• l’année dernière


00:00 [Musique]
00:18 Dans un vieil maison, à Paris, couvert de vignes,
00:21 [Musique]
00:25 vivent 12 petites filles,
00:27 dans deux lignes rectes.
00:29 [Musique]
00:42 Ils sont partis de la maison à 9h30.
00:44 [Musique]
00:56 La plus petite fille,
00:58 c'est Madeleine.
01:00 [Musique]
01:04 [Musique]
01:06 In order to be tough
01:07 Then you should get to know me
01:10 I'll teach you other stuff
01:11 If you be me, you must be big
01:14 In order to be tough
01:16 Then you should get to know her
01:18 She'll teach you other stuff
01:20 I'm Madeleine, I'm Madeleine
01:23 And though I'm very small
01:24 I'm Madeleine, I'm Madeleine
01:27 And inside, I'm drawn
01:29 She may be teeny tiny
01:31 Be mini, tiff, or teeth
01:34 But that has never stopped her
01:36 From being pretty neat
01:38 I'm Madeleine, I'm Madeleine
01:41 I'm not some little twig
01:43 I'm Madeleine, I'm Madeleine
01:45 And inside, I'm big
01:47 Dumpty, dumpty dum
01:49 I'm Madeleine, I'm Madeleine
01:51 I'm not afraid at all
01:53 I'm Madeleine, I'm Madeleine
01:56 I'm bravest of all
01:58 Dumpty, dumpty dum
02:04 She's Madeleine, she's Madeleine
02:06 We hope you have it straight
02:08 She's Madeleine, she's Madeleine
02:11 And inside, she's
02:13 Dumpty, dumpty dum
02:15 Hey!
02:15 Oh, Madeleine!
02:17 In another old house that stood next door
02:25 lived Pepito, the son of the Spanish ambassador
02:27 Bonjour, Pepito!
02:30 Hola, Madeleine!
02:33 Pepito, you look so sad
02:35 What is the matter?
02:36 Oh, Pepito, my son
02:40 Do not look so sad
02:41 You will like living in London
02:43 London?
02:45 You are moving to London?
02:47 Si, Madeleine
02:49 Today
02:50 And I must leave Pablito the cat here
02:53 I must leave my whole menagerie here
02:56 My mother has developed an allergy
02:59 Achoo!
03:02 [Musique]
03:07 An ambassador may not have to pay the rent
03:10 but he has to move to wherever he's sent
03:12 Adios, Madeleine
03:15 Gracias for keeping Pablito
03:17 Au revoir, Pepito
03:20 Adios, Anulas
03:22 Au revoir, Pepito
03:24 Good bye, we'll miss you
03:26 The little girls all cried
03:28 Oh, oh, we'd like to go to London too
03:32 [Musique]
03:45 In London, Pepito just picked at his dinner
03:48 Soon he grew thin and then he grew thinner
03:51 And when he began to look like a stick
03:54 his mama said
03:56 My, this boy looks sick
03:58 I think Pepito is lonely for Madeleine
04:01 and his Parisian friends
04:03 His papa called Paris
04:04 Hello, Miss Clavel
04:07 My little Pepito is not at all well
04:10 He misses you
04:12 And he is lonesome for Madeleine
04:14 and the little girls next door
04:16 They miss him too
04:18 Please, come and visit
04:20 There is plenty of room
04:21 And Pepito's birthday is coming up soon
04:24 Merci beaucoup, seigneur
04:26 What a lovely invitation
04:28 [Musique]
04:31 Quick, darlings, pack your bags
04:33 And then we will get out to the airport
04:35 and catch the next plane
04:37 Bien, bien, my Pepito
04:40 Your appetite has returned
04:43 That is because Madeleine is coming to visit
04:46 Fill the house with lovely flowers
04:51 Flyer flags from all the towers
04:54 For Pepito's birthday cake
04:56 The most wonderful birthday cake
04:58 Place 12 bells in two straight lines
05:01 This last one will be Madeleine's
05:04 My friends are coming to London
05:07 My friends are coming to London
05:09 To London, to London
05:11 Now everything is fine
05:13 Pack your things, no time to waste
05:15 Off to the airport, haste, haste, haste
05:17 We'll take a toothbrush and our hats
05:20 And leave some milk for Pepito's cat
05:23 Au revoir, haute house, farewell, green vines
05:26 Goodbye, dear beds in two straight lines
05:29 We are going to London
05:32 Now everything is fine
05:34 Au revoir, Mrs. Murphy
05:36 And while we are away
05:37 Please get someone to trim the hedges
05:40 And cut the grass
05:41 Merci, merci
05:43 We are going to London
05:47 We are going to London
05:49 To London, to London
05:51 Now everything is fine
05:54 They are going to London
05:56 They are going to London
05:58 We are going to London
06:00 Now everything is fine
06:04 Au revoir, à plus tard
06:07 Au revoir, à plus tard
06:10 Bon Dieu !
06:11 C'est le jour de la naissance de Pepito
06:13 Nous n'avons pas acheté de cadeau
06:15 Que devons-nous lui offrir ?
06:17 Tout le monde le sait, bien sûr
06:21 Il a toujours dit qu'il voulait un chien
06:23 Un chien ?
06:24 Mon Dieu !
06:26 Je ne pense pas que nous pouvons l'offrir
06:28 Dans leurs petites poches
06:30 Et dans la poche de Mme Clavel
06:32 Il n'y avait pas assez d'argent pour acheter le plus chaud
06:34 Eh bien, nous allons acheter quelque chose d'autre
06:37 Oh non !
06:39 Je ne veux pas en avoir
06:41 Tu as raison, ma petite
06:43 En Londres, nous pourrions peut-être acheter
06:45 Au moins un chien de retour
06:47 Nous allons voir
06:49 Alors ils sont allés à la stable
06:55 Où ils ont trouvé un chien qui était gentil, fort et sonore
06:59 Laissez-nous l'acheter
07:01 Non, celui-ci
07:06 Mais, Mme, il est trop vieux
07:08 Trop vieux, trop lent
07:10 Il est parfait, vous verrez
07:12 Certains pauvres chevaux sont faits en colle
07:25 Mais pas celui-ci, bientôt il était bon comme nouveau
07:29 Ils sont arrivés à l'embassé à midi
07:31 Pepito les a vu et a sorti pour dire
07:33 Madeleine, Madeline
07:35 Quelle joie !
07:38 Vous êtes arrivée juste en temps pour mon anniversaire
07:40 Bienvenue à Londres
07:43 Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
07:45 Vous devez déconner
07:47 C'est un truc pour les jouets ?
07:49 Oh non, c'est mon déjeuner
07:51 Je ne peux pas le faire
07:53 Je ne peux pas le faire
07:55 Je ne peux pas le faire
07:57 Je ne peux pas le faire
07:59 Je ne peux pas le faire
08:02 Je ne peux pas le faire
08:04 Je ne peux pas le faire
08:06 Je ne peux pas le faire
08:08 Je ne peux pas le faire
08:10 Oh non, le mien est plus grand
08:12 Et il a quatre jambes
08:14 Et vous pouvez le cacher
08:16 Un vélo ?
08:18 Non, non, Boubou, il a quatre jambes
08:21 Dites-moi, dites-moi
08:24 Surprise, surprise
08:32 Bon anniversaire Pepito, bon anniversaire
08:34 Nous avons apporté ce beau cheval juste pour vous
08:38 Un cheval, un cheval, juste pour moi
08:41 Merci à vous tous
08:43 Bon anniversaire
08:46 Pepito l'a appelé Piccadilly
08:48 Et il a parlé au cheval
08:50 Ce qui peut paraître drôle pour certains
08:52 Piccadilly, votre coat a l'air si propre et brillant
08:56 Je pense que c'est le moment de faire un tournoi de fête
08:59 Allez Madeline
09:01 Juste à ce moment-là
09:03 Une trompette a tourné
09:06 Bonjour
09:08 Madeline, Pepito
09:10 Piccadilly a tombé et est allé au mur
09:13 Pour prendre son lieu devant la tête de la garde de la Reine
09:16 Que lui avait toujours laissée
09:18 Madeline, Pepito
09:21 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
09:24 Ce cheval s'est fait courir avec eux
09:28 Venez les enfants, nous devons les trouver dans la ville de Londres
09:32 Nous allons voir haut et bas dans la ville de Londres
09:35 Il y a la brèche de Londres qui ne tombe pas
09:38 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
09:41 On va y aller
09:43 On va chercher ce cheval haut et bas
09:47 Le cheval de Westminster nous a fait courir
09:54 On va voir le cheval de London
09:57 Le cheval de Westminster nous a fait courir
10:00 On va voir le cheval de London
10:03 Le cheval de Westminster nous a fait courir
10:06 On va voir le cheval de London
10:09 Le cheval de Westminster nous a fait courir
10:12 On va voir le cheval de London
10:15 Le cheval de Westminster nous a fait courir
10:18 On va voir le cheval de London
10:22 Le cheval de Westminster nous a fait courir
10:25 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
10:27 Où sont-ils allés ?
10:29 Nous allons chercher cette ville haut et bas
10:33 Dans Soho, ils ne peuvent pas être trouvés
10:39 Nous utiliserons ce bus pour y aller
10:42 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
10:45 Où sont-ils allés ?
10:47 Nous allons chercher cette ville haut et bas
10:50 Attention les filles, regardez vos pieds
10:54 Regardez avant de passer la rue
10:57 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
11:02 Où sont-ils allés ?
11:04 Nous allons chercher cette ville haut et bas
11:07 Quelle belle vue de visite
11:13 Alors, restez et prenez du thé
11:16 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
11:20 Où sont-ils allés ?
11:22 Nous allons chercher cette ville haut et bas
11:25 Oh mon Dieu, ils sont partis
11:27 Où sont-ils allés ?
11:29 Nous allons chercher cette ville haut et bas
11:32 Le jour où Madeline et Pepito se sont retrouvés
11:36 C'est trop mal que Madeline et Pepito n'aient pas tout amusé
11:40 Mais bien sûr, ils avaient une bonne journée
11:42 car dans la parade royale, ils étaient en route
11:46 Les oiseaux avaient vu tout ça avant, mais ils étaient contents d'un encore
11:49 Regarde, regardez, c'est Madeline
11:53 Et Pepito aussi
11:55 Et puis, ça devient vraiment grand
11:58 Il y avait un mascotte et son groupe
12:01 Les gens en dessous étaient fous et loyaux
12:04 Et ceux sur le balcon étaient surtout loyaux
12:07 Je suis la reine
12:22 Je suis le roi
12:24 Et vous, Piquidili, êtes le plus loyaux des oiseaux
12:28 [Cris de joie]
12:30 Oh, Madeline !
12:40 Here is your crown, your majesty
12:52 Why, thank you, little girl
12:55 What is your name ?
12:57 Madeline, your majesty
12:59 Well, Madeline, you must be rewarded
13:04 For your honesty
13:06 I award you the medal of the crown
13:09 Merci, your majesty
13:13 The show was over
13:15 It was getting dark in the town and in the park
13:18 Everyone went home with tales to tell about the little girl who was given a medal
13:26 They arrived home just in time to eat
13:28 At a table full of birthday treats
13:30 We love our bread
13:34 We love our butter
13:36 And most of all, we love Pepito
13:39 Happy birthday, Pepito
13:41 Happy birthday
13:43 Thank you, gracias, merci
13:46 And there is no better birthday present than to be with my friends
13:54 They make me very sleepy and happy
13:58 I think it is time for us all to go to sleep
14:02 Everyone had been well fed
14:04 Everyone was in their bed
14:06 Only one was forgotten
14:09 And he'd been on his feet all day long without anything to eat
14:13 [Music]
14:28 In his cottage that was thatched
14:30 Wearing trousers that were patched
14:32 Was Simon the gardener
14:34 Who loved flowers, especially in the morning hours
14:36 When their faces, fresh with dew, smiled at him
14:39 Oh, do you do
14:41 Simon, who was never late, opened up the garden gate
14:44 [Music]
14:51 Then he dropped his garden hose
14:54 There wasn't a daisy or a rose
14:56 All my work and all my care for naught
15:00 Oh, this is hard to bear
15:02 Where is my celery?
15:04 Where are my tomatoes?
15:07 [Music]
15:35 He had radishes and kale
15:38 But he's lost them now he's ill
15:41 His leafy plants, they are all gone
15:45 Without them he can't carry on
15:50 Oh me, oh my, what can he do?
15:53 He's very sad, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
15:58 Have you seen my daffodils?
16:02 I had them on the windowsills
16:05 My lovely flowers are all gone
16:08 Without them I can't carry on
16:11 Oh me, oh my, what can I do?
16:14 I'm very sad, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
16:19 [Music]
16:23 Have you seen his bright green grass?
16:26 It disappeared and all so fast
16:29 His perfect lawn, it is all gone
16:33 Without it he can't carry on
16:37 Oh me, oh my, what can he do?
16:41 He's very sad, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
16:47 [Music]
16:49 We must get to the bottom of this!
16:51 [Music]
17:01 Ah ha! An important clue!
17:04 Pepito, where is Picadilly?
17:06 He was right here!
17:08 And did you feed him last night?
17:10 I think I was too excited about my party!
17:15 Por qué? Why?
17:17 Elementary, my dear Pepito, and just as I suspected,
17:21 we must search the town for him!
17:23 Just like a volcano eruption, they followed the trail of destruction.
17:27 Just when they thought their efforts were in vain,
17:30 they spotted a familiar name.
17:32 Oh, look who is lying there, with his feet up in the air!
17:37 [Murmuring]
17:40 I feel his breath, he's not dead yet!
17:42 Oh, vite, vite Pepito, get the vat!
17:44 [Music]
17:49 Dr. Stone came quickly by.
17:51 She checked Picadilly's heart and eyes.
17:53 Don't worry, he's only asleep.
17:57 Help me get him on his feet.
17:59 [Music]
18:03 As a diet, there is nothing worse than green apples and roses for an old horse.
18:08 [Murmuring]
18:10 Hmm, promise me that when you take him away,
18:13 you will feed him only grass and hay.
18:16 Just cut the grass and peel off Picadilly.
18:19 No green apples!
18:21 [Murmuring]
18:23 [Groaning]
18:24 When they returned to the embassy of Spain,
18:26 Pepito's mother was crying tears like rain.
18:29 [Crying]
18:33 Dear lady, we beg your pardon.
18:36 It seems the horse has eaten up your garden.
18:39 A little sunshine and a little rain, and it will be beautiful again.
18:43 Pepito's mother said,
18:45 Quite so, quite so.
18:47 Still, I am afraid the horse must go.
18:50 [Sneezing]
18:52 [Sneezing]
18:54 [Sneezing]
18:56 My allergy is back.
18:58 What else can I do?
19:01 Then Madeline cried,
19:03 I know what to do.
19:05 Pepito, let us take care of him for you.
19:07 Well, I suppose that would be nice.
19:10 I always wanted a horse.
19:13 And just in case you're feeling down, Pepito,
19:16 you may keep my medal of the crown.
19:18 Happy birthday, mon ami.
19:20 Oh, thank you, Madeline.
19:23 Gracias, Madeline.
19:25 Soon it was time to get on the plane.
19:27 The girls promised they would come back again.
19:30 [Children laughing]
19:32 Fasten your seatbelts.
19:34 In half an hour you will see the Eiffel Tower.
19:37 The very best part of any journey,
19:40 by car, by bus, by plane,
19:42 is when the trip is over and you are home again.
19:45 Bonjour, Mrs. Murphy.
19:49 Look what we've brought back from London.
19:52 We will never have to find someone to cut the grass again.
19:55 [Children laughing]
19:57 [Children laughing]
19:59 Oh, Madeline.
20:01 The girls had dinner,
20:04 and they were fortunately able to be 13 at the supper table.
20:09 We love our bread,
20:11 we love our butter,
20:13 but most of all,
20:15 we love each other.
20:17 [Children laughing]
20:20 They brushed his teeth after he was fed,
20:23 and covered him up and put him to bed.
20:26 "Good night, little girls.
20:29 Thank the Lord you are well.
20:32 And now, go to sleep," said Miss Clavel.
20:36 And she turned out the lights and closed the door.
20:39 There were 12 upstairs,
20:41 and below, one more.
20:44 And that's all there is.
20:46 There isn't any more.
20:48 [Sleigh bells]
20:51 [Music]
20:53 [Music]
20:55 [Music]
20:57 [Music]
20:59 [Music]
21:01 [Music]
21:03 [Music]
21:05 [Music]
21:07 [Music]
