Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [musique]
00:01 Maman !
00:02 [musique]
00:03 - How was Nebraska ?
00:04 - It was, um...
00:05 [musique]
00:08 The usual.
00:09 [musique]
00:12 - Mr. Brackett,
00:13 can you tell us what happened
00:14 that night at the hotel ?
00:15 - It was our anniversary,
00:16 so we wanted to go out.
00:17 - I won't be me,
00:18 you won't be you.
00:19 - Just two strangers
00:20 meeting in a bar.
00:21 [musique]
00:24 - Tomorrow night.
00:25 [musique]
00:29 - I'm Jack.
00:30 - Alice.
00:31 - Do you and your wife
00:32 role play often ?
00:33 - What exactly is this about ?
00:34 - Do you know this man ?
00:35 - No.
00:36 - Jack Bob Bob Jack.
00:37 - Pleasure.
00:38 - He just talked for five minutes
00:39 to all the victims of her charms,
00:41 and then he left.
00:42 [musique]
00:44 - The one and only.
00:46 - Hey, where are you ?
00:47 - I'll be right back.
00:48 [musique]
00:50 - The wife's real name
00:51 is Anna Peller.
00:52 [musique]
00:53 Wanted for contract killings
00:54 across several continents.
00:55 [musique]
00:56 [musique]
00:57 [musique]
00:58 [musique]
00:59 [rires]
01:01 - I'm sorry.
01:02 [rires]
01:03 [musique]
01:04 - What ?
01:05 [musique]
01:06 - They told me what you are.
01:08 - My wife is an assassin ?
01:10 [musique]
01:11 - This is a lot.
01:12 You kill people.
01:14 - It's over.
01:15 - I never wanted to lie to you.
01:16 - I just want a normal life.
01:18 - That I have a family to protect.
01:20 - You're my wife,
01:21 I'm coming to help you.
01:22 - Do not come here.
01:23 Do you hear me ?
01:24 Do not come here.
01:25 [musique]
01:27 [musique]
01:28 [musique]
01:31 - I love you and I love our family.
01:33 - We can get through this.
01:34 - We are concerned about your wife
01:36 and the safety of your family.
01:38 [musique]
01:40 - She kills me this way.
01:41 [musique]
01:42 - I told you I need out.
01:43 - I'll bring the whole world down on your head.
01:45 [musique]
01:49 - I love you.
01:50 I have to go to work now though.
01:51 - Ok.
01:52 [musique]
01:53 [cris]
01:56 [musique]
02:01 - Killing is bad.
02:02 Like, unacceptably bad.
02:04 - I know, I know.
02:05 I'm done, done, I swear.
02:06 [cris]
02:07 [musique]
02:10 [musique]
02:13 [musique]