• 2 years ago
The socially awkward Lau goes on the traditional Man Camp with the provincial town boys to prove that he's a "real man". | dHNfalVqZGVtYkhlTnM


00:00 This year's men's tour!
00:02 Hey, Axel.
00:12 Hey.
00:13 Don't you think it's a bit creepy to see grown men taking a bunch of little boys out of a cabin to play?
00:18 Okay, boys. Welcome to the first challenge.
00:23 A real man owns a Russian Turk.
00:25 Come on, boys!
00:27 Let's go!
00:28 A real man has stamina!
00:31 Are you coming?
00:38 Yes, we are.
00:39 Is it cold? Is it cold?
00:42 It's fucking cold.
00:43 Busses! Busses! Busses!
00:46 Come on. Let's go.
00:53 A real man owns a Russian Turk.
00:55 (gentle music)