• 16 years ago
DL: http://www.mediafire.com/?mn1yte41im2
Edited by: Devil^Shin
Premiered: 03-30-2006
Anime/Game: (+2) Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children,
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus (PS2)
Song: Gackt "Redemption"

- Middle Tennessee Anime Convention International AMV Contest - Best Technical Award.
- VCA 2007 Simi-Finalist in - Best Action, Best Dramatic, Most Artistic, Character Profile, Best Use of Visual FX, Most Original, Video of the Year.

Alternative Title:
Final Fantasy VII: El Rescate (Spanish)
Финальная Фантазия VII: Дети Пришествия (Russian)
ファイナルファンタジーVII: アドベントチルドレン (Japanese)

Lyrics: [English Translation]
Your form which returns gently to heaven
What else can I do, besides avenge you?
I watched it for the longest time, until my tears dried up.

And the sorrow overflowing from the scar which can't be erased,
I swore that I would never forget it.

I'll flap my broken wings and erase it all some day, you'll see,
Until the last bell ringing the dirge completes.

You told me to live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Fail not and be what we were now
Face as if we want to have forever

Bright red tears traced by a trembling finger,
I had nothing to lose, nothing to lose
It crashes through the dark memories.

The last smile wavered, and disappears,
And the warmth is all that's left.

Your kind and gentle words can't heal me now,
This body's only dedicated to the never ending fight.

Because everyone returns to heaven, some day,
You'll never need to say goodbye.

Break out!

I'll flap my broken wings and erase it all some day, you'll see,
Until the last bell ringing the dirge completes.

Your kind and gentle words can't heal me now,
This body's only dedicated to the never ending fight.