• last year
Keir Starmer fights back tears as he reveals his one regret in lifeVirgin Radio UK
00:00you didn't go back to say something to him that you now
00:05realized that you wanted to but you didn't in the moment and so a what was it for people who don't know B
00:12You did what's the point in beating yourself about it? If you didn't feel in the moment C. Did you not say it's because
00:21Something that he was he said he never he's never he never hugged you once
00:25You wanted to tell him that you loved him
00:27You wanted to tell him that you respected him, which is the one thing that you think he didn't get out of life
00:32Just speak to that moment. Yeah, this was he was a complicated man. He was utterly devoted to my mum who was very very ill and
00:40With Stills disease and then complicated steroids over lay of that
00:44She lost her leg and in the end couldn't speak or really do anything and he totally looked after her all the time
00:50So all his emotional energy went there
00:52Which meant it was more distant with us children particularly and between him and me and we we didn't talk he he never really
01:00Expressed pride in what I did. He certainly didn't say I love you and and it was just distant and it became
01:07Distant it was it was there was a gap a massive gap and I knew it was there. He knew it was there and
01:15He became ill and it was end-of-life care and I I don't know why the last time I saw him in hospital
01:22I knew he was going to die. I just knew some something inside me told me and
01:28That could have been the moment for me to have said I love you and I respect you the very thing that he felt he
01:35didn't have
01:36all his life and
01:38And I I almost remember having a fight with myself as I was in the hospital as to whether to say us or not
01:43And I didn't and I walked away
01:45And I'm I like you I don't like regret actually
01:47I almost never say I regret anything because there's not much point going around saying I regret this I regret that
01:53It's the one thing I do say I regret
01:56That one was down to me
