On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, you might be too involved in following your treasured sports teams and memorizing their stats to notice that Satanism is now present in every aspect of life here in America, as well as around the globe. What do I mean? You have street fights, mob assaults and vicious beatings on school children, senior citizens and pregnant women taking place on a daily basis in every major city. You have Democrats in America foaming at the mouth in fury as they demand a return to Roe v. Wade for unlimited abortion at any time. You have social media influencers with vast audiences posting videos encouraging suicide, violence and all manner of mayhem. In music, you have Platinum selling artists like Madonna, Taylor Swift and many others whose concerts have become open, and obvious, satanic rituals. Why is all this happening now? Because the man of sin is about to be revealed, and we who are saved are about to fly. Join us today as we show you just how bad, and how good for those who believe, things really are right now.