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Mahkamah Konstitusi menolak gugatan dari PPP dalam sengketa pileg di dapil Papua Tengah, Selasa 21 Mei 2024.
00:00 The Constitutional Court rejected the ruling of the Pertai Persatuan Pembangunan or P3
00:07 regarding the violation of legislative elections in the Dapil-Papua Tengah election area.
00:12 This was directly reported by nine judges
00:15 who attended the hearing of the decision to dispute the general election results or PHPUPLEG
00:21 in the Constitutional Court building in Jakarta on May 21.
00:25 Based on the ruling of the Constitutional Court, the P3 ruling for the Dapil-Papua Tengah, Joe Hashim
00:32 expressed his disappointment
00:34 considering the election in Papua using the Nokon system.
00:39 I affirm that this Nokon system has been agreed by the head of the tribe, as many as seven people
00:48 that the vote of the people will be given to Mr. Ardek.
00:55 However, it was changed by the judges at the time of the DPD district,
01:05 the level of the district, then the district council was also changed,
01:10 and the level of the province was also changed.
01:14 Even though there was a request, the P3 dismissed the suspicion of fraud
01:19 that happened in a manipulative way in Central Papua,
01:23 causing the party's voice to be reduced.
01:26 Meanwhile, on the same day, the Ministry of Justice held a decision-making hearing
01:31 on 155 violations in the legislative election PHPU.
01:39 From Jakarta, Muhammad Harel, Pradana Putra Tampi, KB Antara, reporting.
01:45 Thank you for watching.
01:46 [END]
