• last year
@SOHHTV and @InfamousSylvia discuss the events of the #ysltrial during the court room break.
00:00 All right, it says we are live and yes, we are indeed in a live situation and Sylvia
00:08 the infamous is live at the courthouse. She's got some background going on. I know this
00:13 sounds like you're in a hallway. I'm in a chapel.
00:19 You're in the chapel. This is a place of prayer and you're streaming.
00:27 As long as the minister of service. Okay, we are here with Cynthia, Sylvia and
00:34 of course we also have Kennedy Hobbs here from So as well. And we are here to get all
00:42 the dynamics, the dramatics, the tea, everything that happened. You were in this morning at
00:47 10 o'clock. We were there late last night. This morning they let you come in at 10 o'clock
00:53 and they didn't give you a real break. So you guys have been going ever since 10 this
00:59 morning. Yes, yes. Okay. Well, we didn't start on time. We started 10 ish.
01:05 I didn't know CP time happened with courts too.
01:14 We won't talk about it. Okay. So you started at 10 ish and last night
01:21 we left off with, uh, to Shannon Stilwell's attorney had given his opening statement this
01:27 morning. We have four more persons, four more attorneys that need to give opening statements.
01:33 You mean five more, five more, exactly five more. There's six defendants. We, yesterday
01:37 we did the state prosecutor's opening statements and that was a whole, whole thing. Uh, she
01:43 said, made some jungle references and some incendiary comments about people being a pack
01:48 of wolves and you can read that story. And so, uh, and we talked about it last night.
01:53 Um, also Shannon still were as well as attorney talk last night and really painted the picture
01:57 of him being, you know, a victim of his environment. Um, and, and really not a murderer. Yes, he
02:04 sold drugs, but he didn't murder anybody. So this morning we come back at 10 ish and
02:09 who is up to bat. It's Steve, um, Mr. Steele.
02:16 Now Mr. Steele for all those who need to be reminded is
02:21 he is the attorney for, um, Jeffrey Williams and he's pretty good at, he's more of a appeals
02:28 attorney. He's really good. His record is spectacular with the appeals. He wins majority
02:34 of his appeals. Okay. So that his rating is like, um, 55% he gets approved. I think something
02:42 like that. Okay. So he's got a really, uh, good batting average when it comes to being
02:47 able to get appeals, uh, through, and he is Jeffrey Williams, AKA young thugs attorney.
02:53 And we were expecting to see him last. I thought they would have made me put him towards the
02:57 end. It's kind of like the final presentation since young thug is being charged as the leader
03:02 of this, this, uh, criminal enterprise. He came on first thing in the morning.
03:07 Yes, because, um, because I think his, they knew he was going to be long. So, um, he was
03:13 really long winded. I'm just going to tell you the truth. We took a break and then we
03:18 had to come right back. We thought it was going on lunch, but it was just a comfort
03:22 break and then they gave him another hour. So, okay. Well, we talked about that last
03:26 night. I think that he should get more time, right? Considering he's having to defend his
03:31 client from allegations that all of these other folk were being, you know, influenced
03:37 led directed by him to commit various crimes, including murder and you know, um, you know,
03:45 what, uh, robbery, theft, et cetera. So with thug being, I guess the, the kind of centerpiece
03:51 of this whole thing, they gave steel a good amount of time this morning. So how did he
03:57 set this whole thing? I mean, what's, what's his, what's the overall arching theme that
04:02 he's going to be going with in this case?
04:04 He set it off like, um, first he was telling about, um, Jeffrey's background, how, you
04:10 know, him growing up in part of it, Harvish environment and how, um, his family, his,
04:17 you know, he has six sisters and then his brother. And he talked about how, um, how
04:24 he was picked upon, picked on, bullied and all this kind of stuff. And, um, how the,
04:31 the thing that really, um, he stuck to was either he's going to be a athlete or, um,
04:38 music into music. And so he chose music. They talked to each other about who inspired him.
04:44 He talked, they talk about, um, uh, little Wayne as being his inspiration. And then also
04:50 on, um, little Wayne, um, uh, Tupac, talk about Tupac and how the name, how he arrived
05:01 at his name of young Thug. He talked, they talk about that, um, originally he was supposed
05:07 to have been PYT, um, but he saw that he was not a player and then it changed the name.
05:14 Um, Thug meaning is, um, okay. I wrote it down.
05:20 Truly humble under God.
05:21 Yes. Thank you. Truly humble under God.
05:25 All right. Truly humble under God. Um, that's an interesting acronym. I'm wondering, uh,
05:33 we probably should know this or maybe we shouldn't, if that's ever been stated in a record before,
05:39 but he's actually said, you know, young Thug, truly humble under God. Like, or did we just
05:43 come up with that recently? I'm just wondering.
05:45 Um, I don't know, but that's what they said this morning.
05:50 Okay. So he's painting the picture of young Thug and this is very similar to what Shannon
05:54 Stilwell's attorney was doing, that this environment really left two choices, right? It's either
06:00 you're going to be a ball player, you're going to be a rapper. And, and these guys really
06:04 had no choice as to, uh, what they could do. Um, it's interesting. They didn't say a drug
06:10 dealer because that's also a choice in the hood, right? So it's either ball player, rapper,
06:14 drug dealer. These days you can also maybe be a Twitch streamer. Uh, but, uh, they didn't
06:19 mention drug dealer, which is also usually one of the choices, which would of course
06:23 implicated him in the whole thing. I would think maybe the defense might, uh, the prosecution
06:28 might have.
06:29 Well, they did that with Stilwell. He did say he was a drug dealer.
06:32 Oh, right. He did say he was a drug dealer.
06:34 Yeah.
06:35 Okay. So was his, okay. So getting back to Thug real quick, he's sitting there telling
06:38 me, what is he looking like today? Is all of this is happening. Yesterday he had a black
06:41 and white ensemble.
06:42 His face is pretty like still, he didn't, um, he didn't have any kind of movement. He
06:48 listened intensively and he, um, I mean, a couple of times he shook his head and he was
06:54 like in agreement with what Mr. Steele said. Um, but other than that, he, he paid a lot
07:01 of attention. Now I don't, where I'm sitting now, I don't get a chance to see the jurors.
07:05 Uh, so I don't know what the, in the facial expression of the jurors today. So, because
07:11 yesterday I was sitting in the middle, they had the media sitting in the middle. Now we're
07:15 sitting on the left side. And the funny thing is we're sitting between the two fam, the
07:20 two families, you know, like we have the defendants, all the defendants family sitting behind me.
07:26 And in front of me we have, um, little nuts, what's the name? Nut, um, Mr. Thomas family
07:33 sitting in front. So they were very, um, dramatic, a lot of movement from them. They were shaking
07:41 their head in disagreement or what Mr. Steele was saying. They were not having a couple
07:46 of times they got up and left the courtroom and came back. Yesterday they were emotional
07:51 where they were crying when they showed the young man's picture. But this time they were
07:57 more in just, you know, in disagreement with Mr. Steele.
08:02 So, so, so Thug's family was there, right? Again?
08:06 His whole family, as well as the Yatgati, um, um, Ms. Nichols, uh, the husband, the
08:12 wife of Mr. Nichols. Um, um, Thug's mom is here today. She's here. She's behind, she's
08:19 sitting behind me. Um, of course, you know, Mariah, the scientist, his girlfriend is there.
08:25 Um, quite a few people.
08:30 Was Kevin Lyles there again? Because they talked about him being, you know, a music
08:33 artist and, and, you know, little Wayne, um, and, uh, Tupac being his influences. They
08:39 kind of talked about how he got into the music industry, uh, being inspired by these folks.
08:43 It was Kevin Lyles, former record executive there again today.
08:47 I'm not too sure because he didn't come downstairs now that they know where they're supposed
08:51 to sit. He might be, he might be upstairs. I don't know for a fact.
08:55 Okay. So Thug is there and what's he looking like today? What's he wearing? Is he wearing
08:59 a black, wearing black? His hair is up. His hair is not like the way it was yesterday.
09:05 It's all up in it, like in a bun type of thing.
09:08 Okay. Okay. So he, you're saying that the family of little nut, who you, his name is
09:14 Thomas. Is that his last name? Uh, the gentleman, his last name is Thomas and he's the gentleman
09:20 that, but he was killed apparently, allegedly by Stillwell and Quantavious, right?
09:27 That was the charges. That's what the charges is that he, they had some, something to do
09:33 with it. Allegedly. Yeah. So, okay. And, and the reason why I'm just trying to think, well,
09:38 he's not, Thug is not the one that, that is alleged to have killed him. So why are you
09:42 guys making faces and making sounds and expressing disagreement towards him? I guess it's because
09:49 they're under the understanding that Thug directed this hit. Is that the idea?
09:54 I don't know. I don't, I really don't know, but they were making motions a couple of times,
10:02 just, you know, sucking their teeth and things like that. So, okay. So after we talk about
10:08 him getting into the music industry and his name standing for truly humble under God,
10:14 what was the next thing that he kind of, once he set it up as, you know, this young man
10:18 coming up in this environment, choosing to go into the music industry instead of sports,
10:23 what was the next kind of?
10:26 He basically talked about the overt acts. He was going line by line by each overt act,
10:31 which majority of the courts, the consensus is that other people will commit these crimes
10:37 and, but they're putting it on him. So therefore the possibility, I mean, he's trying to clarify,
10:44 these charges are not his charge. He has nothing to do with it. Basically it's because he is
10:53 well known and he is a person who try to help the community. They putting it on him. So
11:00 that's what his, his ammo is.
11:02 Okay. So, so the thought is he's saying, listen, I know we're on, cause these are my co-defendants,
11:09 but what you saying they did has nothing to do with me.
11:12 Exactly.
11:13 He wants to separate himself from these other folks.
11:15 Yeah. And most of them, he does not know. So he's saying these crimes that these people
11:20 that has done or being accused of, it has nothing to do with them. He doesn't know them.
11:27 So therefore, why are they putting it on him? And now he has to fight, fight because he
11:35 helps them some of the people in the community because they didn't have money. And, you know,
11:40 he paid for, um, some of their lawyer fee, help finance some of their like dreams and
11:48 things like that. It has nothing to do with the gang. It's more of him trying to give
11:54 back to the community.
11:55 Right now you say he does not know them. He said he doesn't know the victims or he's saying
12:00 he doesn't know the individuals that he's co-defendant with on the stand.
12:05 Some of them he does not know at all.
12:07 The co-defendants?
12:08 Co-defendants. Yes.
12:10 So who was he saying he doesn't know? So we've got Roderick Ryan.
12:14 Didn't, didn't, um, but according to, yeah, you can. Um, I'm sorry. According to when
12:24 I interviewed Mr. Rod's, Mr. Roger Elias, Ryan, Mr. Ryan, when I interviewed him, he's
12:31 the one who expressed to me back in like in January that his son did not know the guy
12:37 at all. Only thing he knows is his music and he came from the same neighborhood, but him
12:42 himself did not know him because he said his son had been going in and out of jail since
12:46 he was 12 years old. And him and, um, Thug way different in age cause Thug's like 31
12:53 and he's just turning 19. So they didn't know each other. It's just that because he's in
12:58 the neighborhood and that's, he's a fan of Thug's music. So because the neighborhood
13:04 being off of Cleveland Avenue, they put it up part of it.
13:08 Okay. So they pretty much swept up all of these felons, ex felons, folks who have committed
13:13 crimes and they're saying, because you live in this community, uh, we're going to just
13:18 bundle you in as part of YSL and, and Rod Darius, his dad is saying, well, he's not
13:23 part of YSL. He doesn't even know young Thug like that. Yeah. Mm. All right. And then the
13:30 rest of them, they didn't specify whether Shannon still well knows him. They didn't
13:34 specify, he didn't say the other folks, they didn't name them who he doesn't know. They
13:38 just said he doesn't know these people still. Yes. Okay. All right. So he's just trying
13:46 to establish a separation between him and the co-defendants and you know, we have about,
13:51 we have about four more minutes, four more minutes. Well, listen folks, what if you,
13:55 if this Jamie Carradine, I pronounced your name wrong yesterday. Uh, she goes, I believe
14:01 that this will stick in the jurors minds when these acts are brought up by the prosecution.
14:07 So Kennedy, if you want to shout out any of the questions that come up while we're talking,
14:12 you can do that. But what do you think about that? I mean, do you think this is going to
14:15 stick in people's minds with the overt acts, the, the, the, the conversation about, um,
14:21 you know, who his, his life, how he came up, you know, him, uh, coming up in poverty and,
14:27 and having to choose a lifestyle of entertainment. Jamie saying that she thinks that's going
14:32 to stick in people's minds. Yeah, definitely. Because what happened is you, you, you try
14:37 to find something that you, that the jury would relate to. Majority of the jurors are
14:43 women, right? They are women of middle age and upper age and they have male sons so they
14:50 can relate to some of the things in that neighborhood, in that area, and that he was trying to connect
14:57 with the, um, with the jurors. And those were the thing he knew. I mean, he has an expert
15:03 sitting next to him that, that can read a juror. She's an expert lady that's with him.
15:09 So, you know, sometime when you humanize the person, you have, you help them to, to connect
15:15 with what they understand the poverty and a single mother raising her children. She
15:22 has 11 or 12 children and they have to do the best that they can. And this young man
15:27 want to get out of poverty and, and what he does, he gets the money and he helps his community.
15:32 He's a rapper and we've, we've got a lot of, there was a young man who testified during
15:37 the early hearings. Um, I'll get his name and we'll bring him up at the next update.
15:41 We have a video of him talking about how thug really changed his life, how he became a inspirational
15:46 speaker and now speaks around the world because of the influence that the thug has had on
15:51 him. So, um, definitely he has been doing works in the community. We know he's made
15:54 donations. He's had, you know, community events, et cetera. Um, so there definitely is a testimony
16:00 to that. Any last things that still pointed out before you close off?
16:04 Um, I, it's, it's, it was a lot. He, um, he was very detailed with everything and I believe
16:12 that, um, because he helped the, uh, the jurors to relate to some of the things that's happening
16:20 in community. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, um, the, uh, uh, state is asking for a mistrial.
16:28 Mm. The state is asking for a mistrial. The state is asking for a mistrial now. I will
16:36 get the details later on for you guys, but the state is asking for mistrial. So, um,
16:42 I haven't, he hasn't ruled on it yet, but we will hear, you don't know anything just
16:46 based upon what, because they're not prepared because yesterday they came in. It has to
16:50 do with something that, that, um, that, um, Mr. Steel has brought up and entered. I see.
16:58 I wasn't, I'm sorry guys. I wasn't paying attention. So being honest, I wasn't paying
17:03 attention, but my ears just went up when I heard they were asking for a mistrial. I was
17:10 like, Oh, but I don't know the details. So I think that was right. They asked for it
17:15 immediately after they went over the Instagram pages and the pictures and the captions and
17:19 everything trying to prove, I guess, like the nature of the enterprise.
17:24 Okay. So, so we'll, we'll look that over and we'll have details in the evening. In the
17:28 meantime, one last comment from T girl. Go ahead. You can give that Kennedy if you want
17:33 to share. Okay. She's saying, uh, what she's saying, you can just read it. Oh, it says,
17:41 okay, I can see it. She's saying, um, that, uh, they can't twist your words. I'm glad
17:45 you're there. Sylvia, the real story can be reported. Just another fan, a T girl and all
17:51 the folks out there representing make sure you continue to come back. We're going to
17:55 be, listen, please forgive our lateness today. Sylvia could not get here until just now.
18:00 We said we were going to be 12 to one. We're going to hope to be eight o'clock this evening
18:04 for another update, but in the mid days it gets a little dicey. It's depends upon when
18:08 she gets out with the court. So, uh, of course come support and make sure you get that cash
18:12 app, everybody infamous Sylvia. Um, and, uh, she'll be back in a little bit so we can give
18:18 you guys all the details later on. In the meantime, check out SOH. We're going to be
18:22 providing all the details on social media, sharing this out as well as on the site with
18:27 the full article breakdown. All right, still have a good head back in those notes. Ready?
18:31 Give us details when we come back. I'll have to pay attention this time. Okay. Thank you
18:36 guys. Bye.
