• 2 years ago

Another insane UFO video has hit the web.

OutKick has been following the UFO issue like a hawk, and it seems like there’s new footage or news at least weekly at this point.

The situation really hit a boiling point when whistleblower David Grusch claimed non-human biologics had been recovered from crashed crafts. It’s been off to the races ever since.

Now, there’s a new video that is truly mind-boggling.

The popular YouTube page UFO Sightings Daily recently posted a video of a group of six lights spotted over New Mexico, and there’s really no simple explanation for what it could be.

The video’s caption states the following, in part:

Eyewitness states: May 4th 2023 I was aboard an American Airlines flight that departed from Charlotte, North Carolina on route to Los Angeles, California. Approximately at 17:25 Mountain Time, I observed 6-7 disc-shaped glowing objects outside my cabin window traveling West within close proximity of our aircraft. The objects at first appeared in 3 rows stacked 2 per row.

The top and bottom rows slightly trailed the middle row, as the objects traveled along side our aircraft they would slowly form a stagnated straight line. Our aircraft was traveling over the state of New Mexico near Taos with an air speed of roughly 490 miles per hour, and a little over 30,000 feet above sea level. These objects kept pace with our aircraft for the duration of the sighting and didn’t appear to ascend or descend at any point.

The video clearly shows multiple lights that appear to be flying in formation. Give it a watch below, and decide for yourself what it might be.

What could this possibly be?

I honestly don’t have a clue of what we’re looking at in the video above. Military planes often fly in formation, but do those look like planes to you?

Absolutely not. Fighter jets don’t look like massive balls of light. Not even close. Could the lights be some kind of drones?

Perhaps, but seems unlikely. While I’m not a drone expert, it’s hard to imagine commercial drones would be flying in a group of six at an elevation above the clouds.

Usually, I have a solid theory or two. That’s not the case here. I don’t have a clue, but it is just another example of the unknown going on up in the sky above as all.


