00:00 [Musique]
00:10 Un jour, Mr. Gruber a pris Paddington sur un tour à l'auction.
00:14 [Brouhaha]
00:20 Il a acheté un catalogue des produits à vendre,
00:23 et a ensuite trouvé un siège près du devant,
00:24 pour qu'ils puissent voir bien tout ce qui se passait.
00:26 [Brouhaha]
00:28 Paddington a décidé tout de suite qu'il aimait les ventes d'auction.
00:31 Tout était très amicable.
00:33 En fait, il n'avait pas eu le temps de se poser avant que quelqu'un s'éloigne.
00:36 Alors il s'éloignait.
00:38 Puis un autre homme s'éloignait.
00:40 Alors il s'éloignait aussi.
00:41 Et puis il a élevé son masque, plusieurs fois pour bonne mesure.
00:45 "4 pounds on bid.
00:47 5 pounds over there.
00:49 Going."
00:49 Appelait l'auctionneur, pointant à Paddington.
00:51 "Going. Going. Gone."
00:55 "But I've only just got here!" exclaimed Paddington.
00:58 "Don't worry," said Mr. Gruber.
01:00 "That's the auctioneer. He's just sold something."
01:05 Paddington gave the man a hard stare.
01:07 "I hope it's not that table!" he exclaimed.
01:09 "It must be full of dents by now."
01:13 "Lot 65. One carpentry set.
01:16 Sold to the young bear with the sandwiches for 5 pounds."
01:19 "5 pounds?" exclaimed Paddington.
01:23 "For a carpentry set?
01:25 But I've only got 10 pounds."
01:27 Mr. Gruber reached for his wallet.
01:29 "I expect it was because you waved, Mr. Brown," he whispered.
01:32 "You see, if you knot your head, or even scratch your nose at an auction sale,
01:36 they often think it's a sign you're interested."
01:40 Paddington sat very still, hardly daring to breathe,
01:42 let alone nibble his sandwich,
01:44 in case he bought something else by mistake.
01:47 "What am I bid for this old highwayman's pistol?" called the auctioneer.
01:49 "Wants the property of Dick Turpin?"
01:52 "I think I might try for that," whispered Mr. Gruber.
01:54 "I've been after one for ages."
01:56 "Come along. Who's going to start the bidding?"
01:58 "10 pounds," called someone at the back of the hall.
02:00 "11!" called Mr. Gruber.
02:02 "12!" shouted the other man.
02:03 "Oh dear!" said Mr. Gruber.
02:04 "I hope I don't lose it, Mr. Brown."
02:06 "13 pounds!"
02:08 "14!" shouted Paddington.
02:11 "Any advance on 14 pounds?"
02:14 "15!" shouted Paddington wildly.
02:16 "15 pounds!" called the auctioneer.
02:18 "Going, going, gone!"
02:21 "Sold to the young bear gentleman on my right."
02:24 Mr. Gruber began to feel that perhaps taking Paddington to an auction sale
02:27 wasn't such a good thing after all.
02:30 "Perhaps I'd better not do any more bidding," Mr. Gruber began Paddington.
02:33 "I don't think bears are very good at it."
02:36 "Lot 67, a very unusual marmalade stand."
02:40 Paddington hastily changed his mind.
02:41 "I'd like one of those!" he exclaimed excitedly.
02:43 "Mrs. Bird's always grumbling because my jars get sticky."
02:48 "What am I bid for this fine piece of antique silver?"
02:51 "5 pence!" cried Paddington excitedly.
02:54 "5 pence?" repeated the auctioneer.
02:56 "Did I hear someone say 5 pence?"
02:59 "6 pence!" said Paddington.
03:01 "If you ask me," said a voice,
03:03 "that young bear knows something we don't."
03:06 "Perhaps it's a fake," said another.
03:07 "No one would bid 6 pence if it were a real silver stand."
03:12 "Going," said the auctioneer desperately.
03:14 "Is that all I'm bid?
03:15 "Will no one make an advance on 6 pence?"
03:18 "Going, going, gone!"
03:21 "And a very good buy indeed, Mr Brown,"
03:25 said Mr Gruber later that day.
03:27 "It more than makes up for the money we lost
03:29 "on your carpentry set and the pistol."
03:31 "It more than makes up for missing our 11's, too, Mr Gruber,"
03:36 said Paddington happily.
03:37 "Besides, I think marmalade tastes even better
03:41 "when it comes out of an antique,
03:43 "especially when it's a 6-penny one."
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04:03 [Générique de fin]
04:05 *Pouet*