• 2 years ago
A reflection on the Gospel of Matthew 22:1-14
00:00 My background is in the theater and I remember in graduate school learning something fascinating.
00:07 Tragedies, you know, they all end in death. It's very sad.
00:12 But comedies, they all end the same way. And do you know how they end?
00:17 They all end with a wedding. Look at all of Shakespeare's plays.
00:22 They all, that are comedies, they all end with a wedding. Why?
00:26 Because comedies are plays that have a happy ending. They're about happiness.
00:33 And the greatest symbol of happiness that we know as human beings is the wedding feast.
00:40 So when we look at the parable this weekend, which is a really hard one to hear,
00:45 about the father who invites all the people to the wedding feast, but they say no.
00:51 And they reject him. What they're really rejecting is the possibility for happiness in their own life.
00:59 And Jesus tells this parable just a few days before he dies,
01:04 because he wants to invite us into the happiness that we're, all of us, just craving.
01:12 The wedding feast is a way to bolster our hope.
01:16 Do you ever notice at weddings, people very often cry. Well, why do they cry?
01:22 It's not because the bridegroom is homely.
01:25 It's because there's this mystery of a husband and wife coming together
01:31 is a sign of the eternal love that we, all of us, want in our own life.
01:38 The possibility and the promise, the life that comes from marriage.
01:44 And also, it's a wedding feast.
01:47 And how can we not think about the Eucharist and the tremendous grace that is given to us
01:53 by believing in faith and the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist,
01:57 a feast that constantly feeds us in every possible way,
02:02 nurturing and nourishing the greatest longings in our life.
02:06 And in terms of faith, we're invited to the wedding feast because Jesus looks upon us as his beloved,
02:13 and he wants us to participate in that love, so much so that he even gives us what to wear at the wedding,
02:20 like this very strange part about the man who's refusing to put on the wedding garment.
02:25 What's the wedding garment?
02:27 It reminds us of that white garment that was put on you when you were baptized.
02:31 You belong to Jesus Christ.
02:33 The more we embrace that belonging and come to the feast, no matter what's going on in our life,
02:38 things are going to change. There's going to be new hope.
02:41 We're going to be embraced with a love we never knew could take over our life,
02:47 and we're going to find a faith that gives us the strength to persevere,
02:53 no matter what life puts before us.
02:55 The wedding feast is our life.
02:58 [Silence]