• 2 years ago
Scientists have found a golden orb at the bottom of the ocean - and they admit they have no idea what it is.

Researchers operating a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) spotted the shiny mystery 3.2km deep off the coast of Alaska on 30 August.

A team from the U.S. government's NOAA Ocean Exploration department were left confused and excited by the sighting.

In footage from the find, a member of the Seascape Alaska 5 expedition crew is heard to say "it's like the beginning of a horror movie", while another suggests "I'm pretty sure this is how the first episode of the X-Files started."

Upon spotting the orb, the team make suggestions on what it could be, including a yellow hat, a face, an egg casing or dead sponge.

One researcher says: "It's almost like it was a face and whatever it was on it fell off."

Another says: "It's definitely got a big old hole in it, so something tried to get in or get out."

Ultimately, the team decided to suck the specimen up with a special collection pipe and take it to a ship-based laboratory.

Emily Crum, of NOAA, says the "orb" was successfully recovered and taken to NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer.

Emily explained Tuesday (5 Sep): "I just received confirmation from the expedition coordinator on the ship that the orb remains a mystery.

"Sounds as if they won't learn more until after the expedition is over and they can take the specimen into a full lab setting."

NOAA Ocean Exploration's mission is set to last until 16 September.

They explain: "During the expedition, the team will work to fill gaps in our understanding of the region by conducting focused mapping and remotely operated vehicle operations in waters deeper than 200 metres (656 feet)."


00:00 too I think they're hydrides or worms
00:06 okay coming in more
00:13 I'm anxiously awaiting Chris Ma's input in the chat as to what we might be
00:23 looking at. Bathysarumaster says Chris a range extension excellent so I'm
00:35 guessing that means this is the farthest north, south or west from the last known range
00:47 I think that's a big reason why we choose targets like this that are a
00:50 little bit deeper a little bit further afield from where other sampling efforts
00:56 or video efforts have taken place so we can see just how far and just how well
01:02 distributed a lot of these different species are because there's just so much
01:06 unknown yeah it looks like these are primarily known in Oregon and Washington
01:16 and I'm seeing from Osaka in the chat that that purple tube anemone that we
01:20 saw before was collected in Hawaii so this is pretty far north for that as
01:25 well so we may be seeing a number of northern extensions on this dive a
01:33 really remarkable radial pattern to the fracturing on the boulder that the star
01:38 is on
01:43 just scan past this discolored what might be a sponge
01:50 copy that
01:53 yeah that's the one I was pointing out like earlier the yellow hat
02:00 snap zoom please okay snapping
02:09 this is some sort of encrusting sponge I don't know what to make of that I go
02:19 tight on the opening sure see what's in there
02:26 interesting I don't know what this is I'm not sure
02:33 Merlin goes to lunch right when there's a bunch of weird stuff I don't know what
02:40 to think about this it's almost like it was a face and whatever it was on it
02:45 fell off it looks like we're seeing in the chat a dead sponge attachment which
02:53 kind of makes sense why I didn't even know where to start it seems spongy
02:59 lasers are going on but now I'm seeing potential egg case I can see that as
03:07 well and maybe that's where we have fogs whatever was in the egg I can be
03:15 convinced and now I'm seeing maybe coral
03:29 which makes me feel a little bit better about my confusion
03:33 there is something in there
03:41 looks like we have Merlin coming back in the room and maybe you could help tell
03:48 us what we're looking at here I don't know I just just coming in back from
03:54 lunch and my first guess would have been sponge but I don't know what I'm looking
04:02 at let's see what's the science chat saying we're all over the place at the
04:06 moment started with that sponge attachment moved on to potentially coral
04:11 now we're thinking egg case I do like the egg case idea have we seen a couple
04:21 of these or is this the first I saw huh yeah it's definitely got a big old hole
04:27 in it so something either try to get in or try to get out a sample request at
04:39 all I'm just logging in I feel like we should know how we get it I guess a
04:46 section of the lasers yeah can we do that I'd love to poke it and see how
04:54 hard it is yeah if it's terrible maybe we could tear a piece off with the
