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Season 18 | show | 2024| S18 | Official Trailer | dHNzX19penZ5c1dhaVlV


00:00Welcome, housewives and Vicky.
00:03That's rude.
00:05She's a bitch.
00:06Let the game begin.
00:08Gina's a user, and she's not my real friend.
00:10You're a wackadoodle!
00:12I have your ex-boyfriend.
00:13There's the door, Shannon Baddour.
00:14Don't run me over with your bullsh-t.
00:16Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
00:19This season on The Real Housewives of Orange County...
00:22Your family is not on the ground!
00:24Shut the f-ck up!
00:25Welcome to Big Bart, girls.
00:28Has anyone heard of forest bathing?
00:30What if there's ants?
00:32Oh, no!
00:35I haven't ever been to London.
00:37Don't have a spot to take.
00:41Oh! Oh!
00:42Woof! Woof!
00:43Woof! Woof!
00:44Go! Go! Go!
00:45Stop! Stop! Stop!
00:48This is Katie.
00:49Katie Gunn.
00:50Oh, my God! She shot me in her butt!
00:53She's my friend.
00:54Have you met Heather?
00:56Heather was in front of me,
00:57and she turned around and went like this.
00:58I wouldn't go up against Heather.
01:00You lied.
01:01Stop saying the word lie.
01:03I can see straight through her.
01:04I didn't lie.
01:06You did.
01:08I've lost weight,
01:09but Heather looks at me as just, like, the big girl.
01:11I felt like I was singled out.
01:14So sorry that I disappointed you.
01:18Shannon is not taking accountability for what she did.
01:21Belvedere soda with a lemon.
01:23You decided to drive your car into a house drunk.
01:26You need to stop.
01:27I need to stop what?
01:28Uncovering your bullshit?
01:30There's a lot more,
01:31and if she wants to go toe-to-toe, I'm ready.
01:34The ring Johnny got me, it is just a sign of love.
01:37I love you.
01:38You think you're gonna marry him?
01:40Does she want to be me?
01:43It's just hard to watch you leaving out of our house.
01:46You made this decision.
01:47I want to break up with his ex-wife.
01:49Not him.
01:50I feel betrayed by you.
01:52You're mad at me.
01:53She's mad at me.
01:54Travis is mad at me.
01:55Everybody's f----- mad at me.
01:56If she stays with him, it will ruin her life.
01:58We are engaged!
02:00How's the FBI going for you?
02:05$16 million into his account.
02:06He didn't know where it came from?
02:07Everything is the Lord's plan.
02:09They smear you because that's God's plan.
02:12You have no idea about John Jansen.
02:15You have no idea.
02:17We never want to take someone down like this.
02:19If that's true, that's f-----.
02:21It's extortion.
02:22It's f----- blackmail.
02:23What happened?
02:24I'm telling you, it will ruin her life.
02:26This is too much for someone to deal with.
02:28It is way too much.
02:29He's a monster.
02:30She's such a piece of s----.
02:32It's literally like sitting at a table with a f----- bomb,
02:35just waiting for it to f----- explode.
02:37The truth will come out.
02:39This is icky.
02:40This is not the way we treat women.
02:41We don't stoop to this level.
02:43That's not who we are.
02:44This is who we are.