• 2 years ago
In a dark, fire-lit Clan House, a Tlingit Elder moves moves between the contemporary and spirit worlds as he reveals the | dG1fVkYyNkJCcXR2N00
00:00 [chanting]
00:06 Are you excited about listening to your great uncle storytelling tonight?
00:09 It's his gift to us now that he's getting older.
00:11 [chanting]
00:31 [chanting]
00:45 [speaking in another language]
00:52 [music]
01:21 Give me your hand!
01:24 [music]
01:31 [music]
01:37 [chanting]
01:43 [music]
01:47 [chanting]
01:54 [chanting]
02:02 [chanting]
