• last year
Her Fantastic Adventure Ep 12 Eng Sub


01:00从胜利加热温柔 翻跳进爱的节奏 From victory to gentleness, leaping into the rhythm of love
01:05月红蔚蓝的天空 飘出来 The blue sky is floating in the sky
01:13当梦醒 我要醒来 When I wake up, I want to wake up
01:19当云朵照亮 彼岸的明天 When the sun shines on the horizon of tomorrow
01:23将爱的花养不沾穿 才开出长春 When the flower of love blooms, it blooms into spring
01:30月红蔚蓝的天空 飘出来 The blue sky is floating in the sky
01:42他平日行事是出格了些 He is a little out of place in daily life
01:45说话也有些古怪 He also speaks a little strangely
01:47不过人不坏 But he is not a bad person
01:50而且他一个商家小姐 怎么会和曼陀教有瓜葛 还要绑架邵逸 Besides, he is a young lady of a merchant family. How could he have anything to do with the Mantuo Sect and kidnap Shaoyi?
01:57端玉哥哥又怎么可能对顾清桥下手 这其中一定有什么误会 Brother Duanyu would never do anything to Gu Qingqiao. There must be some misunderstanding
02:02哎哟 小姐 您就是太善良了吧 到现在还在替他说话 Miss, you are too kind. You are still defending him
02:07顾清桥现在在哪儿 我要亲自去找他问清楚 Where is Gu Qingqiao now? I have to go to him and ask him
02:10那个顾清桥现在被老爷的手下亲自押回来的 现在被重兵看管 没有老爷的允许 谁也不准去 Miss, Gu Qingqiao is now under the control of the master. No one can go without the master's permission
02:18小姐 您就别蹚这趟浑水了 Miss, don't get involved in this mess
02:21哎哟 邵逸被绑 顾清桥入狱 端玉哥哥 哎呀 这都乱套了 Brother Duanyu was kidnapped and Gu Qingqiao was imprisoned. This is a mess
02:29邵逸一定知道那天发生了什么事 我要去找他 Mr. Duanyu must know what happened that day. I'm going to find him
02:33小姐 端小少爷还没醒呢 Miss, Mr. Duanyu is not awake yet
02:36那我去上京寺给少爷祈福 求佛菩萨好好保佑 他快快痊愈 Then I'll go to the capital to pray for the young master and ask the Buddha to bless him so that he can recover quickly
02:41还有 你挑些药材和补品给段府送去 一定要挑最好的 And you pick some medicine and tonics for the doctor. You must pick the best
02:51小少爷 是若依来晚了 Young master, Ruoyi is late
02:54若依会跪在这里 直到您醒过来 如果您有个三长两短 若依自会随您去的 Ruoyi will kneel here until you wake up. If anything happens to you, Ruoyi will follow you
03:02你先走 You go first
03:07小少爷 小少爷 小少爷 若依在这呢 Young master, Ruoyi is here
03:14你不会死的 You won't die
03:15没事了 若依不会让你再陷入危险了 It's all right. Ruoyi won't put you in danger anymore
03:17没事了 It's all right
03:18小少爷 Young master
03:19没事了 It's all right
03:21喂 有人吗 有没有人啊 Is anyone here? Is anyone here?
03:25吵什么吵啊 嚷嚷什么呢 有完没完啊 What are you yelling about? Are you done?
03:28大哥 大哥 你们救到段少爷了吗 Brother, have you rescued Duan Shaoyi?
03:31你看 你早知如此 何必当初啊 怕死你别做绑架的事啊 You should have done this earlier. Why did you do it in the first place? I'm afraid you'll be kidnapped
03:35我就想问问段少爷他现在怎么样了 I just want to ask how Duan Shaoyi is doing now
03:37听说段府的人找到他了 应该没什么事 I heard the people of the Duan family found him. He should be fine
03:40太好了 那少爷的事 That's great. What about the young master?
03:43大哥 我想见一下段岳 您能帮我传个话吗 Brother, I want to see Duan Yue. Can you send a message for me?
03:48你有完没完啊 你知道这是哪吗 你这是官府的大牢 不是你家 Are you done? Do you know where this is? This is the government prison, not your home
03:53不是的 不是的 我和段家人可能有点误会 您等我去跟他们说清楚了就好了 No, no, the Duan family and I may have a misunderstanding. You can wait for me to make it clear to them
03:58这样也不用辛苦您在这儿站着了 You don't have to stand here like this
04:01我说你都进大牢了 你说这些都没有用 你就踏踏实实在牢里待着 你等候发落就得 I said you were in jail. It's no use saying this
04:04你就踏踏实实在牢里待着 等候发落就得 You just stay in jail and wait for the sentence
04:07行行行 我都懂 电视剧里都是这么演的 Okay, okay, I understand. That's how TV dramas are played
04:11那劳烦您去一趟清风楼 就报我的名字 那时候不管要多少银两他们都给你 Then please go to Qingfenglou and report my name. No matter how much money you want, they'll give it to you
04:17我就想见一下段月 没有别的要求 I just want to see Duan Yue. No other request
04:20你这个钱啊我倒是想挣 不过去清风楼挣 我恐怕还没那个福分 你还是老实待着吧 I'd like to earn your money, but I'm afraid I won't be lucky enough to earn it in Qingfenglou
04:28你还是老实待着吧 You'd better be honest
04:32大哥 你刚刚说的话什么意思啊 清风楼 清风楼怎么了 Brother, what did you mean by that? What's wrong with Qingfenglou?
04:37是段家七先生带的话 段家家主交代下来的 是办好了 有省 It was Mr. Duan's wife who said it. It's done. There's a reward
04:43小的明白了 放心 I understand. Don't worry
04:46清风楼 清风楼怎么了 What's wrong with Qingfenglou?
04:50来人 把他押出去 上刑 找不着 为什么绑架段家少爷 我也少抽你几鞭子 咱们做个交换 Come on. Take him out. Where are you going? Take him to prison. Do you want it or not? Why did you kidnap Mr. Duan? I'll give you a little less whip
05:04你们这是屈打成招 独怒四行 我要割你们 You're beating each other up. I'm going to cut you off
05:12段家家主有令 我们也是听命办事 段家家主 段 段宇知道吗 都什么时候了 你还想着段公主啊 您现在可是绑架他侄子的人 Mr. Duan has orders. We're just doing what we're told. Mr. Duan? Does Duan Yu know?
05:21都什么时候了 你还想着段公主啊 您现在可是绑架他侄子的人 都什么时候了 你还想着段公主啊 您现在可是绑架他侄子的人 都什么时候了 你还想着段公主啊 您现在可是绑架他侄子的人 我没有绑架他 我们是一起被绑架的 你们听 一起被绑架的 太可笑了 那为什么就你一个人在这受刑 那为什么就你一个人在这受刑
05:39头儿 怎么了 What's wrong?
06:09我们这个月的进货和伙计们的月钱怎么办啊 What about our purchase this month and the salary of our men?
06:12我女儿现在官府生死未卜 我得拿着钱去救命啊 我以后的事我自有办法 大不了我把宅子抵了 差不了你们钱的 My daughter's life is at stake in the government. I have to take the money to save her. I'll figure something out later. At worst, I'll mortgage the house. It won't cost you any money.
06:21是 老爷 Yes, sir.
06:23官爷 各位官爷 来得正好 别愣着 快点 Don't just stand there. Hurry up.
06:29鄙人正准备去 Where are you going?
06:31去哪儿啊 Where are you going?
06:33柯掌柜 Mr. Ku
06:35杨春风 给我滚出去 Yang Chunfeng, get the hell out of here.
06:38有你这么当掌柜的吗 有来者都是客 有你这么当掌柜的吗 有来者都是客 来者都是客 我告诉你 你要这么着 这清风楼可真干到头了啊 If you do this, you'll be in trouble.
06:46我呸 I'm not.
06:48要不是你血口喷人 我女儿现在能身陷大牢 这笔账我迟早要跟你算 咱们走着瞧 If it wasn't for your blood, my daughter would be in jail now. I'll give you the money sooner or later. We'll see.
06:55好 咱们齐驴看账本走着瞧 Ok. Let's see.
06:59好 但是呢我今天心情好 不给你一般见识 我今天来是有事 通知你一声 Ok. But I'm in a good mood today. I won't give you any advice. I'm here to tell you something.
07:06你若呸就放 放完赶紧滚 清风楼啊 不欢迎你 If you don't like it, get the hell out of here. You're not welcome here.
07:10不欢迎我是吗 我今天就要告诉你 清风楼从此不欢迎的人是你 You don't like me, do you? I'm going to tell you today that you're the one who's never welcome here.
07:18你说什么呢 你做梦呢吗你 What are you talking about? Are you dreaming?
07:22杜大人的交代了 看见了吧 从现在起 这儿一个米粒都不能少 清风楼被官府查封了 Mr. Du has given his statement. You see, from now on, not a grain of rice can be missed here. The government has sealed off the building.
07:32这儿的一切都有可能是杜清桥勾结曼陀教的罪证 所以这儿的所有东西跟你已经没有关系了 Everything here could be evidence of Du Qingqiao's collusion with Mantuo. So everything here has nothing to do with you anymore.
07:42官爷们 别愣着了 赶紧动手早点完事 跟杜大人复密去了 Officials, don't just stand there. Hurry up and finish it as soon as possible and report it to Mr. Du.
07:47你一个老混蛋 You old bastard.
07:48把清风楼把客人都轰出去 把所有人都轰出去 把客人都轰出去 把客人都轰出去 Hurry up and seal off the building. Get all the guests out.
07:51是 Yes
07:52老爷别动心 老爷 Mr. Du, don't be mad. Mr. Du
07:56杜无你更不行 我活得不知道有多好 我告诉你吧 Mr. Du, you're even worse than me. I don't know how good my life is. I'm telling you.
08:02杜大人已经把这清风楼全权交给我打理了 杜大人已经把这清风楼全权交给我打理了 Mr. Du has handed over the building to me.
08:05I'll take care of it.
08:07Don't worry.
08:08I'll take care of it better than you.
08:10I'm not like you.
08:11I'm telling you,
08:12if you can afford to eat,
08:14I'll welcome you.
08:16All of this
08:17must be caused by you.
08:19You're so despicable.
08:21If I were you,
08:22I wouldn't be worrying here.
08:24Mr. Du is very strict with the case.
08:26The shop is closed.
08:27Why don't you go home and take a look?
08:30My lord.
08:31My lord.
08:32My lord.
08:33My lord.
08:34You haven't paid yet.
08:35We haven't finished eating yet.
08:44You want to kill me?
08:47My lord.
08:50Mr. Gu.
08:51Actually, I just want to...
08:57It's no use being rebellious.
09:00I'm not done with you.
09:02My lord.
09:05My lord.
09:14My lord.
09:15Something happened to the house.
09:17The wall is smashed.
09:20It's over.
09:21It's all over.
09:23I wanted to go to the government office
09:25to settle things.
09:27Everything is gone.
09:30My Qiao Qiao.
09:32What should I do?
09:36Mr. Duan.
09:37The prison is a mess.
09:38Please bear with it.
09:44Thank you.
09:54You're finally here.
09:56Duan Yu.
09:58You misunderstood me.
10:00I didn't kidnap Shao Yi.
10:01I don't know any Mantuo Clan.
10:04Tell them.
10:06They got the wrong...
10:09They got the wrong person.
10:14You will believe me.
10:32Gu Qing Qiao.
10:34Tell me.
10:35What do you want?
10:39There's a prophecy in the palace.
10:41Ni Tian Xing
10:42will come back from the Sacred Snow Gate
10:44and destroy the Duan family.
10:47And you are Ni Tian Xing.
10:49You and I are destined to be enemies.
10:53Destroy the Duan family?
10:58Ni Tian Xing.
11:10From the start,
11:13you approached me on purpose.
11:16You tested me.
11:23From the start,
11:25you lied to me.
11:28Everything you said
11:30was a lie.
11:34From the start,
11:36I suspected you
11:38from the moment
11:40you appeared
11:42and tried to escape.
11:45Stop dreaming
11:47and give up.
11:59I finally understand.
12:00I finally understand.
12:07and the Mantuo Clan
12:09are all just excuses.
12:13Everything is just a prophecy.
12:16A prophecy that Ni Tian Xing will destroy the Duan family.
12:21I will destroy the Duan family.
12:25This is the funniest joke I've ever heard.
12:33I am the joke.
12:38I thought the heavens
12:40let me meet you again
12:43to make up for me.
12:47I thought
12:49I could have a sweet relationship
12:52like a normal girl.
12:55I thought
12:57as long as I was proactive enough,
13:00I could melt your ice god.
13:06I thought...
13:09I thought I could do it.
13:16I'm sorry.
13:20I'm sorry.
13:22I'm sorry.
13:23I'm sorry.
13:26I lied to you.
13:28But if you want to blame someone,
13:30you can only blame the heavens.
13:32The heavens?
13:34You'd rather believe
13:36someone's lies than the heavens.
13:38You don't believe me.
13:40Gu Qing Qiao.
13:53Tell me everything you know
13:55about the Sacred Snow Gate.
13:58I will beg my brother to spare your life.
14:01Stop acting!
14:03This person is stubborn.
14:05I think you want to taste the blood of a non-human.
14:07I can't.
14:09He doesn't know martial arts.
14:11He's not good at it.
14:12He will only get what he deserves.
14:17Kill me.
14:19It's the end of our fate.
14:23I'll give you three days to think about it.
14:27We'll talk in three days.
14:41Have you ever
14:45loved me?
15:01I understand.
15:05This is love.
15:23I love you.
15:25I love you.
15:28I love you.
15:30I love you.
15:32I love you.
15:34I love you.
15:41What did you ask?
15:44Let's talk in private.
15:53Go get a doctor.
15:59If anything happens to Gu Qing Qiao
16:02and our family is in danger,
16:05I'll kill you!
16:10What are you waiting for?
16:12Go get a doctor.
16:14Yes, I'll be right there.
16:23I won't see you out.
16:25Thank you, Mr. Du.
16:37You're back.
16:39Did you find anything?
16:40The Holy Blood Sect hasn't found Gu Qing Qiao yet.
16:43What about Mr. Du?
16:45As you expected,
16:47Mr. Du won't give up Gu Qing Qiao
16:49to the Duan family.
16:50Du Huai Chang thinks
16:51he can take over the Duan family.
16:53Duan Yu.
16:54Before the Holy Blood Sect is solved,
16:56you and Ruo Yun's marriage
16:57must be settled.
16:59I don't want Du Huai Chang
17:00to bite me again.
17:02Duan Yu doesn't want to marry Du Ruo Yun.
17:04You know that.
17:05It's up to you
17:06whether you want to marry her
17:07or not.
17:08It's up to the Duan family.
17:10You have no choice
17:11between the Du family and the Duan family.
17:13No buts.
17:14In the future,
17:15you can take a concubine
17:16if you love her.
17:18Duan Yu.
17:20I know heroes are short-tempered
17:21and love each other.
17:23But Gu Qing Qiao
17:25must be killed.
17:28You want to kill Gu Qing Qiao?
17:30That's right.
17:31I've made up my mind.
17:35Three days later,
17:36I'll ask for punishment
17:37for colluding with the evil sect
17:38to assassinate the young master of the Duan family.
17:41What should we do?
17:43What you're doing
17:44is not really to kill Xiao Qiao,
17:46but to lure the Holy Blood Sect
17:47to show up.
17:49we still have a chance.
17:50Young Master,
17:51please elaborate.
17:53I already knew
17:54that Xiao Qiao
17:55didn't have many clues.
17:56But since
17:57the prophecy has come true
17:58and the Anti-Heaven Star has appeared,
17:59he will
18:00do the opposite.
18:02Using the Anti-Heaven Star
18:03to destroy the power of the Duan family
18:04to lure
18:05the real Holy Blood Sect
18:06to show up.
18:08Mr. Qi
18:09has sent someone
18:10to spread the news
18:11that Gu Qing Qiao
18:12is the Anti-Heaven Star.
18:13That's right.
18:14In this way,
18:15the punishment will be easier.
18:17In this way,
18:18when the punishment starts,
18:19the Holy Blood Sect
18:20will definitely
18:20raise all the money to rob people.
18:22At that time,
18:23the Duan family will unite with the government
18:24to make a conspiracy.
18:26We can destroy the Holy Blood Sect
18:27in one fell swoop.
18:30But last time,
18:31Mr. Qi
18:32fought with the Holy Blood Sect
18:33and already lost.
18:34Do we really have a chance to win?
18:37Mr. Qi has calculated.
18:38As long as we
18:39hold on for two hours,
18:40even if they have the blessing of blood,
18:42they will not attack themselves at that time.
18:45The key to blood is
18:46to mobilize the blood vessels to run
18:47to increase the power.
18:49But after all,
18:50their own blood vessels are limited.
18:51They cannot be mobilized unlimitedly.
18:54as long as we hold them back,
18:55when their blood vessels
18:56are out of control,
18:58we can naturally
18:59break through the enemy.
19:01Mr. Qi is really great.
19:02You know a lot.
19:05But Mr. Qi,
19:06we can't let Miss Gu
19:07take the risk.
19:08If the Holy Blood Sect doesn't come,
19:09then Miss Gu's life
19:10will be...
19:11I have already expected
19:12the current situation.
19:13This is probably
19:14the worst situation
19:15in all situations.
19:16I found a group of experts
19:17outside the gang.
19:19When they arrived at the execution site,
19:20they took Xiao Qiao away.
19:22Execution site?
19:24The master is bold.
19:25You are bolder than the master.
19:27You two are really brothers.
19:28Is there a better way?
19:31I had been locking her up.
19:32It was difficult for me to save her.
19:33But now,
19:34there is such a good opportunity.
19:37I must succeed.
19:39This is the only chance
19:40for Xiao Qiao to survive.
19:41I want to send her to Changqing
19:42as soon as possible
19:43to a place
19:44that no one knows.
19:48Heroes are short-tempered.
19:49Children are affectionate.
19:51My story
19:52is not so long.
19:55I have never seen the result
19:56of the illusion of the Holy Palace.
19:58Maybe the Holy Blood Sect
19:59will not destroy the Duan family.
20:01The key
20:02is not in Ni Tianxing,
20:05in how I choose.
20:07Choose the Duan family
20:08or Miss Gu?
20:09Miss Gu,
20:11I don't want the Duan family to be destroyed,
20:13and I don't want Xiao Qiao to die.
20:18In the world,
20:19there is a saying,
20:21if you don't live up to your name,
20:23you won't live up to your family.
20:25What time is it?
20:26Get out.
20:32Miss Du.
20:40Shaoyi, you are awake.
20:42Ruo Yuan,
20:43why are you here?
20:44You are finally awake.
20:46You worried us so much.
20:48Gu Qingqiao.
20:50Gu Qingqiao is still in the hands of Mantuo.
20:54You are so injured
20:55and still want to run out.
20:56You haven't eaten for days.
20:58Come on,
20:59drink some ginseng soup first.
21:03Ruo Yuan,
21:04go quickly.
21:05Take someone
21:06to save Gu Qingqiao.
21:07We can't leave her alone.
21:10Gu Qingqiao...
21:12What's wrong with Gu Qingqiao?
21:17Ruo Yuan is also here.
21:20Master Duan.
21:30Are you feeling better?
21:33hurry up and go after Mantuo.
21:35Gu Qingqiao is still in their hands.
21:38you have been in a coma for many days.
21:39Some things may not be clear yet.
21:41Gu Qingqiao and Mantuo kidnapped you.
21:44You were injured
21:45and almost couldn't be saved.
21:47Fortunately, Duan Yu appeared in time
21:48to save your life.
21:52it's not like that.
21:54Gu Qingqiao and I
21:55were kidnapped together.
21:57The reason I could escape
21:58was thanks to her covering me.
22:00I would really die in the hands of Mantuo.
22:02I also find it strange.
22:04How could Gu Qingqiao
22:05collude with the evil sect
22:06to kidnap Shaoyi?
22:07That's right.
22:09don't listen to the evil sect.
22:11Gu Qingqiao
22:12saved my life.
22:14Didn't you teach me
22:15to repay kindness with kindness?
22:16We have to save her.
22:17I'm going to tell dad the truth.
22:19We can't let them kill the good people.
22:21What kill?
22:22Gu Qingqiao was imprisoned.
22:23He will be executed tomorrow.
22:28Are you kidding me?
22:29I'm going to save her.
22:30Don't mess around.
22:34Who is messing around?
22:37What crime did he commit?
22:39Listen to me.
22:41Gu Qingqiao colluded with Mantuo
22:42to kidnap and murder
22:43the young master of the Duan family.
22:44The government has decided
22:45that this matter has been settled.
22:47I'll leave now.
22:49don't go.
22:53it's not like that.
22:54I know what happened.
22:55He's not that kind of person.
22:58we can't do this.
22:59What can't we do?
23:02he is the enemy of the Duan family.
23:04He will destroy
23:05the Duan family.
23:07The enemy of the Duan family?
23:09How can he be the enemy of the Duan family?
23:12you must be mistaken.
23:16don't go.
23:18take care.
23:24you can't betray your family.
23:26You taught me
23:27to be loyal to my family.
23:29everything is ruined.
23:32we can't do this.
23:33We really can't do this.
23:35What you said
23:36is not wrong.
23:39But now,
23:40don't think about anything.
23:41Just stay at home.
23:47Keep an eye on him.
23:48Don't let him leave this room.
23:53Young Master.
23:54Young Master.
23:55Calm down, Young Master.
23:56Young Master.
23:58Be careful of your wound.
24:07only when I die
24:10can I see you again.
24:32Who are you?
24:33My master
24:34said something to me.
24:37Who is your master?
24:38He said his name is Lu Zizheng.
24:42What did he say?
24:43He asked me to ask you
24:45if you regret it.
24:52I don't know.
24:55I didn't expect
24:56things would turn out like this.
24:59Maybe Ni Tianxin should die.
25:04She said she would come to save you.
25:14She is still young.
25:15She will be beheaded tomorrow.
25:17it's better to be dead than to be alive.
25:19Mr. Duan.
25:20Mr. Duan.
25:21I'm here to visit her.
25:35Mr. Duan.
26:01Mr. Duan.
26:02I didn't expect
26:03the braised pork
26:05is the meal you sent me.
26:08It's not my cooking.
26:10I can't get used to it.
26:11Xiao Qiao.
26:13Don't be like this.
26:18What should I do?
26:21Should I cry and beg you to let me go?
26:26I have no choice.
26:32Falling in love with you
26:33is my own business.
26:38I made the braised pork
26:39by myself.
26:47But the braised pork you made
26:49is really salty.
26:52From tomorrow on,
26:54everything will be fine.
26:56I will make everything
26:57back to normal.
27:02Maybe this is
27:04the best result.
27:14It's getting late.
27:16I have to go.
27:29Xiao Qiao.
27:31Xiao Qiao.
27:32Xiao Qiao.
27:33What's wrong with you?
27:34It's poisonous.
27:38Xiao Qiao.
27:40Xiao Qiao.
27:43Xiao Qiao.
27:46Mr. Duan.
27:47You can't take her away.
27:48Get out of the way.
27:49She is a criminal.
27:50She will die in prison.
27:51Get out of the way.
27:52If she dies today,
27:53you will die with her.
27:59Why is there no one
28:00in the clinic?
28:08Xiao Qiao.
28:09We're almost at the clinic.
28:10Hold on.
28:14Xiao Qiao.
28:15Hold on.
28:16I won't let you go.
28:17I will take you home.
28:18Xiao Qiao.
28:19I will take you home.
28:20Xiao Qiao.
28:21Xiao Qiao.
28:22Xiao Qiao.
28:23Xiao Qiao.
28:24Xiao Qiao.
28:25Xiao Qiao.
28:26Xiao Qiao.
28:27I don't allow you to die.
28:29You can't die now.
28:30You can't die here.
28:32Wait for me.
28:34Mr. Duan.
28:39You are so cruel.
28:42Do you want me to die in front of the world
28:44so that you can give up?
28:47Can't you
28:48let me die in peace?
28:54Duan Yu.
28:55Duan Yu.
28:57You are trapped.
29:02It's poisonous.
29:04Duan Yu.
29:06Why don't you just surrender?
29:13If you go any further,
29:15I will kill you.
29:17Give me the old man Qingying.
29:31Don't come over.
29:48Duan Yu.
29:49Duan Yu.
30:17Duan Yu.
30:27I only hope
30:29I can see you again.
30:48Duan Yu.
30:49Duan Yu.
30:51Duan Yu.
31:32Thank you.
31:35It's really a disaster.
31:37It's really a disaster.
31:40Don't be angry.
31:41It's not all your fault.
31:43Ni Tianxing
31:44managed to escape.
31:46He must still have helpers.
31:47It must be the guardian.
31:49We were careless.
31:50Li Xin wanted to investigate the case of Sheng Xuemeng
31:52but ignored his relationship with Mantuo Sect.
31:54This matter must be discussed again.
32:00Please serve me.
32:02I can serve your body.
32:04But I can't serve your heart.
32:07I'll give you a chance to make amends.
32:10You go after Gu Qingqiao.
32:12I want to see him alive.
32:14I want to see him dead.
32:18The document to execute Qiaoqiao has been removed.
32:23Is Qiaoqiao all right?
32:27No matter what,
32:28Miss must be alive.
32:33These days
32:34have been hard for you.
32:36Those who can leave have left.
32:38Since Qiaoqiao is all right,
32:39I'll stay alone and wait for her.
32:41You and Ada
32:42go to live your own life.
32:46there's nothing valuable
32:47in this house.
32:51I found this.
32:53I guess
32:54Qiaoqiao doesn't need it.
32:56You can exchange it for some money
32:58to do some small business.
33:01This is too valuable.
33:02I can't take it.
33:03And Miss didn't come back.
33:04We won't leave
33:05no matter what.
33:06Take it.
33:07I won't leave.
33:10I can't support you.
33:16If you stay,
33:17you'll drag me down.
33:19You'd better leave.
33:24I promised Miss
33:25to take good care of you.
33:27Now Miss's life is in danger.
33:29We can't leave you alone.
33:33Uncle has been nice to us.
33:35Ada and I saved a lot of money.
33:39Is it almost noon?
33:41Ada, go to cook.
33:45Please sit down.
33:46Search the house.
33:47Don't miss any corner.
33:52What are you going to do?
33:54You've searched the house.
33:57The suspect Gu Qingxiao ran away.
33:59We can't kill him.
34:00How dare you hide the fugitive
34:02and commit the same crime as him?
34:06Did you hear that?
34:07Qiaoqiao ran away.
34:11That's great.
34:13That's great.
34:15Let's ask Ada to cook.
34:18Let's eat meat.
34:19Let's go.
34:20Let's go.
34:23Is her brain broken?
34:25Let's eat meat.
34:26Let's eat meat.
34:43Let's eat meat.
34:44Let's eat meat.
34:45Let's eat meat.
34:46Let's eat meat.
34:47Let's eat meat.
34:48Let's eat meat.
34:49Let's eat meat.
34:50Let's eat meat.
34:51Let's eat meat.
34:52Let's eat meat.
34:53Let's eat meat.
34:54Let's eat meat.
34:55Let's eat meat.
34:56Let's eat meat.
34:57Let's eat meat.
34:58Let's eat meat.
34:59Let's eat meat.
35:00Let's eat meat.
35:01Let's eat meat.
35:02Let's eat meat.
35:03Let's eat meat.
35:04Let's eat meat.
35:05Let's eat meat.
35:06Let's eat meat.
35:07Let's eat meat.
35:08Let's eat meat.
35:09Let's eat meat.
35:10Let's eat meat.
35:11Let's eat meat.
35:13Where am I?
35:15Could it be ater poisonous by Lu Zizhen?
35:24Fu Qingqiao
35:27Master Kong Kong
35:30Is that you?
35:35Is that you talking to me?
35:42Master, are you talking to me?
35:46Am I already dead?
35:48Look at the mark on your ankle.
35:50It is the talisman for your reincarnation.
35:53You are not one of us.
35:55If this talisman is completely gone, you will die.
35:58You will never return to your original world.
36:02Then what should I do?
36:05Remember, the temple is the only way for you to go back.
36:10Go to the West Shrine.
36:12Go find the Green Deer.
36:19Master, don't go!
36:21How can I go?
36:24Are you dreaming?
36:25Why are you shouting?
36:31Where did you go?
36:32I went to your house.
36:34My father...
36:35How is my father?
36:36I think he is fine.
36:37He is in a daze.
36:39In a daze?
36:41I heard that you escaped from the prison.
36:43So I gave you some meat.
36:49I want to go back.
36:52Your family is surrounded by the government.
36:54And there are many informants in Changqing.
36:57You can't go back.
36:58Don't worry.
36:59Your father is fine.
37:00And he has two people with him.
37:03It must be Dongqi and Ah Da.
37:06I don't know how to repay their kindness.
37:12I think you have almost recovered.
37:14Pack up and leave here.
37:17What's wrong again?
37:20Who are you?
37:21Lu Zisheng.
37:22You are just a guard of Mantuo Sect.
37:25How can you be so powerful?
37:27You can go wherever you want.
37:32I can go wherever I want?
37:34Then why do I have to stay in your house for so long?
37:36And I have to rely on you to take me out of the city?
37:40Then you came to me again and again.
37:42And you saved me.
37:45Who are you?
37:48Listen carefully.
37:50I only say this once.
37:54It doesn't matter who I am.
37:56What matters is who you are.
38:04It turns out that Duan Yu doesn't trust me anymore.
38:35月光拉扯着身影 The moonlight pulls my figure
38:43我在黑暗中前行不停 I walk in the darkness
38:51沿着孤独的气息 Along the lonely path
38:55一心一人 爱神不离 One heart, one soul. I will never leave you.
38:59痛痛的一刻 The most painful moment
39:03心在何方降落 Where is my heart now?
39:07谁想把枷锁 折磨 Who wants to break the shackles?
39:16谁敲碎了记忆的迷惘 Who broke the maze of memories?
39:20看不清谁真实假象 I can't see who is real.
39:24深夜落下只是一场模糊的梦 The night falls, it's just a vague dream.
39:30留下了渴望 The desire is left behind.
39:33天地化作是我爱上 The world becomes my love.
39:37走着你的路过无妨 I walk along your path without hesitation.
39:41握着我无风云归还 I embrace you without wind or shadow.
39:44离别人指尖 Between you and me
39:47换你的余光 I exchange your warmth.
40:01我画了流年 Are you still in love with me?
40:04是否在转脸 Are you still in love with me?
40:06烫出金黄的泪眼 Your eyes are burning with tears.
40:09我提笔勾起成缘 I write a poem with my pen.
40:12一生深夜 A lifetime of yearning.
40:17两手紧缝线 手游水无偏见 Two hands hold the string of wind and water.
40:21你怀慕的刹那间 You look into my hand.
40:24等岁月歇下等岁月歇下 When time stops,
40:27故事我款横牵 I tie a knot with you.
40:31你在人间热红颜难眠 In the world, you are hot and cold.
40:34我将爱情遗忘多少遍 How many times have I forgotten about love?
40:38缘分留于墨铁 如此的缠绵 Fate is left in ink and paper.
40:42如此的缠绵 Fate is left in ink and paper.
40:45你在人间热红颜难眠 In the world, you are hot and cold.
40:48我将誓言写满白红线 I swear to write a beautiful love poem.
40:52我将誓言写满白红线 I swear to write a beautiful love poem.
40:55结局来时还若初见 如你所愿 The ending will be as you wish.
41:17我花了六年你是否在眷恋 I've spent six years. Are you still in love?
41:20当初惊鸿的眉眼 When I saw your red eyes,
41:23我提笔勾起整个一生十年 I wrote a poem with my pen.
41:30白首轻奉献 心浮水无边险 The wind is gentle and the water is boundless.
41:34你回眸的刹那前 You look back at the boat.
41:37看岁月潇洒 故事多宽横浅 The story of the broken boat is so vast.
41:43你在人间热红颜难眠 In the world, you are hot and cold.
41:47我将爱写印了多少遍 How many times have I written my love?
41:51缘分流离于墨铁 如此的缠绵 Fate is entangled with ink.
41:57你在人间热红颜难眠 In the world, you are hot and cold.
42:01我将誓言写满白红线 I swear to write a beautiful love poem.
42:04结局来时还若初见 如你所愿 The ending will be as you wish.
42:17优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
