• 2 years ago
Ogilive Brickwidow lands an interview for a new job at a mining company, however, strange things begin to happen, and sh | dG1fY2dCaktiZVVPeVU
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - So, Brick Widow, is you?
00:17 - Yes, sir.
00:19 Oglive.
00:20 Oglive Brick Widow.
00:22 (upbeat music)
00:27 (upbeat music)
00:30 - Is this one of your hypothetical situations?
00:44 - What room do you need?
00:52 You'd be dead.
00:56 - Please, don't hurt me.
00:58 (screams)
01:03 (upbeat music)
