• last year
A mum says it is "selfish" and "irresponsible" to have more than three kids – as parents can’t give them "enough attention".

Aurora McCausland, 28, feels parents of three or more children can't dedicate enough time to each of them individually.

The mum - who has two sons Bastian, six, and Rosen, four - believes it is "irresponsible" to have a large family.

Aurora, a stay-at-home mum, from Salt Lake City, Utah, US, said: "I feel it is selfish.

"It's not possible for you to give as much of yourself as your children deserve – emotionally, physically, mentally and financially.

"It doesn't seem possible to give them enough attention."

When Aurora left home aged 19 and met her husband, Seth, 27, who works in manufacturing, she realised she didn't want a big family.

They both decided two was the maximum amount of children they could "handle".

She said: "We didn’t want a big family.

"I only have two and can't imagine the guilt if I had more. I don’t think I could care for more children effectively.

"That's how many arms I have.

"If you have eight children, you want to spent 15 minutes dedicated to each child.

"That's two hours of your day and while doing everything else - when are you going to do that?

"I still feel it is irresponsible to have that many children."

Aurora says the maximum number of children a couple should have is between three or four.

She said: "I think some people can handle a few more children – three or four is the maximum."

She believes having children in itself is "selfish".

Aurora said: "I recognise that having children in itself is inherently selfish.

"Two is the most I can handle."

Aurora said a lot of strangers who grew up in a big family agreed with her views.

She said: "There is no way you can give your energy to that many beings.

"You don't need to have that many children."


00:00 My name is Aurora McCausland. My husband and I decided that we wanted to have kids. We
00:04 originally wanted five children. After getting pregnant with our first and having one,
00:09 we realized really, really quickly that we really couldn't have more kids than we had arms. Having
00:14 two kids, one for each of us to pay attention to, so that way nobody was ever left out,
00:18 nobody ever felt neglected, nobody ever felt like there weren't enough parents for them.
00:23 And so we decided pretty much immediately two kids is our maximum. I think that everyone's
00:28 individual threshold is going to be slightly different. I can imagine that some parents could
00:33 handle three or four kids. I think that a lot of people view having children as a selfless thing.
00:39 They view it as, "I'm sacrificing my time and my energy for these children that's so selfless."
00:44 The decision to have children is selfish because the children don't have any say in the matter.
00:49 They're not asking. I had children for me, not for my children. That's a decision that
00:54 my husband and I wanted, not because our children could have wanted that.
