trying. They're trying.
00:03There's just no way for anyone to nail this situation.
00:07My name is Lily Rabe and I play Dr. Liz Rush,
00:10a licensed therapist in the new series Presumed Innocent.
00:14Today, I will be analyzing some scenes from Presumed Innocent
00:17and giving my unsolicited advice.
00:20Because in my non-professional opinion,
00:22I am extremely qualified to do so.
00:24Why do you think it happened?
00:25I don't know.
00:26I'm not a liar!
00:27Oh, I see!
00:30Oh, that's me.
00:32You deceived me.
00:33It is the lie of omission.
00:34You told me...
00:35No, I lied about that.
00:36You told me...
00:36I lied about that.
00:37...that the affair had ended.
00:38I lied about that and I lied about Carolyn.
00:39I lied about the affair.
00:41But, like, only that.
00:43What's the goal?
00:44Gosh, they have such a good therapist.
00:46Listen, if you're in couples therapy
00:48and you go to your therapist,
00:49you really ought to tell the truth.
00:51It made my job so hard.
00:52You know, when you get those emails from your therapist,
00:54if you have a therapist, that are like,
00:55starting in July, we're going to increase the prices.
00:57I feel like there should be, like,
00:59because of the murder,
01:00I'm increasing your price.
01:03Hey, Tommy.
01:03Hey, Carolyn.
01:04You're stalking me?
01:05I'm stalking you.
01:06Okay, listen, it's come to my attention
01:08you don't want to work with me.
01:09Who said that?
01:10Never mind who said it.
01:11Is it true that you specifically didn't want to work with me?
01:13He's coming on strong,
01:15which is kind of a double down
01:16on what she was asking for less of.
01:18She has said what she said
01:20and then now here she has to kind of take care of his ego
01:23and soften the blow.
01:24He's not a patient of mine.
01:26Internet and people who stop me on the street,
01:29I know that you're very suspicious of Tommy
01:33and this scene makes me really understand why you would be.
01:37Your skin was found under Carolyn's fingernails.
01:40This is not good.
01:41What? Wait, that's impossible.
01:42It's in the report. I just learned about it.
01:44It's a f***ing lie.
01:46DNA is DNA, Rusty.
01:48It just doesn't look good
01:49because it's like science.
01:51It's like math.
01:53DNA is like science and math.
01:55If it's her DNA,
01:57no, it's his DNA.
01:58Which DNA was it?
01:59His DNA is under her fingernails.
02:06It's really, it's tough because it's a fact.
02:09I don't love facts.
02:10This is probably why I'm an actor slash therapist.
02:14You know what? I'm tired of your f***ing subordination.
02:16Oh gosh, 0 to 10.
02:18I find that you have been blocking my investigation.
02:20More like 10 to 11.
02:21The case is basically solved.
02:23Are you f***ing kidding me?
02:24You want to take me on?
02:25They look like they're going to fight.
02:27You want to take me on?
02:28They need a timeout.
02:29Classic male power struggle.
02:32Take a step back.
02:34Take a moment and start with a nice eye feel.
02:37He does want to take you on, Rusty.
02:39He does.
02:40And there is the hot bartender,
02:41as you call him, Internet,
02:43but his name is Clifton.
02:44I should use his name.
02:45As a viewer, I'm into this.
02:48Now I'm really, I've gone outside my lane
02:50as therapist Lily.
02:51I wonder how she's going to explain this to Rusty.
02:54I kind of think it's like she doesn't have to tell him
02:57and she deserves it.
02:58Don't we all agree?
03:00You know the night she was killed,
03:01he texted her 30 times?
03:03Oh my God.
03:0430 times.
03:0530 times is a, it's a lot of times to text a person.
03:09If you feel like sending 30 texts,
03:11go for a walk, dive into a pool,
03:14stop drinking the drink that you're drinking.
03:17Someone should have taken away your phone.
03:19Well, that looks like all the time we've got.
03:21Also, my character, Dr. Rush,
03:22is an analysis herself,
03:23like any good therapist would be,
03:25so there's no need to analyze her.
03:26Thanks for watching.
03:27Tune in to the finale of Presumed Innocent
03:29on Apple TV+.