• 2 years ago
The Ulma family were executed by the Nazis in 1944 for hiding Jews at their home. They were allegedly betrayed.


00:00 In an unprecedented move, the Vatican has beatified a Polish family of nine, a married
00:08 couple and their small children, who were executed by the Nazis for sheltering Jews
00:12 during World War II.
00:16 During a ceremonious mass in the village of Markowa in southeast Poland, the papal envoy
00:21 Cardinal Marcelo Semerado read out the Latin formula of the beatification of the Ulma family
00:26 signed last month by Pope Francis.
00:31 Semerado said the Ulmas paid the highest price of martyrdom.
00:37 A contemporary painting representing the Ulma family was revealed near the altar.
00:45 A procession brought relics taken from their grave.
00:48 It is the first time that an entire family has been beatified.
00:54 The Ulmas were killed at their home by German Nazi troops and by Nazi controlled local police
00:59 in the early hours of the 24th of March 1944, together with eight Jews they were hiding
01:05 at their home, after they were apparently betrayed.
01:12 After beatification, a miracle attributed to the Ulma's intercession would be necessary
01:16 for their eventual canonization, as the church's sainthood process is called.
01:24 (whooshing)
