• 2 years ago
Cabonne's deputy mayor, Jamie Jones on discussions across flood-hit region being 'above' and 'beyond politics'.
00:00 So, Kibbutz had over 118 assets destroyed.
00:04 Our communities, our businesses have been inundated with water.
00:10 People's homes have floated away.
00:12 This has to be beyond politics.
00:14 This has to be about helping out our regional communities, five regional communities in
00:19 the heart of the Central West.
00:21 It has to be above politics.
00:23 We don't need further discussions.
00:26 We need money on the table.
00:27 We need money for a resilience homes package, a package that would allow residents and businesses
00:33 to lift power points, to lift homes above flood waters, to opt into a buyback scheme.
00:41 We need a community assistance program or a community assets program, I should say,
00:46 that will allow our communities to have the sporting infrastructure, to have the roads,
00:51 to have the bridges that allows them to live and work in what is a beautiful part of the
00:57 country.
00:58 We have a bridge between Kenowndra and Newgowra that has been washed away twice.
01:02 We need betterment for that.
01:04 We don't need the same thing put back.
01:06 We need improvements made to that.
01:09 We have a football oval in Newgowra.
01:11 The team there haven't been able to train this year because they don't have lights.
01:16 The lights were destroyed.
01:17 We have a bridge here in Mullung that dams water, making a metre instantly once that
01:22 water hits that bridge down here, the railway bridge, it increases by a metre, you know,
01:27 within minutes.
01:29 This has got to be above politics.
01:30 This has got to be about people.
01:32 It's got to be about the businesses.
01:35 And I just hope that we can see some win soon.
