Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [musique]
00:02 [musique]
00:04 ...was the biggest bully on the university.
00:06 What he didn't like to laugh at.
00:09 "The fat ones are thin in the head!"
00:11 "You need to do sports, gain weight, be fit!"
00:13 "All together, one, two!"
00:15 His body was different than the others'.
00:18 "Can I offer you something?"
00:19 "Juice, coffee, plum-sauce..."
00:21 His family...
00:22 ...was also different than others'.
00:24 "I don't get why all the world wants to take you!"
00:26 "I should be healthy!"
00:27 "I know what's healthy!"
00:28 And his love life...
00:29 "I'm a fan of yours!"
00:31 "Thank you very much, I feel honored...
00:33 be married!"
00:34 ...was a disaster.
00:35 But now, thanks to a brilliant invention...
00:40 ...he goes through a transformation...
00:44 ...and becomes thinner.
00:46 "I'm thin!"
00:49 "I'm thin!"
00:52 "Are you looking for something specific?"
00:53 "The fear! Only the fear!"
00:56 "I don't think I'm that thin! I'm thin! Nobody knows how great that is!"
00:58 "I'm thin! Hey, man, where's the apple pie?"
01:02 "Rufetor! If you're in there and can't hear me, come out!"
01:06 "Better call an exorcist!"
01:09 "Your lip..."
01:12 "Lip?"
01:12 "Your lip is swollen!"
01:14 "Shoot him, my friends!"
01:19 "So THAT is really unclogged!"
01:28 *Bruit de moteur*