• last year


00:00Scott McCloud, Space Angel, in the story of Dragonfire.
00:13What have you got, Dad?
00:15I don't know, Chris. I was just monitoring the Neptune space plane, and I picked up this blip.
00:20It must be a stray asteroid. It's not moving fast enough for a ship.
00:25There's a freighter from Neptune approaching this area. Let's check with him.
00:30Neptune 451, this is Evening Star. Come in, please.
00:36This is Neptune 451. What's up, Professor Mace?
00:40We picked up an unidentified object in your area. Do you have it on your scope?
00:45Yes, we have, Professor. It looks like an asteroid.
00:48Would you check its speed and direction so we can chart its course?
00:51Yes, sir. Will do.
00:53Neptune 451, out.
00:55What's up, Professor?
00:56Good morning, Scott. Taurus.
00:58We've got an unidentified blip. The Neptune freighter is going to check it out for us.
01:02Evening Star, this is Neptune 451.
01:05Go ahead, Neptune.
01:06Professor, we have a visual on your UFO. It's a spaceship drifting free.
01:11Can't raise anyone aboard by radio.
01:13Does it have any markings, Neptune?
01:15No, sir. No markings.
01:16The design of the ship is not familiar either. Do you want us to board it, sir?
01:20They better stay clear, Professor.
01:22No, Neptune. That's a job for the Space Force.
01:25Proceed on your normal run. And thanks.
01:29I guess you'd better go check it out, Scott.
01:32Right, Professor.
01:33Meanwhile, check master control and see if there are any ships missing.
01:39Clear the tube for blast-off.
01:45Trapped in, gang.
01:46Go here.
01:47Aye, Skipper.
01:51Launch control. We're ready for countdown.
01:54Roger, Starduster.
01:55Control ready and counting.
02:00Reactors, go.
02:01Umbilical, go.
02:02Cabin pressure, go.
02:04Tube doors opening.
02:11Angle of blast, two-three-zero. Vector four.
02:15Correcting angle.
02:17Trajectory, go.
02:18A-B temperature, go.
02:20Increasing power.
02:54Scott, Dad's on channel three-seven.
02:56Starduster here. Go ahead, Professor.
02:59Scott, master control has no ships missing or overdue.
03:02Then the ship's not from our solar system.
03:05Apparently not, and that's why you must be very careful, Scott.
03:08Even if the ship isn't manned, it could contain bacteria or organisms that we humans can't cope with.
03:14Right, Professor.
03:15We'll take every precaution.
03:17And keep me posted.
03:19Will do, sir.
03:20Starduster out.
03:21I've spotted it, Skipper.
03:23Dead ahead.
03:24Two hundred asteroids.
03:26I've never seen a ship like it.
03:40The hull is sure scorched.
03:42It must have been burned by heavy atmospheric friction.
03:45There doesn't appear to be any life on board.
03:48I thought I knew every spacecraft design in the galaxy.
03:51But I've never seen that one before.
03:53The instruments show no mechanical systems operating aboard it.
03:57Well, I guess I'd better get over there and check it out.
04:00Maybe I'd better go with you, Skipper.
04:02No, Torres.
04:03You'd better stand by the controls.
04:05Aye, aye.
04:06Keep your intercom line open.
04:07I will, Chris.
04:13Oh, no.
04:16What is it?
04:17What did you find, Skipper?
04:18What will Scott find on this strange ship?
04:21And where is it from?
04:23Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels!
04:28I'm Scott Kristolenburg.
04:30And I'll see you next time.
04:40Time, Scott, Kristolenburg, and Torres blasted off to investigate an unidentified ship drifting in space.
04:47There was no sign of life aboard, and the hull had been scorched as if by friction.
04:51Scott made ready to board her.
04:53The inside is completely burned out, too.
04:56What a mess.
04:58Everything is burned.
05:00The heat must have been intense.
05:03I'm going inside to see if I can find any clues to where it's from.
05:07Does it look like it was manned by humans, Skipper?
05:09Yes, Torres.
05:11From the seats and controls, I'd say it was built for people just about our size.
05:16Something terrible must have happened from the looks of that hull.
05:19I found what looks like a recorder.
05:22The casing is badly burned, but there's still some kind of tape inside.
05:27I'll bet the space intelligence boys could make something of it.
05:31Chris, call Professor Mace.
05:33Tell him we'd like to bring this ship back.
05:35No danger of contamination.
05:37The ship's burned clean.
05:39I'm coming back now.
05:41Will do, Scott.
05:51Scott thinks we should bring the ship back for study and analysis.
05:54That's fine, Chris. We may learn a lot from it.
05:57Thanks, Dad. Starduster out.
05:59See you soon.
06:00Dad says okay, Scott. We could bring it back.
06:03Great. Stand by for magnetic pickup.
06:11Okay, Torres. Lower the magnetic boom.
06:20That's got it. Let's head for home.
06:30Stand by for turn.
06:32Not too sharp, Skipper.
06:36The Starduster heads back for the evening star carrying the mysterious spaceship.
06:42Well, now. Let's see what our analysis has told us so far.
06:46Number one, the ship was manned and built by people very much like ourselves.
06:50But where did it come from, Dad?
06:52From its position when we first saw it and its direction of drift,
06:56I'd say from one of the moons around Prometheus.
06:58Take a look at the solar map.
07:00We know the conditions there could sustain life, especially the third moon.
07:04Our spectroscope indicates atmosphere similar to Earth.
07:08The carbon analysis showed the ship to be about four years old.
07:12At the speed of its drifting, it would have taken about that long to get here.
07:16What about the ship's recorder, Professor?
07:18Any word on that yet?
07:20Not yet. The space intelligence boys on Earth are working on it.
07:24I hope it'll tell us what happened to that ship.
07:26Let's check with the chief. Maybe they've got something by now.
07:30Yes, Mace, I was just going to call you.
07:33The space intelligence boys just gave me a translation of the tape that wasn't burned in the ship's recorder.
07:38Frankly, it's got us stumped.
07:40Listen to this. Plus 150.
07:43Second stage dropping away.
07:45Escape velocity achieved.
07:47Plus two. Afraid all is lost.
07:50Dragons closing fast. Dragon fire.
07:52Dragons? Dragon fire?
07:55You mean some kind of monster burned that ship?
07:58Could be, Chris.
08:00Professor, do you have any idea where the ship is from?
08:03We believe it's from one of the moons of Prometheus.
08:06Scott, you'd better get out there and check on this.
08:09If there is some kind of monster out there, we'd better know about it.
08:12Okay, Chief. We'll blast off immediately.
08:15Good luck. Out here.
08:26There she is now. Prometheus and her four moons.
08:31Taurus, check them on the view scope.
08:34First one's dead. No atmosphere.
08:37Looks like a big burned rock.
08:39The spectrometer registers an atmosphere on the third moon.
08:43Aye, that's it, all right. The third moon of Prometheus.
08:47Well, gang, let's go.
08:50Are there really dragons on this strange planet?
08:53Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
08:58...study, and a tape recorder from the mystery ship
09:01related a story of dragons and dragon fire.
09:04It's a story of dragons and fire.
09:07It's a story of dragons and fire.
09:10It's a story of dragons and fire.
09:13It's a story of dragons and fire.
09:16It's a story of dragons and fire.
09:18It's a story of dragons and fire.
09:20The Starduster blasted off for Prometheus and the third moon.
09:28I'll switch on the belly viewer.
09:32Looks peaceful enough. How's it read, Chris?
09:35Gravity point nine. The atmosphere's almost like Earth.
09:39Sure doesn't look like dragon country.
09:41We'll go down for a closer look.
09:45Look there, Skipper. What do you make of that?
09:48It's inhabited, all right. Civilization is well advanced,
09:52but looks like it's seen better days.
09:55Look, half that city has been burned out.
09:58Aye, there's been big trouble down there, and recently, too.
10:02That's right. And I have a feeling it isn't over yet.
10:06Keep your eyes open.
10:15Uh-oh, we got company. Six o'clock low.
10:18Coming in fast. Looks like a big dragonfly.
10:22Stand by the blaster. I'll try to shake it.
10:30He's still closing fast, Skipper. I've got him zeroed.
10:33Hold steady, Taurus.
10:44Blast him.
10:50Caught him, Skipper. We slew a dragon.
10:53Good shooting, Taurus. Keep your eyes open. There may be more.
10:57So that's the answer. Ships made up to look like dragons.
11:02But why, Scott?
11:04I don't know. Maybe to terrorize the people of this planet.
11:15Skipper, more dragons at six o'clock high.
11:18Maybe we can outrun them.
11:24How are we doing, Taurus?
11:26Not so good. They had too much speed when we spotted them.
11:30They're starting to attack.
11:33We're going down on the deck.
11:37One down, two to go.
11:39Hang on. I'm firing retrorockets.
11:42One down, two to go.
12:00Hang on.
12:01I'm firing retro rockets.
12:02It didn't work.
12:15They changed angle of attack.
12:16That's what I counted on.
12:17Lay down a barrage.
12:18Spoiler aim.
12:19Scott, we're hit.
12:20Very clever maneuvers, Skipper.
12:35You got them diving so steep, they couldn't pull out.
12:38We're not out of the woods yet.
12:46Rockets won't fire.
12:47That blast must have knocked out our injectors.
12:49In your seats.
12:50Stand by for crash landing.
13:11Everybody okay?
13:12I'm all right.
13:13How about you, Taurus?
13:14I'm all right.
13:15But how's the ship?
13:16Let's go out and check it out.
13:17Let's go out and check the damage.
13:18Chris, you get the space force.
13:19Injectors were blasted away.
13:20I can replace them in a couple of hours, Skipper.
13:21That's if the dragon ships don't spot us.
13:22The cover is pretty good here, Taurus.
13:23I'd say we have a better than even chance.
13:24Skipper, look over there.
13:25A surface vehicle.
13:26Can this be friend or enemy?
13:27And will the dragon ships spot the crippled stardust
13:28on the ground?
13:29Don't miss the next exciting episode of...
13:46The next episode of Space Angels.
13:57Last time, while on the ground making repairs on the starduster,
14:00Scott, Taurus, and Crystal were informed by Belo, the leader of the moon people,
14:04that the warring Anthillians had terrorized his people with dragon ships
14:08in order to steal food from them.
14:10Meantime, Captain O'Hara and his space force fighters
14:14arrived on the scene ready to do battle.
14:16As Scott prepared to take off, the dragon ships located the starduster
14:20and came in for the kill.
14:22Good luck, my friends.
14:23Oh, get them by.
14:24Get them by.
14:25Get them by.
14:26Get them by.
14:27Get them by.
14:28Get them by.
14:29Get them by.
14:30Get them by.
14:31Get them by.
14:32Get them by.
14:33Get them by.
14:34Get them by.
14:35Get them by.
14:36Get them by.
14:37Get them by.
14:38Get them by.
14:39Get them by.
14:40Get them by.
14:41Get them by.
14:42Get them by.
14:43Get them by.
14:44Get them by.
14:45Get them by.
14:46Get them by.
14:47Get them by.
14:49Be sure to get them by.
14:52Wow, I thought they had us for sure.
14:56That's what I call close timing.
15:02Thanks, O'Hara.
15:03That was just a warm-up.
15:05Now, show us the big game.
15:08Will do, O'Hara.
15:42Man your battle stations, stand by for attack, split up lads, and pick your dragons.
16:12That's three for me, O'Hara. What's holding you back?
16:32I are nothing but a lucky amateur, Taurus. Watch this cushion shot.
16:37Aha! Right in the dragon's mouth. The dragons are through, Scott. They're running away.
16:45No idea, O'Hara. I'm trying to contact the flight leader.
16:49Dragon leader, this is space force leader. Come in.
16:54Space force, this is dragon leader. Cease fire. We surrender.
16:59You will land your ships at the capital city runway.
17:02Yes, sir. We will comply. Out.
17:15You will return to Anthenia and tell your leader that your conquest of this planet is ended.
17:22If Anthenia needs the products of this planet, they will buy them through the established channels.
17:28This planet will remain under the protection of the interplanetary space force.
17:33Very well. We have no choice but to comply with your instructions.
17:38Thank you, my friend. I am sorry you must leave us.
17:41O'Hara and his squadron will stay to enforce the peace below.
17:45Well, Taurus, looks like you'll have to go back to work while I remain here and enjoy the hospitality of these fine people.
17:54O'Hara, you always get the soft duty.
17:57It won't be much fun, Taurus. No more dragons to hunt.
18:10And so ends the story of Dragon Fire.
18:14Don't miss the next exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.