On Wednesday, Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI) questioned witnesses on the prevalence of CCP work with the Mexican cartel during a House Budget Committee hearing.
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00:00 Five minutes to General Jack Bergman from Michigan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I ask
00:06 unanimous consent to enter into the record an April 2024 article from Gallup titled "Immigration
00:13 Name Top U.S. Problem for Third Straight Month." Without objection. So order. As Gallup findings
00:20 confirm, Americans continue to be deeply troubled by President Biden's refusal to secure the
00:27 southern border or enforce immigration law. This should not come as a surprise to anyone in this
00:34 room. We got issues, especially you, Mr. Blair. You got a lot of years in an Army uniform. I got
00:40 a few years in a Marine uniform. So I'm going to kind of talk to you, especially with your last,
00:45 you know, 10 plus years here with the Border Patrol. We can talk soldier to Marine.
00:52 But I also serve on armed services, so I'm a little bit familiar and in a former life wearing
00:59 the hat of Commander Marine Forces North, which we dealt with the border, if you will.
01:07 Some of my information may be a little dated, but not much. Okay. Mr. Blair, in your written
01:17 testimony submitted to the committee, you note that the level of illegal mass immigration
01:22 in the U.S. is currently seeing is a deliberate, this is quote, "a deliberate and calculated
01:32 strategy of weaponizing migration to undermine the sovereignty and security of the United States
01:41 and its states." Could you elaborate just a little bit? Don't take a whole lot, but just
01:46 give me a couple of, you know, elaborate on that a little bit. Yes, sir. If you look at the great
01:53 work done by Kelly Greenhill and also Joseph Humeyer from the Heritage Foundation, they've
01:57 done a lot of case studies in regards to this. Weaponized mass migration has happened over 80
02:02 times since the 1951 Refugee Convention. It's when a state or non-state actor uses human beings as a
02:10 weapon to eradicate someone's sovereignty. So in my report, I stated Lukashenko was doing that
02:15 against the countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, where he forced foreign nationals to other
02:21 people's borders in order to decrease the security of the environment so that they could decrease
02:26 the sovereignty of that nation. By following that same playbook, the current administration
02:34 is inviting massive amounts of foreign nationals to our southern border in order to decrease or
02:42 eradicate our sovereignty, force border patrol agents, like what I was doing, and other law
02:48 enforcement agencies and also local law enforcement to address that mass migration, which
02:56 decreases the security of the environment and allows the Mexican cartels to completely
03:01 operationally control both sides. So that's really what weaponized mass migration is. It's a tool to
03:06 completely eradicate sovereignty. So I'm going to put my words on this. They're organized
03:14 on many different levels. So having said that, since we know we have, as the United States of
03:19 America, we have foreign adversaries, Russia, China, Iran. Do you think they're looking at the cost
03:27 of illegal immigration that it imposes on our taxpayers and that this is part of the calculations
03:34 of the Iranians, the Chinese, the Russians? I mean, again, if it's organized, somebody's doing
03:41 the math on how much money we're pouring into this. Do you think that is a calculation that they use?
03:47 Yes, sir. 100%. The Chinese use the unrestricted warfare. So it's every asymmetric means to
03:53 eradicate our sovereignty and security. And financial warfare is one of those means.
03:58 Okay. And kind of how plausible is it that foreign nationals are illegally coming to the U.S. at the
04:04 direction of adversarial governments to engage in espionage or to potentially be in sleeper cells?
04:12 It happens every single day. Look what's happened the first few days in May. We had more Chinese
04:20 illegal aliens coming through Southern California than we did all of FY21. And so when you look at
04:26 that issue and you see that our vetting process, as border patrol agents, we typically don't vet.
04:33 And you look at these military-aged males and you look at the difference between those that are
04:37 actually running from, whether that's communism or running from, situations where their life is in
04:44 danger compared to the ones that we're actually apprehending, you can see in direct confidence
04:49 that they're here for nefarious means. Okay. And I see my time is about to run out, but
04:56 would you think that potentially the cartels are operating as brokers and playing all sides
05:03 against the middle to create the environment that because of their use of drones, because of their
05:08 use of different submersibles, because of all the things they use, that there are probably things
05:14 that we don't see that are tied together for the benefit of those against us?
05:22 Yes, sir. The Mexican cartels have completely controlled the operational border. I mean,
05:27 the operation, I mean, sorry, the Southern border and have created a silk road for the CCP
05:33 to enter every single one of our communities. Well, in marine terms, I'm guessing probably
05:38 the Army says the same thing. We got snipers in the wire on the inside and the weapons are pointed
05:45 at us. And we need to not continue to turn a blind eye to that fact. And I'll just say, I'll
05:52 yield back. I guess I'm a little bit over, but I would suggest that as a personal trait for anyone,
05:58 arrogance creates a blind spot in all of us. So we, in our dealings with ourselves and others,
06:05 should look to eliminate those blind spots. And with that, Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
06:10 Thank the gentleman from Michigan. And you know,