• last year
00:33It's Ross I'm still inside. I've lost my earpiece
00:37Ross Ross gives a brief
00:40Building's been taken over that Arabs. I counted five, but there could be more weapons
00:45Submachine guns automatic pistols and explosives. Can you get out? I'm not sure yet. I'm in an upstairs office any fatalities
00:52One bodyguard anyone else hurt not that I could see they knew they were targeting. They let most people escape
00:58You should have got out. No, I'm more use in here. Have they made any demands?
01:02Oh, yeah, this is something to do with the bombers. There weren't any was a diversion. They were after the Trade Center
01:11the royal family
01:13politicians all the key players
01:19Ross Ross
01:50Your call cannot be answered, please leave a message after the time Sally it's Joe
01:58Pick up if you're there Sally
02:01All right, well look I'll cover for you as long as I can but if Harry finds out you're not here he will go ballistic
02:06Just get here as soon as you can
02:22She's in there she just called from an office on the top floor, okay
04:14Joe you shouldn't have covered for her
04:16Get someone around to her place now and bring her in if she's not at her desk in one hour
04:20She's out of a job. We have contact with Ross
04:25They made any demands yet, no Ross
04:28We've had a look at the schematics of the building the nearest exit to you is in the front corner in the east of the
06:02There's been nothing else no explosions no more fake bombers there were never gonna be 24 bombers
06:07We assume that didn't we we assumed it by extrapolating what we knew which is exactly what they wanted us to do
06:12What are you saying? They sneak in six terrorists to take over the Trade Center something goes wrong with the docks and they discovered
06:18Now they know we're gonna throw everything we have into finding who they are
06:20So they come up with the diversion
06:22Suicide bombers one of them contacts someone on our watch list and asked them to bring along three of his friends
06:26They know we're gonna find out about it
06:28And they have us thinking that each one of the six is leading a cell of four and drowners in our own chaff nice
06:33Harry they knew exactly who we were watching
06:35Then you about Faraz then you about Hassan
06:38The only way they could have got that information is from someone on the inside
06:41So I'll tell you to have a mole inside the intelligence services
06:44I can just see the look of bliss on the home secretary's face when he hears that
06:48We're gonna have to lock everything down screen everyone from scratch. They're making their demands. Where's the signal coming from?
06:53They're broadcasting it online special ops. Just patching it through
07:02Of al-qaeda and who have taken over the trade center of the godless Saudi regime
07:15Speak this directly to the king
07:19You hold 387 of our brothers in your jails
07:23You have one hour to freedom
07:37We'll know when our brothers are free
07:47Liaise with GCHQ. I want to know every whisper that goes in and out of that building
07:51Neil number your friends at six these maniacs didn't plan this yesterday
07:55I've outstated the signal from the microphone in Ross's hearing it must have fallen out. Can you patch it through on the speakers?
08:01It won't work unless it's next to the microchip planted in their ear. This equipment's supposed to be state-of-the-art
08:07Then find another way to reach her
08:09What is it? It's Sally
08:11She's been found. She was murdered stabbed in her flat over 24 hours ago
08:23What if she was the mole
08:25Think about it. She's been murdered. It's a bit convenient, isn't it?
08:29They got what they wanted and they decided to silence her just like they did with prosnick
08:32There's nothing in her profile to suggest anything like that
08:34It's not in the profile of anyone working in this building, but somebody in here led us to the trough Harry. It's too perfect
08:40Malcolm check Sally's records everything hard drive server phone bank details text messages. I want to know everything about her
08:51The terrorists are getting inside information they might know about Ross
09:16Can't believe Sally would've done that you hardly knew and none of us did I know I spent more time with her than anyone
09:22Else that just doesn't feel right. There's hundreds of ways. They could have gone to her. Maybe she had no choice
09:28When she's here the next she's gone
09:32She asked me how well I knew me
09:35What maybe there was something brewing between them? No, I doubt it. Why?
09:41Why no, she's not even remotely his type
09:45Society still hasn't got over his wife his wife
09:48Six years ago. She was pregnant with their first child getting on a bus in Tel Aviv. She was Israeli
09:56Was blown up by a suicide bomber
10:07The terrorist watch list she overrode the copy protection and downloaded it onto an external drive
10:42Really sorry I was just looking about
10:46Listen to me. I have an officer inside that building
10:49You do nothing until I have contacted that officer and I will call you when I have done so
10:54Special branch and the SAS are drawing up contingency plans to storm the building. We've got to let Ross know what's happening
10:59I can't have her caught in the crossfire. Besides she could help. That's what I've been telling them. What have you got?
11:03They got the watch list from Sally
11:06We're looking into her bank accounts and talking to her friends and family the ones we know about poor girl
11:11God knows how she got mixed up in this. What about GCHQ?
11:18It's people playing
11:19They're shooting themselves in the foot
11:22These people they've taken hostage were here to get them the first Arab nuclear plants
11:26You think they'd have waited a few years until the plants were up and running and then tried to take over the country along with
11:30The enriched plutonium the deal wasn't public knowledge. It's very possible bin Laden and his people didn't even know about it
11:36What bothers me more is why use putty why not use real bombs or you said it yourself it was an improvised diversion
11:41Maybe they didn't have access to explosives. You know, they seem to have access to anything
11:44They want I mean look at the way they got into the country the way they turned Sally to get into our files
11:48Sending out those decoys. It's unusually sophisticated for al-qaeda. They pulled off 9-11. It was something about this feels more
11:55more calculated more strategic
11:58They're reacting to our moves and beating us at our own game. They're getting better at it. They've had plenty of practice
12:03Remember we're not talking about some local crackpots building something in somebody's garage here. These guys were smuggled in
12:10Yeah, but if I was al-qaeda and I had bombers on tap, even if it was just decoy
12:14I'd use more than putty blowing up half of London would just risk us retaliating with everything. We've got this way
12:20It's just between them and the Saudis. Yes, but every time we've retaliated we've only strengthened their cause
12:26Our hour is up in six minutes
12:35Have we'll get rid of her. No, it'll look too suspicious
12:39Why not? There's humor. That's a man
12:42Yes, but that lead was closed down yesterday
12:45What do you mean need to send a message to the king not to the people here keep her alive for now?
12:50Besides if you need it, she could be useful. We won't need it
13:15Yeah, I think so what's happening what they want this one's time is up
13:33I won't choose rules. They won't getting laws won't help get their people released. Yeah, you're assuming they're thinking clearly
13:41To now they have
14:22Have been given clearance to talk to you more detail
14:26Nice flat good divorce
14:29the chance of a drink
14:31Yes, of course see what I've got
15:19Sorry what
15:33Beg of you this man is a guest of her mattresses government venue. He's my responsibility. You cannot do this, please
16:02He's the ambassador
17:19Won't let this go. I'll send in help
17:27I'm not sure if I want to wait that long
17:59Am a mechanic
18:03Let's do what I thought
18:17You try to get yourself killed I'm trying to save our lives
18:34Foreign office are putting pressure on the King trying to persuade him not to cave in
18:38You really expect him not to the ambassador was near to the inner circle. The others are just as close
18:43He's not going to sit back and watch as they're murdered one by one to release the prisoners will be a disaster
18:48400 hardline fanatics freed in one go make Iraq look like a Buddhist monastery by comparison. That's not the only downside
18:56The nuclear plants the PM is apoplectic Harry
19:00This deal is absolutely critical in guaranteeing our oil supply
19:05You need to find a way to end this siege
19:12Enter the gypsum
19:26You're a minister I've been better
19:30How are you
19:33Was mine am I fine?
19:36At Harry Pierce assign you to watch over me. No, I was being threatened
19:42They want me to kill the nuclear deal. Hmm. Thank you big
19:52It's all things because from day one
19:56Anything worthwhile usually is I
20:01Can't see the Saudi King holding out he'll free the prisoners
20:06In that case how long before our people storm in and get us out
20:18I didn't think it was
20:25The bulletproof glass means we can't listen in and the terrorists are using highly encrypted mobile phones
20:30Which we can't monitor GT HQ in the dark on this one. These guys are seriously well prepared
20:34Yeah, it turns Sally. They killed anyone that I don't need anymore before we could get to them and they've got all the right gear
20:39Yeah, I think
20:43It's everything okay, I'm watching your news
20:47Yeah, look I'll be here with Wes don't worry just do what you have to do
20:56Will thanks
21:01Okay, let's go back a few steps al-qaeda
21:04Trick us in order to take hostages. What are they after the release of their people from Saudi?
21:09Jail, what does that get them?
21:10What chaos in Saudi Arabia?
21:13400 potential suicide bombers set free to rip the country to shreds
21:16Car bombs shootings foreigners pulling out the collapse of the royal family and it becomes politically unacceptable for us to sell nuclear power to
21:23a country that's in turmoil
21:24The deal dies. I think that's what this is about. I keep coming back to one thing if it was al-qaeda. Why use fake bombers?
21:31Yeah, but you really think any other country would want to destroy our deal with Saudi Arabia that badly
21:35These are attacks on London. We're talking about you hang on if we can't sell nuclear power to the Saudis
21:39I can't see how any other country can justify doing business with the minor
21:42No one gets the oil turmoil in Saudi Arabia, they don't get the plutonium
21:48It's a win-win situation if you're Israeli
22:21Believe you have an expression that says don't bite the hand that feeds you
22:27It's complicated, but I didn't know they were planning this
22:35People I work with you know, he's been not exactly
22:42These terrorists want to overthrow your government. They want to get rid of your family of you
22:47That's the future
22:49And because no matter who's running the country
22:51We still have 25% of the world's oil reserves and those reserves are worthless if we don't sell them
22:59Terrorists they're going to win sooner or later
23:04And once they do
23:07I need people who know how to run a country people who can talk to the West
23:13Don't worry a little head over a tidy just stay close to me and you'll be fine
23:35I need you for something
23:37Quickly I've been going through Sally's computer and I remembered she was running your face recognition software. Yes with the beta update
23:44Yeah, well her computer crashed while she was doing it. It's a very powerful program. We still haven't ironed out all the bugs
23:49Okay, but here's what's strange
23:50I was going through all her caches and it looks like all the programs locked at the same time
23:54Not just the recognition software. It's as if something crashed the system altogether rather than the software itself making it crash
24:00That doesn't sound right
24:37Excuse me. Excuse me. I really need to talk to your boss
25:07What are you doing?
25:38What do you want I really really need to use the ladies don't waste my time
25:58Y'all wish wait wait
26:20Know about Harry since they arrived in that container. They haven't missed a step aside from being discovered at the port
26:25Okay, one mistake. The point is how they reacted to it. I mean think about it
26:30There's only one country with the ideological stance the political will and the highly trained but deniable officers that could pull off something like this
26:38You see what I mean some of the background programs were still running. All right, let's mine down to the hex addresses
26:53This is unusual someone sent her a spike. Hmm. It's a terminal. I don't hear can you see who's it is?
27:07Dammit what's caused that to quit?
27:18Malcolm you try one more time. It'll just do it again. Please man
27:32Yeah, do you have a minute I'm in the middle of something I just wanted to double-check some things
27:36It's urgent
27:40You're accusing Israel of an act of terrorism on British soil, yeah
27:45Even if you're right that this is about stopping the nuclear deal and many countries many groups who could be behind this
27:50I can't go upstream with no proof. I need more
27:55You're familiar with the Arabic dialects, aren't you?
27:59It's not my area of expertise, I'm sure there are other people
28:21It was him that downloaded the watchlist from Sally's computer, it's a hell of a lot more than that I debate a lot down
28:28Activating immediate lockdown
28:51Get Malcolm on it
28:59I know
29:02You can't get to me either
29:05He's put a lock on the security chamber and you can't reverse the action he's corrupted his access profile
29:10What's the point of a security system that works against you? It wasn't designed to deal with this eventuality
29:15I don't think we'll have to deal with it much longer
29:18Look, yeah, we can we can work this out
29:23Just help us to end the siege
29:25I've gone way beyond that Adam
29:29This could escalate to something horrific we live in an horrific world
29:38You think this is what Rachel would want absolutely no she wouldn't
29:46Everything I did I did for her
29:54Lost Fiona
29:57Maybe you'll start to understand
30:00Maybe her death wouldn't have been in vain after all
30:04Adam he's taken cyanide a bit old-fashioned, but it does the trick
30:10Who's your contact in Israel?
30:13Yeah, listen to me who's your contact in Israel come on now, what's the purpose of the mission come on give me something
30:24Give me something don't let this happen. Give me something, you know, it's really strange
30:35For the first time since Rachel's death
30:37It actually feels good to think about
30:59Bastard you fucking coward
31:07Just like other shit
32:13Wife was Israeli. They had to identify her through dental records. He had nothing to bury
32:17Well, I feel compassion for him about that
32:19But to collaborate with these people whose side was he on Neil and I used to argue for hours over Middle Eastern politics
32:26He was hugely pro-israeli
32:27So much so that I once asked him if there was a war between the UK and Israel he'd fight for more was his answer
32:33Never gave me one
32:35Till now
32:38Another hours nearly up
32:52I'm in the ballroom with 14 hostages
32:54They've got c4 all over the main entry points and explosives in the wall of the basement in the northeast corner
33:01Shut up
33:03Kelton's the Al-Qaeda surprise the terrorists know that
33:18Rose listen, they're not Al-Qaeda
33:39She's next
34:46This can't go on
34:55I'm tipping coming star from Carmen. I'm a coming in my Emma
35:20Don't miss sugar that high you're out of your mind what makes you think we're behind all this come on Yuri
35:24This has got Mossad written all over it
35:27You know what your mistake was?
35:29You're too perfect
35:31You do things too well, which normally would work for you
35:34But in this case, it's what gave you up and be serious. I it's the Shabbat for heaven's sake
35:39I got better places to be call them off your eat
35:43You don't think this serves both our purposes
35:46Saudi Arabia up in flames. I fail to see how that can serve anybody's purposes our American patrons
35:51Finally have an excuse to go in and grab those oil fields for strategic reasons put aside all this nonsense about
35:58spreading freedom and democracy
36:01Let the rest go to hell
36:03Let them slaughter each other till kingdom come and there I was thinking the neo-cons were the crazies these glorified
36:09Bedouins squandered the greatest gift that can be bestowed on any nation
36:13What are they wasted on gold-plated yachts palaces in Marbella?
36:17While keeping their people in a state of the Middle Ages and you you want to sell them nuclear technology
36:24So that is what all this is about
36:26It's criminally irresponsible high and you know it
36:30These people can't be trusted with that sort of thing
36:32Whereas you people can be trusted to behave in a reasonable and calm man. Be careful how you call them off
36:36You're a well, this could blow up in your face
36:39Adam killing out
36:41It's a story as old as time itself
36:46Shut up
36:58Just met with Yuri Kolchak
37:00They're trying to derail the nuclear deal. Oh Harry. This is ludicrous
37:04Juliet do you have proof Juliet for God's sake?
37:06I'm telling you Israeli officers have taken over the Saudi Trade Center and shot dead to leading diplomats here in London
37:18God knows how the Arab world's going to respond to this. I mean countries have gone to war over far less
37:25All the more reason to keep it under wraps
37:27We can't let them get away with this
37:28They've murdered innocent people if what you're saying is true exposing. This would be a disaster impossible to contain
37:36Which is just as well
37:37Because the decision has already been made we are going in what they won't
37:41Negotiate Harry the king is this close to releasing the prisoners and if he does Saudi Arabia will descend into chaos
37:47And we can kiss our nuclear deal. Goodbye forget about the nuclear deal Juliet. That's not going to happen
37:51It will if we do this right we go in fast and hard we take out the terrorists and no one need know who they
37:57Were or where they came from what about the hostages in there?
38:00Wise is there with his wife, and I've got Ross in there
38:06I'm sorry about Ross. We have no choice when imminent
38:22What's the news
38:24Kings not giving in knew that could happen. It doesn't matter
38:27Once you've done it'll create enough of a stir to keep this deal off the table for a while
38:31Give us time to plan things better
38:34But you gotta wrap it up
38:36Yes, I guess I going in when within the hour before the next execution
38:41You know what to do
39:03Don't know we're going in the head kneel they'll have others so the priority won't be the hostages
39:07I'll just want to end this building surrounded. It'll be a bloodbath, but then Mossad they value their people to the last
39:13They don't send their officers to assure death, and they don't leave them behind either. There must be a way out
39:19Ross said they were planning explosives in the basement on the wall in the northeast corner. There must be an underground exit
39:25That's their escape group. There's nothing on the building plans. Let me check the local maps
39:28I'll check with London underground you get yourself over there
39:39Want everybody here to understand that they do not speak for me
39:47It's Kelty wasn't your enemy was he so why did you kill him?
39:53Unless you're not really who you say you are
39:55and your accent I
39:58Knew someone who spoke just like mr.. Rahi am I right?
40:03He was a Yemeni Jew
40:06You're a Jew
40:09You wanted to stop them you clear deal
40:12And you want to keep our enemies the mean to destroy us as long as you think of them as enemies are not as you
40:16Know shut up you can think of that you live in Greenwich in a nice house
40:20Say come and live in Tel Aviv and see if you still think like that when you have a half of your family blowing up
40:25We have two of your kids died in a restaurant
40:27It's not about you. It's not about me. It's about the survival of our people
40:32This deal is more important to my government than you know they won't let this go any further regardless of the cost
40:43She brought the fudge it out
40:54We're gonna go in here through the kitchens on the lower floor and here by means of access through the fire escape through the upper floors
41:01We'll use a diversion here
41:03There's a disused underground exit shaft that runs alongside the east perimeter of the building
41:08It's only about three feet outside the basement wall, so the great explosion could break right through to it
41:13Yeah, if it doesn't bring the whole place down. I'm sending this command right now
41:16We're gonna go in here through the kitchens on the lower floor and here by means of access through the fire escape through the upper floors
41:22Yeah, if it doesn't bring the whole place down. I'm sending the schematics through to your PDA
41:27I'm gonna try and escape through an old underground exit shaft. What are you thinking?
41:32We need to keep the official plan going that could have miles
41:34Not with us trust me on this these guys know what they're doing anything's possible
41:38You go in as planned and just give me a small team with someone who can handle explosives
41:42We'll go in just before you through the exit
42:02Will not repeat this twice
42:47This way that's the exit shop going through the wall there send the explosives
45:01Mr.. Wise you okay? I'm fine. I help my wife, please
45:12You're right. What was the body count five six of them. I know where he is
48:55So no one will ever really know what happened here tonight. It's called transparent government
49:01There is a silver lining
49:04Saudi government showed great character and political will in resisting the demands of the fundamentalists
49:10Prime Minister fully vindicated in selling them the nuclear plants and carrying on with his valiant nation-building endeavors
49:17And we flushed out our sympathizer
49:20Well he pretty much flushed himself, but what a bad story for tomorrow's newspapers
49:30Go home wasn't it
50:10Is it over yeah, so you can rest
50:50Congratulations, I city is safe again now. We can all sleep comfortably in our beds
51:01But it isn't over yet
51:04Don't you want the bodies of your men back? Okay, Matt? What are you talking about?
51:08Astoundingly there's not a trace of evidence to link them to Mossad
51:13Because they were all anonymous out of terrorists and now they're all dead
51:21See contrary to any reports you might have read
51:24The leader of the anonymous Arab terrorists didn't actually die in the shootout far from it. It's actually the picture of good health
51:31Trouble is we don't know what to do with him
51:35No one's claimed him yet, which is understandable
51:37Any country which did claim him would have to explain what he was doing leading a group of terrorists to take over the Trade Center
51:44But open up a really nasty can of worms don't you think?
51:50Suspect our terrorist is going to remain anonymous for the rest of his days. Thank you
52:38Welcome to camp x-ray, son