• 2 years ago
National Children's Month, ipinagdiriwang tuwing buwan ng Nobyembre
00:00 Under Republic Act No. 10661, which was passed in 2015,
00:05 November is considered National Children's Month.
00:09 And to have additional information about this celebration,
00:13 we will now have Undersecretary Angelo Tapales,
00:16 Executive Director of the Council for the Welfare of Children or CWC.
00:21 Good morning, Usec Jelon. Welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
00:27 Good morning, Ma'am Dianne, Ma'am Audrey, Sir Audrey, Ma'am Chi Chi, and Ma'am Phi Phi.
00:35 Thank you for inviting us to the Council for the Welfare of Children this morning.
00:39 Alright, Usec, this is Chi Chi together with Prof. Phi.
00:42 If you notice, we are wearing blue.
00:45 This is because of National Children's Month.
00:48 But as a start, can you explain why we are wearing blue?
00:55 Actually, I'm wearing blue too. I'm just a bit checkered.
01:00 Actually, our blue attire is a part of the reason why we started the campaign
01:05 for National Children's Month, #BlueCadaViernesCampaign.
01:11 So, there are two meanings of this.
01:13 Number one is that you support National Children's Month.
01:17 And number two, this is the blue cada that we want to impart to the youth.
01:25 Blue cada is like a boat.
01:27 This is the positive image of a boat.
01:31 We want to make the image of a boat positive.
01:35 It means that if you are blue cada, you support the rights of the children.
01:41 Usec Jelon, why is National Children's Month celebrated every November in the Philippines?
01:46 And why is it important that we have these celebrations in our country?
01:52 Like what you mentioned earlier, the Republic Act 10661,
01:56 this is the National Children's Month Act of 2015.
02:00 We have a law on that and under that law,
02:04 the Council for the Welfare of Children, DSWD, and National Youth Commission
02:09 are the ones who will lead the celebration of National Children's Month.
02:13 But let's go back, it was only in 1989
02:16 that the UN General Assembly approved the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
02:22 That was in November 1989.
02:25 So that's why we celebrate National Children's Month every November
02:29 as a reminder of the approval of the so-called UNCRC.
02:35 So that's it.
02:36 And we are also thankful to DILG for issuing the DILG Memorandum Circular 2023-152
02:44 to urge our NGOs to also celebrate National Children's Month.
02:49 Alright, if I'm not mistaken, your theme this year is,
02:52 our focus is the health, mind, and welfare of every child.
02:57 So if this is our theme for National Children's Month,
03:01 tell us more about this theme, sir.
03:03 That's right, sir.
03:07 Actually, our theme is healthy, nourished, and sheltered,
03:12 ensuring the right to life for all.
03:15 You know, the focus of National Children's Month is
03:20 access to quality healthcare, health, and nutrition.
03:25 This theme also came from the children.
03:28 We had child brainstorming sessions in February 2023 and March 2023.
03:35 And eventually, the Council for the Welfare of Children Board approved it
03:40 as the official theme of National Children's Month.
03:45 We really focused on this because we just got out of the pandemic.
03:50 We're about to get out.
03:52 We cannot ignore the health of the children,
03:56 whether it's physical health, mental health,
03:58 and the vaccination rate of our government and local government units.
04:03 Of course, understandably, we're focusing on vaccinating the COVID-19.
04:08 Childcare is not a priority.
04:13 That's why the government wants to focus on this
04:18 to ensure that our children are healthy and vaccinated.
04:23 Okay, Usec, how are the children in the Philippines?
04:26 And what is the biggest problem that the Filipino youth are facing and experiencing these days?
04:32 Very good question, ma'am.
04:36 Aside from the health and nutrition problems that I mentioned earlier,
04:40 of course, we cannot ignore the fact that our children are still facing abuse,
04:48 whether it's committed by people they don't know,
04:52 or by their relatives, parents, or the so-called corporal punishment.
04:58 There's also the rising and increasing of online and offline sexual abuse.
05:07 Of course, our internet violence, bullying, trafficking of children,
05:12 of course, we're really monitoring that.
05:16 We're also focused this year, aside from the child protection issues,
05:21 on the aspect of child participation.
05:24 Because we believe that children should be aware of the things that affect them.
05:30 That's why we launched the National Plan of Action for Children,
05:37 to really monitor the children.
05:39 This will serve as a guide in the formation of the program of our national and local government.
05:45 I'll also mention that we launched again on October 21, 2023, the CWC Makabata 1383.
05:54 All concerned children can call this number.
05:57 From children, parents, and concerned citizens, you can contact us.
06:02 You mentioned that there are different programs that the CWC is doing.
06:07 But we want to know how the program and activities will be prepared
06:12 for the opening of National Children's Month.
06:15 Go ahead, Yusek.
06:16 Okay.
06:18 Sir, for National Children's Month, November is very stacked.
06:23 Actually, we started the launch of the October 21 helpline last October.
06:29 But this November 6, on Monday, the Pista ng Mga Bata will be held.
06:35 This is the national kickoff of National Children's Month.
06:38 It will be held in Valenzuela.
06:40 So, let's wait for that.
06:42 Of course, the House of Representatives will have an NCM celebration from November 20 to 23.
06:48 We are a part of that.
06:50 We will have a digital parenting conference on November 22 for internet safety
06:56 and proper use of the internet and gadgets.
07:00 And lastly, on November 28, with the help of SM Malls,
07:05 we will have an NCM culmination ceremony at SM Ora BGC Tagik in Samsung Hall.
07:12 So, those are the things we have set up for the national government.
07:16 Of course, we will celebrate those in the regions and LGUs all over the Philippines.
07:22 Alright, once again, we have Yusek Angel Tupales from the Council for the Welfare of Children.
07:29 Thank you very much, Yusek, and stay safe.
07:31 Thank you very much.
07:32 Thank you very much.
