• il y a 2 ans
00:00 *Rires*
00:02 *Rires*
00:04 *Rires*
00:06 *Rires*
00:08 "Vodka, top shelf"
00:11 "You need to rage"
00:14 Find the door guy, ask if he has drugs, do not specify, see what he comes up with
00:20 Now I'm gonna show you what happens when a cheek pack meets the intention of a mouth kiss
00:30 "All girls love Pinterest"
00:42 "Pinterest, porn for white women, we love it"
00:44 "We get into it, you get these like creative downward spirals of just like pinning, pinning
00:48 pictures of Channing Tatum, like pin, pin, pin, pin, pin it"
00:51 "I put time and effort into these breakups, you put time and effort into dating me, I'm
00:58 going to return said time and effort, plus interest, it's a very good ROI, on that breakup,
01:02 okay?"
01:03 "Every girl's got that one body part she knows is better than any other girl, yeah?
01:07 Maybe it's your form, maybe all night you're like 'fuck yeah'"
01:13 "Girls hate being cold, we hate it"
01:14 "It's chilly"
01:15 "But we love cold weather"
01:17 "When we applied to be girls, went to the girl counter and they hold your girl card
01:21 up and they go 'what's your favorite season?' and you go 'it's fall, motherfucker' and
01:23 they're like 'alright'"
01:24 "Here's your girl card, here's your Uggs, here's your glitter, go have fun, be insecure"
01:28 "That's what being a girl's about"
01:30 "What you gonna do about it, what you gonna do about it, what you gonna do about it"
01:34 *Musique*
01:36 [SILENCE]