Art et designTranscription
00:00🎵Générique de fin🎵
00:29🎵Musique de fin🎵
00:39Bonsoir, Mila ! Tu te lèves bien ?
00:42Oh, salut ! Vous êtes en retard !
00:44Dès que je vais réparer ça, je sors d'ici !
00:47C'est l'heure de pêcher !
00:51Oh, viens oncle Walt !
00:52Tu as déjà pêché la nuit dernière !
00:54Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ensemble, juste les trois d'entre nous ?
00:56Ça sera bien ! Tu verras !
01:01Comment je peux dire non quand tu fais cette face de lézard ?
01:25Walter ! Il faut aller pêcher !
01:27Nouveau, zébra, mouche, n'importe quoi !
01:29Mammoth ! Mammoth !
01:32J'ai peur que notre cher Walter souffre d'une addiction problématique à la pêche !
01:36Il doit y avoir un moyen pour qu'il passe plus de temps avec moi !
01:39Quelque chose qu'il aimerait autant que la pêche !
01:42Je l'ai compris !
01:43Je peux vous enseigner deux choses, une activité qui concerne l'exercice physique et l'exercice,
01:47dans laquelle les individus ou les équipes compètent contre l'un l'autre pour l'entretien !
01:52Vraiment ?
01:53Je vais vous enseigner les deux...
01:55Le jeu de sport !
01:57Super cool !
01:59Hein ? Attends, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
02:03Mes chers roncs, aujourd'hui nous allons vous présenter les activités sociales que j'ai créées !
02:09C'est le sport !
02:15C'est le Storp !
02:17Oui ! Ce sport s'appelle...
02:19Tirer la roche avec le pied dans le trou !
02:21Mais je ne vois pas le point de ce sport !
02:23Il n'y a pas de tirage, pas d'armes, pas d'animaux...
02:26Je suis d'accord !
02:27Ce sport est totalement inutile !
02:31Allez, oncle Walt !
02:33C'est quelque chose que vous et moi pouvons faire ensemble sans avoir à s'inquiéter de ma sécurité !
02:36Et si vous n'aimez pas, vous pouvez retourner à la pêche !
02:39Juste donnez-lui une chance !
02:42Bon, ok !
02:44Je vais essayer, mais je fais juste en sûr que je n'aime pas !
02:51C'était pas bien !
02:53Wow ! Walter, tu es un naturel !
02:56Oui, je sais ! Je suis un naturel à presque tout !
03:02Y compris la gravité !
03:07Bien joué, Walter !
03:09Fais-le ! Fais-le !
03:11C'est bon !
03:13C'est bon !
03:15C'est bon !
03:17C'est bon !
03:19C'est bon !
03:21Hein ?
03:25Ça va, mon chérie !
03:27Ça peut se passer à tout le monde !
03:29C'est bon, touriste, tu es dans la pine !
03:36Wow ! Quelle touche !
03:39Bien joué, partenaire !
03:41On devrait faire la différence des techniques plus tard !
03:43Disregarding hunting for the sake of playtime?
03:46Oh, this is unacceptable!
03:49If the rogues neglect their duties,
03:51that will mean less food for the village
03:53and less offerings for us!
04:03Yes, yes!
04:14Here, I fixed your bow.
04:16Let's say you and I go out and give it a whirl.
04:19No thanks, Mila. I've already got my weapon of choice.
04:22Hey Flash, the Biff brothers want to challenge us to a game.
04:25You in?
04:27Hope you warmed up.
04:29Hey, what about me?
04:31Mila, how to put this,
04:33the game in which we are competing
04:35is restricted to predetermined participants.
04:37Why don't you go and play with friends your own age?
04:45Coming, Walter!
04:47I'm sure you'll find something else to do, Mila.
04:51Oh, I will. Just you wait and see.
05:05What are you doing here?
05:07What are you doing here?
05:09Alright, alright.
05:10I came here to hide all the sticks
05:12so you could quit playing that stupid game.
05:14Especially Uncle Walt.
05:16I understand just how you feel.
05:18We need the rocks to hunt once again
05:21and bring back offerings for the village.
05:24You'll be doing us a great service
05:26by helping me figure out a plan.
05:28But it involves putting the sticks back.
05:30I'll explain later.
05:34Let's see if these little babies
05:36can hit the rock with the stick.
05:38Goo goo!
05:40Mila, rock.
05:45Good luck, Uncle Walter.
05:54Hey, you! Give me back my rock!
05:59Don't worry, Uncle Walter.
06:02Don't worry, Walter.
06:04We shall make this a hole-in-one.
06:06Hey, Flash, look.
06:08What? I don't see anything.
06:10Yeah, me neither.
06:14Why are the cro-sauruses attacking us?
06:19Mila, wait!
06:20Take this one.
06:22It'll bring you good luck.
06:24Thank you, More Magnon.
06:31Oh, oh, oh!
06:33Oh, oh, oh!
06:35Oh, oh, oh!
06:43This way, Mama.
06:45The Oongaka fairy gnomes
06:47are telling the cro-sauruses to attack us
06:49because we stopped hunting.
06:51Oh, they're after Flash.
06:53There is no doubt about it.
06:55The only solution is to sacrifice that blue maggot
06:57in order to appease them.
06:59Oh, that blue maggot
07:01was really starting to grow on me.
07:03But alas, so be it.
07:19Ready, Flash?
07:21Yes. Wait.
07:29Oh, oh, oh!
07:37Why are they attacking us like that?
07:39It is really unexplainable.
07:41Yeah, I think I know why.
07:44I might have switched the rocks
07:46with cro-saurus eggs.
07:48You ruined our game?
07:51See? All you care about is playing.
07:54Mila, how did you manage
07:56to get the eggs all by yourself?
07:59With more Magnon's help.
08:01More Magnon?
08:03I'm sorry.
08:05All I wanted was to spend more time
08:07with Uncle Walter.
08:09But you let me down instead.
08:11Both of you.
08:13I am truly sorry, Mila.
08:15We forgot it was only a game.
08:17Flash is right.
08:19I promise we'll never play
08:21hit the rock with the stick into the hole again.
08:23The name is too long anyway.
08:25Uncle Walt!
08:27We've got to get those cro-sauruses off our backs.
08:48That's it. Those were the last of the eggs.
08:50You're way wrong, Uncle Walter.
08:52Then why are the cro-sauruses
08:54still circling over there?
08:56More Magnon!
09:00When Mama finds out
09:02the cro-sauruses aren't leaving
09:04her punishment of Flash will be dreadful.
09:06No more Flash.
09:08No more sport.
09:10I'm a genius.
09:13More Magnon!
09:16Why have you been holding on to those eggs?
09:19Mama, look!
09:21I found Flash!
09:23You've been caught red-handed!
09:25You evil jellyfish!
09:31Hey, at least they've gotten all their eggs back.
09:33Ah, brave More Magnon
09:36who has sacrificed himself
09:38for the village's sake.
09:40Now that peace has been restored to the village,
09:42Flash, your punishment is lifted.
09:44But I never want to hear about
09:46STORP ever again.
09:49Ha! Ha!
10:05Oh, no, no, thank you.
10:07I'm not hungry.
10:09Godsay, help!
10:18Oh, Godsay,
10:20our supplies are terribly low.
10:22You know what this means.
10:24Time to make Tukka the Tender cry.
10:37Well done, Mila.
10:39Excellent sling use.
10:41Teaching them to use baby toys again?
10:43I don't think so.
10:45Excellent sling use.
10:47Teaching them to use baby toys again, Flash?
10:50What a mighty hunter.
10:52He has strange skills.
10:54Black horn.
10:57I don't need your silly knick-knacks
10:59to hit the bullseye.
11:17I am deeply disappointed.
11:19You have until tomorrow
11:21to fix this mess.
11:23I hope you're better at handiwork
11:25than you are at aiming.
11:29Sorry, Uncle Walt.
11:31Why don't you have a try with the sling?
11:33I'm sure you'd be wrong at it.
11:35No, thanks.
11:37I'll hunt the same way my ancestors did.
11:39Frankly, Walter, you're being stubborn.
11:41You know, centrifugal force can be...
11:43Another time.
11:45Tooka the Tender is calling!
11:49Runks, listen to me
11:51as I am your storyteller.
11:53This morning,
11:55Tooka the Tender channeled
11:57a crucial message through me.
11:59Oh, venerable tree,
12:01let me be one with your feelings
12:03and tell the Runks
12:05what you require.
12:09This is much worse
12:11than I thought.
12:13He is deep with despair.
12:15Look at his tears!
12:17What's happening?
12:19Oh, come on, it's just dripping sap.
12:23Oh, such sadness!
12:27We must dance in a Tooka the Tender!
12:29We must bring him happiness!
12:31It's because he's angry
12:33when his tummy grumbles!
12:35My tummy grumbles!
12:37Can you hear it?
12:39He speaks through my mouth!
12:41And his blurs through my bow!
12:45And he makes me fly!
12:47All righty, Runks,
12:49bring your offerings right here!
12:51Single file line, hurry now!
12:53Tooka's waiting!
12:59Here, Tooka,
13:01I hope you'll feel better with this.
13:03Look, Mila, it has more elasticity
13:05than Walter's stomach.
13:07Don't make fun of me.
13:09I'm no longer good for anything anyway.
13:11I'll go spread my uselessness somewhere else.
13:13Hmm, let me see.
13:23Oops, sorry.
13:25This is way easier to use
13:27than that sling.
13:29This is just the thing Uncle Walter needs.
13:31This will cheer him up.
13:45What are you doing?
13:49Are you crazy?
13:51If Mormagnon finds out what you're doing...
14:07Tooka's tears!
14:09Treachery! Treachery!
14:15Mama, Walter assaulted Tooka the Tender
14:17and made him cry!
14:19He has ruined our village's prosperity!
14:21Even worse,
14:23Tooka the Tender is still crying.
14:27What have you done?
14:29Walter, how dare you!
14:31As punishment for your thoughtless actions,
14:33you shall swim to Isolation Island
14:35and remain there
14:37for four full moons.
14:49Look, it's not so bad
14:51on Isolation Island.
14:53In fact, it's quite serene
14:55and peaceful.
14:59You just have to make it
15:01past the flesh-eating sea life.
15:15Tooka the Tender has chosen him!
15:29What about me?
15:31What about me?
15:33Tooka makes me fly!
15:35Walter, this is superb news!
15:37The wrong civilization
15:39is going to make great strides with rubber.
15:41We'll be able to exploit...
15:45Tooka the Tender is now speaking through my voice
15:47and he does not want to be exploited.
15:49You should at least try this, Uncle.
15:51It's way better than the sling,
15:53I promise.
16:13Flash log number 860.
16:15The use of rubber has exceeded my expectations.
16:17Not only is it increasing
16:19efficiency in hunting, but the Ronks
16:21are utilizing the latex in the most creative ways
16:23possible. As for Walter,
16:25he has re-established himself as best hunter
16:27in the village. Even Mama's needs
16:29have been met.
16:31What? Poor Magnon!
16:33Don't like rubber?
16:43We must reclaim control of Tooka
16:45and I think my nightmare
16:47has given me an idea.
16:55Bravo, Walter!
16:57Walter, you are the greatest hunter ever!
16:59No animal is any
17:01match against you.
17:03Well, of course, except for this one.
17:07You're right.
17:09The mighty black horn has been untouchable.
17:11Until now, it hasn't
17:13experienced my rock shot yet.
17:15Come to think of it, it couldn't hurt
17:17to improve upon your rock shot.
17:19Oh, in fact...
17:23I don't like this.
17:27Walter! Walter! Walter!
17:29Walter! Walter! Walter!
17:31Walter! Walter! Walter!
17:33Walter! Walter! Walter!
17:35I'm sure you've skewed the line of sight.
17:37We'll have a good laugh.
17:55It's time for stage two!
18:09Come and fight like a man!
18:15Uncle Walt!
18:17Don't you touch my uncle!
18:29Leave them alone!
18:31I'm the one you want!
18:39Sorry, buddy!
18:41Need your help for a sec!
18:59Uncle Walt!
19:01I was so worried about you!
19:03I'm sorry.
19:05This is all my fault.
19:07No way, Mila!
19:09I'm the one who made a fool of myself.
19:11Which I seem to have a knack for.
19:13I'm just glad you're okay.
19:15Oh, me too!
19:19You won't be needing this.
19:21It's obvious that Tuca the Tender
19:23has abandoned Walter.
19:25Rubber is officially outlawed
19:27from this village.
19:29As for you, Walter,
19:31you'll be an ordinary hunter again.
19:33But first, you must clean up your mess.
19:35You were pretty good at fixing
19:37my cave up, after all.
19:39Flash log number 861.
19:41Once again, progress is displaced.
19:43This time by a couple of boulders
19:45and a giant cow.
19:47It's pretty obvious we won't be seeing
19:49rubber any time soon.
19:51Well, we might be able to
19:53stretch the rules once in a while.