• il y a 2 ans
Production : UPA
January 8, 1961, 1961


00:00 [music]
00:08 The Dick Tracy Show!
00:11 [music]
00:29 Okay, Chief. I'll get on it right away.
00:32 Calling Joe Jitsu aboard SS Pureline.
00:35 Come in, please.
00:36 Two jewel thieves, Perry and Mole, are on your ship.
00:40 They have million dollar black pearls stolen from the Baja Raja of Eyesore.
00:44 Your job, recover pearl, arrest thieves.
00:47 That is all. Six to an even. Over and out.
00:51 Tracy is following us.
00:53 We must get rid of Joe Jitsu, quick.
00:56 Yeah, or that silly snooper will spoil our caper.
01:00 Suspects do not suspect I suspect.
01:03 Ha ha. So can carry out search without difficulty.
01:07 Oh, yeah? You'll make a tasty dish for a big fish.
01:13 Hurry, get rid of him.
01:15 Okay, boss.
01:16 Oh, so sorry. Cannot abridge. So sorry.
01:21 Excuse, please. So sorry.
01:24 Have retour suggestion to make.
01:27 When collide with Roar, good policy to have accident policy.
01:32 Ha ha. Sayonara.
01:34 And hombre suggest same apply to Perry.
01:38 I will deal with you, Monsieur Jitsu.
01:41 Oh, no rough stuff, please. Oh, so sorry.
01:45 Excuse, please.
01:49 Oh, so sorry.
01:53 Excuse, please. Hand are stripping.
01:56 Oh.
01:59 Ah. Ah.
02:04 Did anyone get the number of that trunk?
02:08 Now I hurry your rickety sprit to state room of culprits and try research same.
02:15 Not after I drop the boom on you, shorty. Like so.
02:20 Oh. Oh. Oh.
02:23 Excuse, please. But soft head needing hard share.
02:28 Ah, here a cabin. Also, here at the feet steps approaching. Had better hide.
02:34 Quick, more essential.
02:37 Don't worry. It was right where we headed.
02:40 Open it.
02:42 Also, hello. Observe, please.
02:45 Priceless black pear found reposing essential.
02:49 So, most happy to place you under arrest.
02:52 Come on. Let me have it.
02:54 Hold it, please. Jitsu calling Dick Tracy.
02:58 Come in, Joe.
03:00 Happy to report have situation under control.
03:03 Good work, Joe. Six to and even. Over and out.
03:06 Come on. Let me have it.
03:08 Most happy to oblige.
03:10 Oh, so sorry.
03:12 Excuse, please. So sorry.
03:15 Reach for searing, please. I have the drop on you now.
03:20 Ah, but not now, fool.
03:24 Need to eat. No one out to eat, Barry.
03:27 No more of your tricky tricks, Jitsu. Toss me that pear.
03:32 Oops. Also, a butterfinger.
03:37 Oh, no. No. Oh, mon Dieu. Oh, salut, mes dames.
03:41 Come back, my little beauty.
03:44 Fortunate to catch escaping pear.
03:47 Ah. Stop, thief. I will fix you.
03:51 Oh, oh, oh, no. No. Hey.
03:54 So sorry.
03:56 Ah, you...
03:58 Ah.
04:00 Ah, so, they are calling at me again.
04:08 Are gruttin' for punishment.
04:10 Grab him, mole.
04:13 Are you...
04:15 Joe Jitsu calling Dick Tracy.
04:22 Go ahead, Joe.
04:24 Happy to announce have recovered a black pear and placed two crooks in kink.
04:29 Good work, Joe. I'll send the copter out to fly you into headquarters.
04:33 And Joe, that pear is dangerous. Don't tell anyone where you're carrying it.
04:37 Ah, no. Top secret. I keep it under my hat.
04:56 (explosion)
