• last year
Super star MrBeast
00:00This video we are building and giving away 100 houses and each home is going to change a family's life like this family who?
00:07Didn't have a house to call their own and they have no idea
00:10We just built them take off your blindfolds and turn around behind you is your brand new home
00:17I was not expecting that reaction
00:25And this is just the first of a hundred houses were given away
00:30I'm glad they're happy. Let's go give away another house with every single home. We're building in this video
00:35We're improving quality of life for families who don't have a safe space to call home and we spend millions of dollars
00:41Just on this video building these houses because here in Jamaica
00:45There are currently over half a million people living in unsafe life-threatening conditions
00:50Like this next family whose house is so unsafe and unstable that it could literally collapse on them at any given moment
00:57So you built this place? Yeah. By yourself? Yeah, ride the board