• il y a 2 ans
Célèbre romancière américaine du XXe siècle, Patricia Highsmith mena une vie de bohême, que ce soit pour l'écriture ou sur le plan personnel. Elle fut l'auteur de nombreux romans, dont une histoire lesbienne "Carol", sous le pseudo de Claire Morgan, un récit en partie autobiographique. De nombreux témoignages de proches mais également ses journaux intimes inédits ainsi que ses notes permettent de découvrir un nouvel angle de vue sur l'existence de cette femme talentueuse. Aux vues des révélations sur sa vie amoureuse trouble, le style d'écriture de Patricia Highsmith a bien été influencé par la recherche de son identité...


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:03 (crépitements)
00:05 - "Ideas come to me like birds
00:07 "that I see in the corner of my eye,
00:10 "and I may try, or may not,
00:12 "to get a closer fix on those birds."
00:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:17 - Pat was more dedicated than any writer I'd ever met.
00:20 Certainly, she was very famous when I met her.
00:24 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:27 - "Strangers on a Train" was Aismuth.
00:29 It was bought by a celebrated film director.
00:31 - Yes, Hitchcock took an interest in it.
00:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:37 - What I wonder is, you don't admire Ripley.
00:40 He is a killer.
00:42 - Yes, but lately, he kills only when he thinks it's right.
00:46 - All the girls were completely fascinated
00:49 because it was Patricia Aismuth.
00:51 Pat really took advantage of it, that's for sure.
00:54 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:59 - "I may not be capable of love.
01:02 "I want something romantic, perhaps not definite."
01:07 - Pat was revered for her pseudonymous novel "Carol."
01:11 - She was gay, and anybody didn't use their own name
01:15 on a gay book because of family, because of her mother.
01:19 Her mother was a bitch.
01:22 - A woman was supposed to act like a boy.
01:25 You didn't veer off of that.
01:27 - She was easy to love.
01:30 Let's put it that way.
01:32 - Writing, of course,
01:34 is a substitute for the life I cannot live,
01:37 am unable to live.
01:40 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:48 [SILENCE]
