• 2 years ago
Loughgall and Crusaders pay respects prior to kick-off
00:00 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them, for the
00:16 years from then, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
00:23 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
00:33 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
00:43 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
00:53 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
01:03 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
01:13 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
01:23 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
01:33 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
01:43 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
01:53 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
02:03 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
02:13 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
02:23 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
02:33 [Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace"]
