00:00 Amen, come on clap and give God the praise and give God the glory right there if you stand with me quickly
00:04 I'm gonna jump right into the Word of God. I want to but we're gonna finish our series on the shift today
00:10 I'm gonna be looking at the gospel st. Luke chapter 1
00:13 We've been preaching on the summer shift for June July and August and we're concluding that today that series of messages
00:20 I want to look at one passage quickly just to get in
00:23 Establish out the message that God has given me
00:27 for this summer shift series the shift Luke 1
00:31 67 reads this way and his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost and
00:39 Prophesied saying blessed be the Lord God of Israel
00:42 For he hath visited and redeemed his people. Let me read that again verse 67 says and his father Zacharias
00:50 Was filled with the Holy Ghost
00:53 Somebody said and he prophesied
00:56 Somebody said saying
00:58 He prophesied saying I want to talk today from this thought. I'm getting my voice back
01:04 Come on, say tell somebody I'm getting my voice back. I'm getting I'm getting my voice
01:10 Back, my voice is shifting back. I'm getting my voice back
01:15 Little while ago I was having some vocal challenges and
01:24 My primary care doctor decided that I would go to see what's called an ENT
01:29 ear nose and throat
01:33 specialist
01:36 the ENT
01:38 Does a wonderful job in checking out the vocal cords
01:43 Checking out the ear checking out the nose to see if everything is functioning properly
01:50 And I was blessed
01:53 to see an ENT who
01:56 Share some things with me that I had never quite seen before
01:59 Fortunately for me this ENT recognized who I was and when I arrived he said I want you to know that I've been praying for you
02:08 I'm a man of faith and I've been praying for your voice
02:14 It was interesting because we didn't share the same race or ethnicity
02:22 He was a specialist, but he said he knew me and he had been praying for me
02:27 It was amazing that to have a doctor who loves God
02:32 There's nothing like having a praying
02:37 doctor and he said to me before the exam got started would you mind if I pray for you I
02:44 Said sir, I don't mind if you pray for me. He said something that intrigued me. He said I want I want to pray for you
02:50 because
02:51 What I wanted to share with you. I was praying that God will have you to connect with me. I
02:56 Said why he said because what I want you to understand is
03:00 preachers
03:02 singers coaches
03:04 He says but especially
03:05 African-american preachers that I've listened to you preach
03:08 He said what I want you to know is this every time you preach you are literally
03:13 committing vocal violence
03:17 He says the human voice was not made to do what some of you African-american preachers do
03:25 He said I don't understand it but I've studied it that's something we don't understand how can you do that?
03:35 How can you do he said I understand it. He says he says but then God gave me a revelation
03:39 This is what the doctor told me
03:40 He said the reason why you're committing vocal violence is because coaches you ever heard a coach that talked there
03:46 They're very hoarse because the voice the vocal cords were not made to withstand that type of pressure
03:52 Even if you use the diaphragm, he said and what I understood is this he said every time you open your mouth
04:00 There's a war going on
04:02 He said it's a war within your vocal cords, but he blew me away he says but it's also a war in the spirit realm
04:13 He said because the job of the enemy is to take your voice
04:20 He said what you got to understand is this I'm praying for you because faith comes
04:26 by hearing and
04:29 If God uses your voice to proclaim his word, that means that God is using you to build
04:35 somebody's faith and
04:38 So if you're wondering why your voice is challenged its challenge because before you stand
04:44 The devil has already decided
04:47 That he's gonna do whatever he can
04:49 to take your voice and
04:52 Some of you think this is just homiletical for a preacher
04:55 But I stopped by this morning to tell you that such is also the case with you as a child of God
05:02 Here's why because you can't even be saved
05:06 Without your voice
05:08 Paul says if thou
05:12 Shall confess
05:15 With thy mouth and shall believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved
05:21 Which means if the enemy can take your voice
05:25 He similarly can prevent you from even walking in your salvation
05:30 It would have stepped further. He said there's several things that can cause you to have voice trouble
05:36 He said sometimes it can be acid reflux. It can be a vocal nodule. It can be a polyp. It can be a cyst
05:43 He says but that's something else. I want you to understand
05:46 That can cause you to have voice problems. He says it's called psychogenic aphonia
05:51 Psychogenic aphonia I said what is that? He says you can be going through issues
05:58 psychologically and
06:01 in your emotions and the things you're dealing with
06:05 Psychologically and emotionally can have an effect on your voice when nothing is wrong with the structure of your vocal cords
06:13 He says the enemy and life seeks to stretch you out so much
06:19 so that stress
06:22 Can take your voice and I don't know who I'm talking to today, but you can be speaking words
06:28 But still have no voice
06:31 You can have the ability of articulation and communication but have no voice
06:36 What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is God uses a sound
06:41 Often your deliverance and your victory is based on the sound and the power
06:48 Do you know the Bible says that death and life?
06:51 are in the power of
06:56 The tongue your words and so if your words are constricted and
07:01 Contaminated it can prevent you from walking in victory and the truth of the matter is this is what happens at the time of our
07:09 text
07:10 God has called the Jew a Jewish priest by the name of Zacharias
07:14 To be one of the persons who would minister the people in the temple during the first century world and what happens brothers and sisters
07:22 Zacharias
07:24 Who is a God fearing man who loved God get this ends up with being a preacher?
07:31 with no voice
07:33 What happens when the preacher is trying to minister but has no voice?
07:39 What happens when you have the ability to have words?
07:42 But yet there's no power in your words
07:47 And what I've understood is some of us have voice
07:50 But you have no voice because you're using the voice for the wrong purposes
07:54 As a matter of fact what I discovered here is he said if you don't understand what's really going on with your mouth
08:03 Do you understand that there's power in your mouth? I said well doctor tell me
08:09 What are some reasons why we can lose our voice? He says here's why the here's here's some reasons
08:16 Why the voice is lost his here's some reasons why the voice is lost here's some reasons why the voice is lost
08:23 He said in the case of Zacharias because he wrongly used his voice
08:28 Somebody say he wrongly used his voice
08:32 Zacharias has a wife whose name is Elizabeth and the Bible tells us they're well stricken in years and God had not yet
08:40 Blessed Elizabeth's womb to give forth a child so she's dealing with an issue of infertility in the first century world
08:48 When a woman was infertile it was seen as a curse by God as if her curse was barrenness
08:56 You know it's sad today that there are a lot of people who even in the 21st century a lot of women and couples who even
09:03 in our church who deal with
09:05 issues of infertility and
09:07 One of the things that the enemy tried to do to women who are infertile or couples who are infertile is to make them think
09:13 Well, what did I do wrong?
09:15 Am I not good enough and sometimes?
09:19 Infertility has nothing to do with the first century thought that you're getting paid back
09:25 Punishment from your sin, please stop taking the burden of condemnation and guilt and trying to assign a cause
09:33 unnecessarily to issues of infertility
09:36 Zacharias and Elizabeth have had no child
09:39 But God sends the angel Gabriel the word angel to say to Zacharias look what he says to Zacharias
09:46 It blessed my entire life. He says to Zacharias verse around verse 11 and 12 fear not
09:51 He says Zacharias for your prayer is heard
09:53 He says and God has sent me to tell you that your wife Elizabeth shall bear a son even in your old age
10:01 God has sent me to tell you that you shall bear a son and you're gonna call his name John but notice how
10:08 Zacharias uses his voice wrongly. He says listen, you're gonna have a son. He's gonna bring joy and gladness
10:16 He's gonna be great in the sight of the Lord. He's not gonna have wine or strong drink
10:21 He shall be filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb
10:23 He said he's going to be used as a vessel of the glory of God
10:27 But look what's that got how Zacharias responds in verse 18 look how he uses his voice Zacharias said unto the angel
10:33 Whereby shall I know this?
10:36 Find an old man well stricken in years. He said here is your problem Zacharias
10:41 God sent your word through Gabriel and God is telling you that you're getting ready to have a child
10:48 That he's gonna be great. He's gonna be the forerunner. He's gonna be called John the Baptist
10:54 he's gonna prepare the way for the Lord Jesus and here's the problem as
10:58 As soon as Zacharias gets the word from God through the angel Gabriel
11:03 his first response with his voice is
11:06 I don't understand
11:09 His first response is how is this going to happen and what the Holy Spirit sent me to tell all of us
11:18 It's just like a preacher or coach can wrongly use their voice
11:23 By going to high or too loud and not using the diaphragm
11:26 You and I can wrongly use our voice and it has nothing to do with intensity
11:31 It has nothing to do with how voluminous it is
11:35 It has nothing to do with the key or the regularity or the strength or the length at which you've used your voice many of us
11:42 Lose our voice every day. Here's how we lose our voice. We lose it because we wrongly use it
11:48 I say what it would mean he says because when God sends you a word of confirmation
11:52 When God
11:54 Confirms something in your spirit. The first thing you should do your response should not be how
12:01 You don't use your voice to question how God is gonna do it
12:08 When God sends you a word your answer should not be whereby or how or when or what or through whom?
12:15 Your answer is not how or whereby
12:17 When God speaks something to your spirit, the first thing you should use your voice for is to say this. Yes
12:25 Yes, Lord I
12:29 Said the first thing that you should use your voice for when God sends you a word
12:35 It's not how when why through whom or whereby or therefore or wherefore the first word you should utter is yes
12:43 Okay, you miss your shout
12:46 Vashon Mitchell and the praise team were just ministering about you gonna see the goodness
12:50 While you get live and some of you have not appropriately responded to that yet
12:57 Because all you see is badness and sadness
13:00 But I wish I had somebody right now who use your voice to say yes, Lord
13:05 Yes, Lord. Some things are gonna be good in my finances. Yes, Lord. Some things are turning around in my academics
13:13 Yes, Lord. Some things are gonna happen in my business on my job in my health within my family within my relationship within my
13:21 Psychology within my mind. Can you open your mouth right there and say yes, Lord
13:26 As a matter of fact God I don't need to know how I
13:40 Don't need to know when I don't need to know through whom
13:44 Anyway, you bless me Lord. I'll be am I talking to somebody who can open your mouth and say God won't say yes
13:53 He says he says he said you you lost your voice because you you've only used your voice as one a you've lost your voice
14:05 One B because your words were not undergirded by victory your words weren't undergirded by victory. Here's what got me family
14:12 Here's what really got me. Here's what really got me the first thing the angel says to Zechariah's
14:18 He says Zechariah's
14:20 fear not I
14:23 See you fearful fearful fear not he says fear not fear not fear not
14:28 He says I don't want you to fear his why
14:31 Because your prayer
14:33 Has been heard
14:35 Okay, okay, okay
14:40 Okay, Zechariah's, okay. I'm not showing up arbitrarily
14:46 I'm not showing up here by coincidence. I
14:52 Didn't flip through my Rolodex and just say I'm going to see Zechariah's today
14:57 You weren't chosen because a lottery
15:02 Zechariah's the reason why God sent me here is
15:06 because you
15:09 Have been praying for this
15:11 I have come in response to your prayers. I
15:21 Am part of the answer to what you've been praying
15:26 I've come to give you instruction and revelation and insight about what you've been praying for and yet when I show up your
15:34 responses to tell me how old you are as
15:37 If God doesn't know what your deficiencies are
15:43 How do you and I get the audacity and the unmitigated gall to tell God about our?
15:50 weaknesses our idiosyncrasies our mistakes our past our
15:56 Concerns God you can't use me cuz I'm a woman
15:59 That's real bright. You just told God what you are like God didn't know God
16:04 You can't use me cuz I've seen in my past
16:07 That's real smart Sherlock as if God didn't know you were gonna be a sinner
16:11 Everything about your life and my life past present and future
16:16 God already knows it but in spite of that he chose to call you he chose to use you
16:23 He chose to ordain you he chose to elevate you. So don't you say to God God?
16:29 This is who I am you ought to say, you know what?
16:32 You know, I got this job not how because I've been praying for it
16:37 Every time I pray for something you won't believe what you be if you're not gonna believe what you're praying for
16:44 Stop praying and am I talking to somebody who's been praying for God to do some things in your life and they've not yet
16:52 Infested I wish you lift your hand and say God I receive it
16:55 It may not come into October, but my response is yes Lord
16:59 If you're gonna worry about it, don't pray if you're gonna pray about it
17:03 Don't worry ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find
17:07 Not and does anybody believe that prayer still changes things
17:21 Don't allow negativity
17:23 Don't allow what you've not yet seen
17:25 Manifest to make you think God can't do it. The problem with Zacharias is because it had taken so long
17:33 Obviously he thought God had forgotten about him
17:36 He used his voice wrongly
17:44 You know why?
17:46 because
17:48 He didn't even believe
17:50 What he was preaching about
17:52 What do you mean by that do it well Zacharias is a Jewish priest as
18:01 A Jew he's a descendant of Abraham
18:05 Before Christ death when Jews passed they believed that their souls went to the spirit to the bosom of Abraham
18:13 Here's what I want to tell you Abraham is called the father the faithful
18:18 Abraham is a progenitor of Hebrew faith
18:20 Abraham his story is only his story because he and his wife Sarah
18:27 Y'all quiet on me here
18:31 We're also barren at 75. God told him leave the earth the Chaldeans and go to a land
18:37 I'm gonna show you he said I'm gonna make your name great in thee and all families of the earth be blessed
18:42 I'm gonna multiply your seed as the stars of heaven. I'm gonna give you the land in here forever
18:47 Now he's 90 years of age and God has not yet blessed. He and his wife with a child
18:51 He gets a hundred he and Sarah still have not had a child through Sarah's womb, but at 100
18:59 When Sarah was 90 God gives her womb strength to conceive seed and she brings forth the son nine months later
19:08 And calls him Isaac and then God calls him from Abram to Abraham the father of many nations Zacharias
19:16 You are Jew
19:18 You're Jewish preacher. You're the stint of Abraham
19:21 You should know
19:24 by experience and what you read in the Torah and the Pentateuch
19:29 That you're not the first old man and old woman who didn't have a child
19:34 Y'all quiet on me here the very father of Hebrew faith
19:38 You should have said as a preacher not how you gonna do it God
19:42 But what your response should what your voice should have been was this God
19:46 if you did it for Abraham and
19:50 Sarah you can do it for Zacharias and Elizabeth
19:55 You know why cuz God is no respecter of persons. Here's what the old folk was saying. It ain't no secret
20:01 What God can do what he's done for others. He'll do the same thing for you
20:07 This is why you never have to be jealous
20:11 When God blesses your neighbor
20:13 If God gives your neighbor a brand-new BMW, don't hate don't get jealous. Don't be envious
20:19 Don't get covered just just celebrate cuz it means he's in the neighborhood
20:22 And if God has blessed you and I'm not talking to somebody around this house who believes that if he did it before
20:29 He'll do it again. He's the God of miracles
20:33 signs
20:35 Wonders he'll still take two fish and five loaves and feed the multitude
20:39 He'll still speak peace to your storm. He'll still dry your tears
20:44 He can still raise the dead if you believe you're gonna use your voice say God do it again
20:50 Let me tell you how powerful words are
21:06 I like poetry. I like imagery and
21:08 Often when I preach I try to paint a picture. That's what they taught us in school paint a picture so people can see it and
21:14 Sometimes when I preach because I like poetry I try to paint a picture now say things like this when God
21:21 wanted
21:24 Light
21:26 He lit the Sun one time and it's never gone out or never been to repair shop
21:35 When God wanted somebody to work the lunar system of the night he put bulbs in the stars
21:40 And I've called them the twinkle for beams of years
21:43 You heard me say stuff like that before he's trying to paint a picture
21:47 How God put the wetness in the water the whiteness in the snow the viscosity in the oil
21:52 How God allowed the sweetness to be in the orange the sour in the lemon y'all not helping me here
21:59 How God gave the dog the wolf wolf the cat the meow and the hyena is lab a lot a lot of imagery, right?
22:06 But can I tell you imagery?
22:09 poetry beautiful
22:11 theology pitiful
22:14 When God wanted a son he didn't like the Sun once
22:21 He didn't put bulbs in the stars and called them the twinkle for being of years when God wanted light
22:27 He stepped out in the darkness
22:29 Open his mouth and said let that
22:32 Y'all got the brakes on let there be light and ever since he spoke it light has appeared
22:39 I dare you to go in your house and say let there be surplus let there be increase let there be overflow
22:47 Let there be peace let there be healing
22:50 Open your mouth and say let there be
22:53 Peace
22:55 Why you open your mouth right now God is working on somebody's life
23:07 Why are you working right now while you're speaking right now?
23:10 The atmosphere is coming into agreement with your words open your mouth and say let there be
23:21 I'm gonna give you one more chance it I shall see
23:24 The goodness of the Lord in the land of the living so wait on the law
23:30 Of good courage
23:34 The next time you're paying bills and you got more month left and you got money say let there be
23:47 The next time you have a husband who's acting crazy lay hands on your husband and say let there be healing
23:53 Let there be deliverance let there be
23:56 responsibility let there be salvation
23:59 I feel God I feel
24:15 Mark chapter 5 that was a woman who the historian of Flavius Josephus calls Veronica
24:21 She had an issue of blood
24:24 For 12 long years has spent all the money had gone to the doctors and instead of getting better
24:31 She got worse. She was not supposed to be around society because she had been bleeding for 12 years
24:36 But you know what she did
24:39 She said to herself
24:41 if I
24:44 Could just touch
24:46 the hem of his garment I
24:49 Shall be made whole if you ain't got nobody around you to speak speak over yourself
24:55 Come on open your mouth and say let there be I shall be made whole this is my day of deliverance
25:06 I
25:08 Need to hit somebody over flow I didn't hit somebody online open your mouth and shout yes
25:19 Lord yes
25:45 That was a that was a man named Jay Iris
25:48 He was a ruler of the synagogue
25:50 His daughter was grievously ill
25:52 By the time Jesus was going to perform a miracle
25:55 One of the first thing he said when he got that was do me a favor put everybody else out the room
26:00 Here's why cuz I'm gonna speak something
26:07 But I need to get rid of all the negative masses and the doubting Danish
26:13 Get them away from me because I don't need negativity when I'm trying to speak life
26:19 That's part of our problem. We speak too much negativity
26:22 I am blessed I
26:31 Am the head I am not the tail. I am the lender and not the borrower
26:38 I am blessed in the city. I am blessed in the fields. I am blessed when I go
26:43 I am blessed when I come I am a child of God
27:03 Your words got power you don't understand that that's why the devil wants to make sure that's warfare
27:08 Every time you speak there's a war going in your vocal cords
27:15 I feel God
27:26 I
27:28 Now I understand why I've been having voice problems
27:39 Stress
27:45 pressure
27:46 Will cause a war in your mind and your words respond
27:51 according to the stress
27:53 Thank God for the revelation
27:56 Paul said for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but my but mighty through God to the pulling down of usual words
28:03 First Samuel 30
28:11 David and his men after getting back from the camp
28:14 Discovered that the Malachi said invaded the South took their wives and children captive burned this city and David cried
28:22 First Samuel 30 and for said to you had no more power to cry and his own
28:26 600 men turned on him and got ready to stone him
28:30 David never says
28:36 Take me on vacation
28:38 He never said take me to have power
28:41 He never said bring me some cannabis
28:44 But when David's men got ready to stone and kill him
28:49 first Samuel 36 s but David
28:52 encouraged
28:55 He start having a survival monologue I shall win I shall live I
29:04 Won't die. I will declare the works of the Lord
29:07 I will see the goodness in the land of the living open your mouth right there and say yes, Lord
29:16 That's the reasons why he lost his voice
29:18 Let me move quick, but that's a remedy. That's a remedy
29:22 So, you know what God said to him said God said through through the angel said said said Gabriel said I tell you what?
29:28 Zacharias since you're asking all these questions
29:31 Since you're stuck with negativity God sent me to give you spiritual laryngitis
29:42 You're gonna be old and not able to speak
29:46 Until this thing is performed. So you know what God did to Gabriel?
29:54 He gave him
29:56 Punishment and the punishment was for nine months
30:02 Zacharias couldn't speak
30:11 God says I'm gonna shut your mouth
30:15 And I had to ask the Holy Ghost a question why do you shut his mouth?
30:23 Here's what the text told me it says because Elizabeth is already old
30:30 And now she's getting ready to be old and pregnant
30:40 And
30:42 An old pregnant woman doesn't need to be surrounded
30:49 By anything that's not positive so it so in order to keep Elizabeth
30:58 From miscarrying what she's carrying I
31:04 shut your mouth
31:07 Just to ensure what I placed in Elizabeth comes to pass
31:11 You know what God told me to tell you thank God for the folk. He took out of your life
31:16 Some of you been complaining about why they won't return your call why they won't respond to your email
31:25 Why they're acting funny why they block you on social media. The Holy Ghost told me to tell you he did it on purpose
31:32 Because you're pregnant with something you're about to give birth to something and the people who you're surrounded with
31:39 What threats to what you're trying to deliver?
31:42 And if I gotta shut their mouth to shut their influence to take you to the next level tell God yes, Lord
31:49 Some people will stress you out so much what negativity you can't go higher
32:02 Give God permission to silence and end whatever is not necessary for your next level
32:08 And you know what happens nine months later
32:21 Can I tell you what happened nine months later?
32:24 nine months later
32:27 Elizabeth gives birth to John
32:32 Now here's what messed me up
32:34 John is prophetically known as the voice
32:38 crying out in the wilderness
32:41 Isn't it ironic that John is known by the thing his daddy lost
32:49 What I hear the Holy Ghost saying is I'm getting ready to birth some voices in a new generation
33:01 Just because your parents didn't have it
33:04 Does not mean God won't manifest it in your life
33:08 Y'all quiet over here as a matter of fact
33:10 I came to prophesy to somebody you gonna be the first one in your car in your family to finish college
33:15 Okay, y'all not with me here
33:17 You gonna be the first one in your whole lineage both sides to have a successful business as a matter of fact
33:21 I hear God saying there are some first-time millionaires
33:25 Listening to this message right now just because it wasn't in a previous generation
33:29 Does not mean it can't happen in your generation say I got my voice back
33:34 Open your mouth and say I got my voice back
33:46 She gives birth
33:55 To a voice the thing her husband lost
33:58 And John comes out the womb
34:03 Now here's what blessed me
34:13 God took Zacharias his voice
34:18 But he didn't take his hearing I
34:23 Wish I had time to do let me move on and and and here's what happens here's what happened here's what happens my god
34:30 Here's what happened what happened was when she gives birth this thing blessed me
34:35 What happens is some of her family members?
34:38 Come around in
34:42 verse 48 to 53 and
34:44 When you read the rest of the narrative some of the family members come around and and what they said was
34:53 ah
34:55 We're gonna name him
34:57 Zacharias jr.
35:00 Now Gabriel had previously told John had told Zacharias his name
35:14 Is gonna be John
35:21 But now family members have come over for the baby shower
35:25 And
35:31 When Elizabeth gives birth they come in the room and the family decides
35:37 His name is gonna be
35:40 Zacharias jr.
35:43 We're gonna name him after his father
35:50 You know what's weird
35:52 How is it that?
35:54 people
35:56 Who haven't carried what you carry?
35:58 Who haven't endured
36:05 What you have to endure it, but they have the nerve the audacity to speak and want a label
36:12 What you carry?
36:16 And
36:18 She told them no
36:24 His name is gonna be John
36:29 Now here's what blessed me
36:33 Gabriel told
36:36 Zacharias
36:40 His name shall be John
36:45 Zacharias was negative so God took his voice. He hasn't spoken
36:49 Still hasn't spoken
36:53 nine months later
36:55 Elizabeth says no family. He's not Zacharias jr. His name is John
37:03 How does?
37:06 She know
37:13 What to call it when her husband
37:17 didn't tell her and
37:20 Can't even speak. This is what I love about the gospel of Luke because the gospel of Luke goes against
37:26 Heteropatriarchal normatives
37:30 In other words what I mean by that is that most of the first century Gospels lift patriarchy
37:37 They lift men and reduce women
37:43 I
37:45 Love this text because Elizabeth doesn't need Zacharias
37:53 To tell her what to name her baby, how do you know that because she had her own
38:04 Relationship with God
38:09 Scholars say just like God told Zacharias what to name
38:13 John spirit also told he lived let me say to the single ladies in the house
38:18 It's alright to be cute
38:25 It's alright to go get you a man
38:27 But before you be cute and go get your man, you better know how to hear from God
38:35 To have your own connection your own relationship your own sense of advocacy does anybody know God for your son
38:44 I'm coming back you you fellas you need a woman
38:52 Every man needs him and Elizabeth
39:05 See young fellas don't just want to call she an IG model
39:10 Don't just be smitten because she can twerk
39:16 Too many of you are overtaken because she got Meg the stallion knees
39:23 But what good is it to have Meg the stallion knees and you don't never get on your knees and say father I stretch
39:32 My it's alright
39:35 To have a voice like Taylor Swift
39:37 But you need somebody who can swiftly go to God and pray when all hell is breaking loose in your life
39:44 Yes, she's beautiful because she pray for you when you can't pray
39:56 Yes, she's fine, but she can't can she have a business when you're incapacitated
40:03 Yeah
40:05 She's got beautiful teeth, but what happens when you die
40:10 And she's 65 and she lets Tyrone moving it
40:15 He's 30 and spent all the money that you spent
40:18 Okay, let me let me change the subject for it gets depressing up in this house. This is about to get depressed. Let me
40:32 You better have somebody who can talk to God on your behalf
40:35 Listen, do you have any prayer print prayer warriors intercessors?
40:40 You ought to give God praise for the people like Elizabeth who can hear from God when you can
40:45 So so her family says
40:53 No, we're gonna call him Zacharias jr. She said no his name gonna be John
40:58 Do you know what they did next?
41:02 They said tell you what we gonna go as Zacharias
41:06 Why is it that some of our family members don't know their place
41:15 Now I let you come in the house I
41:23 Extended the living room and the den and the kitchen to you
41:30 You got a bathroom you can use up front
41:32 Have a sink some tissue. Why do you think?
41:37 You just can come in my house and
41:41 Take over and get into business that has nothing to do with you
41:48 You know what? You know, my you know, my auntie told me he said sometimes
41:52 toxic environments
41:55 Can't mess your voice up
42:00 Then around smoke being around a dry atmosphere sometimes you need a humidifier
42:07 Some of you got too many dry folk
42:11 When they come in your life, they dry up every moment and you're wondering why your voice is gone after dealing with them
42:18 The woman who carried the baby they say we don't respect what you see
42:28 So we don't go ask the man who came talk
42:32 We would rather get directions from from a mute
42:38 Then to get it from an anointed woman who just gave birth
42:43 In that strange how some folk right now don't believe what a woman says
42:51 But a runner he get a word from a mute man
42:57 I
42:59 That's another sermon for another so now they start doing sign language
43:04 To write in the Bible they're doing sign language with Zacharias. What do you wanna?
43:14 Call him
43:18 It's right it's right here in the Texas right there in Texas
43:20 Y'all laughing at me. It was lady in Florida. They had to do sign language
43:25 For the police department didn't know what she was doing. She ran the screen doing everything
43:29 And if you y'all see that that thing and she was getting paid to do sound law
43:33 That was somebody aunties. I thought that was somebody on Tina. She doing they're doing sign language
43:37 I'm finished with Zacharias. What do you want to call him?
43:43 He's I tell you what bring me a sheet of paper
43:49 And give me something to write with
43:54 And he wrote down
43:56 The name John
44:01 He had to get a new language oh god, I wish I had time to deal with that
44:09 His deliverance came when he found a new language
44:13 When he found a new way to communicate I ain't got time that's a whole sermon by itself and guess what happened the moment
44:22 He wrote the name John
44:24 To agree with what had been said to him nine months earlier. Guess what happened his boss
44:29 The moment he agreed with Gabriel God gave him his boss back and
44:41 The first thing he did he prophesied
44:44 And
44:47 said blessed
44:49 Be the Lord, you know what he did
44:51 He stopped prophesying about the Redeemer
44:54 I
44:55 Researched that and this will blue mine. He stopped prophesying about Jesus and
44:59 Causing my Redeemer
45:02 Here is the chronological quagmire
45:04 Jesus was still in Mary's belly
45:11 Elizabeth was six months older
45:17 Six months
45:20 Pregnant before Mary gets pregnant, which means when Mary gives birth at nine months
45:26 You have to subtract six
45:29 From nine which meant Mary was still three months pregnant
45:35 But Zacharias prophesied and said verse 67 blessed
45:40 Causing my Redeemer he calls Jesus a Redeemer and Jesus is not even born
45:46 He
45:48 Prophesies in the past tense about a child that was gonna be born in the future tense
45:56 Now God moves them from priest to prophet
46:01 Since you missed the prophecy
46:09 about
46:11 John
46:13 Don't miss the prophecy about Jesus
46:16 I
46:18'm finished so he start talking about Jesus as
46:21 If he was already here
46:24 He starts to praise the Lord for being his Redeemer
46:29 Even though Jesus was not yet born. I
46:32 Was trying to figure how it's gonna close this sermon I didn't have no clothes for this sermon y'all
46:37 Lord, what do I do to close this message? How how do we celebrate?
46:42 something
46:44 That had happened yet
46:46 He's celebrating Jesus as a Redeemer, but Mary was still pregnant with Jesus and wouldn't give birth to six months later
46:54 How you calling him redeem you Redeemer and he's still prenatally connected to his mama's umbilical cord
47:01 You're praising a Redeemer who's not yet born in Bethlehem. How do you praise in advance?
47:08 six months before the Redeemer is born I
47:13 Was struggling y'all I had no clothes and then God gave it to me yesterday I
47:19 closed with this
47:22 Few years ago as they were preparing for the 2020 Olympics
47:26 That was a young girl thing from Texas by the name of Shikari
47:31 Richardson
47:35 Everybody thought that she was gonna compete
47:41 Against the Jamaicans as one of the fastest women in the world
47:44 Unfortunately, she said pressure so pressure can stress
47:52 Led her to partake of some things that were forbidden by the Olympic Committee
47:59 And when they tested her they found out she had cannabis in her system and she was disqualified
48:10 And
48:12 All over the world people were lambasting her
48:15 They have no idea what she was carrying. I'm not making excuses for but be careful about
48:21 walking in somebody's shoes
48:24 Don't criticize somebody steps if you ain't walked in their shoes
48:28 They lambasted her and called everything but I but she says she took some time off
48:37 To renew her faith to do some inner work and on last week
48:43 As she was competing
48:47 She drew a difficult lane assignment
48:50 They put her in lane nine
48:53 All the way on the end and put the fast Jamaican women in the middle and as the race started
48:59 Even the analysis was talking about how fast the Jamaicans were
49:05 Caught the first 50 meters. They took off first, but thank God
49:09 Shakari stayed in her own lane
49:12 Now that ain't my shout. Here's my shout when she got about 95 meters
49:18 She threw her hands up
49:30 No, no
49:32 No, no, no here I won't tell you he won't tell you he won't tell you the race
49:37 the race
49:39 the race
49:41 the race
49:42 Was not finished
49:44 You missed your shot
49:48 You can stop it now. I said the race
49:50 Was not finished but she said what I'm gonna do is throw my hands up
49:56 in advance
49:58 I'm gonna shout
50:00 Before I get the victory. I don't have to see it to give God praise
50:04 I wish somebody around this house would throw your hands up and start praising God
50:11 For the victory you got in that name
50:14 Do me a favor look at a neighbor
50:27 I'm throwing my hands up for my whole row. I'm throwing my hands up for your breakthrough
50:34 I'm throwing my hands up for your victory as a matter of fact
50:39 I'm not gonna wait till the battle is over
50:43 I'm gonna
50:46 I
50:48 Do both of us just start clapping your hands for your role
51:05 If you know the flow clap your hands if you're watching online clap your hands
51:15 Start thanking God for the victory
51:17 Y'all give me five minutes I'm gonna be out of here I need somebody right now just to give God a victory dance
51:30 One two one two three
51:36 Die
51:38 Die
51:40 Die
51:42 I
51:44 I
51:46 I
51:48 I
51:50 I
51:52 I
51:54 I
51:56 (upbeat music)
51:59 Help yourself, brother, help yourself, sister!
52:23 (upbeat music)
52:25 (upbeat music)
52:28 Listen!
52:34 ♪ To God be the glory ♪
52:37 Help me say it, Saints!
52:40 ♪ To God be the glory ♪
52:43 ♪ Be the glory ♪
52:45 To God!
52:46 ♪ To God be the glory ♪
52:52 ♪ For all the things He's done ♪
52:55 ♪ For all the things He's done ♪
52:58 ♪ For all the things He's done ♪
53:01 ♪ For all the things He's done ♪
53:04 To God!
53:04 ♪ To God be the glory ♪
53:07 ♪ Be the glory ♪
53:09 To God!
53:10 ♪ To God be the glory ♪
53:13 ♪ Be the glory ♪
53:16 ♪ To God be the glory ♪
53:19 ♪ Be the glory ♪
53:23 ♪ For all the things He has done ♪
53:28 Come on and give Him praise!
53:35 Come on and give Him praise!
53:36 ♪ Yeah ♪
53:38 ♪ Ah, give God the glory ♪
53:41 ♪ Yeah ♪
53:43 ♪ Oh ♪
53:45 ♪ All along ♪
53:47 ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪
53:49 ♪ All I'm worrying about is standing ♪
53:54 Woo!