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Leonor d’Espagne : la princesse reçoit sa première distinction militaire

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA


00:00 The Spanish princess Leonor has just taken another step in her journey to Saragossa lagoon.
00:18 On Tuesday, September 19, she was wearing her officer student uniform, ready to receive
00:23 her first military title.
00:24 On August 17, the daughter of King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain made her entry
00:33 into the army for a period of one year.
00:37 After successfully obtaining her baccalaureate in the prestigious Atlantic College, Princess
00:43 Leonor of Spain seems to have successfully completed the stages of her training at the
00:47 General Military Academy of Saragossa.
00:51 Within the establishment, a special program is dedicated to her which will allow her to
00:57 join the Navy at the Naval School of Marin, as of the following year, was the Army of
01:02 the Air to the General Academy of the Air of San Xavier.
01:07 After having followed a period of military training, it would seem that the young girl
01:12 of 17 years is making a very good start this first year.
01:15 Aligned with the guard of honor among 560 newly admitted students, this Tuesday, September 19,
01:23 Princess Leonor has dressed her officer student uniform for a very important ceremony.
01:29 A first military title a month after arriving in Saragossa Lagoon, the princess of the
01:37 Asturias seems to be fully integrated into the military life of the school.
01:41 And that's a good thing since Tuesday, September 19, the sister of the princess Sofia of Spain
01:49 received her first military distinction.
01:51 Among the many students freshly arrived at the establishment, she saw herself give her
01:58 officer's sword which marks her entry into the ranks of officers of the General Corps,
02:03 of the Intendance and of the Polytechnic Genius of the Army of Earth, as well as of the body
02:07 of the Civil Guard, explains the media Eloh.
02:10 This very important ceremony for the academy and its students symbolizes the official accession
02:18 to the rank of officer of the army.
02:22 By accepting this sword, Princess Leonor assumes the commanding role to which she must
02:28 prepare, formalizing the obligation to embrace the values ​​of patriotism, honor, loyalty
02:34 and service, explains the website of the Spanish royal house.
02:37 His parents or his sister did not come to attend the event since the ceremony was
02:45 held within the academy with only his fellow students.
02:48 A first success in the princess's career.
02:54 In the next video, we will see how the princess's family and friends received the title of princess.
03:01 [Music]
03:09 [Music]
03:17 [Music]
03:24 [Music]
03:31 [Music]
03:42 [Music]
03:47 ♪ Come to Earth again, baby, come ♪
