• last year
Playtopia Adventure merupakan konsep playground pertama yang didesain untuk menjawab kebutuhan keluarga sebagai area bermain yang sesuai untuk anak- anak, remaja, dan juga dewasa.

Taman bermain indoor ini menawarkan berbagai wahana seru yang bisa dieksplorasi.

Buat kamu orang dewasa yang mau mengobati rasa rindu bermain di indoor playground, boleh nih, dateng ke Playtopia Adventure!

Tertarik ke sini, SEAtizens?


Playtopia Adventure is the first playground concept designed to answer the needs of families as a play area suitable for children, teenagers and adults.

This indoor playground offers a variety of exciting rides that can be explored.

For those of you adults who want to cure your indoor playground nostalgia, you can come to Playtopia Adventure!

Are you interested in coming here, SEAtizens?

#SEAToday #SEATodayLifestyle #Playtopia #Indoorplayground #Innerchild
00:00 Hi citizens, the holidays have arrived!
00:04 This time I want to invite you to visit one of the indoor playgrounds that is viral on social media,
00:10 namely Playtopia Adventure.
00:13 Wow, honestly, because I came here when the schoolchildren were on vacation,
00:17 so it's like this, it's really crowded.
00:20 Even before entering, I have to queue for about an hour.
00:25 Interestingly, this playground is not only for children, adults can also play here.
00:32 Because this Playtopia branch is everywhere,
00:35 I want to visit the nearest branch, namely at Playtopia Adventure Senayan Park.
00:42 The place is really wide and level, but don't worry, everything is safe.
00:49 There are quite a few items here, starting from 8 swings, rope play, trampoline, interactive play,
00:58 even wall climbing which is 15 meters high.
01:02 Since there are a lot of items and it's the holiday season,
01:05 so every item can queue and eat a lot of time.
01:09 Even though I queue, while here my inner child is really dancing happily, citizens.
01:16 That's my experience at Playtopia.
01:19 For those of you who want to come here, here's the price list.
01:23 How about you? Are you also interested in treating the feeling of missing playing in a playground like this?
01:29 Thank you for watching See On The Go With Me, see you in the next video, bye!
01:35 Thank you for watching See On The Go With Me, see you in the next video, bye!
01:40 (upbeat music)
