Caleb Pressley | Sundae Conversation
00:00 Ed Sheeran.
00:01 - Hey.
00:02 - In one word, can you describe yourself
00:06 to your blind fans?
00:07 - To my blind fans?
00:08 Face for the radio.
00:14 - One word.
00:15 - Radio face.
00:17 - I'll let you have it.
00:19 - Thank you.
00:20 - Why do you have so many deaf fans?
00:22 Why do so many deaf people like your music?
00:25 - I don't actually know the like, the actual number.
00:29 - When you talk to your deaf fans,
00:31 do you say the word cunt more or less?
00:33 - Do you know that word's a term of endearment in England?
00:35 - I know you love to say it.
00:36 - I love it.
00:37 It's a great word.
00:38 - I know.
00:39 - I come over here and say it,
00:40 and then suddenly I'm like,
00:41 "Oh, oh God, mood in the room has changed."
00:44 - Do you mind if we do a new statement
00:45 presented by my meeters?
00:47 - Bless you.
00:49 - I'm gonna give you a word,
00:50 and you tell me if it's okay
00:52 for me to say it to everyone I see.
00:53 - I can't be the overlord of this.
00:56 - Okay.
00:57 - Well, can you just give it a go?
00:58 - I would say if it's okay to say to me.
01:00 - That's fair.
01:01 - Yeah.
01:02 - And keep in mind that I'm just,
01:02 this is scientific inquiry.
01:04 I'm not, I'm not saying, I don't say these words.
01:06 - Yeah.
01:07 - Okay.
01:08 Lunt.
01:11 - That's fine.
01:12 - Runt.
01:13 - Yeah, it's fine.
01:18 (laughing)
01:21 Jesus Christ.
01:23 - No.
01:27 - That's the first time I've heard that in the world
01:28 in about a decade.
01:29 - I didn't say I said it, I'm just asking.
01:30 - Blouses.
01:32 - Science.
01:33 - Gosh.
01:34 High school jock over here.
01:36 - Yeah.
01:37 - Yeah.
01:37 - Ed, I don't say it.
01:38 - You definitely said that before.
01:39 You said that with chest.
01:40 - Move on.
01:43 - That's getting at us.
01:46 - Yeah, I'm not gonna go on record saying that.
01:47 I was the one who said it.
01:49 Do you ever say the V word?
01:55 - Vagina.
01:56 - Voldemort.
01:57 - Voldemort.
01:58 Yeah, I love Harry Potter.
02:01 - Does anyone ever call you the R word?
02:03 - Run.
02:04 Yeah.
02:07 - Is it okay to use bad language in your songs?
02:09 - So I tend not to.
02:10 There've been occasions I've done collaborations
02:13 on other people's work that I have,
02:14 but yeah, I tend not to.
02:16 - You'll mess up their songs, which is not yours.
02:17 - No, it's just a different audience, isn't it?
02:19 - Well, 'cause your fans are mostly...
02:21 - I mean, you'll see.
02:23 - Yeah.
02:24 - It's a wide ranging fan base.
02:27 - I'm gonna give you three languages,
02:28 and then you say which one's the bad one.
02:31 - Cool.
02:32 - Body language, sign language, German.
02:37 - I learned German at school, actually.
02:41 I would say body language.
02:42 You can tell a lot from someone's body language.
02:44 - Really?
02:45 - Yeah, I can tell you're a jock.
02:46 - I just don't know if you're saying this
02:47 in a positive way or a negative way.
02:48 It sounds negative, honestly.
02:49 - Wouldn't put yourself down like that.
02:50 - Well, it's you who...
02:51 - I'm pretty sure you were the man in high school.
02:53 (laughing)
02:55 - What country do you think Glenn Ball's from?
03:02 - Canada.
03:02 - No, from America, from New York.
03:06 - Close to Canada.
03:07 - It is close to Canada.
03:08 I've been to Montreal a few times, good city.
03:10 - Glenn actually knows a lot of languages.
03:11 - What can you speak?
03:12 - French.
03:13 - Say something in French.
03:14 - I surrender, I surrender.
03:15 - But you did spend time in Montreal,
03:17 so I do believe that you can speak French.
03:18 - Well, that's not what he was doing in Montreal, Ed.
03:20 - Yeah, that's not what I was doing in Montreal, Todd.
03:22 - What was it?
03:23 - It's the Rum and Tug capital of the country.
03:25 - Oh, right.
03:26 - Actually, no, sorry, not Rum and Tug,
03:27 it's Newer Massages, they're better.
03:29 - What is that?
03:29 - It's when a girl, when the lady that you're with,
03:33 you put oil, they put oil on yourself
03:34 and they slide up and down you.
03:36 Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
03:37 Actually, the last time I went,
03:38 the girl was kind of insulting.
03:40 She was like, "I really like sliding up and down
03:41 your stomach."
03:42 She said it was like a mountain,
03:43 and I was like, "Okay."
03:44 It's kind of, that was a little insulting in the moment,
03:46 but it was funny.
03:47 - You're a big drinker.
03:50 - I like a drink.
03:51 - Do you have any drink kinks?
03:52 - I think past the first beer, it's not the same.
03:59 I think the first beer's the one.
04:02 And then I usually would move to wine.
04:04 - You consider that a kink?
04:05 - Well, it depends.
04:06 They both have bottles.
04:07 - They have what?
04:08 - Bottles.
04:09 - They said buttholes.
04:10 - You're hearing, "You ever butt chug?"
04:13 - That sounds fun.
04:14 - Yeah, butt chugging seems like a backwards way
04:18 of doing things.
04:19 - Totally.
04:20 - I've been done a handstand chug before.
04:23 - Keg stand.
04:24 - Keg stand?
04:24 - Yeah.
04:25 - And they poured it down your butt?
04:26 - Fucking hell, yeah.
04:29 - People don't even care about the taste
04:34 of the beer anymore.
04:35 - American beer is like that, though.
04:38 - You don't just write your hits.
04:42 You write other people's hits, too.
04:44 Is that true?
04:45 - I've written some hits for other people, yeah.
04:47 - Does it make you mad when people call you a ghostwriter?
04:50 You think it's harsh?
04:51 - I'm pretty pale, but not a ghost.
04:55 - What do you say to the people that say,
04:57 "There's something not right about this little white ginger
05:00 "dancing like Michael Jackson?"
05:02 - I can't dance.
05:03 - Why, 'cause you're a little white ginger?
05:04 - Wow.
05:05 - I didn't say it.
05:06 I said, "What do you say to the people who say it?"
05:08 - He told you to say it, didn't he?
05:11 I'd say say it.
05:12 - Is it true that you got bullied
05:16 in an elementary school for your hair?
05:18 - Why are they making fun of you?
05:19 They're bald?
05:21 What kind of school was it?
05:22 - I was just a bit of a nerd.
05:24 I'm still a bit of a nerd.
05:25 - Do you know a lot about music, music history?
05:26 - I listen to music that I like,
05:28 and I know about the music that I like.
05:30 - Marilyn Manson, do you like Marilyn Manson?
05:32 - I've listened to Marilyn Manson's music.
05:34 - Is it true what they said about Marilyn Manson?
05:36 - I don't, I'm not an expert on this.
05:40 - Can we clear it up?
05:41 Do you know anything about it, Music Insider?
05:42 - Ken, I can't be the voice of these issues that you're,
05:46 "But I've always wondered it."
05:47 - Yeah, well, I'm sure you can Google these things.
05:50 - What should I type in?
05:51 - Well, your question, and then a question mark afterwards
05:55 and press return.
05:56 - So what would I type?
05:58 - I don't know, what's your question?
06:03 - Do you know what it is, Vinny?
06:04 - Yeah, it's if he removed the rib cage
06:05 to suck his own dick, right?
06:06 - Vinny! - God!
06:07 - Wow!
06:08 - Wasn't that what he did?
06:09 - Was that the rumor?
06:10 I wasn't thinking that.
06:11 - That's like, that's the biggest rumor
06:13 that was on the school ground in first grade.
06:14 - It's a rumor, but the way he said it was crude, Ed,
06:16 and even in America we don't do that.
06:17 - That was the biggest rumor of all time.
06:18 - It's a crude way you said it, though, it's crude.
06:20 - And that was a word of mouth rumor,
06:21 that was like 15 years ago.
06:22 - You heard that rumor?
06:24 - Definitely when I was in school, that rumor was going around.
06:25 - Exactly, that's why I heard it as well.
06:27 - Yeah.
06:27 - You think it's true?
06:28 - I don't know, I don't even know
06:30 if it would be physically possible.
06:32 - Do you find it ironic that God took a rib from Adam
06:37 and created women, but Marilyn Manson took a rib
06:44 from himself to try to remove the need for them?
06:47 - I didn't even know that about God, is that legit?
06:50 - It's from the Bible.
06:51 - I can't just take stuff you say as gospel,
06:53 'cause you're just coming out with stuff like that.
06:56 (laughing)
06:59 (dramatic music)