• last year
Volume Kendaraan Menuju Puncak Meningkat Pada H+2 Lebaran
00:00 On the second day after the Friday, April 12, the volume of vehicles heading to the peak of Cisarua Bogor, West Java, experienced an increase of 10-20 percent compared to the previous day.
00:13 As many as 31,000 vehicles entered the peak.
00:16 The Bogor Polaris is carrying out a cross-pass reconnaissance by implementing a one-way system, performing a tight-gauge to counter-flow to reduce traffic jams.
00:26 The Polaris also provides about 400 personnel in the peak tourist area to help regulate the cross-pass.
00:33 The increase is only about 10-20 percent.
00:37 For now, the data of vehicles that have entered, both the top one, is about 20,000 vehicles.
00:44 For those who have left or left the peak tourist area, there are about 11,000 vehicles.
00:51 So the total number of vehicles entering the peak tourist area is about 31,000.
00:56 So now it is more dominant to the top vehicles, so we will implement priority to the top one.
01:03 According to Ardian, some traffic jams still occur in several intersections such as Pasir Munjang, Megamendung, Lokawiratama and Taman Safari.
01:13 Vehicle volumes increased after Eid al-Adha when the activity of the pilgrimage turned into a tourist activity and some recreational places in the peak became the target of the people's favorite.
01:24 From Bogor, West Java, Muhammad Ramdan, Fazar Ilham, Antara News Agency, reporting.
01:30 For more information, please visit www.ardian7.com
01:37 For more information, please visit www.ardian7.com
01:41 For more information, please visit www.ardian7.com
