• 2 years ago
Episode 2060 Gary Brecka - The Joe Rogan Experience Video - Episode latest update
00:00:00 Lot of like high-stress individuals that don't take care of themselves their ticker checks out yeah
00:00:06 67 yeah pretty standard it just takes its toll I mean and the funny thing is you know
00:00:13 When you go back, and you look at the the pictures of him prior to oh yeah
00:00:20 He does kind of look like he was about to pop you know it's not good
00:00:24 He had a big old moon face, and he was you know hands up on the forehead and the veins out of the side of the neck
00:00:31 What was like first of all how did he meet you?
00:00:34 How did this this come about and like how the conversation start so we have a mutual friend named Carrie Kasem?
00:00:41 If you remember Casey case, yeah
00:00:44 We're there back in the day in the early UFC's okay, so um
00:00:50 You know I recently met Carrie and she had kind of a life-changing experience as well
00:00:55 You know if you know anything about her journey with Lyme disease and chronic viral infection
00:00:58 I mean she really she really struggled and end up healing herself and
00:01:02 She took the same test that Dana White did it was life-changing for her, and she was like what is this test
00:01:09 It's a genetic test it looks at genetic methylation pathways so
00:01:14 methylation pathways
00:01:16 Methylation pathways so think about it like this
00:01:19 You know we pull crude oil out of the ground right but but you can't put crude oil into your gas tank
00:01:26 Right because the car doesn't understand that fuel source
00:01:28 So what happens is crude oil has to be refined into gasoline, and then the car can run
00:01:34 Okay, so in human beings. There's a similar process called methylation
00:01:38 There's not a single compound known to mankind not one. There's no vitamin no mineral no amino acid no nutrient no protein
00:01:45 No nutrient of any kind that enters the human body and is used in the format that we put it in
00:01:51 Without a single exception everything we put into our bodies has to be refined
00:01:56 Into the usable form if you can't make this conversion you have a deficiency
00:02:03 It's this deficiency that leads to the most common ailments that we suffer from
00:02:08 So that process is called methylation and there are several genes that govern it
00:02:15 This is where a lot of the misconception about genetically inherited disease comes from right will say
00:02:20 Well, Joe. You know your father-in-law has not your father-in-law your your father on your mom's side had hypertension
00:02:27 Your grandfather had hypertension now you have hypertension
00:02:30 So you have genetically inherited hypertension or you have familial hypertension
00:02:36 Well in hypertension is commonly known as high blood pressure is a high blood pressure
00:02:39 Yeah, high blood pressure, but 85% of all high blood pressure is what we call idiopathic right? It's of unknown origin
00:02:45 so
00:02:46 We say that things are genetically inherited because they run in families
00:02:51 But it's rarely the disease that's passed from generation to generation
00:02:55 What we pass from generation to generation is the inability to refine a raw material
00:03:02 Which causes a deficiency?
00:03:04 Which leads to that disease and what generally leads to hypertension?
00:03:09 So if you look at a Dana White's case right is a perfectly common case
00:03:15 in fact the Journal of hypertension published an article in
00:03:18 November 19th of 2017 if you want to look that article up and
00:03:23 Essentially linking an amino acid in the bloodstream called homocysteine
00:03:28 To hypertension and the reason for this is you got homocysteine in your blood. I've got it in my blood
00:03:34 Everybody listening to this podcast has homocysteine
00:03:37 but if you have an impaired ability to break homocysteine down right to take that amino acid homocysteine and
00:03:44 Convert it into a harmless amino acid called methionine if you can't make this conversion
00:03:50 homocysteine rises
00:03:53 Causes something called hyper homocysteineemia high homocysteine the blood when homocysteine rises
00:03:59 It becomes one of the more inflammatory compounds in the human body as it's cruising by the inside lining of the artery
00:04:05 It starts to irritate the artery it actually reduces the arteries
00:04:09 Elasticity and can even cause it to constrict so think about this you've got
00:04:15 63,000 miles of blood vessel roughly in your body it doesn't take much
00:04:19 narrowing to drive pressure up
00:04:22 Think about it 85% of all hypertensive diagnosis
00:04:27 diagnosis of high blood pressure
00:04:31 Primary hypertension or essential hypertension are
00:04:33 idiopathic right unknown origin only 15% of them are secondary hypertension of where we know the exact cause and
00:04:41 So what we do is we take people that have high blood pressure
00:04:43 We we run a bunch of tests on them with EKG. It's normal EEG
00:04:48 It's normal heart and lung sounds cardiac cath I contrast study we do all these
00:04:53 cardiovascular tests and they all come out normal yet the person still has high blood pressure and that's
00:04:59 largely because
00:05:01 The high levels of homocysteine are causing vascular narrowing
00:05:05 I mean this is a fixed system right so if I make the pipes smaller in a fixed system pressure goes up
00:05:13 so in Dana's case specifically and is you know he's throwing his blood work out on the internet, so
00:05:19 You know we can talk about his labs
00:05:22 But in his cases he had one of the highest levels of homocysteine that I've personally ever seen and our clinical team had seen
00:05:29 What is so when you say high blood pressure could you define like I'm not good at that whenever I get my blood pressure
00:05:34 They tell me the number and they say it's good. I go okay
00:05:36 What's a good number so?
00:05:39 120 over 70 120 and what's high?
00:05:41 130 140 150 160 when does it get dangerous?
00:05:46 140 150 starts to get dangerous people walk around at 140 150
00:05:52 160 all the time and they don't know it. It's the silent killer
00:05:56 You don't feel it you think you would feel high blood pressure, but very often
00:06:01 It's the silent killer because you don't feel it. It's not like you hear your blood rushing in your ears although you may
00:06:07 It's not like you feel pressure in your head or pressure in your neck or pressure in your chest
00:06:12 That's why high blood pressure hypertension is one of the silent killers and cardiovascular disease mmm right in fact one of the one of the
00:06:19 first primary symptoms is sudden death
00:06:23 Right so we we often put people on hypertensive medication
00:06:27 Before we actually look at whether or not they have high levels of homocysteine or whether or not they might have a gene mutation
00:06:35 specifically called MTR and you could test for it or
00:06:38 MTRR and what this gene codes for is
00:06:42 it codes for the enzymes that break down homocysteine and
00:06:47 Turn it into an amino acid called methionine right and so if this conversion is impaired
00:06:53 And this homocysteine starts to rise and your vascular system constricts
00:06:58 It can drive your pressure up and it drives your pressure up without anything being wrong with the heart
00:07:04 So then we start standing on the heart which is what happened in Dana's case beta blockers calcium channel blockers
00:07:10 Diuretics all of these things his blood pressure was still through the roof
00:07:13 What was his number? I think he was 160
00:07:17 160 over 110 I want to say it was very high
00:07:23 hmm and
00:07:25 It was consistently high well
00:07:27 We were actually you know our clinical team was taking his blood pressure
00:07:30 Two or three times a day seven days a week, and it was consistently very elevated even though he was on blood pressure medication
00:07:36 Really, so statins so what he was on statins. Which would you use on?
00:07:41 Cholesterol like like a ripath or anything so
00:07:45 What's a hypertension?
00:07:48 They're there. They're called beta blockers like ender all calcium channel blockers
00:07:52 We call ace inhibitors
00:07:54 Sometimes we use diuretics and so he was still jacked up even though he was on those
00:07:59 Oh, he was still jacked up even though he was on medication, and what are the other factors?
00:08:04 What other things cause hypertension well?
00:08:07 I mean cardiovascular disease and there are certain you know direct genetic links to cardiovascular disease, but they're they're very rare
00:08:13 but diet
00:08:16 Atherosclerosis you know narrowing of the arties arterial sclerosis harding of the arteries calcifications in the arterial wall
00:08:22 Can cause pressure to go up?
00:08:24 You know
00:08:27 Regurgitations in the in heart valves can cause you know pressure to increase
00:08:31 But when you think about the heart as a muscle right and all four chambers are circulating blood normally
00:08:37 And it's got a good vascular supply, but it's beating into constricted pipes
00:08:43 Think about what happens that pressure is gonna back up mm-hmm right and so we rarely go outside the heart to diagnose
00:08:49 Whether or not and for the record. I am NOT a physician. I'm not licensed to practice medicine. I'm a human biologist
00:08:53 I didn't
00:08:56 You know learn my trade in medical school. I took eight years of undergrad and postgraduate education in human biology
00:09:03 But for for 20 years I was a mortality expert in the insurance industry, and I just read medical records for a living
00:09:10 So the vast amount of what I've come to understand about modern medicine has just come from reading thousands and thousands and thousands of medical
00:09:17 records and
00:09:19 You can see very often that when people were being diagnosed with high blood pressure
00:09:24 They were always looking at the heart
00:09:27 They never looked outside the heart to say what could it possibly be beating into a dysfunctional?
00:09:32 Arterial system and so in Dana's case, and I should have brought the numbers because I had the week-over-week numbers
00:09:38 It was astounding you know we we just put them on a simple amino acid called trimethylglycine
00:09:43 you know an amino acid you can get off the shelf and
00:09:46 What it did was it made up for this genetic deficiency this lack of code to break down
00:09:53 homocysteine and his body started to
00:09:56 Methylate to break homocysteine down and is this a amino acid that pretty much everybody should be taking it's an amino acid that everybody with
00:10:06 Hypertension should consider if they have high homocysteine, and it's explain say the word again. What is it?
00:10:12 What's the amino acid called trimethylglycine?
00:10:14 TMG is that a little tea capital similar to regular glycine no this is trimethylglycine
00:10:20 It's a little bit. It's a little bit different than the amino acid glycine so
00:10:24 Trimethylglycine will actually help to metabolize to help give the body the raw material it needs
00:10:34 He's gonna be on trimethylglycine tomorrow
00:10:36 I just want to keep track of all these different things you're saying and oftentimes. I do forget so try
00:10:43 Try methylglycine or just put capital TMG. That's what it'll say on the bottle
00:10:47 Okay, and so you know
00:10:52 Sometimes I use the analogy that you know when I was when I was getting my second
00:10:57 Human biology degree I was in grad school get my human biology degree. I had to take all these
00:11:02 plant botany courses
00:11:04 Which I hated, but you have to take them morphology of thalafites and all these crazy courses about plants, but the one thing that
00:11:12 Really stood out to me
00:11:14 But I've taken all these plant biology courses is that if there's ever anything wrong when the leaves of a plant like the tree there
00:11:21 You know the trunk leaves or the branches and you call a true arborist or a true botanist out to your house
00:11:29 They won't even touch the leaves or the branches of the trunk of the tree the first thing
00:11:33 They'll do is they'll core test the soil and they'll go you know what this soils deficient in nitrogen
00:11:37 Mmm, and then they'll add nitrogen to the soil and the leaf will heal
00:11:40 But we don't think about human beings like this anymore
00:11:43 I feel like there's such a paucity of understanding of deep human
00:11:47 Physiology and in a lot of the medical community not all the medical community, and we don't actually
00:11:51 Have faith in mankind and humanity and the body's ability to heal itself and whether or not they might
00:11:57 Someone might be deficient in a raw material
00:11:59 Not pathologic or diseased so for example in Dana White's case. He was diagnosed with
00:12:05 Idiopathic hypertension which he essentially did not have he was being medicated for it
00:12:10 He had been medicated for it for 15 years, and he didn't really have hypertension there was nothing really wrong with him
00:12:16 It's that his body couldn't break down homocysteine
00:12:19 It was deficient in the amino acids needed to break this homocysteine down as soon as we put those back in his body
00:12:24 It started to function normally and where would you generally get those amino acids if you wouldn't weren't taking them um?
00:12:30 I mean you can get them online. I mean there's lots of great
00:12:33 No, no if you weren't taking them, but is it they in food is it oh? Yeah? They're in there. They're in foods
00:12:38 That's why if you look at certain diets like high folate diets like carnivore diets
00:12:42 diets that are high in dietary folate leafy greens
00:12:46 Grass-fed meats
00:12:50 eggs dairy
00:12:52 You'll find that they have lower incidences of
00:12:55 Cancer diets and high dietary folate so this is a raw material that we can get from our food
00:13:01 But very often our food is just so nutrient deficient
00:13:04 All right, we update the macros on the back of a lot of labels
00:13:08 But if you look at the micros like how much spinach how much iron is in spinach or calcium is in spinach or how much?
00:13:14 Nutrients are in on the label of most foods. I mean it's a fraction of what's actually listed there
00:13:21 And so we're nutrient deficient right human beings are not as sick as we have been led to believe
00:13:27 We are the majority in my opinion of pathology and disease as we know it today
00:13:32 or nutrient deficiencies missing raw material in the human body and
00:13:37 We just accept all these things as a consequence of aging weight gain water retention
00:13:41 You know lack of sleep poor focus and concentration lack of waking energy
00:13:46 Hormone imbalance and we think that the body has all of these different pathologies and diseases, but the truth is it's usually nutrient deficient
00:13:54 It's astounding what happens to human beings when you give their body the raw material that it needs to do its job
00:13:59 Mmm. I mean it really is and so
00:14:02 If if you are just supplementing for the sake of supplementing
00:14:07 Then there's only a marginal chance that you're getting what you need if you're supplementing for deficiency
00:14:13 That's when magic happens in the human body
00:14:15 But you have to understand what those deficiencies are and you have to go to someone like yourself
00:14:20 Don't have to go to me. I mean there's lots of people
00:14:22 Yourself yeah that is gonna understand how to read this stuff because if you had if you talked to me and said
00:14:29 What's the cause of high blood pressure? I would probably say someone's fat. They're overweight. They eat too much
00:14:36 Maybe they drink too much. Yeah, those are very obvious causes type 2 diabetes
00:14:40 You know being morbidly obese math or sclerosis or what are the other?
00:14:44 factors that could be
00:14:47 obesity
00:14:49 Obesity stress sleep stress Oh stress and sleep deprivation my levels of cortisol
00:14:55 interesting so slept sleep deprivation stress
00:14:59 morbid obesity type 2 diabetes
00:15:02 atherosclerosis arteriosclerosis
00:15:05 But those are usually more sinister and visible you know there are a lot of
00:15:10 healthy looking
00:15:12 individuals in their 20s and early 30s that are walking around with
00:15:17 Hypertension with high blood pressure and don't know it there are a lot of young healthy looking
00:15:23 Individuals that are walking around with metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of very high blood fat triglycerides
00:15:30 abdominal fat
00:15:32 High blood pressure high insulin and high sugar, but they don't they don't manifest to the outside world
00:15:39 But it's going on on the inside
00:15:41 That's why I say I think everybody at once in their lifetime
00:15:45 Should do a genetic methylation test and the reason for that is that you do this test once in your lifetime
00:15:51 You never have to repeat it the genes you're born with or the genes you die with and based on there's five major genes of methylation
00:15:58 Based on how these five genes are working or not you supplement for their deficiency so for example
00:16:04 One of the most common gene mutations in the world is called MTHFR. It's called a motherfucker gene
00:16:10 Stands for methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase, but we call it the motherfucker gene
00:16:16 This gene is estimated to be compromised in somewhere between 40 and 60 percent depending on the study 40 to 60 percent of the population
00:16:25 has this gene mutation and what this gene mutation does is
00:16:29 It interrupts the ability to convert folic acid
00:16:33 Into the usable form called methyl folate and while that might not sound like a big deal
00:16:39 Until you realize that folic acid is the most prevalent nutrient in the human diet
00:16:44 Folic acid by the way is an entirely man-made chemical. You can't find folic. We've been we've been lied to about folic acid
00:16:50 I mean, it's it's entirely man-made and synthetic. You can't find folic acid anywhere on the surface of the earth
00:16:55 It does not occur naturally in nature
00:16:58 Folate does but we make folic acid in a lab and then what we've done since 1993 is we've sprayed all of our grains
00:17:05 all white flour all white rice all white bread and
00:17:08 Grains of any kind are sprayed with this chemical folic acid. It's called fortified or enriched
00:17:16 So when you when you spin a box of crackers around it says fortified whole wheat flour or enriched bleached white flour
00:17:22 That means it's been sprayed with folic acid. Well 44 percent of the population can't convert that into the usable nutrients
00:17:29 Why do they spray it with folic acid? Well, I mean without going down the whole road of conspiracy theory
00:17:34 I mean you look at the same, you know
00:17:36 pharmaceutical companies that produce folic acid and you look at some of the
00:17:42 you look at some of the downsides of having a synthetic form of a vitamin like folic acid in the diet and
00:17:48 How it's correlated to higher incidences of ADD ADHD OCD manic depression bipolar
00:17:56 it's correlated to poor gut motility mood imbalance anxiety and
00:18:00 Because when you put this raw material into the human body if you can't metabolize it you can't methylate it into the usable form
00:18:10 first of all, you now have a deficiency in the form your body needs and an excess in the nutrient you can't process and
00:18:17 This causes things to go haywire
00:18:20 So instead of folate its folic acid folic acid and what does your body try to do with that?
00:18:27 So your body tries to convert folic acid
00:18:30 Into eventually into something called methyl folate. There's a few steps in between tetrahydrofolate dihydrofolate
00:18:37 But essentially folic acid and folate which could you can find all over the surface of the earth
00:18:42 Gets converted into the usable form called methyl folate. Okay. Now, this is one of the most
00:18:50 common
00:18:53 Commonly utilized methylated nutrients in the human body. It helps down regulate neurotransmitters. It helps improve the intestinal
00:19:00 motility of our gut
00:19:02 It helps degrade thought it helps to actually break down catecholamines, which are fight-or-flight
00:19:08 Neurotransmitters that can actually stimulate thought and so people will go a lifetime
00:19:14 Eating white bread white flour white rice white pasta
00:19:17 you know
00:19:20 Breads and cereals of all kinds and they're reading the label and they're like, wow, it's fortified
00:19:24 It's enriched but fortified or enriched for 44% of the population
00:19:28 Means you can't break that that nutrient down
00:19:31 This is why there there's a lot of evidence that getting folic acid out of the diet has immediate behavioral changes
00:19:38 I mean if you're a parent and you're listening to this podcast and it's a full contact support to get your kid in the car
00:19:43 To go to school in the morning
00:19:45 Look at what you're feeding them
00:19:46 The standard American diet is gonna be like a pop-tart a white bagel a bowl of cereal
00:19:50 Right and all of those are fortified with folic acid
00:19:54 Well, there's a 44% chance your kid can't process that and you're amping them up in the morning
00:19:59 It can literally be like cocaine for a six-year-old, right? It could make their mind race
00:20:04 So now this kid gets up and he goes to the breakfast table and he has a pop-tart
00:20:08 He has a white bag or he has a bowl of cereal
00:20:10 He dumps all this folic acid in the body and now he's mine starts to ricochet
00:20:14 right and and
00:20:17 It's a full contact sport to get him in the car
00:20:19 And then by the time they get to school this, you know, the calls coming home saying hey little Johnny can't pay attention
00:20:23 He doesn't focus he can't concentrate doesn't follow directions can't pay attention get him on Adderall
00:20:27 Yeah, get him on Adderall or Ritalin and you know, essentially what that does is it says? All right. Well if the mind is racing
00:20:32 Then let's put it in amphetamine into the body to race the central nervous system to match the pace of the mind
00:20:40 Which is a horrible solution. How about we just quiet the mind?
00:20:46 right because
00:20:48 You know in our brains. We don't just create thought
00:20:52 Right. We also dismantle thought we break thought down, right we transfer
00:20:57 methyl groups from neurotransmitters and break them down so they no longer have an effect right or else you'd always be in the same mood, so
00:21:05 When we start creating thought at a faster rate than we break thought down
00:21:11 We call this ADD or ADHD
00:21:14 Right, but it's not an attention deficit at all. You know in many of these cases
00:21:20 It's an attention overload disorder. It's too many windows open at the same time, right?
00:21:26 So if we're opening too many windows now all of a sudden we can't pay attention. So it's not that
00:21:32 The majority of people with ADD or ADHD lack the ability to pay attention because they actually can hyper focus
00:21:37 They lack the ability to pay attention to so many things
00:21:41 All right
00:21:42 So, you know you're thinking about a job you're working on and your friend walks up
00:21:46 And you're thinking about a job and you start talking to your friend and you notice a logo on your friend's jacket that reminds you
00:21:51 Of a vacation you want to take
00:21:52 So now you're thinking about a job talking to your friend looking at the logo thinking about a vacation you want to take all at
00:21:56 The same time and why is this because very often it's because you have a slow breakdown slow methylation of neurotransmitters
00:22:03 So thought thought thought comes in and now all of a sudden we're like this kid can't pay attention
00:22:09 Skies all over the place. Huh?
00:22:12 If you look at the link between that simple gene mutation
00:22:16 MTHFR and its incidence in
00:22:20 its incidence in
00:22:23 Stroke cardiovascular disease its incidence in ADD and ADHD and OCD
00:22:30 You'll find not a direct causal link
00:22:33 But enough of a prevalence to say why wouldn't we just take folic acid out of the diet add?
00:22:39 Methylfolate and take a shot at correcting the course of these conditions
00:22:43 so
00:22:46 Folic acid when did it get introduced into the human diet?
00:22:51 1993 is I think when the federal government signed a deal to spray our entire grain supply with folic acid
00:22:58 I want to say it was 1992 or 1993 and I forget if it was Monsanto
00:23:02 I forget the pharmaceutical company that convinced the US government to
00:23:06 Spray our entire grain supply, but before that date like you ever notice when you go to Europe and you eat bread in Europe
00:23:12 You don't feel like shit
00:23:13 Are you gonna go to Italy and you have a bowl of pasta and you're like man normally when I eat pasta
00:23:17 I feel like shit just sucks. Okay, that's because it's not
00:23:19 sprayed with folic acid
00:23:22 Really because I'd always been told that it's heirloom grains and that our new the wheat that we have today has been modified
00:23:29 For higher yield for smaller acreage not in this more complex genetically modified first of all you know the GMO foods
00:23:36 So, um, you know Italy banned GMO foods Russia. Actually, it's a felony to grow genetically modified foods
00:23:41 so
00:23:43 GMOs aside and that's another thing. I mean I tell people you got to get GMO foods out of your diet, right?
00:23:48 We didn't genetically modify
00:23:50 seeds to increase yield we've modified
00:23:53 Seeds to be resistant to glyphosate right the poison and pesticides
00:23:58 But if you go back to the folic acid and seed oils for that matter
00:24:03 But if you go back to the folic acid theory if we stopped spraying our grains just just for 30 days
00:24:11 Don't even stop eating white bread white flour white pasta white rice
00:24:15 or
00:24:17 Grains if that's what you eat. I don't need any of those things
00:24:20 But it but if that's what you don't stop eating them just switch to the organic
00:24:24 non
00:24:26 Fortified non enriched version and watch what happens to your mood your focus your concentration your short-term recall
00:24:33 The depth of your sleep and your waking mind at night
00:24:36 But the vast majority of wheat and rice and things that you do buy will
00:24:40 Have been enriched with full of all of it in the United States unless it's organic
00:24:45 Wow, so if someone's buying a sandwich and you're getting it on regular bread
00:24:51 You're just getting a heap of folic acid in a heap of folic acid bowl of pasta. You're getting a heap of folic acid
00:24:56 Mm-hmm and rice that's not organic heap of folic acid your body's like what the fuck is this your body's like what the fuck?
00:25:02 Just just be it pay attention to your mood
00:25:05 After you eat high amounts of some of those things. Oh believe me. I'm very aware
00:25:09 Number one weakness yeah, my number one weakness is bread and pasta
00:25:16 If I do go off the rails with a diet like I have a cheat day. That's what I cheat with okay
00:25:21 So try try next time you go off the rails eating non fortified non enriched pasta weiss bread
00:25:28 Well, I have absolutely noticed that when I've gone to Italy yeah 100% notice it. That's why pasta
00:25:34 It just seems normal it does like you know I hear about a lot of people that have gluten allergies and gluten intolerances
00:25:41 And now I'm wondering like what does that mean well the foods contain gluten very often the foods contain folic acid remember
00:25:47 44% this happens to pregnant women - right you know postpartum depression which for the record can begin before the pregnancy is over
00:25:55 Sometimes I get slaughtered online for saying oh you're talking about postpartum depression before the pregnancy ends
00:25:59 Yes, the diagnosis of postpartum depression happens very often before the pregnancy
00:26:03 Before the pregnancy is carried to term so
00:26:07 44% of women have this gene mutation
00:26:09 What's the first thing their ob-gyn tells them to do when they get pregnant take high doses of folic acid?
00:26:14 Well 44% of them can't process this folic acid, so what happens?
00:26:18 Why did they tell them to take high doses of folic acid because they're told that folic acid prevents neural tube defects?
00:26:23 Which is patently false folic acid doesn't prevent anything
00:26:27 Now they folate prevents no they told to take it in supplemental form are they told to take it in form of foods that are?
00:26:34 Sprayed with folic acid they're told to take it in supplemental form if you look at the majority of cheap prenatal vitamins right the good ones
00:26:41 Like Thorne pure encapsulation some of these, but you know really good big brands
00:26:45 They will have methylated versions of vitamins right they'll take the folic acid out right because what happens if you're pregnant
00:26:53 You have this gene mutation MTHFR
00:26:55 number one you have a skyrocketing incidence of miscarriage, but then because you
00:27:01 Don't have the methyl folate that your body needs for the adhesion of the egg into implant into the uterine wall
00:27:06 But now she's pregnant and she starts to take a prenatal vitamin with
00:27:11 1400 1600 percent of the daily allowance of folic acid she starts to go nuts right develops postpartum depression
00:27:19 Eventually the pregnancy ends she stops taking the prenatal vitamin and the symptoms go away
00:27:23 But she still blames it on the pregnancy not on the vitamin whoa the truth is I have yet to see a
00:27:29 peer-reviewed published clinical study linking pregnancy hormones to
00:27:32 to postpartum depression
00:27:35 Is there a benefit to taking methyl folate?
00:27:37 That's a huge benefit to take a methyl folate and what how do you get methyl folate so you?
00:27:43 You buy methyl folate you get these methylated form of that nutrient
00:27:47 This is why I say if you if you look at five particular genes
00:27:51 MTHFR
00:27:54 MTRR
00:27:56 MTR AHCY and Comp T
00:27:59 Dude if you find that you have one of those gene mutations, and you supplement for their deficiency
00:28:06 Magic things will happen in your body
00:28:09 You know because if you have that for example. There's a gene mutation called COMT catecholamethyltransferase and
00:28:17 You know we all know people that are suffering from anxiety if it if we haven't suffered from anxiety ourselves
00:28:21 Chances are we know somebody who suffered from anxiety and if you really break down what anxiety is right a fear of the future
00:28:29 You know
00:28:31 We have to understand that it doesn't require the presence of a fear for us to feel fear
00:28:36 Right so you could drive home tonight and pull into your driveway when you get out of your car somebody's standing in front of you
00:28:42 With a knife right so that's a real fear right your pupils are gonna dilate your heart rates gonna increase
00:28:46 Your extremities are gonna flood with blood you're gonna start to have a fight-or-flight response
00:28:50 Mainly because an area of your brain has dumped catecholamines fight-or-flight neurotransmitters into your brain boom now you start to have a fight-or-flight response
00:29:00 But you could also be laying on the 30th floor of a condo in bed
00:29:05 And you could just start thinking about getting eaten by a shark
00:29:07 Yeah, okay, and the chances of a shark and now the ocean and coming up at 30 floor elevator right are zero
00:29:13 But you can have the exact same reaction
00:29:16 So how is it that I can have the same reaction to the presence of a real fear as an entirely perceived fear?
00:29:22 Because it doesn't require the presence of a fear for these excess catecholamines to leak into the brain
00:29:29 Hmm, and this is the why the majority of anxiety that we have seen in our practices
00:29:35 That my clinical team treats is coming from our physiology
00:29:39 It's not coming from our outside environment in fact if you ask most people that suffer from anxiety three questions
00:29:45 If you say have you had it on and off your entire lifetime?
00:29:48 They'll say yes, there's your first sign. That's a genetic deficiency
00:29:52 And then you say well can you point to the specific trigger that causes it?
00:29:57 They'll say most of the time I can
00:29:59 There's your second sign that it's not coming from their outside environment
00:30:03 And then the third question is if you've ever tried anti-anxiety medications have they work the majority of time
00:30:07 They'll say no it just makes me feel like a zombie
00:30:10 That is very indicative that this is a nutrient deficiency and not a mental condition. We have a lack of yeah, so
00:30:18 Do you encourage people to take methylfolate as a supplement absolutely I encourage them?
00:30:24 I think everybody knows that they should take um what's its weight dependent, but you know
00:30:28 Methylfolate about 800 micrograms a day is usually to fit is usually sufficient unless you take with food
00:30:36 You can take it with or without food. It's a it's a non water
00:30:39 It's a water-soluble vitamin so unlike vitamins a D and K
00:30:43 Which are actually fat soluble that you need to take with food for them to be absorbed you can actually take those
00:30:47 Even on an empty stomach as long as you're not taking with a bunch of other vitamins that
00:30:51 Cause you to be nauseous because it changes your stomach pH
00:30:54 I think every single person should be at a minimum on a methylated multivitamin
00:30:59 Mm-hmm the basic raw materials that your body needs to perform the process of methylation
00:31:06 Because methylation is how we create neurotransmitters right I mean we make serotonin from taking tryptophan and amino acid and methylated it into
00:31:13 Serotonin we make we make dopamine from
00:31:16 You know phenylalanine and tyrosine if if you can't make these conversions you have certain
00:31:22 Deficiencies and yes, you can have deficiencies and neurotransmitters, which will lead to the expression of a mood disorder
00:31:29 You don't have a mental illness you just have a lack of mental fitness
00:31:32 and this is this is why I think that's crazy that
00:31:36 we
00:31:38 We're so quick to say
00:31:40 That we have pathology and disease or dysfunction, and then we go to chemicals and synthetics and pharmaceuticals, and I'm not anti-pharmaceutical
00:31:47 but I'm saying is before we diagnose somebody with a mental illness or an autoimmune disorder or
00:31:52 With an allergy or a sensitivity or irritable bowel syndrome or any number of other conditions. We should ask ourself
00:32:00 What raw material could be missing from their body that could be causing this to happen?
00:32:05 Right I mean like when I was in there when I was in the mortality space you know for 20 years
00:32:12 You know I was reading medical records just
00:32:14 Horrific voluminous amounts of medical records. I would see simple nutrient deficiencies get misdiagnosed as autoimmune conditions
00:32:21 More times than I can even remember
00:32:25 So for example you know you'd have people go into their primary care physician
00:32:28 And I would look at their medical records for five eight ten years sometimes
00:32:32 We had more than ten years of medical records, and I'd see man this person has
00:32:35 single-digit vitamin d3 levels
00:32:38 Like they are so clinically deficient in vitamin d3 and vitamin d3 you know goes from about 30 nanograms per deciliter to 100 nanograms per
00:32:46 deciliter 60 to 80 is the perfect range, but
00:32:48 Chronic deficiency in vitamin d3 the sunshine vitamin right the only vitamin by the way the human beings can make on our own
00:32:54 I think it's arguably the most important nutrient in the human body in fact
00:32:58 It was the second leading cause of morbidity in kovat for people that deficiency, and it's also why
00:33:03 We said that kovat disproportionately affected minorities because there's a higher incidence of
00:33:08 vitamin d3 deficiency because of the pigment of their skin
00:33:12 But we would see we would see these deficiencies in vitamin d3 that had gone on for decades
00:33:16 Right now all of a sudden the patient is going into their doctor and saying doc I wake up sore and achy in the morning
00:33:22 Like I had a workout the night before when I haven't
00:33:24 Souls of my feet my ankles are sore when I get out of bed in the morning to walk to the bathroom
00:33:28 My knees and hips really bother me lately, and you know what just this past few weeks
00:33:32 It's kind of hard to make a fist you would be shocked how many family medicine practitioners go you know what Joe you got?
00:33:39 Rheumatoid arthritis, I'm gonna hit you with some high-dose prednisone. I'm gonna put you on something called a corticosteroid
00:33:44 And you're gonna be fine. Well. We knew in the mortality space that if you started corticosteroids
00:33:50 You had six years and one day until you were having a joint replacement
00:33:55 It was so accurate that if I saw you were misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and started a corticosteroid
00:34:00 I would artificially advance your age six years and one day and I would schedule the joint replacement
00:34:06 And then what I would do is I would model the reduction in what we called your ambulatory profile
00:34:12 How well you ambulate how well you move because sitting is the new smoking right sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of?
00:34:19 All cause mortality and so as I reduced your mobility I would bring in all the diseases that exacerbate with reduced mobility
00:34:26 So now if you rewind that
00:34:28 You had a simple nutrient deficiency in vitamin d3 cholecalciferol you were diagnosed with a condition
00:34:35 You did not have put on a medication that wasn't required which led to a joint replacement that wasn't us how does
00:34:42 How do these corticosteroids? How do they?
00:34:45 Ruin your joints how does that happen so eventually what they do is they upset the balance inside the joint the synovial?
00:34:52 The protein balance inside of the synovium of the joint so initially they act
00:34:58 Initially they act as an any inflammatory right they they reduce the inflammation, and you you actually feel a little bit better
00:35:04 It's like cortisone. You know repeated cortisone
00:35:07 injections have ended a lot of
00:35:10 Professional athletic careers probably go Montana buying the biggest but that's why we try to reduce the amount of cortisone that we actually put into
00:35:17 You know athletic injuries now, but but but what is the mechanism like how does it do that?
00:35:23 It becomes cytotoxic to the joint because it interrupts the protein metabolism in the synovium of the joint
00:35:29 And so what happens is the joint begins to dry out and the friction surfaces
00:35:33 Become less lubricated and then begin to contact one another and as they contact one another because this protein is broken down
00:35:40 We rear the friction surface away, and you get down to anchor cartilage
00:35:44 Which we call bone on bone, and there's a lot of nerves there, and you start to get a lot of joint pain
00:35:49 so corticosteroids will also
00:35:52 like methotrexate
00:35:55 They also block and interrupt the ability for the body to convert folate to methylfolate
00:36:02 They artificially give you the same condition as this gene mutation
00:36:07 Which is why one of the biggest side effects of corticosteroids is gut issues
00:36:11 Because methylfolate is involved in the motility of the gut you now start taking a corticosteroid
00:36:17 And it shuts your gut down and by corticosteroids are you talking about prednisone like what are the ones that they're pregnant his own?
00:36:24 methyl prednisone
00:36:26 and other oral
00:36:27 corticosteroids I have a friend who had gout and
00:36:30 They put him on prednisone for short periods of time you know in the acute inflammatory stage
00:36:36 It's okay, but to take
00:36:38 prednisone systemically
00:36:41 For a prolonged period of time you're gonna start to hear that he starts to get low back pain
00:36:45 Then he well first of all I'd be very surprised if he doesn't have gut issues right now if you ask him
00:36:50 Hey, do you do you notice the incident of gas bloating diarrhea constipation irritability cramping kind of going up when you started those corticosteroids?
00:36:58 He'll go yeah, my guts a freaking mess
00:37:00 You know constipated sometimes, and I get then I get diarrhea and sometimes I blow up like a tick
00:37:06 So to take it back to cortisone, so if someone has an injury should would you advise them to never take cortisone?
00:37:12 Is it occasionally okay?
00:37:14 Occasionally it's okay. I think most orthopedics now are trying to get away from
00:37:18 Repeated injections of cortisone other than at the inception of the acute injury because I know a lot of athletes
00:37:25 You know they'll get a cortisone shot if they have to perform
00:37:28 Yeah, I mean if they have to perform, but remember that's also gonna cause you know ligamentous and tendinous laxity
00:37:35 You know it's actually can be cytotoxic to those
00:37:37 To those tissues it's cytotoxic to fibroblasts which are the little cells that are embedded in
00:37:44 in those tissues that actually help promote healing right because
00:37:48 There there are cells in injured tissues that are essentially through the inflammatory process
00:37:53 Calling platelets to the site of an injury
00:37:56 Right which is one of the ways that we heal we call platelets to the site of the injury the plate itself is kind of
00:38:02 Useless, but it has growth factors inside of it when it arrives on site it bursts
00:38:06 It drops off the growth factors, and now you start this this healing process
00:38:09 Which is one of the reasons why PRP works so well you know play the rich plasma
00:38:13 There's your tip you're you're taking all the platelets from the body, and you're concentrating them into a site of injury right it's why
00:38:19 I used to love PPC one five seven till the FDA just came down on it. What the fuck is that about?
00:38:26 Why did they do that? You know it's what's astounding is I read that whole report and
00:38:31 It wasn't for safety reasons right it wasn't it wasn't because of the reporting of massive amounts of
00:38:38 Anaphylactic shock or hospitalizations or overuse or
00:38:42 You know or or you know somebody having some kind of illness or effect
00:38:49 Or you know shock because of it was because of the lack of safety data
00:38:53 Which is another way of saying it hasn't been paid to be put through full-blown
00:38:58 You know FDA clinical trials which no one's gonna do it so is that make BBC one five seven impossible to get now it will
00:39:05 Yeah, and and a host of other it's so effective. I mean I can't even begin to tell you
00:39:12 How many thousands and thousands and thousands of patients?
00:39:17 My clinical team has put on BBC one five seven never with an adverse event it was so good for the gut
00:39:22 It's a gastric pentadeca peptide. It's it's you know
00:39:26 It's actually synthesized from gastric juice, so it's actually tolerated very well orally. I've started to see it orally
00:39:31 Yeah, which I never really saw before I always thought it as an injectable, but I see it advertises orally
00:39:36 Well site injecting it into the site of an injury like if you have a lateral epicondylitis or something you inject it to that site
00:39:42 Of injury is very good right it'll localize there and kind of help call platelets to that location
00:39:47 But it's also extraordinarily good for a leaky gut
00:39:52 So people that suffer from inflammatory conditions of the bowel irritable bowel syndrome Crohn's disease diverticulitis
00:39:57 Those those sorts of things you know BPC one five seven can be just a game-changer
00:40:04 Hmm because it is tolerated well, and they're gonna get rid of it. They're gonna get rid of his motherfuckers
00:40:09 These motherfuckers, it's fucked up. You know their amino acids their amino acid sequences
00:40:15 I mean same with growth hormone peptides. You know well sir more Lynn's still being allowed, but I permore Lynn CGC 1295
00:40:22 MK 677
00:40:24 Ibudoron these growth hormone peptides that kept people off of exogenous growth hormone that worked with the naturopathic
00:40:31 circadian release of growth hormone
00:40:33 That helped lots of older people fight sarcopenia age-related muscle wasting with virtually no side effects by the way
00:40:39 So you know some more Lynn?
00:40:40 I think was first FDA approved in 1983 if I remember correctly so you know these things have been around for decades
00:40:47 We have lots of safety data on on these
00:40:51 and
00:40:52 thousands and thousands of patients without an adverse event and we're gonna have to we're gonna have to drop it and
00:40:57 So do you think they're doing this because they want the drugs to go through these safety protocols?
00:41:03 Or do you think they're doing it because they?
00:41:06 See that people taking peptides limit the amount of pharmaceutical drugs they take
00:41:12 Well, I think I think it's a little bit of both right
00:41:16 I mean the question is where is the impetus coming from is it coming from the impetus to protect the public because if you're trying
00:41:22 To protect the public then why don't look at the yeah?
00:41:25 I mean how come those are still available yeah
00:41:27 Look at the addictive amyloids and opiates and look at the side effects of I mean with the whole serotonin
00:41:31 Hypothesis and depression has been disproven, but we still put people on SSRIs for depression
00:41:35 You know serotonin reuptake inhibitors and people are on these things for 15 or 18 years
00:41:39 Yeah, right which is another by the way thing that methylation helps to fix
00:41:44 It's it's it's not that all depression is related to methylation
00:41:48 But the the prevailing theory when I was in the mortality space was that if you were low on serotonin you were by definition
00:41:55 Depressed and I was like well if the serotonin hypothesis were true
00:42:00 I was thinking about this back then and now it's been disproven
00:42:02 Then if if low serotonin were depression then why wouldn't we just raise serotonin?
00:42:06 Why would we put people on a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that just rations or slows the uptake of serotonin?
00:42:14 Rather than increase the supply of serotonin like with 5htp like with 5htp with like turning methylation back on
00:42:21 With five minutes of folate with the complex of B vitamins
00:42:24 Reducing you know urinary catecholamines are associated with anxiety and depression and you can read you can reduce urinary
00:42:32 catecholamines with simple supplementation be complex of methylated vitamins
00:42:37 You know methylated folate sometimes something called Sam E
00:42:42 Sidenosylmethionine these are generally harmless
00:42:46 Amino acids and methylated vitamins that people just need so their body can perform its duties so it can perform its job
00:42:54 you know like I I
00:42:56 Work with people all the time that come in and they're like man. My god is a mess Gary
00:43:01 You know I've had irritable bowel syndrome or I've had you know Crohn's disease or diverticulitis
00:43:05 or I have intermittent gas and bloating and constipation and irritability and cramping and
00:43:11 You know and I look at their allergy test and they're like man
00:43:14 I'm allergic to all these things wheat soy corn dairy blueberries bananas like okay. Let's slow this down
00:43:19 Let's just take corn for example you say you're allergic to corn is there ever a time that you can eat corn and not have
00:43:26 a reaction
00:43:28 They go yeah, sometimes I can eat corn and not have reaction okay, then you're not allergic to corn because allergies are not transient
00:43:33 Allergies are consistent, so if you can sometimes eat it and sometimes not you're not allergic to it
00:43:38 You don't have a sensitivity or an allergy you have a gut motility issue
00:43:43 it's the most overlooked thing in all of bariatric medicine in my opinion because
00:43:47 We we stopped thinking of the gut as a conveyor belt right it's like
00:43:51 Remember Henry Ford he was he wasn't made famous for the automobile. He was made famous for the
00:43:56 Production yeah for the assembly line. Yeah, right
00:43:59 So so the assembly line was just a glorified conveyor belt you put a part on it at one end and as it kind of
00:44:04 Traverses the the assembly line you know every few feet somebody just tinkers with the part tinkers with the part and by the time it
00:44:11 Reaches the end it's fully assembled well the human intestinal tract is no different, right? It's just a glorified conveyor belt
00:44:16 It's 30 feet long we put contents on it at one end as it exits a stomach in a very acidic environment
00:44:21 And as it traverses the gut it generally becomes slightly more alkaline than it exits the rectum that sequence of events is very important
00:44:28 Right if Henry Ford just walked into his factory one day and doubled the speed of the conveyor belt
00:44:34 What would happen the entire line would break down?
00:44:37 Nothing wrong with the conveyor belt nothing wrong with the part on the conveyor belt nothing wrong with the people working there
00:44:42 Nothing wrong with the food nothing wrong with the bacterial flora. It's not it. It's not gust gut dysbiosis. It's not
00:44:48 Improper flora, it's not an allergy. It's not a sensitivity
00:44:52 It is a gut motility issue and you change the motility of the gut
00:44:57 You get all of the outcomes that look like
00:45:03 a
00:45:05 food sensitivity food allergy, you know
00:45:08 bacterial flora being off and then people start shoveling down
00:45:12 Probiotics and they get all this allergy testing and they go on these restrictive diets, and it doesn't seem to help
00:45:16 Because they haven't addressed the motility issue
00:45:19 methyl folate complex of P vitamins
00:45:22 Very often will give your body that the raw material it needs to restore that
00:45:26 Peristaltic activity and then you can get off the proton pump inhibitors and the Toms because for the acid reflux which is now
00:45:33 You know screwing things up down the down the line
00:45:36 So, you know again, I always come back to this theory that we should always look at the soil
00:45:40 Before we diagnose the disease of the pathology because there's very little to lose by saying
00:45:47 What nutrient deficiency could this person have that could be causing this condition to exist?
00:45:52 It's like when people come into our clinics for hormone therapy, you know
00:45:56 Very often we don't put them on hormone therapy. You just put them on nutrients to support healthy hormone therapy, right?
00:46:01 I mean if you have a low vitamin d3 low dHEA and high protein in your blood called SHBG
00:46:08 Your hormones are going to be off right free testosterone is going to be clinically deficient
00:46:12 that's also probably also be low and
00:46:15 You don't need hormone therapy your endocrine system hasn't failed you your body just doesn't have the raw material
00:46:21 It needs to do its job to produce those
00:46:23 hormones
00:46:25 so
00:46:26 You know, I really wish we would stop or we would start going back to
00:46:32 Studying human physiology and saying what could we put back in this body so it could perform optimally?
00:46:38 I really think magic things happen to human beings if their body just has the raw material needs to do its job
00:46:44 And most people don't and most people don't but the vast majority of people are nutrient deficient
00:46:50 They're nutrient deficient, but they don't know what nutrient they're deficient
00:46:53 They don't know what these five genes tell them and they don't know whether or not they should be supplementing with methyl folate
00:47:00 Avoiding folic acid whether or not their sleep is related to their gene mutation. So for example if you have
00:47:07 The gene mutation comp T you have one of two types of sleep patterns
00:47:11 You you lay down tired to go to sleep. So your body tired, but your mind is awake
00:47:17 and so what happens is your environment quiets your mind wakes up and
00:47:21 These people if you if you ask them, what are you thinking about at night? They'll tell you it's the most innocuous little nonsense
00:47:28 It's like did I get everything on my grocery list today? Right did my belt match my shoes?
00:47:32 You know, did I return that Instagram? It's nothing that couldn't wait till the next day, right?
00:47:37 So why does the mind wake up at night because we are we are releasing these catecholamines into the brain?
00:47:43 We're not breaking them down at the right rate. So our mind is awake
00:47:47 catechol o methyl transferase this comp T
00:47:50 Takes those those excitatory neurotransmitters and it breaks them down
00:47:55 This is why things like magnesium and zinc and Sam II
00:47:59 You work so well to help people sleep. They're not actually sleep aids. They're methylation aids
00:48:07 That help you break down
00:48:09 neurotransmitters that create that waking state and
00:48:13 This is why um, you know those some same people will will say, you know, I work really well under pressure
00:48:21 right well
00:48:24 Physiologically when you tell me you work well under pressure. It says you're saying to me well
00:48:29 I
00:48:31 Lack the ability to set priorities internally. So I use external pressure to set my priorities for me
00:48:37 Well, what if you didn't have to rely on that extra stress?
00:48:40 Right. What if you're what if you didn't give equal weight to every thought that came into your mind?
00:48:47 What if you weren't laying awake all night thinking about you know?
00:48:50 What color dishes you'd use for a Thanksgiving Day party and you'd lay down and actually just went right into a deep Delta wave
00:48:55 Asleep. I mean just think of the impact that would have on a balance of your lifetime and you may be one simple supplement away
00:49:01 From that not I have never thought of it that way. I'm gonna be honest with you
00:49:04 I've never thought that thinking would be connected so inextricably
00:49:09 to diet deficiency
00:49:12 No question because it's because what is thinking it's this very often
00:49:19 It is this release of these catecholamines into the brain a fedrin nor fedrin
00:49:24 Epinephrine dopamine one of which we call adrenaline and so you don't need a massive dump like a fight-or-flight response
00:49:32 You just need to have them rise and not be able to break them down at the right rate
00:49:39 So for someone who has a very hard time going to sleep at night, like what would be a good supplement for them?
00:49:45 Sam e magnesium three and eight what is Sam e s a dentist old Matheny?
00:49:51 Sam capital S a m little e so Sammy has to dentists on with tiny my word to sound to
00:49:58 Now that I have a heart. I don't have our time my wife does does she yeah?
00:50:02 She's a hard time going to sleep. I can sleep on shit to this the floor of a moving train
00:50:06 I'll look at do a cheek swab on her and I'll tell you exactly what she's deficient Sam e
00:50:11 Okay
00:50:14 So as a dental some of tiny it's very commonly
00:50:17 It's one of the most
00:50:20 Highly required methylated nutrients in the human body. We also make Sammy and eventually homocysteine breaks down to methionine and then
00:50:27 Eventually a sedentous on the tiny which goes into the brain and helps quiet the brain and so we need certain raw materials
00:50:35 Methylated nutrients to perform certain basic functions
00:50:39 Right remember that the majority of our neurotransmitters are right here
00:50:42 Like 90% of the serotonin your body is here if you don't have it here. You can't have it here
00:50:47 So rarely do serotonin imbalances start here. They usually start here and so by by
00:50:55 Taking a methylated multivitamin, which is very simple to get
00:50:58 methylated folate a complex of B vitamins Sam e trimethylglycine if you have high homocysteine
00:51:05 You have a shot at feeling the difference between good and great
00:51:09 I mean, I think most people are walking around right now at about 60% max of their true state of normal
00:51:16 Mmm, they just accepted such an erosion of their baseline sense of normalcy. They've forgotten what it feels like to be normal
00:51:22 They're like I'm just supposed to not sleep that well
00:51:24 I'm supposed to get a great idea in the bedroom walk to the kitchen and wonder what the hell I'm doing in the kitchen
00:51:28 Um, you know, I'm supposed to have this little bit of weight gain or water retention around
00:51:33 I'm not really supposed to be responding to exercise in my 40s or my 50s and none of that is true
00:51:37 None of that is true. You don't these are not consequences of aging their consequences of missing raw material
00:51:43 in the human body Wow
00:51:46 so for
00:51:48 for people that suffer from
00:51:50 Anxiety, what would be the fit like so if you wanted to look for some sort of a genetic component to these people having anxiety?
00:51:59 What would you look for? I would first highly suspect methylfolate deficiency
00:52:05 Now if there are anxiety if you sit down with them and they say no, I haven't had it on and off throughout my lifetime
00:52:10 Okay, when do you get anxiety? Okay, I'm claustrophobic every time I step on a crowded elevator. I get anxiety
00:52:15 That's different, right?
00:52:16 Or I'm afraid of heights and every time I walk to the edge of a 30th floor balcony and look over I get I get massive
00:52:21 Anxiety, right that's different what I'm talking normal. That's fairly normal, right these situational anxieties, but
00:52:28 generalized anxiety
00:52:30 idiopathic and logical anxiety illogical anxiety
00:52:32 You know all these conditions that people are told they have right and and then they're taught taught coping mechanisms
00:52:38 But I am by no means against
00:52:40 Against you know therapy or counseling. I think those can be some of the most beneficial things that anybody does there's signs of strength
00:52:48 But the majority of what we teach people to do with anxiety is cope with it
00:52:53 Here's how you deal with it. You breathe you get a you know, you learned it to get a therapist
00:52:58 You avoid certain situations you modify your lifestyle. We rarely say
00:53:02 Why don't we supplement?
00:53:05 for the breakdown of catecholamines
00:53:08 fight-or-flight
00:53:10 Neurotransmitters which are associated in in urinary excretions with anxiety
00:53:15 Why don't we supplement for the proper breakdown of catecholamines and just see what happens and you watch people's anxiety eviscerate?
00:53:22 Magnesium
00:53:25 calcium gluconate
00:53:28 Hydroxy cobalamin this this specific form of b12
00:53:32 You know when when you take a complex of B vitamins a certain form of b12 methyl cobalamin hydroxy cobalamin
00:53:40 Methyl folate and you put it into these bodies and they start breaking down catecholamines for the first time and getting rid of them
00:53:46 They may for the first time in their adult lifetime be anxiety free and be like what in the hell
00:53:53 Did I wait so long for Wow so the complex of B vitamins if someone's looking for a complex of B?
00:53:59 Vitamins like what specifically does it have to have in it um?
00:54:03 pyridoxine
00:54:06 Riboflavin
00:54:09 Spell that pyridoxine how you spell that PY RO
00:54:12 D IX I NE pyridoxine
00:54:19 And it's a form called pyridoxal 5-phosphate, but pyridoxine
00:54:23 riboflavin
00:54:25 thiamin
00:54:27 niacin
00:54:28 Panathenic acid now if you look at a B complex it should contain all of those things
00:54:34 It by virtue of the fact that it's a B complex if you go to a good vitamin manufacturer
00:54:39 You you should see that there be complex as pyridoxine riboflavin thiamin niacin panathenic acid
00:54:46 And then you'll see little certain forms of it the one thing you want to avoid like the plague in the b12
00:54:52 Category and I get a lot of shit for this, but it is a form of b12 called cyano cobalamin
00:54:58 guys pull that C Y
00:55:01 ano
00:55:03 co
00:55:04 B a l a m i n
00:55:07 Cyano cobalamin can we pull something up on here sure um can you go to Google?
00:55:13 Because before everybody climbs all over me and says it's it's it's a basically it's a cyanide based form of b12 right it
00:55:20 Rarely occurs naturally in nature, it's it's you know the the most bioavailable forms are called methyl cobalamin hydroxy cobalamin
00:55:29 and a denisol cobalamin, but
00:55:32 Oh
00:55:35 Are we gonna be able to see it or yeah? Oh, okay? Um just go to Google and put in cyano cobalamin
00:55:41 Cyano
00:55:43 Okay, cyano cobalamin, and then put a space and put the word pub chem
00:55:48 So I'm just gonna take you to the National Library of Medicine just click on that first link
00:55:55 So I'm gonna take you to the National Library of Medicine at the National Institute of Health you can go here
00:55:59 We're on their public chemical site, and you can look up this form of b12 you see how it says cyano cobalamin b12
00:56:05 Can you scroll down to section 5.3?
00:56:08 So if I want to see the component compounds like what is this made out of I can go right here to section 5.3
00:56:13 And I can look at its component compounds. Can you click on hydrogen cyanide?
00:56:17 So this is a flammable acute toxic health hazard environmental hazard by the way
00:56:24 This is the most common form of b12 in the world right we put this in Flintstone vitamins
00:56:29 We put it in all kinds of vitamins the body can't even use this what has to be converted into hydroxy cobalamin
00:56:33 It's astounding that we're allowed to do this right because in the US we use something called single dose toxicity
00:56:38 To determine whether or not something is dangerous for you
00:56:41 Right and people that say things like the dosage determines the poison that is that is pathetically nonsensical
00:56:47 Because nobody gets mercury poisoning from a single
00:56:51 You know allowable dose of mercury nobody gets
00:56:56 chemical poisoning from small a single small dose of a chemical, but let's go down here and go to
00:57:03 Go to view more at the bottom
00:57:05 So just
00:57:10 Just read that sentence right there see hydrogen cyanide is a highly toxic see that yeah, I read toxic conjulate
00:57:17 conjugate acid of cyanide that is used as chemical weapon agent
00:57:21 Yeah, this is what we got a carless gas or liquid what so if you're taking b12 supplements
00:57:29 And they have that in it mm-hmm you're getting this you're getting that and you're essentially taking poison
00:57:34 Essentially you're taking
00:57:37 Cyanide base b12 the argument is it's not enough cyanide to cause harm
00:57:41 Right so which I agree, but there's safe levels of mercury. There's safe levels of fluoride
00:57:46 We are water is full of fluoride our toothpaste is full of fluoride
00:57:49 But if you can look at the fluoride studies and 3600 municipalities around the United States
00:57:53 There's an inverse relationship between the concentration of fluoride and IQ
00:57:58 Yeah, as long as goes up. Yeah, IQ does down. Yeah, we talked about on the podcast recently
00:58:03 We're trying to figure it out like what the fuck is fluoride do it in the water. It's a neurotoxin
00:58:07 Right it actually I think it was originally fluoro hexane
00:58:10 Which actually was a byproduct of fertilizer production?
00:58:13 And they realized that when they kept the fluoro hexane in the fertilizer killed the seed so they pulled it out
00:58:18 And they wondered well what the hell are we gonna do with all this fluoro hexane?
00:58:20 Well, I guess we'll convince water municipalities to put it into the water because there's a marginal amount of evidence that it can create a nano
00:58:28 Particulate layer over the enamel and it could potentially prevent tooth decay
00:58:31 But you just brush your teeth or you could just brush your teeth. Yeah, it's it's a way. I'm described it
00:58:38 I said it's like putting
00:58:40 sunscreen in apples because some people get cancer
00:58:43 So you should just every every Apple should have sunscreen in it right. It's really that dumb. It is that dumb and and
00:58:51 You know when you when you look at it
00:58:54 Like I was looking at the back of some of these I did a post on this the other day
00:58:58 I was looking at the back of these
00:58:59 Toothpaste labels, and it literally says to call poison control if you swallow it
00:59:03 Blast it says if swallowed contact poison control. Oh my god, but you get four times that dosage
00:59:09 It's in in in 88 ounce glasses of water in a day if you drink tap water
00:59:14 And so you know one of the things I told people to permanently get out of their life besides GMO foods is tap water
00:59:21 Like today should be the day that you never drink tap water again, right?
00:59:25 Yeah, because I was like who lives in New York City's like New York City has the best tap water
00:59:29 I said shut the fuck up
00:59:30 Yeah
00:59:30 Never drink that shit and I'm trying to explain to a fluoride and it goes in one ear out the other you sound like a kook
00:59:37 You did it's bad for it's good for your teeth like how do you know why I'm saying that do you know it's bad for?
00:59:43 You yeah, I plor it's bad for you fluoride is associated with low IQ
00:59:47 Yeah, you know the higher the dose of fluoride in the drinking water the lower the town IQ is for real
00:59:52 Yeah, people go gear up come on. Why would they do that? Yeah? It's a neurotoxin right?
00:59:56 But why are they still dumping that is it just some sort of a predatory relationship?
01:00:01 They hit a fluoride manufacturing now think of the position that you're in your municipality and like well guys
01:00:05 We've been giving you this fluoridated water for 25 years, and it's a cancer-causing neurotoxin
01:00:10 We're gonna go ahead and pull that out imagine what that would Demi's public panic, but that's real
01:00:14 It's it's absolutely real you know I got censored all over Instagram the other day for
01:00:18 Posting about seed oils the same thing I was like look guys
01:00:21 I didn't say
01:00:22 Particularly seed oils are bad for you what I did say was industrial process seed oils are bad for you if you put a canola
01:00:27 plant in a commercial press and it comes out gummy and then you take that gummy canola plant you and you
01:00:33 D-gum it with hexane which is a known neurotoxin, and then you take that D gummed oil
01:00:38 And you heat it to 405 degrees and turn it rancid so now have it you're rancid neurotoxic
01:00:43 Um oil and then you and then you take that rancid nerd neurotoxic oil and you deodorize it with sodium hydroxide
01:00:50 Which is a known carcinogen?
01:00:53 And then occasionally you you you bleach it so so you you clear the liquid then you bottle it and put it on the shelf
01:00:59 That is horrible for you in fact. That's the problem
01:01:02 That's the problem with the majority of our food supply is that it's not the food itself
01:01:06 It's the distance from the food to the table
01:01:08 right I mean everybody vilifies meats, but if you like grass-fed meats versus
01:01:13 Industrial raised cattle their night and day they're completely different chemicals, but so with seed oils
01:01:18 What happened you got censored on Instagram? I got fact check fact check
01:01:23 Yes, if you go to my Instagram, and it has that you know it has that little blank page
01:01:27 You know that I want to see this fact check sure these fact check motherfuckers are horrible. Oh, yeah, so go to my
01:01:33 at Gary Brekka
01:01:35 And then you go to my reels and it's about 20 reels down you'll see the little clouded fact check
01:01:42 Thing they put over top of it, and it says
01:01:44 false information see why and then you have to click through and it says
01:01:49 food grade seed oils are not
01:01:53 Toxic for human beings experts say I'm like well. I'd love to debate that expert. I really go to that Jamie
01:02:00 What would the post say what is the post well you it's gonna say false information
01:02:06 It's gonna be kind of what is the post that you wrote. What does it say?
01:02:09 What does it look like you could find it just on the oils yeah see recently um it's probably a few months ago now
01:02:15 But it's still on there. Just go to my reels not my stories
01:02:18 You'll see it on there
01:02:21 Yeah, yeah
01:02:24 There keep going
01:02:26 down down down down down
01:02:29 It's right around here keep going
01:02:32 Now that's that one. They didn't catch
01:02:35 Yeah
01:02:38 Hey, I wonder how they do catch it. I don't know either man. I don't know how these fat okay now
01:02:43 We're getting into it around here somewhere keep going
01:02:45 has a little
01:02:47 Get gone. It's pretty obvious when you see it because it's cloudy and
01:02:51 The image itself is cloudy yeah like you can't it's fuzzy fuzzy image out
01:02:58 Interesting yeah, is that it right there? No? That's the UFC. I don't know if it shows that way on the web, maybe
01:03:07 Interesting like it's that far back. Yeah, I'm pretty far back now. You are all right keep scrolling up
01:03:13 You probably went past it, but you'll see they put a thing over top of it on okay
01:03:17 So I don't know if that happens on the website version of Instagram. Oh, well. I'm sure they fact check it on there, too
01:03:24 Now it's not gonna be in the Altium and stuff scroll down a little bit Jimmy
01:03:31 Let me see
01:03:36 Keep going it was about
01:03:38 Maybe two three months ago
01:03:41 Well this one so it's before that before that one. They didn't catch that one five months ago. He was before that one
01:03:48 Before that yeah, it was before that okay
01:03:51 I'm just very curious. Yeah, no I want to show it to you to the experts say these are these are my reels
01:04:01 Yes, sir, okay keep going down
01:04:04 I
01:04:06 Was on a podcast I did with Brad Lee perfect dominoes
01:04:10 Yeah
01:04:12 months ago
01:04:13 Flight travel stuff keep going maybe push down further
01:04:17 You see I
01:04:21 Can find it on my phone if I have my phone that's I'm saying it's I don't show it to you
01:04:25 It's okay. Yeah, so yeah, but they blank it out
01:04:28 It has a little thing over it, and then it says false information
01:04:30 Cy and then it says fact-checkers say seed oils are not bad for human beings yeah
01:04:35 No, I've seen people argue that too
01:04:38 And I'm like get what dose is in for how long because they're ubiquitous
01:04:42 They're everything so many people are consuming seed oils, and they really are industrial lubricants, right?
01:04:47 That's they essentially repurpose them for human use because they had a bunch of it laying around so true Chris go
01:04:54 Yeah, and it's not good for you by any stretch of the imagination
01:04:57 So when they said that seed oil are there any seed oils that are okay for you?
01:05:03 I mean a certain cold process seed oils. I mean I I eat olive oil
01:05:07 I think he need oil, but all of us like you don't think of that as industrialized seed oil
01:05:11 No, and you have to watch that too because sometimes they'll put palm oil and on the phone it shows that yeah
01:05:17 See it. It says fact-checker lead stories conclusion false
01:05:21 Fact check food grade canola oil is not toxic for humans experts say that's the link that's it
01:05:27 Experts say but see how they have that that blank over there, so you can't even read it right you can't go through
01:05:33 Well, there's a lot of things that I follow that have that unfortunately yeah
01:05:38 You got it for a little while. Yeah, it's wild now. It's so crazy. It really is wild. It's so crazy
01:05:46 I mean I there's so many corrupting factors that are changing the way people have access to information
01:05:51 Yeah, and they're not getting access to accurate information. They use that fucking appeal to authority
01:05:56 Experts say mm-hmm what experts please put this expert are they being paid off are the same experts that the sugar industry?
01:06:03 Fucking bribed in the 50s you tell people that saturated fat is bad for you
01:06:08 Yeah, so this day people still believe that it's wild. I just did an explanation of what the mRNA vaccine was
01:06:14 I didn't even attack the mRNA vaccine. I just explained to people because people didn't understand this
01:06:19 False information see why reviewed by independent fact-checkers by the way, that's horseshit. There's no independent fact-checkers
01:06:27 Right they're not independent. No, that's it's horseshit. They they have a fucking mandate
01:06:32 Okay, so click on that so you just hear what he's saying
01:06:36 Yes, sunflower seeds aren't those good for you these seed oils are terrible man
01:06:41 If you actually saw how something like a canola oil was processed right I mean when they actually first make canola oil the oil
01:06:47 Comes out very like thick and gummy
01:06:49 So this is what you just described. Yeah, just what you do
01:06:53 Gum, but none of this that you're saying is not true. No, so when you click see why what where does it take you Jamie?
01:07:01 It doesn't it well when you say
01:07:05 So see why it just says that that's all it says false. It just says false
01:07:11 Fact-check food-grade canola oil is not toxic for humans not done as Paul Saladino
01:07:17 Oh, they hammer Paul Saladino canola oil for toxic for humans since it starts with the seeds of a rape plant
01:07:24 No one's saying that by the way. It's not a rape plant. It's rape seed oil. No one no one calls it the rape plant
01:07:30 I know
01:07:32 No, it's not true in the United States the Food and Drug Administration which by the way has never been known to be corrupt
01:07:38 Which sets food regulations recognize canola oil safe for human consumption?
01:07:43 Furthermore a Tufts University nutrition scientist told lead stories this who is this fucking person?
01:07:50 You just a Tufts University nutrition science
01:07:53 Scientist yeah told lead stories. There's no basis for the claim that food-grade canola oil is unsafe for humans to consume in fact
01:08:01 Evidence suggests that canola oil may benefit heart health the claim about canola oils toxicity
01:08:07 appeared in a video posted on Instagram December 25th 20 22 in that video an
01:08:13 unidentified on-camera narrator
01:08:17 Canola oil is toxic. Here's how it's made so it tase that that the there's Paul
01:08:24 Looking guilty looking guilty the claim that canola oil is a is an old
01:08:31 canard in
01:08:33 2019 for instance lead stories debunked a claim that canola oil causes brain damage dementia and weight gain in
01:08:39 January 4th of 2023 email to lead stories Alice H
01:08:44 Lichtenstein
01:08:46 director and senior scientist of the cardiovascular nutrition laboratory at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
01:08:53 Emphasized that claims that food-grade canola oil is toxic for humans are untrue
01:08:59 There's no basis on which to claim that any canola oil on the market contains uric acid or the oil
01:09:07 Extract extracted in any way that is different my other plants such as soybean oil
01:09:12 So what do you get nervous look canola oil is made by a process of chemical refinement called RBD refined bleached deodorized
01:09:19 Which involves the use of hexane which is what I was just talking about yeah a volatile solvent with low toxicity
01:09:27 Okay, refined bleached and deodorized, and it's been used to extract oils from C. Since the 1930s right when people started catching cancer
01:09:35 Like quicker yeah this article canola canola
01:09:38 Canada it's an article from the canola Council of Canada two things
01:09:44 I don't trust the canola Council and Canada and Canada
01:09:47 Seed oils our first crush to express the oil in the suit oils extracted from low boiling solvent like hexane
01:09:54 Deodorization is the final step whenever you have to fucking deodorize food like what are you doing? That's not an armpit
01:10:00 Yeah, it's salad dressing
01:10:03 Exactly
01:10:05 No neurotoxin yeah, we just use a little bit of it right and this is this is the thing that we do in this country
01:10:13 We have something called um
01:10:15 We have come something called single dose toxicity which means that you know if this capsule has a certain amount of arsenic in it
01:10:21 But it's not enough to cause a toxic reaction that I can still give it to you
01:10:24 Mm-hmm, but it's the cumulative dose toxicity most European countries use which is why?
01:10:28 There are dozens of compounds that are legally United States that aren't legal anywhere else on the surface of the earth
01:10:36 They're certainly not legal in Europe. They don't use folic acid in Europe. You know you say in a cobalamin actually say in a cobalamin
01:10:42 I'm not sure I can't be changed movie Europe. I know we have to move to Europe
01:10:49 Interested on like how a small website like this becomes
01:10:51 Paid they get fucking paid the Canola Oil Society declines
01:10:58 Yeah, like there's so many of these websites that are in cahoots with big businesses
01:11:03 It's horseshit the independent fact-checkers are not independent, and they're not checking facts right just spewing propaganda
01:11:11 Well, it's astounding to that you can actually be from the Canola Society defending the canola facts. It's hilarious. Yeah
01:11:18 But it really is hilarious in and again the same as with with with fluoride
01:11:23 So you know the these it's it's all of these little micro toxicities right that are that that are adding up
01:11:28 I mean you know when you look at cellular metabolism, and how it's interrupted by all of these
01:11:33 Microtoxins one of the reasons why people when they go on certain types of diets like a carnivore die experience such a
01:11:40 Dramatic improvement in health is because the majority of what's happening is they're removing a lot of these toxic chemicals make sense right?
01:11:47 I'm proving their mitochondria by the way if we change the name of rapeseed I know
01:11:51 You know do we have a murder fruit?
01:11:55 You know yeah, exactly why is why are they calling it that but how is it the same thing as canola like a domestic?
01:12:00 Violence seed right because you think of canola you think of corn yeah palm kernel
01:12:04 Sunflower sounds great. Yeah, but rapeseed, but all of those seeds safflower or safflower oil
01:12:13 Flower or Sun seed oil sunflower seed all those seeds are bad all the seats are all those seed oils are bad
01:12:19 Not that sunflower seeds are bad for it
01:12:21 But those seed oils are bad due to the process due to the hexane due to the deodorizers
01:12:26 Yeah, the polyunsaturated fatty acids. I mean this is what causes the oxidation you know in
01:12:30 Cholesterol you know it gets oxidized and it actually starts the atherosclerotic or to you know process it starts the the placking and the scarring
01:12:38 And it actually makes these
01:12:40 You know turns them into free radicals, so you're saying that seed oils themselves cause the placking seed oils themselves cause the oxidation of cholesterol
01:12:48 Which leads to the placking you know the cholesterol really gets vilified right? I mean LDL cholesterol
01:12:53 I mean, there's very little evidence linking LDL cholesterol on its own to cardiovascular disease now
01:12:59 There are some a polypore protein a's a polypore protein B's
01:13:02 But when we you look at your your your blood work, and you see that your LDL cholesterol is marginally high
01:13:09 You know let's say that it should be
01:13:11 99 or less and you're 109 and and they say well you should go on a stat
01:13:16 I mean marginally elevated cholesterol when we were in the when we were in the
01:13:20 Mortality space was a marker of longevity at the time what we would do is if you had low levels of triglyceride
01:13:26 And you had elevated
01:13:29 Marginally elevated LDL cholesterol and high HDL cholesterol the high density liver protein we would actually extend your life expectancy
01:13:38 Really, we would extend your life expectancy if you were clinically in our
01:13:42 Within these certain margins if you were very low on cholesterol like your LDL cholesterol was clinically pushed down remember
01:13:49 Cholesterol is not a fuel source right it's it's the body can't use cholesterol for energy
01:13:54 It's a construction material, so we used to build every cell wall. We used to build cell membranes. We used to make hormones
01:14:00 It's a very necessary construction material
01:14:03 And it gets vilified because it's at the scene of a lot of crimes, but it's not pulling the trigger right
01:14:10 I mean a more dangerous measure would be to have high cholesterol and very high triglycerides
01:14:15 Because then you start to reduce the particulate size of cholesterol
01:14:19 You know so remember like from high school geometry as the size of a sphere gets smaller
01:14:24 Its surface area to volume ratio goes up and so a lot of these
01:14:30 Small particulate cholesterols are very dangerous because they pass through the arterial wall they get kind of eaten by a macrophage
01:14:36 And they start this process of scarring, but just having elevated levels of LDL cholesterol
01:14:41 Was a marker for longevity
01:14:44 In in our mortality space so are there foods that when combined?
01:14:50 With high levels of dietary cholesterol like is there things that you should not eat while also consuming?
01:14:58 high levels of dietary
01:15:00 Cholesterol and they work together. It's in a negative way
01:15:03 Yeah
01:15:04 I mean
01:15:04 I I'm not aware of any link between dietary cholesterol and serum concentration of cholesterol only 15% of the cholesterol in your bloodstream comes from
01:15:12 Diet 85% of the cholesterol in your blood is manufactured by the liver so if you want to lower your cholesterol
01:15:18 We have to lower what we put into the front door of the liver if you put high glycemic
01:15:22 Carbohydrates in the front door of the liver you will likely there get not just high triglyceride
01:15:27 but also elevated levels of cholesterol out the back door so elevated levels of cholesterol and
01:15:33 High triglycerides are the problem disaster together. Yeah, and that comes from diet as well as
01:15:40 Sugar sugar yeah, I mean sugar is the enemy right I mean so
01:15:45 You know people that eat the most sugar have the highest blood fat
01:15:48 You know if we go back to Dana White for a second you know he had
01:15:52 A life-threatening level of triglycerides when he was fasted his triglycerides were around 800 which is very high for a fasted
01:16:00 for fasted state
01:16:02 Yeah, when it's fasted and what was like when he's eating
01:16:05 Oh, I can't imagine, but he also ate a lot of refined carbohydrates
01:16:10 Yeah, so now remember you know this this syndrome called metabolic syndrome
01:16:14 Which is showing up in younger and younger and younger ages now right is this combination of you know?
01:16:22 abdominal fat high triglyceride high blood fat
01:16:25 high insulin hyperinsulinemia
01:16:28 high levels of
01:16:31 Sugar which is called hemoglobin a1c the three-month average of your blood sugar
01:16:35 Low HDL cholesterol the health healthy cholesterol and high blood pressure, and if you have any two of those five you have metabolic syndrome
01:16:44 He had all five of those five in a really bad way
01:16:49 And you know it's a very hard concept for him to understand too that you have a you know this kind of life-threatening level of
01:16:54 triglycerides so we're gonna put you on a
01:16:57 On a high fat diet to bring your blood fat down
01:17:01 Right right we're gonna try to put you into a state of ketosis
01:17:05 So your body starts to use beta hydroxybutyrate and fat as a fuel source
01:17:08 So we can actually drive the triglycerides in your blood down and everybody you know
01:17:12 Hammered me, and they're like oh, I don't have ten million dollars to spend on a program like that
01:17:16 I'm like you it was it was a 10 week 12 week keto reset
01:17:20 You know peptides yes, yes hormone balance
01:17:24 But all the fancy equipment the red light therapy bags the hypermax oxygen the PMF all those things you can get for free by just
01:17:31 You know going out in sunlight
01:17:33 Grounding and learning how to do breath work um well most people don't give it the credence that it deserves because it's free
01:17:39 Right it's like you know most people don't even want to take a cold shower much less get into a
01:17:46 You know a cold plunge um you know most people don't want to wake up with the Sun and take their shirt off and go
01:17:52 Outside and expose it to natural sunlight most people don't want to take eight minutes and do breath work
01:17:55 But if you just added those three things to your morning routine you change the entire trajectory of your life
01:18:00 And you really would you really would yeah, and I try to tell people that all the time yeah
01:18:06 I mean you if you got a hundred and twenty five grand or 150 grand lying around and you want to buy the top red
01:18:12 Her line red light bed you want about the top of the line cold plunge, and you want to buy a
01:18:15 PEMF mat and you want to buy a hypermax oxygen system then by all means because those do work
01:18:21 They'll make it convenient for you because all they're doing is bringing
01:18:25 The best of what in the mother nature has from the outside and bringing it in
01:18:29 What is the best red light bed is there because I have one of those ones that you stand in front of mm-hmm?
01:18:35 You know what that's a juve juve. Yeah, is that good?
01:18:39 Yeah, so that they're good, but you know the milliwatts of a radiance, but between all the beds that we tested
01:18:45 We actually make
01:18:47 We partnered with DaVinci medical and they're like 360 to make one of the most powerful red light beds on the market
01:18:53 It wasn't called um it's called the 10x
01:18:55 10x
01:18:58 10 10x health red light bed to me by their light 360 pull that up Jamie
01:19:07 Cuz I've always wondered just go to 10x health system. I barely use my juve. I think it does something
01:19:12 I feel better when I use that's it that looks like a fucking spaceship. It does it so that's got
01:19:17 45,000 light diodes that's 123 grand geez Louise by milliwatts of a radiance
01:19:23 It's one of if not the most powerful bed on the market, so
01:19:26 What happens with this thing what's the benefit of this sucker?
01:19:29 So there's certain very specific you just buy with shop um watch it. Yeah, the fuck's got that kind of credit card
01:19:36 Well, this is what I get shit from online all the time so before everybody starts killing me going you got to buy
01:19:41 $123,000 light bed right um you know you can um you know just
01:19:46 Add to your morning routine
01:19:48 Exposing your skin to sunlight and getting out in first light and doing breath work, but this sounds like it's a lot better
01:19:54 Oh, this is incredible
01:19:55 I mean, so if you look at the wavelengths of light that are really therapeutic the 680 to 720 nanometers 810 and
01:20:02 840 there are other wavelengths, but those wavelengths in particular will do some very very special things
01:20:08 You know not only will they help improve collagen elastin fiber and synthesis in the skin so red light therapy is actually very good for your
01:20:16 Skin the longer you use a red light therapy bed the more kind of youthful appearance
01:20:21 You'll take on youthful appearance young Jamie. You know you want that
01:20:27 But so the real magic happens in the mitochondria, and how often would you use something like this?
01:20:32 Um I use mine 20 minutes a day as all every day every day if I can because I went to this place that was
01:20:38 A hyperbaric chamber place, but they they had a red light bed
01:20:41 And I was using it quite a bit, but they said you can't use it every day
01:20:45 I know there. I don't see any evidence that you that
01:20:49 Overexposure to those therapeutic wavelengths of red light is is detrimental. Why would they tell you not to use it every day then?
01:20:55 I have no idea because they'll tell you to use it every day if you have an injury
01:20:58 Well does it not harm you and have an injury and it only harms you when you don't have an injury
01:21:02 I mean if you if you got a little more sunlight exposure one day
01:21:06 It had the same nanometers of wavelength passing through your skin
01:21:09 Did you do damage on the days that you had slightly more sun exposure?
01:21:13 Because you know the real magic of red light when there's a lot of magic to red light these you know reduced inflammation
01:21:20 increased microvascular circulation
01:21:22 But really what happens inside the mitochondria, and I have kind of a saying that the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease
01:21:30 Because during my 20-year career in the mortality space
01:21:33 We did not find a single disease ideological pathway that did not have its roots in a lack of blood oxygen or
01:21:41 specifically
01:21:43 Was not exacerbated by a lack by by hypoxia
01:21:47 Right and if you think that we all die the same way right I mean every human being leaves this earth the same way we
01:21:53 all die of hypoxia lack of oxygen to the brain, but
01:21:56 It's just what causes that to happen right is it a gunshot wound a boss a stroke. You know heart attack
01:22:02 but the truth is that
01:22:05 This level of oxygen management in the body is a measurable thing you're either using oxygen very well and therefore you are
01:22:14 Slowly approximating the grave or you are using oxygen very poorly, and you are accelerating towards the grave
01:22:20 so for example when you look at
01:22:23 How human beings are truly powered right like where do we really get our energy from it's really one energy source called ATP
01:22:30 Right and it's produced inside this little organelle called the mitochondria. There's about 110 trillion of these in your body
01:22:35 10% of your body weight is mitochondria and
01:22:39 the mitochondria
01:22:42 Has a voracious appetite for oxygen when it receives oxygen
01:22:46 It will create 16 times more energy it will produce 36 ATP rather than 2 ATP
01:22:53 So imagine a little mitochondria that has a motor inside of it called the Krebs cycle and every time this motor makes one revolution
01:23:00 It has two choices it can either create two units of energy to ATP or can create 36 units of energy
01:23:07 36 ATP the difference between a 16-fold increase or 16-fold decrease in energy is the presence of oxygen
01:23:14 And so if oxygen enters this cycle right it produces 16 times more energy it puts out
01:23:21 Water and it also puts out carbon dioxide
01:23:24 um if there's no oxygen present it only produces
01:23:28 2 ATP and it releases lactic acid and which by the way doesn't make your muscles burn, but it releases lactic acid
01:23:36 so
01:23:38 what if
01:23:39 When you used a red light bed one of those wavelengths of light actually goes through the mitochondrial wall
01:23:44 And it goes into this motor it goes into the Krebs cycle, and it actually kicks out a gas
01:23:50 called mitochondrial nitric oxide and
01:23:53 forces oxygen to dock
01:23:55 There's a little place in this motor called cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c oxidase is like a one-armed man
01:24:02 He can either shake hands with oxygen or he can shake hands with nitric oxide, but he can't do both
01:24:08 so if I can get him to let go of nitric oxide and
01:24:12 Grab oxygen I can get a 16-fold increase in
01:24:17 mitochondrial output whoa so that's what happens with red light and you get
01:24:22 Sunlight as well is that something that you get some exposure just not at the depth that you would get from a red light bed
01:24:30 Mmm. This is why I'm saying that
01:24:32 if you're on the budget for a red light bed with the majority people don't
01:24:35 The benefits of getting first light in the morning are so much more astounding than you think but because it's free people don't
01:24:42 You know
01:24:45 Yeah, so this will go a few inches into the skin 360 degrees around if you look at photo biomodulation and the treatment of Parkinson's
01:24:54 syndrome like using
01:24:56 red light therapy on the skull for neurogenic disorders and neuro inflammatory conditions if you look at
01:25:03 arthritic conditions
01:25:05 and all kinds of inflammatory pathologies in the body and the impact of
01:25:09 photobiomodulation it is
01:25:12 astounding what light does in the human body and
01:25:14 When what is the difference between like what that does and what like one of those juve wall does?
01:25:19 So it's it's the milliwatts of a radiance for number for one
01:25:23 Which is the the power kind of the how how strong it's being pushed whether or not can't you can regulate the Hertz right?
01:25:31 728 Hertz 5,000 Hertz 1,000 Hertz. This is kind of the
01:25:34 Frequency of the light and then there's the um, and then there's the different wavelengths hitting you at the same time
01:25:40 You generally find therapeutic wavelengths between 680 and 720 nanometers
01:25:46 Specifically 810 and 940. Those are the ones that have the most clinical research on on them
01:25:52 They're also extraordinarily safe
01:25:54 And so I think it's actually FDA approved for the skin and in certain eye treatments
01:26:00 But I'd have to go back and check that but I think it does red light does have an FDA approval
01:26:04 But laying in red light therapy every day if you do that for a month
01:26:09 Even if you did it 10 minutes a day for 30 days at the end of that month
01:26:12 You would notice a profound and material change in your performance. Really? Hmm. That's why there's red light beds at the
01:26:19 You know the UFC
01:26:21 Performance center, but the ones like a juve is like how much less powerful I would say juve is a good
01:26:28 Right, so it's something full body red light therapy is best. All right
01:26:33 Um, we already know it's it's it's effects for wound healing collagen fibrin elastin
01:26:39 inflammation reduction the improvement in
01:26:43 Microvascular circulation so like in the in your eyes liver lungs pancreas kidneys brain that that photobiomodulation is very good for
01:26:52 neural inflammation
01:26:54 And because of the way that it upstages the mitochondria just think you got a hundred ten trillion
01:26:59 Mitochondria in your body if you could power those mitochondria up if you could get a sixteenfold step up in cellular
01:27:05 Energy just think of the amount of extra waste elimination repair detoxification
01:27:10 that you could that you could cause and
01:27:13 Is it dangerous to your eyes because one of the things about those light beds they make you wear eye goggles
01:27:18 They make you wear eye goggles
01:27:20 I probably shouldn't say this on a podcast, but I mean I don't you don't I will open your eyes
01:27:25 I live wide open. Why don't look right at the light? What? Yeah, it's not bad for your eyes
01:27:30 You watch what happens to your vision after a week to 14 days of being in a red light therapy bed without eye protection
01:27:35 Really if you don't have a marked improvement in your in your in your vision, I'd be very surprised
01:27:40 So what is the negative aspect or why do they tell you to cover your eyes? Well because you know, I mean, I guess the
01:27:46 Bright light if you're staring directly at one of them one of those lights if you have some kind of photo sensitivity or damage to your
01:27:52 Rods or your cones your macular your retina. I mean if you had eye pathology
01:27:56 Which you would know about then there might be some some downside consequences
01:28:00 So you just lay there and stare at that fucking right at the light put my eyes wide open. I'm 54 years old
01:28:06 I don't wear I'm 53 years old don't add a year to my life
01:28:09 But and I don't I don't wear reading glasses or anything a small font on my phone
01:28:14 Dude, I do you know? Yeah, my shit started falling apart at like
01:28:17 44 45 did it I really started noticing but I started taking I've been to define out what happens after you're in that red light
01:28:25 I'm down. Let's go. I started taking pure encapsulations
01:28:29 Yeah macro support, mm-hmm and I stopped the
01:28:38 Aggregation of my vision it hasn't gotten worse great. Yeah, so God it's not the best but you know my fonts not that big
01:28:46 Yeah, you know I can read that pretty easily. I can read websites. I don't need glasses, but when I use glasses
01:28:52 I definitely see things much better. Yeah
01:28:54 Website says only when you're at one setting do you need the eye protection for their newer devices?
01:29:02 You don't the newer generation 3.0
01:29:04 So what does it say wavelength only eye protection is not required and may be beneficial for maintaining?
01:29:09 I'm glad they're doing that yeah
01:29:11 I'm glad they're doing that but the juve they don't make one that juices you up the way yours does no God no no
01:29:18 That's 125 milliwatts of radiance more powerful than anything on the market. I think the next bed has maybe 15,000 light diodes
01:29:24 There's there's there's 45,000 light diodes in that bed, okay?
01:29:28 You know that so one is the dials are made by other one is great. Yeah, so juve does something for you
01:29:33 It's not bad for you. It's good for you, but it's not fantastic for but again start start with sunlights his skin exposure
01:29:40 All right, um huberman talks about that all the time. Yeah, yeah, I'm a huge fan of hubert. Yeah, yeah, yeah
01:29:46 He's the best yeah, and he's just also made this kind of science so much more accessible to people yeah
01:29:52 And and it's still I mean just blow my mind all the things I'm learning from you. Which is just thank you
01:29:57 I've been learning this stuff for so long, but that's part of the problem is is so difficult
01:30:03 to like
01:30:04 Maintain this information you had no doubt to keep it
01:30:08 And I know I want to get it to the masses like you know I don't want my
01:30:12 Like social media and podcasts and stage talks and things of like that for me to be speaking to my peers
01:30:18 I feel like the woke biohacking crowd has enough woke biohackers that are doing a great job out there that
01:30:24 Somebody needs to just talk to the masses. There's a bunch of fucking grifters in that woke biohacking crowd
01:30:31 Yeah, there's a bunch of unhealthy looking douche. Yeah, it's crazy. You're selling nonsense
01:30:36 Yeah, I know a few of them, and I know they're frauds really yeah. Oh, yeah
01:30:39 Yeah, there's a bunch of fucking people that are just sort of
01:30:42 Reiterating shit that people like you have actually done research on right they say it wrong sometimes
01:30:47 Yeah, switch things around fuck things up because they don't really have an education in it
01:30:52 Yeah, but yet their business is selling you products that are supposedly beneficial. Oh gosh. There's a lot of these
01:30:58 That's why I always try to like every I'm like look. Here's things you can do for free right right?
01:31:04 I mean yes, I have a supplement line you can buy my supplements
01:31:06 But pure encapsulation is a great supplement third and thorn is a great supplement
01:31:09 I would rather people take the information and put it to work in their life
01:31:13 Then you know buy my e-book or so the number one thing
01:31:18 Probably number one thing is let's start from the top because we've got a great list of stuff get rid of folic acid get that shit
01:31:25 Out of your diet get rid of folic acid
01:31:28 Number two if if you can afford it get a genetic methylation test once in your much
01:31:35 No one of those cost about five six hundred bucks
01:31:37 Oh, okay, six hundred bucks to do it through me
01:31:39 But it's and you'll do it once in your lifetime, but you don't have to do it through me
01:31:43 There's other great companies, but do a genetic methylation test give five specific genes looked at empty HFR
01:31:50 MTR are empty are a
01:31:53 HcY and C o MT and you do this for a cheek swab you do with a cheek swab you swab your cheek you put it
01:32:00 In a little test tube you send it to the lab and then the results come back to you
01:32:03 For the balance of your lifetime you will never guess on what your body is deficient in right because you will know what it can
01:32:11 Methylate and what it can't okay?
01:32:12 And then just start supplementing for the sake of deficiency not the sake of supplementation and step back and watch what happens
01:32:19 forget all the fancy Amazon roots and and
01:32:22 And you know rare supplements that only one company has that they patented and trademarked
01:32:27 and it's a secret to optimal health because by the time you get way down the road to all of the
01:32:31 I would say
01:32:33 Enhancement type supplements like I'm a huge fan of NMN. I'm a massive fan of resveratrol
01:32:38 You know stem cell stimulatory supplements and things like that you got to cover the basics
01:32:45 Or you got to get the foundation right the soil has to have the right nutrients
01:32:49 so the body can perform its basic functions, and then you can start targeting things with my cellized turmeric and curcumin and and
01:32:55 NMN and you can start taking
01:32:57 You know creatine to help with muscles you can you can do all of those additional things, but to get the basics right?
01:33:04 Where does the rubber meet the road?
01:33:06 What does this tree need to grow in and and survive and then what can I do to make it thrive?
01:33:12 Okay, right because I think a lot of people are skipping that step right. They're just not doing the basics
01:33:17 They don't have just a basic morning routine a basic free morning routine, so they actually lack a lot of confidence in themselves
01:33:23 Right and I use that David Goggins method of stop negotiating with yourself like discipline is
01:33:29 Better than motivation mm-hmm because a lot of mornings. You know you wake up. You're not motivated, but you just say okay
01:33:35 Here's the four things. I'm gonna do I'm gonna. I'm gonna wake up. I'm gonna try to wake up with the Sun
01:33:39 But I'm gonna wake up in the morning. I'm gonna do eight minutes of breath work
01:33:43 I'm gonna expose my skin to um sunlight, and I'm gonna touch the surface of the earth
01:33:48 Just those things right there just earthing grounding breath work and sunlight exposure which cost you zero zero and zero
01:33:55 What is grounding? Why does that do anything so so if you look at you know?
01:34:00 When you when you contact the surface of the earth you actually discharge into the earth you're talking barefoot barefoot, right?
01:34:06 It's a bare feet touching bare soil or I think grounding is a very real thing
01:34:10 So when you touch the surface of the earth you discharge into the earth so what does that mean you actually?
01:34:15 Change the surface polarity in the body remember that pH
01:34:18 Stands for potential hydrogen. It's a charge right so we know that being slightly
01:34:24 It's the pH range of the body is very narrow
01:34:27 It's probably four tenths of a point five tenths of a point the pH of the blood
01:34:30 And the way that we become more alkaline contrary to popular belief is not by drinking alkaline water
01:34:36 That's one of the biggest marketing myths ever sold to the public
01:34:38 You cannot get change the pH of the blood by change the pH of the water that you put into the stomach
01:34:44 Because it's buffered so alkaline waters bullshit
01:34:47 Well, I mean, it's good because it's filtered, but it's bullshit that it won't that it will change the pH of your blood
01:34:52 That's complete nonsense
01:34:53 So I think the best kind of water you can put to the human body is hydrogen water by a landslide
01:34:58 All right, I mean if you're gonna drink spring water drink
01:35:01 Mountain Valley, but if you by the way, I don't have any deal with Mountain Valley. I have no particular reason to push them
01:35:07 but if you can
01:35:10 hydrogen water by all of the clinical studies are probably
01:35:14 1,800 published peer-reviewed clinical studies on hydrogen water more than any other type of water on the planet
01:35:19 and you know there's a whole class of
01:35:21 bacteria in your gut called hydrophiles you can actually increase the
01:35:25 absorption of all of your
01:35:28 Nutrients and your your so does one get hydrogen water? I have a link to the one that I use on my Instagram
01:35:34 the name of it, but I
01:35:37 Think it's the echo
01:35:39 Echo water filtration, so it's something that you have to do at home that converts your water to hydrogen well
01:35:45 You can add hydrogen to your water when you're done. I actually have a little hydrogen bottle. I'll bring you one
01:35:50 It's um and you you fill it with with you know your bottle water
01:35:55 And you just hit a little button and it adds hydrogen ions to the water
01:35:58 I never travel and never go anywhere without it
01:36:00 So I got it with me in your studio here and the benefits of hydrogen water are so you put hydrogen ions
01:36:06 Into the water so it improved it not only feeds the hydrophiles in your in your
01:36:10 bloodstream, but it will improve your
01:36:13 It will improve the absorption of
01:36:16 Nutrients and supplements in your stomach it actually helps enzymes further break down they can complete
01:36:21 what's called this lock and key method and in in your stomach the the studies on hydrogen water and
01:36:28 Neural inflammatory disease and chronic inflammation are astounding I put them all on my my my Instagram
01:36:35 So people can actually just go and click through them and read the conclusion sections of these
01:36:39 but if I
01:36:42 Again could drink only one type of water it would be hydrogenated water. You can't overdo it with hydrogen water either
01:36:47 Second of that would probably be spring water like a mountain valley spring water and then after that I would
01:36:54 You know look at the alkaline waters and some of these some of these other reverse osmosis
01:36:59 So this hydrogen water thing this is only something that you do with a process once you have spring water
01:37:05 This is not something you can buy already hydrogenated
01:37:08 You know I have seen I haven't personally seen the studies when there's a lot of hydrogen water companies out there
01:37:13 And I don't have an opinion about them one way or another because I never actually tested them so everything that I
01:37:18 Like speak about or Plumilligate. I've usually third-party tested myself, and I'll experiment on myself, too
01:37:25 So like oh, I'll go into a red light bed and say okay if I lay in this red light bed
01:37:30 And it's supposed to release nitric oxide from my mitochondria
01:37:33 And throw it into the serum my blood
01:37:36 Well, then if it's actually working and it's increasing the nitric oxide my blood
01:37:41 I should be able to test that so I got I would get nitric oxide
01:37:44 Saliva test strips, and I would put it in my mouth
01:37:47 And then I would get in before I got in the bed, and I would see that it was like a pale
01:37:51 Pinkish color and then I would get in the bed for 20 minutes and about 10 minutes after I get in the bed
01:37:57 I'd test it again and see that was like a dark blood red cabernet
01:38:00 Just showing that my nitric oxide level spiked
01:38:02 I'm like okay now I can see that the claims that this was making is having a physiologic response
01:38:07 Because there's no way for my nitric oxide level to spike. I didn't supplement with it. I just laid in the bed
01:38:11 I do the same thing with like these these PEMF mats these pulse electromagnetic field mats that run low gauss current through the body
01:38:20 You know
01:38:22 Supposedly what they will do is they'll change the surface polarity of your cells
01:38:26 So if you like but were to prick your finger and put it on a slide and look at your blood under a microscope
01:38:30 You'd see that most of your red blood cells are kind of stuck together and clumped up right there
01:38:35 Sort of traveling around the the bloodstream and packs almost like too many cars trying to take the same exit
01:38:40 But then when you run a low gauss current through the body like contacting the surface of the earth when you're asking me
01:38:46 What is grounding do?
01:38:47 you contact the surface of the earth or lay on a PEMF mat and
01:38:52 When you're done prick your blood again put it back on the same slide look at it under a microscope
01:38:58 And you'll see all your red blood cells have separated and they no longer can touch
01:39:02 because on the surface the red blood cell you have a charge and
01:39:05 If if the surface of cells have the same charge they can't touch as soon as they get opposite charges
01:39:12 They attract right and wherever they attract and touch and clump up you lose that surface area
01:39:18 So now waste elimination detoxification repair
01:39:22 You know all of these things are impeded because the cells are clumped up
01:39:26 Hmm if you just walked on the surface of the earth you would see the changes physiologic changes in your blood try it
01:39:33 Don't take my word for it
01:39:34 Just there you can get a microscope online for about 400 bucks you get darkfield something called darkfield
01:39:39 And you can put your blood on a slide and watch what happens after you've been sleeping all night before you go out and touch
01:39:45 The surface of the earth and then prick your finger ten minutes later after you come in
01:39:48 Or ten minutes after you get off a PMF net and what is more beneficial PMF mat or the grounding of the earth?
01:39:55 I think they're about equal the problem
01:39:57 Is that most people just don't have the time or the wherewithal to touch the surface of the earth here?
01:40:01 You know they're in Michigan or Canada
01:40:03 Or it's dark when they leave in the morning dark when they come home in the morning or they live in a condo high-rise
01:40:07 Or they're in New York City
01:40:08 It's hard to find actual dirt grass sand that you'd want to walk on without hyperdermic needles and dogs. Yeah
01:40:16 So you know I live I live in downtown Miami and
01:40:19 You know in the mornings
01:40:22 I would I would take my elevator down and walk across the street take my shoes off and I called it four corners
01:40:26 There was a little park across the right next to the American Airlines Arena
01:40:29 Downtown where the heat play and I would just walk the four corners of that park
01:40:33 You know in the morning with my shirt off just getting sunlight and doing some breath work
01:40:38 I would go back inside to my mood my emotional state my energy everything through the roof and then take a cold shower
01:40:45 That's it. I mean you most people you know again not the super ultra woke biohacker
01:40:51 But the basic humanity
01:40:54 We have you know we have subscribed to the fact our I've subscribed to the fact that aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort I
01:41:02 Really think aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort the more aggressively we pursue comfort the faster we age and
01:41:08 You know I'm and so
01:41:12 Most people just don't want to wake up in the morning expose your skin to sunlight do a little breath work ground touch that touch
01:41:17 The surface of the earth and then take a cold shower
01:41:19 None of which would add a penny to their budget and would absolutely
01:41:23 Change the trajectory of their life, and then as you get more money
01:41:27 Then you can add a red light therapy bed
01:41:28 You can add a PEMF mat you can do a cold plunge
01:41:30 And start to really amp up the benefits of these things and when you use a PEMF mat it has the same effect as grounding
01:41:39 Yeah, if you lose a look use a low gauss PEMF man low gauss current
01:41:43 It has the same effect as lying on the surface. Do you lay on it naked?
01:41:47 No, you actually just put it on
01:41:50 You put it underneath your you put it on top of your mattress. It looks like a yoga mat
01:41:54 Okay
01:41:55 And so you plug it into the wall you put it underneath your mattress and then when you go to bed you hit two buttons
01:42:00 And for 30 minutes it will run a low gas current through your body and just lay on it
01:42:04 You'll wake up alkaline every morning every morning that you wake up all of your
01:42:09 Your red blood cells will be repolarized to all be slithering around in in your bloodstream
01:42:14 You'll have all that surface area for waste elimination for repair for detoxification for exchange with the serum of the blood
01:42:21 So healthy for you
01:42:22 And if you don't want to drop the money on a PEMF mat then wake up and take your shoes off and touch the surface
01:42:27 of the earth
01:42:28 right I mean I I think if you look at some of the you know the
01:42:34 The ancestral books on on mankind you'll see that we were really designed to spend more than 85% of our time outside
01:42:41 We spent 95% of our time indoors right now in fact most people spend more than 97% of their time indoors
01:42:48 They go from a covered house to a cover garage to a covered car to a covered office to a covered gym
01:42:53 We just don't expose our we you know we say well grandma. Don't go outside. It's too hot don't go outside
01:42:59 It's too cold right just lay down. Just relax eat at the very first pang of hunger
01:43:04 I mean this is collapsing all of our natural defense mechanisms
01:43:07 That's why things like cold water immersion that we don't want to adapt to that shock the body
01:43:12 Tap into all of these you know primal
01:43:17 Mechanisms to protect us you know we call it hermesis right you know the body gets stressed and it strengthens
01:43:25 So we got to think of some type forms of stress as strengthening the body right like cold water immersion water is 29 times more
01:43:31 Thermogenic than air right so I know you know all about cold punches
01:43:35 But so water pulls heat out of the body at 29 times the rate of air
01:43:39 That's why you can die in 72 degree water, but you can't die in 72 degree air
01:43:43 But when you shock the body like that you cause the liver to secrete cold shock proteins
01:43:49 You cause the the activation of brown fat you know thermogenesis and contrary to popular belief there is a cost to thermogenesis
01:43:57 There is a caloric cost to thermogenesis so can actually improve weight loss if you don't increase your caloric intake
01:44:03 It actually helps improve
01:44:05 Insulin sensitivity it reduces insulin it reduces
01:44:09 Blood sugar it actually can improve that the the sensitivity of your body to to blood sugar it causes a massive vasoconstriction
01:44:16 It forces blood to your core and up to yours up to your brain
01:44:20 I mean you know good you feel when you get out of a cold punch. It sucks going in you feel fucking amazing coming out
01:44:26 Yeah, I'm religious with I call it my drug of choice. I wasn't kidding when you came in today, and you were like
01:44:30 What's up, bro? Can I get you anything? I was like I was gonna ask for a cold blood
01:44:33 I wasn't fucking with you. I was like where is the cold blood
01:44:37 Yeah, all right well. I may I may ask you if I could jump in when I leave you certainly can all right
01:44:43 Yeah, I've gotten my friends to do it now
01:44:45 It's hilarious like they've never done it before the first time they get it they barely can do a minute and now I've got a
01:44:50 Bunch of them doing three minutes. Yeah, you got the one that circulates while you're so you got two different ones
01:44:56 I have the morosco at home which gets down to 33 degrees, and then I have the one here. That's a little higher
01:45:02 It's in the low 40s
01:45:03 I think it's 43 degrees, but it's you could crank that bitch up like a raising raging River. That's the blue cube
01:45:09 You don't get any thermal layer at all you just suck it you just higher time. You just can't hide it just sucks
01:45:16 Oh, and there's this I actually like getting that little thermal layer
01:45:20 Oh, well, it's nice because I just one does not the blue cube does not give you that thermal layer
01:45:24 But you you have the option to lower it
01:45:26 It's like it's variable like you could crank it up to a raging river. You could have it just like a gentle stream, okay?
01:45:32 Yeah, that's a man's game with the raging river on oh, it's a motherfucker. Yeah, that's a man's yeah
01:45:37 But I still think physically I feel cold
01:45:41 Colder in the morosco just because the temperature is quite a bit colder
01:45:45 Yeah, I haven't seen a lot of evidence that colder is better as longer is better
01:45:49 You know it sucks more, and that's why I like it. Oh, okay. Well. There is evidence that it sucks worse
01:45:54 Okay, the mind game. I like climbing and seeing all the ice and pushing the ice aside. I enjoy that you do
01:46:00 Yeah, I do how long does it take you to get to that place where you're like all right? I'm all right
01:46:04 I do it so often I do it every day so for me
01:46:09 It is like brushing my teeth or taking a shower
01:46:11 It's not something I don't do when you do it like where it depends most the time
01:46:16 I do it first thing in the morning my regular routine is first thing
01:46:20 I do is get in there and then work out
01:46:23 So I get in there
01:46:25 And then I have a series of bodyweight routines that I do to heat my body back up simple stuff that I'm not gonna get
01:46:30 Hurt with like I'll do a hundred push-ups and a hundred bodyweight squats and by the time I'm done with those
01:46:35 Generally, I'm heated up. I do them in sets of 20
01:46:38 So I'll do 20 push-ups 20 bodyweight squats 20 push-ups 20 bodyweight squats
01:46:43 Then I take a little break, and then I do it again, and then I do it one more time
01:46:46 So it's about 10 minutes. Yes 10 minutes roughly and so that the end of 10 minutes. I'm kind of warm
01:46:52 I'm not sweating, but I'm kind of warmed up a little and then I'll start my routine
01:46:57 So then I'll do whatever else I'm doing if it's kettlebells if it's you know whatever different type of routine that I have set for the day
01:47:04 I'm careful if I'm doing
01:47:07 Kickboxing like I don't I let myself really warm up before I start blasting
01:47:13 Yeah, because I feel like especially for like yeah, you're so cold
01:47:16 I can't crack the sweat like it takes me well like when I do rounds in the bag
01:47:22 Even if I do my bodyweight squats my sit-ups and my push-ups by the time I get to hitting the bag
01:47:29 I'm still not sweating you know because it's so fucking cold
01:47:32 Yeah
01:47:33 So then I will do like two rounds on the bag and then by the end of two rounds then two easy rounds two rounds of
01:47:41 Like tapping tapping it. I'm moving constantly, but I'm just tapping and I'm never just right
01:47:47 I'm never like going crazy, but then the third round I start ramping up the power and so for the last
01:47:52 Seven rounds it's a salt the last seven rounds. It's like it gets something you do by yourself. Just oh yeah, okay?
01:47:58 I've got a trainer so how long is your training routine?
01:48:02 Thank you generally two hours a regular day for me is two hours
01:48:06 So but it depends one of the things I do is I use when it comes to training like with weights and kettlebells
01:48:11 I treat kettlebells like it's a skill
01:48:14 And I think that is something that I learned from Pavel tatsaline and studying his strong first protocol
01:48:21 He he advocates a long a long rest period in between workout sets and more
01:48:28 repetitions in terms of
01:48:31 volume by virtue of the fact they have larger rest periods and a lot of people feel like they're being lazy when they do that
01:48:37 Because they're not pushing themselves, but I push myself doing other things right right so when I'm sitting like right
01:48:43 So if I'm strength training like the heaviest kettlebell occasionally, I'll lift a 90-pound kettlebell
01:48:49 I'll do my cleans and presses with a 90
01:48:51 But the vast majority of my work is warm-up sets are done with a 35
01:48:56 And it's generally like one arm swings both sides 10 reps two sets
01:49:01 Then I move into a 50-pound kettlebell 10 reps two sides
01:49:05 And then I move to 70 so you're doing single arm with 50 pounds yes
01:49:10 Wow, and then when I get and then I do 70 with single arm, and then when I get to 70
01:49:15 Now I'm moving in the clean press and then I'm moving into windmills
01:49:19 And I'm moving into between the legs all that is with 70s hmm
01:49:23 And but I take breaks so like when I do like a set of to say go do clean presses with 10 pound with
01:49:30 10 reps 70 pounds I will wait five minutes before I do another set five solid minutes
01:49:37 I'll watch TV. I'll fuck around on my phone
01:49:39 I feel like I'm being a lazy piece of shit right
01:49:42 But I know I'm not because I'm gonna get those I have a routine so I have a whiteboard
01:49:49 Write it out. I take a photo on my phone of the whiteboard so I know that I you know
01:49:53 I'm programming that for you doing it yourself myself and so over time
01:49:57 I've developed this where I know that if I do it this way I get pretty significant strength gains
01:50:02 And so when now when I go to things that I don't do like bench press and things like I'm
01:50:07 Significantly stronger whatever was before, but I'm not doing bench press. I don't ever do that Wow
01:50:13 I don't do it, but I can bang out 225 for 15 reps
01:50:17 And I don't it's not hard for me to do
01:50:20 Because I do so much with all these other muscle groups with kettlebells, and are you fasted or you um yes?
01:50:25 I got my first workout of the day is fast. Okay, and you don't even take an amino acid blend or anything no
01:50:30 I don't take shit, but I do take alpha brain pre-workout, which has got beta alanine b12 some caffeine. It's fucking whoa
01:50:38 How do you think is it a powder yeah, it's a powder that I mix into water
01:50:42 How does there's a question I forgot to ask earlier with electrolytes and with this hydrogen water is there any?
01:50:50 Incompatibility no, no actually highly compatible, okay, so electrolytes and
01:50:55 Hydrogen water or even amino acids and hydrogen water and do you take those before you work out?
01:51:01 Do you yeah, I work out fasted, but I work out fasted and I take
01:51:05 Amino acids I take a full spectrum amino acid blend because branched chain
01:51:11 Yes, not just branched chain so the branched chains are three of the nine
01:51:14 You know that's the leucine isoleucine valine
01:51:16 But the but I think the branched chain amino acid theory has really been you know debunk now that you just need to take branched
01:51:23 chain amino acids BCAAs before
01:51:25 Right before work out the old theory used to be that well
01:51:28 Those are the amino acids that are really metabolized at the muscle level so they're not cleaved through the liver
01:51:32 But the truth is that you really need a full spectrum amino acid so you need all
01:51:37 Minimum all nine of the you know essential amino stuff for sale on your site. Yeah, okay?
01:51:43 And then about the place in order
01:51:46 So we're gonna come in my client now, so when you take that stuff you mix it with water
01:51:52 Do you I just mix it with water or I also take them in capsule form sometimes?
01:51:57 I'll take five of them in a capsule form or I'll just mix it with with water
01:52:00 So I'm telling you that's a game changer for your workout brother. Okay, just try that and it won't break your fast
01:52:05 I'm gonna try that now the other thing is electrolytes like what do you have specific electrolytes used to use a brand?
01:52:11 Sodium well, I have my own brand of electrolytes. You know prior to that. I was using LMNT
01:52:17 I like that stuff. Yeah, I like that stuff - I just go to IV - but now
01:52:21 Liquid IV yeah, yeah, so you know what's the cyanocobalamin?
01:52:25 We just talked about the cyanide
01:52:28 That's in liquid IV. Oh, no. Yeah, so watch out, but um
01:52:32 but hopefully they'll switch that to methylcobalamin, but the so I make a
01:52:37 Formulated a 10x
01:52:40 health form of
01:52:42 Electrolytes, but high levels of sodium
01:52:44 magnesium potassium and in contrary to popular belief I mean so many people are afraid of sodium and
01:52:51 We've you know we've seen blood work on thousands and thousands and thousands of people and you know there be men clinical studies that show
01:53:00 an inverse relationship between sodium and migraine headaches
01:53:03 Meaning as sodium levels go down the incidence of migraine headaches go up a sodium levels go up the incidence of migraine headaches go down
01:53:11 I'm by no means saying that all migraine headaches are caused by sodium nor am I saying that everybody that has a sodium
01:53:16 Sensitivity should take sodium for a migraine headache. I'm well aware that sodium is implicated
01:53:22 cardiovascular conditions and blood pressure however
01:53:25 When you do a blood test and you see that your sodium levels are low. Let's say 134 135 136
01:53:31 137 or 138 in that range on your blood test and almost every blood test that has a
01:53:38 Comprehensive metabolic panel will give you a sodium level
01:53:40 If you are waking up three four or five days a month with a headache or you get regular migraine headaches
01:53:48 Watch what happens when you start to add
01:53:51 Celtic sea salt to your drinking water or something like you know an electrolyte blend that I make or an element tea to your morning
01:53:57 Routine watch what happens to those headaches they will eviscerate
01:54:00 um and so you know most of us are clinically deficient in sodium you know there's this
01:54:08 Theory that you know sodium
01:54:11 You know that that sodium is very dehydrating and nothing could be further from the truth
01:54:17 We are not hydrated when we have water in our blood
01:54:19 We're hydrated when we have water in our tissues and what determines whether or not water leaves the blood and enters the tissue is
01:54:25 the osmotic gradient and so the osmosis right so
01:54:29 If we are deficient in sodium we have an imbalance in this in this gradient, and so it's amazing what happens to
01:54:37 Performance and headaches and migraines when people just add a little bit of sodium to their to their drinking water
01:54:45 So if you don't want to buy one of these packets just get Celtic sea salt which has all kinds of extra
01:54:50 You know minerals in it has none of the potential
01:54:53 Downside of heavy metals like pink Himalayan sea salt does so pink Himalayan sea salt is dangerous pink Himalayan sea salts great
01:55:00 But you know there's day. I saw a study where they actually tested
01:55:04 Several different varieties of pink Himalayan sea salt and they've actually found mercury and heavy metals and in a lot of them
01:55:13 They found heavy metals in the pink Himalayan sea salt never in the Celtic salt and wow they find it
01:55:18 And then why is it in there?
01:55:19 I don't know how they're finding your why it's in there like I saw Paul Saladino posted something the other day that show that
01:55:23 Half of the chocolate brands that I was eating were had heavy metals in our oh Jesus Christ
01:55:29 I was like damn Paul. How would you do that?
01:55:31 Um I mean in the really good eco-friendly brands and human which was a brand that I loved had really high levels of metal
01:55:39 And I was like shit
01:55:39 How did these how you know I know I only eat that really really high percentage cow cow ones once in a while
01:55:45 But they seem to have high amounts of heavy metals the Celtic sea salt
01:55:49 Which is inexpensive is probably the best salt you can put in the body by really by far
01:55:53 Yeah, and why is it Celtic sea salt like what is specific about that?
01:55:56 Well because the it's because the mineral content in it right and and you know there are 92 minerals that human beings need there
01:56:03 Are there are you know three essential fatty acids that we need there's nine essential?
01:56:08 Amino acids that we need
01:56:10 There is no such thing by the way as an essential carbohydrate
01:56:14 I get in debates with people about this all the time carbohydrates are necessary for life
01:56:18 And I'm like well then name an essential carbohydrate because it doesn't exist we have a such fatty acids
01:56:23 We have essential amino acids and we have essential nutrients
01:56:25 But carbohydrates are not necessarily for necessary for life
01:56:30 I'm not saying everybody needs to be on a keto diabetic means either
01:56:32 But they are not necessary for life. We can just I sustain very prolonged periods of time without
01:56:37 Carbohydrate intake that's why when you choose your carbohydrates you should choose them very wisely you know
01:56:42 Mmm, like you know
01:56:44 berries natural honeys things like that
01:56:46 So what you did with Dana white the first thing you did was you got him on a ketogenic diet
01:56:53 Yeah, I put him on what I called a
01:56:55 Prescription ketogenic diet which meant that I wrote a diet right down to his grocery list and said Dana
01:57:02 If it's not on this list you cannot eat it like you have zero leeway
01:57:06 We're gonna take away all your free choice for 12 weeks right I mean aside from water
01:57:10 If it's not on this list here's the week one grocery list you're gonna go to the grocery store
01:57:15 You're gonna buy this you're gonna make this
01:57:17 We too you're gonna go to the grocery store and buy this and make that and so you know you gave that give that to
01:57:21 a chef
01:57:22 And then we look we used a very potent Pisces form of resveratrol
01:57:28 We started what is that word Pisces Pisces form of resveratrol?
01:57:34 It's a special extraction method for resveratrol that hyper concentrates the resveratrol really
01:57:40 you know resveratrol is kind of
01:57:43 Known for its you know effect on telomere lengthening
01:57:47 it's you know in telomerase so and telomeres are kind of a measure of your biological age and
01:57:52 But Pisces resveratrol very specific spell that P. I
01:57:57 see I
01:57:59 Ed
01:58:00 Pisces
01:58:02 Ed Pisces yeah resveratrol
01:58:04 Okay
01:58:07 I think I have a link to it on my Instagram as well. God damn it iPhone you try to change the
01:58:11 Correct oh yeah, yeah say it again P. I see I see I ed
01:58:17 Pisces
01:58:19 Okay, that's very good. I see the resveratrol there it is
01:58:22 Look reduced viability of tumor cells to the cell cycle or rest in apoptosis
01:58:29 induction
01:58:30 With that Pisces resveratrol did not induce the apoptosis concentration
01:58:34 Mmm, Pisces resveratrol resveratrol. What does it say there?
01:58:38 That's the answer
01:58:43 Shown higher scavenging activity against hydroxyl radicals and resveratrol they both exhibited the capacity of scavenging
01:58:50 hydroxyl radicals so Pisces showed higher scavenging activity against hydroxyl radicals than resveratrol and
01:58:58 Where would someone get that I've got a link to the one that I take on my?
01:59:01 You know my Instagram if they want to I put everything that I take on there and people can just go and where you get
01:59:07 Yours I get it from then you're s virtual
01:59:09 and
01:59:12 It's a I actually had the CEO of the company in their lead
01:59:15 Their lead PhD on on on my podcast he's a guy from Johns Hopkins, and it's astounding
01:59:23 yeah, it is astounding the
01:59:26 The
01:59:28 Clinical outcomes that you know we see in and patients that we put on this stuff. I mean increased circulation in the brain
01:59:37 You know renowned syndrome and circulation and even peripheral neuropathies that are related to
01:59:43 To circulation seem to eviscerate
01:59:46 So are you taking this with food or no?
01:59:49 I take it on an empty stomach is that I supposed to take it or can you take you can take it with food?
01:59:53 It doesn't matter mm-hmm doesn't matter so we put put put Dana on a Pisces resveratrol put him on a
01:59:59 Because people are he's like tell me exactly what he did um you know he is he's on hormone therapy
02:00:04 He's been very vocal about that. He's not on growth hormone. He's not on DECA. He's not on an adivar. He's not on nandrolone
02:00:09 He's not on the anabolic steroids a lot of nonsense about that on the on the web, too
02:00:14 And then he went on a strict. You know ketogenic diet. He did get a red light therapy bed
02:00:20 He did get a PEMF Matt he did start doing cold plunging and he does use something called hyper max multi-step oxygen therapy
02:00:28 again all of which you can do for no cost just what we talked about earlier and
02:00:32 And he got really regimented about it
02:00:35 He didn't drink we caught all the white flour white rice white bread white pasta
02:00:39 White flour completely out of his diet
02:00:42 And sugars of all kinds which you can't have on a keto diet anyway
02:00:47 One of the interesting things about putting your body into a state of ketosis
02:00:50 is that
02:00:53 And I'm kind of surprised that Paul salad you know doesn't talk about this because he's big you know he's obviously the carnivore diet
02:00:58 But grass-fed meats and grass-fed animal products eggs and dairy
02:01:04 When these fats are broken down and turned into water in the Krebs cycle what happens is
02:01:11 It produces a type of water in the cell called deuterium depleted water
02:01:17 If you really want to blow your mind sometime look up deuterium depleted water
02:01:22 It is astounding the number of pathologies and diseases that are linked to deuterium water
02:01:29 Deuterium water is you know water is to our two hydrogens and one oxygen
02:01:34 But when you actually have an extra neutron which doesn't sound like a big deal
02:01:37 Molecularly when you have an extra neutron what happens is when that water molecule enters the Krebs cycle it breaks the Krebs cycle
02:01:45 it actually wrecks the
02:01:47 mitochondrial metabolism when you eat a diet high in in
02:01:51 Grass-fed animal fats
02:01:55 eggs dairy
02:01:57 Fatty fish the type of water that the body creates is called deuterium depleted water. It's light water
02:02:04 It is actually more efficient doesn't break the mitochondria
02:02:08 Do you know that a human that our bodies produce about a hundred gallons of intracellular water every day?
02:02:15 And when I say that people freak out there like that's impossible
02:02:18 I only drink a half a gallon of water
02:02:21 So how's my body produce a gallon of water you produce water inside your cells the same way we produce it in space you take two
02:02:27 Hydrogens one oxygen you put them together you have a water molecule
02:02:29 You're not capable of drinking enough water in two weeks to power your mitochondria for 50 minutes
02:02:34 Right you have to create intracellular water so we take these gases we put them together
02:02:40 We create cellular water, and then we break it apart and inside of the Krebs cycle so
02:02:46 When that water becomes heavy
02:02:49 deuterium
02:02:51 Some of the water that's entering that Krebs cycle starts to break the Krebs cycle and reduce its efficiency
02:02:57 When that water is light like when it's generated
02:03:00 When you're in ketosis or from grass-fed
02:03:04 animal fats
02:03:06 eggs dairy things like that the
02:03:10 Or actually even even even plant-based fats like shelled hemp seeds
02:03:14 That water is light and when it powers the mitochondria. It doesn't break any of the Krebs cycle and
02:03:22 Deuterium depleted water is now being used in cancer treatments in all kinds of
02:03:27 Oncology treatments for difficult to treat cancers like glioblastomas and other things
02:03:32 So I look look up to tear and depleted water. You'll just be blown away by
02:03:38 How much evidence there is for?
02:03:41 How healthy this type of light water is for us you can also buy it and drink it, but it's retardedly expensive
02:03:47 You might as well have your body produce it by by eating
02:03:50 Healthy saturated animal fats from grass-fed sources, so you put them on this
02:03:55 Prescribed ketogenic diet yeah, and what were the foods?
02:03:59 And so other than grass-fed mom so he ate meat fish chicken eggs
02:04:06 avocado coconut oil olive oil nuts
02:04:09 Basically, I said there are
02:04:12 There's gonna be five oils in your kitchen
02:04:15 grass-fed butter or ghee butter a tallow or coconut oil
02:04:20 For cooking period so we only had tallow
02:04:24 Grass-fed butter ghee butter or coconut oil and those were for cooking
02:04:29 The only oil that he used at room temperature was olive oil we didn't use that for cooking
02:04:33 But we used an extra virgin olive oil so so that we made sure that he didn't get into a dirty keto diet
02:04:40 Right because there are a lot of fats and fried foods and and seed oils that you could drink
02:04:45 You know eat that would be keto right, but they would be what I would call dirty keto
02:04:50 and then
02:04:52 We also put him on a peptide at the time. It was a growth hormone peptides or morelin and ipomoea
02:04:57 One is a GH RP a growth hormone releasing
02:05:01 Peptide the other one is a GH RH growth hormone releasing hormone
02:05:04 we use these in combination to make sure that when you take this at night to try to capture that circadian pulse of
02:05:10 Growth hormone that you stimulate both the hypothalamus and the pituitary
02:05:14 Just in the off chance that your pituitary had recently secreted growth hormone
02:05:19 We could actually override that negative feedback loop and make sure that every time that he took it. He got a
02:05:24 secretion of
02:05:26 Nighttime growth hormone because I also wanted to deepen
02:05:30 You know deepen asleep, then I went aggressively after the inflammation
02:05:33 With one of the products I make myself which is called 10x brain and immune boost
02:05:39 But I also put him on a mice allies
02:05:42 turmeric and curcumin
02:05:44 drops
02:05:45 So these are nanoparticle turmeric and curcumin with bio aloe that you put under the tongue that go right into the bloodstream and immediately
02:05:52 Knock down inflammation for like people that have problems
02:05:56 Urinating because their prostate is swollen you a few drops of mice allies turmeric and curcumin that problem
02:06:01 Just you know eviscerate so I was really aggressive after
02:06:04 inflammation circulation
02:06:07 I didn't actually have him exercising intensely at first because
02:06:11 You know with with insulin resistance and
02:06:16 Being pre diabetic and just two or three tenths of a point away from being actually diabetic
02:06:24 With a triglyceride level at that life-threatening level and
02:06:28 Also having that abdominal adiposity and then very severe hypertension with this very elevated hyperhomocystinemia
02:06:36 Then I put him on a 10x multivitamin. It's called optimized. It's a it's actually a vitamin
02:06:41 I designed myself it took me about two and a half years to get all the methylated nutrients into the right
02:06:46 Formulation so that I could address all of these genetic breaks that he had one of which was
02:06:53 Particularly his inability to methylate homocysteine
02:06:57 So I put him on a vitamin called 10x optimized that I formulated myself, and then I got a trimethylglycine
02:07:04 I think I got that from life extension, but I got trimethylglycine
02:07:07 He took two capsules of trimethylglycine in the morning
02:07:10 And I'm telling you Joe week over week over week if you ask him
02:07:15 He will tell you every week my average blood pressure reading started to come down
02:07:19 every week
02:07:21 Each week my sleep score started to marginally improve. I wasn't sleeping longer. I started sleeping more deeply
02:07:27 Every week my body fat percentage began to drop and I was muscle protecting him with a peptide
02:07:34 So he wouldn't so he wouldn't muscle waste he would just fat waste because most people when they say I want to lose weight
02:07:38 They really mean I want to lose fat
02:07:40 Right they don't mean I just want to lose weight right
02:07:43 It's the problem with ozempic and terzapatide and and what govian a lot of these other other drugs
02:07:48 Is they they don't put the patient on a peptide to protect the muscle so a third of the weight that they lose is lean
02:07:53 Muscle mass if we put them on a peptide with some of these
02:07:56 weight loss drugs that would protect their muscle and they they'd have a
02:07:59 propensity to lose more fat and they'd still get all the benefits of the blood sugar control and everything else and
02:08:04 And week over week we use data
02:08:06 I pulled his
02:08:09 Blood ten weeks later his triglyceride levels were in the 300s. He was down
02:08:16 Over 25 28 pounds. I think his blood pressure was already normalizing
02:08:21 by week 5
02:08:24 My clinical team again. I'm not licensed practice medicine, but dr. Sartre had titrated him down off of all of his cardiovascular medication
02:08:31 So he was completely off his cardiovascular medication. He was completely off of the blood thinner. He was off of the diuretic
02:08:38 That he was on he was off of one other medication that he was on if he was taken
02:08:42 But he was completely off of all medications blood pressure was normal. He was down
02:08:46 48 pounds
02:08:50 He was sleeping the deepest he'd ever slept in his entire life the whites of his eyes
02:08:55 Cleared up his homocysteine had gone from in the 30s down to the single digits
02:09:02 He'd gone from being
02:09:04 Diabetic almost insulin dependent to now neuropathic blood sugar he'd gone from hyper
02:09:11 Insulinemic to to normal levels of blood sugar is hemoglobin a1c it normalized it thyroid has stabilized
02:09:18 I was the other thing him. I think he was on thyroid medication. I was thyroid is stabilized. It was astounding what happened to his blood work
02:09:24 Wow, and he and I actually went on to Instagram and he was like man you get so much heat online, you know
02:09:31 I'm like, well, it's cuz I'm not a doctor. I don't tell people I'm a doctor
02:09:34 He's like, but he's like we should do a we should we should do a post and just throw my blood work out there
02:09:39 And let people try to poke holes in it because here's what we started. Here's where we ended
02:09:43 So he did it and we threw his blood work up on there and we just we showed where does insulin start?
02:09:47 Where did it end? Where does triglyceride start?
02:09:49 Where did it if what you did to him was available as a pharmaceutical medication and be the most popular thing available?
02:09:54 Unbelievable. Yeah, if there was something that they sold from Pfizer that you could just inject into somebody that would provide those results
02:10:01 Holy shit, everybody be lined up to take it dude. And now he feels like he's 25 years old. Yeah. Yeah, he looks fantastic
02:10:07 Yeah, I mean he looks he looks amazing. He's driving his staff up a wall. Yeah, it's pretty nuts
02:10:12 All that inflammation went down in his nasopharynx - he got off the CPAP machine. Mmm, and he had tinnitus in his ear
02:10:18 He'd had tinnitus for decades. Yeah, and the tinnitus was gone. So no tinnitus. No sleep apnea. No cardiovascular medication
02:10:25 I'm actually a very very close with his
02:10:27 Cardiothoracic surgeon now. Dr. Dan Deliah from from Cedars-Sinai
02:10:31 Um, he and I've you know work worked on some other things together
02:10:37 You know his
02:10:39 UFC medical director. Dr. Davidson is you know part-time joining our clinical team now because like all of these
02:10:45 Allopathic physicians have said how I mean like this is really worked
02:10:50 I mean when you have when you have data to show what works not just the subjective data. Oh, I look better
02:10:55 I feel better. I sleep better right when you have real objective data. You were
02:10:58 You were almost an insulin-dependent diabetic and now you have normal pathic blood sugar on your own
02:11:04 You know had hyper triglycerideemia and now it's normal when your HDL cholesterol was floored out now
02:11:10 It's in the upper end of the range and your LDL cholesterol is normal
02:11:13 Like you you you can't fake those numbers, right?
02:11:16 You know and the same thing happened with the thyroid because you know
02:11:19 He thought he had hypothyroid which a lot of people think they have because you know
02:11:24 The thyroid produces these two hormones right it produces t4 and it produces t3
02:11:29 And the majority of the time when when hypothyroid is diagnosed that we diagnose it because people have low t3, right?
02:11:36 But the little-known fact about the thyroid is that it only produces 20% of the t3 in your blood
02:11:40 So the question is where does the other 80% of thyroid hormone t3 come from because when it's low
02:11:47 We still medicate the thyroid. I mean you want to talk about a pandemic
02:11:51 We have a pandemic in this country of holding organs responsible for crimes. They're not committing and then pounding with
02:11:57 medication and and and chemicals so if you look at the thyroid and this happened to Dana's case - he had low t3 so
02:12:04 You know again the question is where does the rest of the t3 hormone come from well?
02:12:09 It is methylated from t4 we take t4 and we when we break it down into t3 and this happens in the gut
02:12:17 Right so low t3 is not usually a problem with the thyroid
02:12:21 it's usually a problem with methylation in the gut and so when he got on that 10x optimized when he started taking the B complex and
02:12:28 The specific form of b12 the trimethylglycine and methylfolate. That's what he was on
02:12:33 It turned the methylation cycle back on he started breaking t4 down into t3 then t3 hormone rose back into the normal range
02:12:40 He was like holy shit. Dude. You fixed my thyroid and I go no no I didn't fix your thyroid
02:12:44 I fixed your methylation in your gut which occurs outside of the thyroid yes
02:12:49 You were on thyroid medication, but you that that organ was being held responsible for a crime. It wasn't committing hmm, so
02:12:56 We didn't actually fix the thyroid and there's there's
02:12:59 Millions of people listening to this podcast right now that have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism me back into here
02:13:05 But we should we should do that. Yeah. I want to do it. We're gonna do the test okay um
02:13:09 And I'll come back in a week and a half and I'll read the results and without knowing anything about you
02:13:15 And it'll blow your mind what I can tell you about yourself
02:13:17 How you think how you go to bed how you wake up what your short-term recall is like um?
02:13:22 You know what's going on in your blood work without seeing your blood work
02:13:25 You know your your family medical history whether or not a mother or father has hypertension or hypothyroid
02:13:30 Because we have just been fed this nonsense that so much disease and pathology is passed from generation to generation
02:13:38 And the sad thing is if I can get you to subscribe to the fact that you have a disease I
02:13:44 Can get you to subscribe to a lifetime of medication right?
02:13:47 Right, but if it's a nutrient deficiency
02:13:50 Well, then I supplement a client into no longer being a client right and
02:13:56 That's why I want to spend a balance of my lifetime to telling people like how do you find the raw material?
02:14:01 That's missing in your body
02:14:02 How do you put it back and go on about your life at least that is a starting point right and it's astounding how many?
02:14:10 Pathological conditions or conditions that we call consequences of aging we are just accepting as
02:14:15 Consequences of aging not realizing that they are nutrient deficiencies in the body, but listen dude. This is what we're gonna
02:14:20 Do okay, we're gonna do that test on me. I'm buying one of those fucking light beds, okay?
02:14:25 I'm gonna get a gang of these supplements
02:14:27 We're gonna see what's up, and then yeah, let's do it come back on
02:14:30 I thought it will see what my results are and how much different thing cuz I'm pretty
02:14:33 I'm healthy you're fit. I work out hard. I've no problem with energy
02:14:39 I'm constantly going I do a lot of stuff, but I would always like to improve yeah, and I'm never satisfied
02:14:44 So if I'm in this state right now, and maybe there's a bunch of shit that I could fix
02:14:50 Particularly I'm excited about this idea that hypothyroidism is something that could be fixed because I've always been told that it's not
02:14:56 That it's something that you just have it's genetic someone else in your family has it
02:15:01 Yeah, you're fucked next time somebody tells you you have a genetically inherited condition look the doctor right in the eye and say what gene?
02:15:06 Did I inherit hmm for my ancestor that causes this condition?
02:15:10 Go to that doctor
02:15:15 Dana said he'll never go to a doctor ever again for general health after his experiences with you because it's just been so
02:15:21 life-changing I mean just
02:15:24 Unequivocally I mean if you just look at his results and me as a good friend of his
02:15:27 Seeing him before I was always kind of worried about him. He's always so stressed out. He never fucking sleeps
02:15:33 He's always going and he you know he looked unhealthy and now he looks fucking great. I know he's ripped
02:15:40 He's got a six-pack. He's got all this energy and people like he's millions of dollars. I'm like I wish he paid
02:15:46 Well I don't think um I think this information is super super valuable
02:15:52 I think it's hard to digest all of it, so I'd encourage everybody to do what I didn't write a bunch of shit down, but
02:15:57 So we'll do this again, and when we do it again
02:16:01 We'll do it after I follow this protocol, and we'll see what's up sounds amazing - Gary. You're the fucking man. Thank you
02:16:06 This is really educational really really appreciate super appreciate you guys come and tell everybody your website
02:16:11 Social media all that stuff where to go to yeah sure so you can find me on social media at Gary Brekker
02:16:16 It's just my first and last name
02:16:18 And or you can go to the ultimate human calm
02:16:21 This is my podcast the ultimate human calm and on there you can see the 10x health genetic test
02:16:27 All the supplements that I manufacture myself you can get any of those supplements you can even do the gene test
02:16:31 From there all right. Thank you very much, sir
