• 2 years ago
A high school kid develops an addiction to Internet porn so intense that it begins to destroy his life and tear his fami | dG1fY3BhMHN5b1N5SzA
00:00 Yo, Peterson, heard you made all steak.
00:02 Thanks.
00:02 The best freestyler in the whole damn state.
00:04 You know what you need? A little bit of Monica.
00:07 [laughter]
00:09 [gasp]
00:11 [gunshots]
00:12 I was looking at pornography. Is that what you guys want to hear?
00:14 It's garbage, Justin. I don't want it in my house.
00:16 What's happened to you?
00:18 Can I lynch?
00:19 Justin, you're addicted! You can't stop!
00:21 Jeremy Sumpter.
00:22 Get the hell away from me!
00:23 In a Lifetime Original Movie, Cyber Seduction.
00:26 Premieres in three weeks 9 p.m. Monday June 20th only on Lifetime.
