• 2 years ago


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (cheering)
00:06 - What is up?
00:08 It's Ash Magic here and today I'm doing some
00:11 magic on the streets of Melbourne,
00:12 bringing the artful dodger to life.
00:14 (upbeat music)
00:17 Excuse me guys, my name's Ash, I'm doing some magic today.
00:20 Can I show you something quick?
00:21 Now there's only one three of hearts in each pack, right?
00:23 I want you to say stop for me, say stop.
00:25 - Stop. - There, okay.
00:26 You're gonna do the magic, push the card in.
00:28 See it goes in, three, two, one, it jumps.
00:32 - What?
00:33 - Oh, no I mean it jumps to my mouth.
00:36 (laughing)
00:38 What's your name?
00:40 - Christina. - Christina.
00:41 Hold out your hands flat for me like this, perfect.
00:43 Just a bit further apart.
00:44 Push one of your hand forward, that one.
00:45 Okay, drop it to your side.
00:46 This hand, squeeze it into your fist.
00:48 I'm gonna take a pen and I'm gonna draw a love heart.
00:51 Let's do this, this is very cute, okay.
00:53 Love heart, check this out, look, watch the heart.
00:56 It's gonna look like I can take it off my hand.
00:59 Did you feel that?
01:00 Can you turn your hand over, open up.
01:02 - What the hell, man?
01:05 - You said you've never seen a magic trick before.
01:08 Watch the deck on the floor now.
01:12 Focus your energy.
01:14 (cheering)
01:16 Well, this has been so much fun,
01:19 sharing my magic with people
01:20 and letting them on the inside of the tricks.
01:23 And I cannot wait to see Artful Dodger
01:26 on Disney Plus, make sure you check it out.
01:28 (upbeat music)
01:30 (upbeat music)
