• 2 years ago
Not Quite Narwhal Season 2 Trailer HD - From the ocean to the land, curious Kelp learns more about himself by going on fun-filled adventures with his unicorn friends and narwhal family. Season 2 of Not Quite Narwhal arrives on Netflix January 22, 2024!


00:00 My name is Kelp, and because I get to spend time in two worlds, I get twice as many adventures!
00:06 Whoa!
00:08 If you follow your curiosity, you're bound to discover amazing things!
00:12 It's magical!
00:14 I love it!
00:16 Everyone has a special story.
00:18 You've got to get to work if we're going to make you underwater ready in time.
00:21 Yay!
00:22 Psst! Shake their fin!
00:29 Come on!
00:30 I think that might be a...
00:38 wooly unicorn!
00:40 Dombie!
00:41 Your name is Dombie!
00:42 Whoa!
00:47 What do we do now?
00:48 We play!
00:49 We had so much fun today!
00:52 So many ups and downs, twists and turns!
00:54 It's thrilling!
00:55 Not your average narwhal, are you?
00:58 She said yeah!
01:01 She said yeah!
01:03 ♪ Who are Dombie, Dombie, Dombie, who are they? ♪
