Abonne toi BG !
00:00 [Music]
00:04 Well, today we decided to talk about the final boss of the internet,
00:08 better known as Antoine Daniel or Antoitoine Daniel for the intimate ones.
00:11 You know, this guy who likes to put his penis in yogurts,
00:14 as proven by these archive images.
00:16 [Music]
00:29 32 years old and often disputably haired,
00:33 Mr. Daniel Antoine is the happy owner of a BTS, audiovisual job.
00:37 A degree he got at Sifacom, a school of audiovisual and graphic design.
00:41 Believe me, I read it on Wikipedia and Wikipedia never makes a mistake.
00:46 But all this, we don't give a damn, my boy,
00:48 because Antoine is above all the creator of the show "What is the cut?"
00:51 better known as "What the Cut?"
00:53 Insert 3 random words.
00:55 And if you don't know what "What the Cut?" is, let me introduce you to this wonder.
00:58 [French TV show]
01:03 "What the Cut?" of its acronym WTC is a show created on YouTube in 2012,
01:08 which just celebrated its 10th anniversary today.
01:10 It's false, it was on March 1st, but it was still this year.
01:12 A show in which a presenter named Antoine Daniel,
01:16 accompanied by Richard the dog and Samuel the fan,
01:19 will insult you cheerfully at the beginning of the episode.
01:22 [French TV show]
01:28 To then analyze crazy and intriguing videograms from the web,
01:32 like this one for example.
01:33 [French TV show]
01:40 Or this one.
01:41 [French TV show]
01:45 All this sprinkled with a little editing that is tastefully dynamic
01:48 and with a humor as dark and absurd as Marcy riding a triton.
01:52 This show, which has 37 episodes and 5 series,
01:55 has become an essential part of the French-speaking YouTube.
01:59 And despite the fact that it was finished on December 30th, 2015,
02:03 I accept this reality while I'm saying this sentence.
02:06 It still occupies a big place in our hearts today.
02:09 Tears regularly fall on my sperm.
02:11 Besides, it's thanks to "What the Cut?" that we started making videos,
02:14 and I imagine that its influence is felt in our way of creating.
02:17 Yeah, we pumped everything on Antoine Daniel, yeah, we have no personality, yeah.
02:21 But at the same time, this show has completely influenced my education.
02:24 There are even "What the Cut?" lines that have entered my common language,
02:27 like for example,
02:28 [French TV show]
02:30 or
02:31 [French TV show]
02:34 [French TV show]
02:42 Because yes, it's true that in life, a lot of things look like a tub,
02:45 and it's our duty to notify it every time we see one.
02:49 But finally, "What the Cut?" is not the only project that Antoine has for his native language.
02:53 Not only on his YouTube channel, there is also Clyde Vanilla, his audio series.
02:56 Audio series that I have obviously, OBVIOUSLY listened to in its entirety!
03:01 It's false, but I swear I'm a real fan of Antoine Daniel, I have all the refs.
03:04 He even manages to sing this song to me in the shower.
03:06 [Antoine Daniel's "What the Cut?"]
03:16 He also created a secondary channel called "La Mézanine"
03:19 on which he posts various random content,
03:22 like for example "Stock" where he talks about "shutterstock" images.
03:25 [French TV show]
03:32 [French TV show]
03:37 [French TV show]
03:42 [French TV show]
03:44 Or even other less conventional stuff.
03:47 [French TV show]
03:53 After that, more recently, we can find him regularly on Twitch.
03:56 It's also here that his career on the Internet continues.
03:58 He even managed to recreate a new community on this platform.
04:02 And some of you may even know him without ever having seen a single "What the Cut?"
04:06 Which I find in the way, unacceptably inconceivable in our current society.
04:10 Me, if I make a kid, between two bronze balls, I make him watch an episode of "What the Cut?"
04:14 And to put him to sleep, I play him a clip from this cartoon.
04:17 [French cartoon]
04:26 I want the first words of this kid to be...
04:29 "Hi, you assholes!"
04:30 And since you're our community, we're a bit like your homosexual dads.
04:34 So we have to do our duty and pass on this Internet heritage to you.
04:39 That's why we're organizing a little "What the Cut?" marathon on Twitch today.
04:43 We're going to watch all the episodes from 6 p.m.
04:46 So come and discover or rediscover this relic from another era.
04:49 That's it, it's the end of this video.
04:51 I hope you enjoyed it.
04:52 I invite you to like it, to subscribe to the channel and especially to share this video.
04:56 Maybe Antoine Daniel will fall on it and at that moment, I'll be the happiest man.
05:00 Thanks again to all the Tipeee tipers.
05:02 You're the blood, you're the ass, you support the channel.
05:05 Don't hesitate to check our Discord.
05:06 There's the whole community that gathers there.
05:08 It's crazy. The link is in the description.
05:10 Bye!
05:11 Subscribe!