• l’année dernière
God, Spirituality, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Faith, Christian, Religion, Love, Word, Mercy,


00:00To all our online viewers, thank you for being with us.
00:28Thank you TJ for watching faithfully and Lashan, don't give Lashan, don't give Aurora
00:36mashed chicken liver, please.
00:39Exodus 15 verse 3, let's say this one together, Exodus 15 verse 3, on the count of 3, 3.
00:54And you say that like you are happy to be here.
01:03And so the reason it's written that way, it doesn't say the Lord is a God of war.
01:11The Lord is a man of war because he's going to come down as a man in the framework of
01:21warring against an individual or individuals that are opposed to his people.
01:28Verse number 4 of 2 Corinthians 10, for the weapons, everyone say weapons, turn to somebody
01:38that looks intelligent and say there are many, there are many.
01:47For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down
01:52of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every I think that it sorts itself against
01:59the knowledge of Christ and bringing into captivity every thought through the obedience
02:05of Christ.
02:08So in Exodus 13 verse 17, it came to pass that when Pharaoh had let the people go, that
02:18God did not lead them through the land of the Philistines, which was the shortest journey.
02:27So a few weeks ago, Pastor Chi Chi was taking Auntie Diana, a sister-in-law, and the old
02:37queen mom, who's younger than all of them.
02:40They were going to Chinoy or some place over there to go find a pie or something.
02:47So the direct route from here to Chinoy is via Banquet to get to Chinoy, which is like
02:55120 Ks, 107 Ks, but because of holes that are full of pots, they went through Chegutu,
03:11through Zimba, which means there are many ways in which to get to a place.
03:21So the shortest route for this group was to go through the land of the Philistines.
03:27But the Lord said, these people who have been in slavery for 430 years, they only know what
03:34it means to be a slave.
03:37They've never ever, ever defended themselves.
03:43They've had other people's wills imposed on them.
03:47And if you look at the case where Moses killed an Egyptian, a warrant for his arrest was
03:53put out, and should he have been arrested, he would have been sentenced to death.
03:59So he had to flee with a warrant that was valid for 40 years and more.
04:06And when he came back in an attempt to address him, he used the weapons of his warfare, which
04:13were not carnal, but mighty through God, to pull down the stronghold, which is the
04:19thinking of slaves for 430 years.
04:24So if these people had seen war, you imagine the Philistine machine to defend themselves
04:32had produced giants.
04:34These were war machines.
04:36The people would have said, we don't want to fight.
04:40We want to go back to the land of Egypt.
04:42We'd rather have people dominate us.
04:45We don't want to engage ourselves in a liberation war.
04:50And the Bible says, the Lord said, lest peradventure the people change their mind when they see
04:56war and go back to Egypt.
04:59Turn to somebody who doesn't look intelligent and say, there is a war, there is a war.
05:17If you think you are in this life and you are getting nothing for nothing, there is
05:23a war.
05:29Turn to that person that you just looked at and said, I've just educated you.
05:33There is a war, smile, smile, smile, put yourself in the window.
05:41It is important for you to understand from the minute you arrive in this world, you are
05:47in a war.
05:50And at some point in your life, if you don't meet the Philistines now, you are going to
05:56meet them in chapter number 17 of 1 Samuel.
06:02What is deferred today, you will meet in the future.
06:07If you don't deal with disorder and your lack of managing something now, you will face it
06:14in the future because it will wait for you there.
06:18Your name is on its list, so turn to the highly intelligent person that you just insulted
06:27and say to them, deal with it now.
06:38For the single women, don't learn how to cook when you are married, learn now.
06:45For the single guys, don't get a job after you have been married 10 years, get a J.O.B.
06:52If you can't get a job because of unemployment, which is ridiculously high, at least do something.
06:59Amen, do something, make yourself something.
07:06Jeremiah 51.20, you are my battle axe and weapons of war, that's Jeremiah talking to
07:20the Lord.
07:21He's saying you are my battle axe and weapons, everyone say weapons, say there are many.
07:29For with you will I break in pieces the nations and with you will I destroy kingdoms.
07:38So it's two ways, God is saying to Jeremiah, I am your battle axe and I will destroy nations.
07:45But at the same time, he's saying to Jeremiah, you also are a battle axe and you also will
07:52destroy nations.
07:54You have many weapons of warfare.
07:58So everything that's written in the blue here are statements that I've put together
08:03to put some context into what I want to share with you.
08:09This war began with an attempted coup d'etat in the heavenly realm and this war continued
08:17with a targeted attack on God's image, which is mankind.
08:22This attack on mankind was to humiliate the omnipotent God because man was made in his
08:29image and so when the children of Israel were told to learn war because the nations that
08:37occupied their land were warring nations and would not relinquish their territory and assets
08:45freely, they had to learn the art of war because to make war, there is an art to war.
08:59I just completed a few weeks ago, watching probably an Oscar award winning movie.
09:08It's the story of Napoleon and his love with Lady Josephine.
09:14It's a phenomenal movie.
09:17But when you look at the way that war and those battles were set and how the French
09:25expanded their empire, you see there the art of war.
09:32You can win a war with very few weapons and very few men.
09:40It is possible.
09:42We won't talk about African liberation wars because that is definitely the case.
09:50And so when we're dealing with war, there are three categories.
09:54Number one, there is the fight.
09:59There are fights.
10:02A fight takes place in terms of a violent struggle.
10:06Can we read that there?
10:10When one takes part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or
10:16the use of some sort of weapons.
10:19A movie I watched years ago, Gangs of New York, it's a very violent movie.
10:27It's a very, very violent movie.
10:29But in there, there were personal fights.
10:33So fights then are also violent confrontation or struggle where men or women are actually
10:42I don't like watching cage fighting and stuff like that.
10:45That's not my thing.
10:46I watch boxing every now and then.
10:48But I detest watching women in these cage fighting where women are beating each other.
10:53I just hate that.
10:54It just doesn't sound right at all.
10:58From fights, you have battles.
11:01A battle is a sustained armed conflict between large organized armed forces.
11:08Number two, a battle or battles is a struggle or struggles tenaciously to achieve or resist
11:17something or an entity that's trying to occupy, to possess.
11:24Sometimes battles are not just confined to wars or physical battles using weapons.
11:30You can have people that can be battling depression, battling sickness, battling poverty, battling
11:36unemployment, battling in their marriage and so on.
11:42Number three, fights, battles, wars.
11:47A war, generally, wars are conflicts carried out on one force of arms as between nations
11:58or between parties within nations.
12:01So warfare then can include land, sea, air.
12:09A state or period of armed hostility or active military operations as we've seen in a few
12:17spots in the world.
12:20And number three, where two nations are at war using military hardware against each other.
12:32And war is always big money.
12:37Not just the weapons, just to feed the soldiers.
12:42It is said that an army moves on its stomach.
12:51That's how Napoleon lost his empire because the Russians starved them out and used the
12:59brutality of the Russian winter along with starvation.
13:04He lost almost 700,000 soldiers to starvation because the Russians burnt all the supplies.
13:15Great movie, great story.
13:18So let's go and deal with the first one to stretch the fight.
13:24You have to learn how to fight.
13:29But you never say this is Bishop's observation.
13:34So when I say that, you know something is coming.
13:38In my observation, I have noticed that in our prayer lines, there are individuals that
13:43are constantly coming for prayer, which we are for.
13:47That's what the provision is there for.
13:50But there are some that come every week.
13:53At some point, you are going to have to fight for yourself.
14:00Because no matter how much prayer Deaconess Diana Velakis puts on your head and prays
14:05for you, with her commitment to prayer and her willingness to open her heart for you
14:12to be healed and saved, when you step out of these doors, if you don't fight for yourself,
14:18you are in trouble, spelt with a cup of tea.
14:23You have to learn how to fight for yourself.
14:28Who went to boarding school, raise your hands.
14:33Who did not go to boarding school, raise your hands, spurt breaths.
14:39Shamari, when you go to boarding school, the first thing you are going to learn before
14:47you learn one plus one is one, you are going to learn how to fight and defend yourself.
14:57I might still be alive today, I can even mention his name.
15:01His first name was Martin, I won't mention his surname was Stuart.
15:07He was a huge man, he was a big guy.
15:10And so we used to line up, I put no rabbit trails, but this one is a good one.
15:16So we used to line up for tea, so I'm allergic to, I'm lactose intolerant, I can't take anything
15:23with dairy or milk, and so they used to have big buckets like this, and you used to take
15:28your cup and draw your tea, and then get your bun, we used to have brown buns.
15:35So Wednesdays, they used to have a bun with a bit of jam, just like this.
15:43You know like the Zanopia promises, I said I wouldn't say that, forgive me, amen, your
15:52highness, please forgive me, it just came out of my, out of the abundance of the heart.
16:00And then on Sundays, we used to get a white slice of bread with also a little bit more
16:06So this guy, the prefect, used to stand by the bun box and by the tea box, and he said
16:11to me, Bismarck, I want your bun.
16:15So I said, yes, I used to give him.
16:18So most tea times, I used to be bun-less.
16:23And also other youngsters were getting their buns being taken by the big guys.
16:28So one day when I picked up my bun, I picked it up like this, as he was about to say, Bismarck,
16:33I want your bun, I spat on his, pooh.
16:40Ah, he pulled at me, pooh.
16:43But that was the last day, because everybody else behind me started going, pooh.
16:51So you can call me the savior of the world.
16:59There was no way in the world I could have fought Martin Stewart, because he was six
17:03foot two, I was a short youngster like this, but you have to learn how to fight and use
17:08whatever means you have.
17:12Turn to your neighbor and say, you have to learn how to fight.
17:16Some of you are, you are too weak, you are too weak, fight for what is yours.
17:24Turn to someone and say, I'm determined to fight.
17:28I am determined, I want the devil to know I'm determined to fight.
17:32Fight the good fight of faith.
17:35Fight that fight, fight that fight of faith, fight for your faith, fight for what God has
17:42given you.
17:44Somebody told me the other day that they had bought a property and somebody had come to
17:47take their property, and they were taking it down.
17:52They were saying, ah, you know, maybe it's the Lord's will, and I said, hey.
18:04Let's turn to that intelligent person and say, hey, Paul said to Timothy, he said, I'm
18:12now an old man.
18:14I have fought a good fight.
18:17Make sure your fight is a good one.
18:21Make sure your fight is a good, it must be a good fight.
18:25Yes, yes, yes, yes.
18:29Besides fighting with my sister, when I was a little boy, my mother told us, the boys
18:35mustn't hit the girls, which is true, because we were told if you hit your sister, you're
18:40going to hit your wife.
18:42And so my sister, Bernie, was always taller than us, and so I used to tell her, you, you
18:46lucky you were a girl.
18:50So when I went to Embargo, I thought fighting is to pull hair.
18:56I thought, you know, you pull hair or you scratch.
18:59So I fought with Michael Holmes.
19:01His nickname was Impoyn Poy.
19:05How does a guy get a name like Impoyn Poy?
19:08So anyway, I was fighting with Impoyn Poy, he was wanting to take something of mine,
19:11so I turned him over, and I sat on him like this, and I thought I won the fight.
19:16Ah, he voolat me in the eye, boom.
19:20So I had an impunchu here like this, one impunchu.
19:24And so when I said to him, you're not fighting, he voolat me in the other eye, boom.
19:30And after about four days, I began to see the world through my right eye.
19:36From that day, I learned that there's no such thing in boarding school as a fair fight.
19:45So when the return match came, turn to your neighbor and say he learned something.
19:55When the return match came, there was a guy that had helped me there.
19:58I found a few nails and some corks from a Coca-Cola bottle.
20:06And so when I turned him over, he thought he was going to voolat me.
20:09Before he could, I voolat him with nails and corks in his head.
20:14But after I voolat him, he respected me, but I had to go to the headmaster's office to get shots.
20:20So voola, you get voolat.
20:24Turn to the Manchester United and say he's talking about you.
20:33Come on, Arsenal.
20:37I said I wouldn't say any of these things.
20:39I lied to myself.
20:41So there are fights, okay?
20:43In the world, in this world, you have to be a fighter.
20:49You must fight for everything.
20:51You must fight for your rights.
20:53You must fight for your freedoms.
20:55You must fight for your family, for your children, for your future, for your generations.
21:01A dream was telling me that in the next few weeks, maybe in the month of June, we're going
21:05to convert this entire auditorium into little booths with the lawyers in-house and maybe
21:16a few that are not in-house in certain categories that are going to help individuals in the
21:22church in the areas of law.
21:25So there might be some individuals who have not registered a last will and testament,
21:31you know, because you need a will.
21:33Or they might help you, guide you in forming a trust.
21:36And then there'll be those that will help you that want to go into business, how you
21:39drop a contract in terms of business.
21:43And there'll be those that will help you with shares, et cetera, whatever, whatever, whatever,
21:49And then there's those that are human rights experts.
21:51There are those that are domestic violence experts that were able to help and guide.
21:56And so they'll give basic guidelines.
22:00And that workshop, that day is for free.
22:04Should you then have a challenge in a specific category, you then will be able to make an
22:09appointment with a particular law firm or lawyer where you then pay them whatever fees,
22:16whatever discount they will be willing or not willing to give, you'll be able to pay
22:20them fees and they will be able to help you legally to fight your case.
22:27And God is basically wanting you as a person to fight for what is yours.
22:34So the Bible says in the book of Hebrews 11, which is the faith chapter verse 34, quench
22:40the violence of fire that has kept the edge of edge of the sword out of weakness were
22:45made strong, waxed valiant in fight.
22:49That word wax means became valiant.
22:52You have to become valiant invites.
22:56You lose this fight, you call for round two.
23:02And so watching the Fraser Ali series one, two, and three, they were brutal fights, brutal,
23:12brutal fights.
23:13And so they had three minutes of big men pounding each other.
23:17They get a minute's rest.
23:19The coach is telling him, he keeps on talking to the left, punch this way, this way, this
23:25And the coach is giving advice, but he's not getting heat.
23:28He's telling somebody that's getting the HE double hockey sticks knocked out of them in
23:32the ring.
23:33And so the thing is that God is your coach.
23:36He's telling you, this is how you have to fight.
23:39There is a way in which you fight.
23:42But when you are in fight, you in a fight, you have to be brave.
23:46You have to be valiant in fight.
23:48Even if inside you are scared, don't be scared outside.
23:57Saul was scared when he saw Goliath.
23:59David wasn't scared.
24:00Can't you never say, I'm not scared.
24:05I'm not scared.
24:08I've got my binoculars.
24:09I'm not scared.
24:11Slide 10, there are battles.
24:17A fight can then gravitate and be escalated to a battle where a fight is between two individuals.
24:30Then the families get involved and becomes a battle, becomes a battle.
24:38In a battle then, sisters and brothers, the Bible says the battle is the Lord's.
24:42There's a battle for the mind.
24:46Corinthians 14 verse eight, that's the first of Corinthians.
24:50It says, for the Lord himself will, for the trumpet, let me read it again.
24:57For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who will prepare themselves to the battle?
25:04The word trumpet there, this is eschatology, the coming of the Lord.
25:08But the word trumpet there is interchangeable in theology with prophecy.
25:16So your prophetic word is like a trumpet sounding.
25:21And so when you say something prophetically, you are organizing your organs, which is body,
25:28soul, and spirit, gifts, talents, anointings, graces, all the things that have been handed
25:34down to you through impartation, you are then preparing yourself for the battle.
25:41You know the battle is coming.
25:43So you are preparing yourself for the battle.
25:48And if you don't prepare yourself for the battle, you are going to be in trouble.
25:53And so the first series of the Shaka movies, I haven't watched the new, the new one that's
25:57come out.
25:58I hope to.
25:59But the, the original one, the Shaka movies, the way they used to fight those days, they
26:05used to come there.
26:06And the one that did the most maneuverings tended to win the battle until Shaka came
26:15on the scene and changed the whole of the Southern African environment in terms of war.
26:24He was in his first major battle, leading a group.
26:28He threw off those funny car sandals they had, took the spear and they killed people
26:34and changed the rules of war forever.
26:41And other armies learned that if we don't prepare ourselves in the manner Shaka and
26:46the Zulus are doing, we're going to lose everything.
26:51And there were others that refused to fight that war like him, Zulukazi.
26:54They came and settled in my village, then Bulawayo, he's a distant relative of mine.
27:04So you better be nice to me, I'm royalty.
27:09In my blood, I have Kumalo blood.
27:11And so it's important for you to prepare yourself for the battle, shout, prepare myself for
27:17the battle.
27:20Call your name three times and say, Tudor, prepare yourself for the battle.
27:31Bishop Randy Clark told me, he said, Tudor, you are going to be building a building.
27:35He said, you are going to experience spiritual warfare in building a building like you have
27:40never seen before.
27:42He said, you have fought devils.
27:43You have gone into countries, you have dealt with demonic princes.
27:46But the day you start building a building, a level of demonic attack is coming for you.
27:52That is unbelievable.
27:55Start preparing yourself for the battle.
27:58I had no idea what that even meant.
28:01We have built churches before.
28:03This ministry has built buildings before, but not on this scale.
28:08And he said, the reason these things, whatever they are, will come against you on this level
28:15is because once a church is built, it's a sign that the kingdom of God is established
28:21in the earth in a permanent way.
28:25And so the warfare, not the fight, the warfare that we've gone through in getting kingdom
28:32cathedral built has been unbelievable.
28:36And what has helped me with stress and losing it is the fact that there was a preempting
28:43that a war was coming and there were areas we prepared in, in prayer, in giving in a
28:50solid team around us that kept the project moving.
28:54So whoever you are, there's a fight, make sure you win that fight.
28:59But when you win that fight, know that that army that you fought is preparing a level
29:07of war that you've never seen before.
29:11If you read in the book of Isaiah, they told the king, they said, there's an army coming
29:15from Ethiopia and they have 1 million soldiers.
29:22You only have a hundred thousand soldiers, which is one third of the male population.
29:29You have one 10th of what's coming, 1 million soldiers are coming.
29:37That's why he said the battle is the Lord's Ecclesiastes 9, 11.
29:48I returned and I saw that the race is not to the swift.
29:55And I thank God for this verse, nor the battle to the strong.
30:02I wasn't strong when I have to forgive that guy really, but when I learned that the battle
30:12is not to the strong, that the battle is for the strategist, that you might be weak in
30:18stature, but strong in strategy, you can win any fight.
30:25You can win any fight.
30:27Move on to the slide 11, Psalm 24 and verse 17, lift up your heads, O ye gates.
30:38It starts with saying, Psalm 24 says, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof,
30:46the people and all them that dwell therein.
30:48And he goes on to explain some things as to who shall enter into the holy hill of the
30:53Lord, those with clean hands, et cetera, et cetera.
30:58And then he's now telling those that have entered into the hill of the Lord.
31:02He says, now that you are inside God's stronghold, lift up your heads, O ye gates and be ye lifted
31:10up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in.
31:14The question is, who is the king of glory?
31:17The answer is the Lord's strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
31:25And so you lose a fight, Abigail, put the Lord in the middle of your battle.
31:31Don't approach this battle on your own.
31:34Let God fight your battles for you because many are the afflictions of the righteous,
31:42but the Lord will fight your battles for you.
31:46They are things that you cannot see coming because you may not have full discernment
31:52or gifting, but the things coming over the horizon, a million soldiers from somewhere
31:59that are skilled in war and you, David, don't understand war, but the battle is the Lord's.
32:06He can take a stone and win a war for you.
32:10Shout, the battle is the Lord's.
32:14The armies of the enemy can be around Samaria.
32:19When the battle is the Lord's, he can take four lepers and cause four lepers to win a
32:26battle for you.
32:27When you lost everything in your life, give someone a high five, say the battle is the
32:34Shout, amen, somebody.
32:39Samuel chapter number one, verse 25, second Samuel, David said at the end of a battle
32:49when Saul was killed, when he heard that Saul and the mighty men had fallen in the battle
32:56and that Jonathan, his covenant friend was slain, he was so distressed because of that.
33:05And he said, Oh, how the mighty have fallen and the weapons of war have perished.
33:14Sisters and brothers, if you are a mighty man or mighty woman of valor, don't fall because
33:23if you fall, your weapons of warfare will perish.
33:30Don't let your weapons perish.
33:33Did you hear what I said?
33:34I said, don't let your weapons perish.
33:38Talk to your weapons, say weapons don't perish.
33:43I'll get you what those are in a few minutes.
33:47First Chronicles 12 and 36 and of the tribe of Asher, such as went forth to do battle.
33:56They were experts in war, shout Lord, make me an expert in war.
34:06Say that two more times.
34:11I don't want to just win the fight.
34:13I want to be an expert in war.
34:17If you are a cancer survivor, help those that are fighting in that war and fighting
34:25that horrible devil shout, I'm an expert in war.
34:32If you've come through mental challenges or if you've had psychological challenges, be
34:38an expert in that war.
34:42If you've gone through a brutal divorce and you're still struggling with pain, find an
34:49expert in war that can carry you through the valley of the shadow of death.
34:58You've been in slavery for 400 years.
35:02You can't go shortcut because if you see that war, it'll cause your heart to perish.
35:11So God's going to take you through a fight here and another fight there and take you
35:18to another fight there and cause you then to fight the Amalekites each time a little
35:28Because if you can learn to win here, you'll win there.
35:35But the war is on and I intend to win the war.
35:42In Exodus 17, 14, when Israel fought the Amalekites, their first major battle, the Lord said to
35:53Moses, he said, rehearse this in the ears of Joshua, your servant, and write it in a
36:03book of memorial, a book of the memorials of wars.
36:09And in that book put in there, God of heaven will avenge Amalek for coming against my people.
36:22If an enemy has declared war against you in your most vulnerable moment, God has a
36:33book where he's writing a record to say somewhere down the line, vengeance is mine, saith the
36:44Lord, I will repay.
36:49So don't lose your mind and don't lose your courage and don't lose your composure.
36:57Know that God will show up at the right time at the right place.
37:04Even if Lazarus loses the fight and dies and he's buried in a tomb, Lazarus shall not
37:15the fight, but the war is not over.
37:19The general Jesus is coming with reinforcements to come to the place where you lost the fight
37:28and he's coming to resurrect you to fight another day.
37:33Tell your neighbor, you may have lost the fight, you may have lost this battle, but
37:41don't lose the war.
37:43If you lose the fight and you lose the battle, you still have a chance to win the war.
37:52Lose the fight, lose this battle, but mobilize and use your faith and use your testimony
38:02and use your grace and use your giving, use your praise and worship and say, the war is
38:10not over, shout, the war is not over.
38:15Take off that weave and say, the war is not over.
38:18Pull off those nails, shout, the war is not over.
38:23Take off those stilettos and say, this war is not over while I'm still alive, while I'm
38:33still alive.
38:35I'm calling for a fight return.
38:38I'm calling for another battle.
38:40I'm not losing this war, slap someone a high five, shout, I'm not losing this war, shout,
38:53I'm not losing this war, shout, I'm not losing this war.
39:00Slide number 16, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
39:09against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high
39:20But he said before that, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
39:28I'm in a war and I intend to win this war, every principality and power, every witchcraft,
39:38every enemy, every supervisor blocking my way.
39:44I'm crying tonight, but when I wake up tomorrow, I'm coming back to win this war, shout, I'm
39:54winning this war, shout, I'm winning this war.
40:00He said in that same chapter, he said, put on the whole armor of God.
40:07Come on, start putting on the armor of God.
40:10I said, put on the armor of God, have your loins cut with truth, put on the breastplate
40:20of righteousness, have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
40:28These are all your weapons, above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith you'll be able
40:36to quench all the fiery darts of the devil.
40:41Take the helmet of salvation, take the sword of the spirit, which is the one of God and
40:49praying always with all prayer and supplication.
40:55So with those weapons, stretch your weapons, stretch the armor of truth, stretch the armor
41:06of truth, stretch the armor of truth, stretch the armor of righteousness, stretch the armor
41:15of the gospel, stretch the armor of faith.
41:20Let your faith fight for you when you're feeling hopeless, stretch the sword, which
41:30is the one of God.
41:32I said, stretch, stretch the weapon of prayer, pray always with all prayer and supplication,
41:43giving thanks unto God, stretch the weapon of praise and worship, stretch the weapon
41:50of giving, stretch the weapon of unity, stretch the weapon of your anointing, stretch the
41:57weapon of love, stretch the weapon of wisdom.
42:02I said, stretch the weapon of the blood of Jesus, give a neighbor a high five, say, stretch
42:10your weapons, stretch your weapons.
42:15Don't be lazy as a Christian, stretch your weapons, win this fight, win this battle,
42:24win this war, shout, stretch, stretch your weapons, call your name three times, as a
42:35Tudor, stretch your weapons, stretch the weapons of the angels around you, stretch the weapons
42:48of your dreams, stretch the weapon of your strategic plan, stretch the weapon of your
42:57testimony, shout, stretch your weapon, clap your hands 10 times, yeah, yeah.
43:11I said, yeah, yeah, New Life Covenant Church, the battle is the Lord's, the battle is the
43:20Lord's, the warfare is the Lord's.
43:24I am not sitting down and taking this lightly, roll up your sleeves, chole bra, chole, chole,
43:39chole lapa, chole lapa, chole lapa, chole lapa, if you can't fight with your fists,
43:51use a knitting needle, give him a praise, yes, praise him.
44:12Chando, put Psalm 109, put Psalm 109, put Psalm 109, put Psalm 109, thank you Lord
44:26for a mellow church this morning.
44:37Psalm 109 says, when a person comes against you, verse two, for the mouth of the wicked
44:43and the mouth of the deceitful are open against me, they have spoken against me, they have
44:48surrounded me with words of hatred, they have fought against me without cause, they have
44:54rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love.
45:00Now this is what you are going to pray, verse six, turn to somebody and say, it's time to
45:07play dirty now, no more Mr. Nice Guy, did you hear what I said?
45:19No more Mr. Nice Guy, verse six, set a wicked man over him and let Satan stand at his right
45:29When he shall be judged, let him be condemned and let his prayer become sin, let his days
45:37be few, let another one take his office, let his children be fatherless, let his wife be
45:43a widow, let his children be continually vagabonds and beg, let them seek their bread also out
45:50of their desolate places, let the extortioner catch all that he has and let strangers spoil
45:57his labor, let there be none to extend mercy to him, never there be anyone to give him
46:03favor and to his fatherless children, let his posterity be cut off in his generations
46:09following and his name to be blotted out, let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered
46:15with the Lord and let not their son of his mother be blotted out, let them be before
46:21the Lord continually that they may be cut off from the memory of them from the earth.
46:28Verse number 17, let, let curses follow him all the days of his life, whoever is giving
46:38you trouble, we now license you to use some 109, turn to your neighbor and say, oh Coyo,
46:53no more Mr. Nice Guy, I'm coming for my money and I'm coming now, I'm sick of you taking
47:01my contracts and I'm sick of you taking my money and I'm sick of you taking my ideas
47:09and I'm sick of you stealing from my company and I'm sick of you stealing from my house,
47:16no more Mr. Nice Guy, I'm ready to go to war and the battle is the Lord's and I declare
47:35Be standing.
47:37Be standing.
47:39Be standing.
47:41Be standing.
47:43Be standing.
47:45Be standing.
47:47Be standing.
47:49Be standing.
47:51Be standing.
47:53Be standing.
47:55Be standing.
47:57Be standing.
47:59Be standing.
48:01Be standing.
