• 2 years ago
Something Big HD (1971) Full Movies
00:00:00 [silence]
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00:02:03 [bugle playing]
00:02:11 -Board Rear Sergeant Fitzsimmons.
00:02:13 [footsteps]
00:02:33 -Yes.
00:02:35 -Sir, Junior Frisbee just rode in.
00:02:37 -Oh, well, have one of the men keep an eye on him.
00:02:40 -Yes, sir.
00:02:41 -He's a thieving, murdering partner with him, I presume.
00:02:44 -In a manner of speaking, sir.
00:02:46 -How's that?
00:02:47 [silence]
00:02:50 -Ah.
00:02:51 [thud]
00:02:52 [clears throat]
00:02:53 [footsteps]
00:02:58 [sandpaper scraping]
00:03:06 [sandpaper scraping]
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00:03:11 [clears throat]
00:03:12 [footsteps]
00:03:17 -This here dirty old bag of bones was my partner for 30 years.
00:03:22 [footsteps]
00:03:25 -And do you know what he is now?
00:03:27 -He's dead.
00:03:28 -That's what he is.
00:03:29 -Now, what do you got to say about that?
00:03:31 -Oh, I'd say bury him, Junior.
00:03:34 -You don't even care who done it, do you?
00:03:37 -No, I don't.
00:03:38 -Well, I'll tell you who done it.
00:03:40 Baker done it.
00:03:41 And you don't care why he done it, do you?
00:03:43 -You can't say I do, Junior.
00:03:45 -All Bill did here was kick his dog.
00:03:48 Just kicked his damn dog and Baker laid him out for the purdy geese.
00:03:54 And you're not going to do a damn thing about it, are you?
00:03:57 -No.
00:03:58 -How come?
00:03:59 Ain't it your job to protect folks?
00:04:02 Ain't it your job to protect good, clean, decent white folks from the heathens?
00:04:08 [footsteps]
00:04:12 Well, ain't it?
00:04:13 [footsteps]
00:04:16 [soldiers shouting]
00:04:18 -Well, I'd say he looks healthier than last time I saw him, Junior.
00:04:23 -How can he look healthier when he's dead?
00:04:25 -Must agree with him.
00:04:27 -We was talking about protection.
00:04:30 -Well, how many people would you say he's killed during his medical life?
00:04:35 -Well, none that didn't deserve it.
00:04:38 -How many have you killed, Junior?
00:04:40 -None that didn't deserve it.
00:04:41 Me and Bill was very particular about that.
00:04:43 We never killed Turk's folks, neither.
00:04:45 Of course, there was a Baptist got in the way once, but very seldom.
00:04:50 -Yeah.
00:04:51 Well, you ought to bury him.
00:04:54 -All you got to say.
00:04:56 Do you know what I'm going to do?
00:04:58 I'm going to write a letter to Washington about you.
00:05:01 Yes, sir.
00:05:03 -A what?
00:05:05 -Well, I'm going to find somebody that can write for me,
00:05:08 somebody with a fine, delicate hand,
00:05:10 because that's all they understand in Washington.
00:05:13 I'm going to write a letter.
00:05:15 You wait and see if I don't.
00:05:17 -Sergeant, see that poor Bill is underground before dark.
00:05:20 -Yes, sir.
00:05:21 -Flies are getting bad.
00:05:22 -Yes, sir.
00:05:23 -Getting so decent folks can't move in this country without getting killed or--
00:05:37 -Thirty years, Sergeant, and my wife will be coming through the gate any day now.
00:05:42 She wants to make sure I retire this time.
00:05:45 Get Bookbinder in here.
00:05:47 -Yes, sir.
00:05:49 [door opens]
00:05:51 -Frisbee's out there telling how he's aiming to write a letter to Washington.
00:06:03 -Yes, yes, a fine, delicate letter.
00:06:06 -Very fine and very delicate, because that's what--
00:06:08 -That's what they understand in Washington, yes, yes, I know.
00:06:11 We haven't heard anything of Baker in four or five months.
00:06:13 What's he up to?
00:06:14 -It's hard to keep up with him.
00:06:16 Him and them he rides with, always on the move.
00:06:20 He travels with a dog.
00:06:22 -How's that?
00:06:23 -I said he travels with a dog.
00:06:25 -Well, why did you tell me he travels with a dog?
00:06:28 -Well, I don't know why I told you.
00:06:30 I just told you, that's all.
00:06:31 I didn't mean for you to get put out, none.
00:06:34 -All right, all right.
00:06:35 Where does he make his base?
00:06:37 -He ain't got none.
00:06:38 Gets around like a fever and lives on a rock.
00:06:42 Word has it he's planning something big.
00:06:45 -Something what?
00:06:46 -Something big, that's all I heard.
00:06:49 -Ahem, bookbinder.
00:06:52 You do work for us, do you not?
00:06:54 -Right.
00:06:55 -You are employed by the United States Cavalry as a scout, am I right or wrong?
00:06:59 -Scout, cavalry, yeah.
00:07:01 -Well, then get out, do some scouting, find out something.
00:07:04 Find out what Baker is planning to do.
00:07:07 Like a grain of sand that wants to be a rolling stone, I want to be the man I'm not.
00:07:15 And if the things I really haven't got, and that's a lot,
00:07:21 There'll be a joy and there'll be laughter, something big is what I'm after now.
00:07:28 Yes, it's what I'm after now.
00:07:32 After I take it, I take up giving, something big is what I'm living for.
00:07:38 Yes, it's what I'm living for, living for.
00:07:48 Why do I go on and fill my life with little things when there are big things I must do?
00:07:56 Lots of dreams that really should come true before I'm through.
00:08:03 There'll be a joy and there'll be laughter, something big is what I'm after now.
00:08:09 Yes, it's what I'm after now.
00:08:14 After I take it, I take up giving, something big is what I'm living for.
00:08:20 Yes, it's what I'm living for, living for.
00:08:31 After I take it, I take up giving, something big is what I'm living for.
00:08:37 Yes, it's what I'm living for, living for.
00:08:46 Well, if we were going to talk, why couldn't we have met at Badwater or some civilized place?
00:08:51 I could get shot in a civilized place, Baker. Folks treat me like an animal.
00:08:57 What do you want?
00:08:59 Heard you were planning something big.
00:09:02 Where'd you hear that?
00:09:04 On the wind.
00:09:06 You ought to stay out of the wind, Cobb, or you could catch your death.
00:09:09 Never mind, we heard it.
00:09:11 So?
00:09:13 I could get my hands on something that might interest you.
00:09:17 What?
00:09:24 A Gatling gun.
00:09:27 What are you willing to take for this big gun?
00:09:42 (Gatling gun sounds)
00:09:54 I'll trade you that there big gun for a woman.
00:10:00 A what?
00:10:03 A woman.
00:10:06 What do you want with a woman?
00:10:08 What do you mean? What do you mean, what do I want with a woman?
00:10:12 What's any man want with a woman?
00:10:15 I'll pay you for the big gun.
00:10:18 Yeah, and I'll spend it all on the first ward I come to.
00:10:21 You know I can't leave the territory.
00:10:23 It's a woman or nothing.
00:10:25 Where am I going to find a woman out here?
00:10:27 Well, that's your problem.
00:10:30 Is there a deal?
00:10:37 Yeah, it's a deal.
00:10:57 What's that shining in your horse's mouth?
00:11:00 His teeth.
00:11:01 Shines like gold.
00:11:03 Cavities.
00:11:05 I love my horse.
00:11:15 Let's see you understand, old sisters.
00:11:18 What?
00:11:19 I couldn't do that.
00:11:48 Hey, are the bones still here?
00:11:51 His name is John.
00:11:53 John?
00:12:09 It's right here in bad water two weeks ago, Mr. Baker.
00:12:23 Dear Mr. Baker, you and my loving brother Tommy must be having a fine time out there in the west.
00:12:31 Out there where the most respectable man within shouting distance is a thief and a rogue and a cutthroat.
00:12:38 But it's coming to the end, laddie.
00:12:40 And that's why I'm taking my pen in hand to write to you, you miserable man.
00:12:45 By the time you receive this wee message, I'll be on my way.
00:12:51 I'm coming for you, Mr. Baker.
00:12:53 Oh, no.
00:12:57 You can set your mind to it and pack your kit.
00:13:00 You asked me to marry you and you meant it.
00:13:02 And I said I would and I meant it.
00:13:05 So you can get your great brute of a self ready, because I'm coming by the first passage I can find.
00:13:12 Your loving Dover.
00:13:13 Dover, right? Is she sick?
00:13:15 She's come.
00:13:16 Coming here?
00:13:17 To take me back to Pennsylvania.
00:13:19 Oh, my God.
00:13:20 She's coming to take me back whether I'm ready to go or not.
00:13:23 Well, you did ask my sister to marry you.
00:13:25 And we've been out here almost four years.
00:13:27 And two years was your agreement with her.
00:13:29 You told her you could make your fortune in that time and go home as rich as Croesus.
00:13:33 I thought you were on my side.
00:13:36 You came out here to do something big.
00:13:38 Am I right or am I wrong?
00:13:39 You're right.
00:13:40 Well, your time's more than run out.
00:13:41 And you haven't done it yet because you keep putting it off and putting it off.
00:13:45 Because you know that when you do it, it'll be the end of this life for you.
00:13:48 Well, you might as well face it, lad.
00:13:50 It's going to be the end anyway once my sister gets here and that's a fact.
00:13:56 Emilio Estevez was the biggest bandit of them all, senor.
00:13:59 This whole town is his.
00:14:01 He was the enemy of Benito Juarez.
00:14:04 Also, he was the enemy of Maximilian.
00:14:06 Also, he did not care for his mother.
00:14:08 When he took this town, he kept it.
00:14:10 Everything he steals, he brings to this place.
00:14:12 It's the Sodom and Gomorrah of Mexico.
00:14:15 Yeah.
00:14:16 They'll remember me for this.
00:14:18 It's like the sack of Rome.
00:14:20 But we are only a dozen guns.
00:14:23 But with the big gun, we can do it.
00:14:25 Okay.
00:14:26 The big gun.
00:14:29 Hey, look.
00:14:31 You suppose--
00:14:40 Aye. Those three were doing what we're thinking about.
00:14:44 It's not going to be easy, Baker.
00:14:46 There are over a hundred guns down there.
00:14:48 The hell with their guns, Tommy. This is it.
00:14:52 Something big.
00:14:53 Big!
00:14:56 [Gunshots]
00:14:59 Manny!
00:15:16 [Gunshots]
00:15:44 - Sir. - Yeah.
00:15:46 Sir, I think you'd best come to the saloon, sir.
00:15:49 Saloon? Why?
00:15:51 Well, I think you'd best come and see, sir.
00:15:55 Very well.
00:15:58 [Suspenseful music]
00:16:01 [Singing]
00:16:15 [Singing]
00:16:18 [Singing]
00:16:22 [Singing]
00:16:26 [Singing]
00:16:29 [Singing]
00:16:37 [Singing]
00:16:49 [Singing]
00:16:52 [Cheering]
00:17:00 Sir, the men wanted me to tell you what a pleasure it's been to serve under you.
00:17:07 And, well, we know it's going to be two weeks before you're leaving,
00:17:11 but some of the men here are going to be out on patrol when it comes your time to leave us.
00:17:16 Well, we'd like to take this opportunity.
00:17:19 Sir, it's my privilege and honor to be the one chosen to present you with this token of our esteem.
00:17:31 And I speak for all the horse soldiers in your command when I say that it's been an honor to serve with you.
00:17:36 Under? Under?
00:17:39 Under you, sir.
00:17:41 Yes.
00:17:43 Thank you, Corporal.
00:17:46 Thank you.
00:17:49 [Cheering]
00:17:55 Men, I find myself rather at a loss for words.
00:18:03 It's most difficult for me to express my feelings about this occasion
00:18:09 and all of you and the cavalry.
00:18:13 I believe only a soldier could understand that.
00:18:16 Possibly only a horse soldier.
00:18:19 I've been a cavalryman for 30 years.
00:18:24 It's been my privilege and my honor to be acquainted with a great many very brave men.
00:18:33 So I'm most grateful tonight for this opportunity to tell you that of all those with whom I served,
00:18:45 you men are the finest.
00:18:52 And I thank you.
00:18:54 [Cheering]
00:18:59 Sir, sir, you believe in fair play, don't you, and doing what's right?
00:19:04 Of course, Sergeant.
00:19:06 Well, it was me that was supposed to give you that Indian headdress and not Corporal James here.
00:19:11 Well, I'd like your permission to express my feelings on this matter, sir.
00:19:15 Oh, I see. Well, certainly.
00:19:20 Corporal James, that was a bad thing you'd done to me.
00:19:24 Oh, but Sergeant...
00:19:27 I'm going to take you one by one, but put him up to it, too.
00:19:30 Tie me, Sarge!
00:19:32 [Glass shatters]
00:19:34 Excuse me, sir. Carry on talking.
00:19:38 [♪♪♪]
00:19:41 [Glass shatters]
00:19:48 [Glass shatters]
00:19:56 [Glass shatters]
00:19:58 Oh, your hat, sir.
00:20:10 Thank you, Corporal. That was very unwise, you know. Sergeant Fitzsimmons is sensitive.
00:20:15 Sensitive, sir? Very sensitive.
00:20:17 [Glass shatters]
00:20:24 [Glass shatters]
00:20:26 Colonel!
00:20:35 Good evening. Good evening, sir. Will you set us to help?
00:20:41 Mind if I do? Thank you. Have a cigar. I will. Thank you.
00:20:45 [Glass shatters]
00:20:49 [Glass shatters]
00:20:51 [Clears throat]
00:20:57 Well, Captain, I'm going to miss this outfit very much.
00:21:01 And any day now, my wife will be arriving through the gate.
00:21:06 And away I go.
00:21:08 Mrs. Morgan is coming here, to the fort?
00:21:11 With bells on, Captain. Bells on.
00:21:15 I guess she wants to be sure I retire this time.
00:21:19 I started to twice before, but when I came right down to it, I...
00:21:24 I forgot.
00:21:26 Listen to that.
00:21:28 [♪♪♪]
00:21:30 History we're making, Captain.
00:21:36 We're making history.
00:21:38 Some day it'll be a tired old ghost.
00:21:41 That's all.
00:21:43 Blowing in the wind.
00:21:45 [Clears throat]
00:21:49 Good night, Captain. Good night, sir.
00:21:51 Thank you for that cigar. You're welcome, Colonel.
00:21:54 [♪♪♪]
00:21:56 [Horse whinnies]
00:22:05 [Horse whinnies]
00:22:10 [Horse whinnies]
00:22:12 How are you?
00:22:18 Muy buenas tardes.
00:22:20 What the?
00:22:21 That Mr. John Anderson.
00:22:23 Well, yeah, but, uh...
00:22:25 It was his last wish.
00:22:27 On his last day.
00:22:29 Mr. Anderson said,
00:22:31 "If his friends cannot be with him, he always wants to be with his friends."
00:22:35 [Chuckles] That was a very fine gesture.
00:22:37 What would you like to drink?
00:22:39 Oh, whiskey, I reckon.
00:22:41 You wouldn't be knowing a man named Baker, I don't suppose.
00:22:47 He rides with a dog.
00:22:49 Si. Everybody knows Senor Baker.
00:22:51 He been around lately?
00:22:53 Oh, seven, eight days ago.
00:22:55 Why do you ask?
00:22:57 Senor Baker a compadre to you?
00:23:00 No, not exactly.
00:23:02 I-I heard he was planning something big.
00:23:05 Oh, yes. He's planning something big.
00:23:07 Mucho, mucho, mucho. Very big.
00:23:09 Yeah.
00:23:11 What?
00:23:13 [Chuckles]
00:23:14 Uh, I don't know.
00:23:16 [Screams]
00:23:31 [Horn honking]
00:23:34 [Horn honking]
00:23:36 [Horn honking]
00:23:39 [Horn honking]
00:23:42 [Horn honking]
00:23:45 [Horn honking]
00:23:47 [Horn honking]
00:24:16 Are you a bandit?
00:24:18 No, ma'am. Just an old cowboy trying to get along.
00:24:21 Hell, honey, I don't care what you call yourself,
00:24:24 but if you're after our valuables,
00:24:26 I'll tell you now, mine you can't put in a saddlebag.
00:24:30 You want to bet?
00:24:32 Tommy?
00:24:34 [Sighs]
00:24:36 Well?
00:24:52 Why not?
00:24:54 You'll bring shame on yourself, Guy,
00:24:56 and Johnny Cobb, a woman like her.
00:24:58 Well, how do you figure?
00:25:00 Look at it, lad.
00:25:02 You want people to think she's the best you can do?
00:25:05 [Speaking Spanish]
00:25:08 He just said he wanted a woman.
00:25:15 He didn't say he wanted one with a bloodline.
00:25:17 Can you no understand, lad?
00:25:19 Taking her to Cobb would be to go against the scripture.
00:25:22 Scripture? What's the Bible got to do with it?
00:25:25 Christian thing to do is to get the kind of a woman for Cobb
00:25:29 you'd want Cobb to get for you.
00:25:32 You're right.
00:25:36 Luis!
00:25:38 [Speaking Spanish]
00:25:40 [Dog barking]
00:25:58 [Explosion]
00:26:00 Two men.
00:26:10 More than likely, that's Johnny Cobb and the flea that rides with him.
00:26:14 More than likely.
00:26:16 And you don't have the woman for him, for trade.
00:26:18 It could mean trouble.
00:26:20 Well, let's let him hear what trouble really sounds like.
00:26:23 Aye. What air do you fancy, then?
00:26:26 Come on.
00:26:28 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:35 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:38 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:40 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:42 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:44 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:46 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:48 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:50 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:52 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:54 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:56 [Bagpipes playing]
00:26:58 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:00 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:02 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:04 [Bagpipes playing]
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00:27:09 [Bagpipes playing]
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00:27:15 [Bagpipes playing]
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00:27:38 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:41 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:44 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:47 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:50 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:53 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:56 [Bagpipes playing]
00:27:59 [Bagpipes playing]
00:28:02 [Bagpipes playing]
00:28:04 [Bagpipes playing]
00:28:07 [Bagpipes playing]
00:28:10 [Bagpipes playing]
00:28:13 [Bagpipes playing]
00:28:16 Baker, where's the woman?
00:28:19 Johnny's talking to you, Baker.
00:28:22 You start something with me, Moon, and they'll be collecting you in a gunny sack.
00:28:26 Where's the woman?
00:28:28 When I have her, I'll let you know, all right?
00:28:31 When?
00:28:32 What do you think I am, cub, a magician?
00:28:34 You think it's easy to produce a woman out of nowhere?
00:28:37 Don't you think if I could find a woman in this territory, I'd have one or two for myself?
00:28:42 Well, what about the time they stole your cook's wooden leg out of that cat house in Badwater and used it for firewood?
00:28:49 You found him another? Where'd you find a wooden leg way out here?
00:28:52 Well, it wasn't easy.
00:28:54 And that horse of yours, you got the only horse in the world with gold teeth.
00:28:57 What's your point?
00:29:00 My point is, if you can find them things in this country, you can find him a woman.
00:29:03 Yeah, now, now, you just listen to me, and you better listen good.
00:29:07 If it wasn't for the $5,000 price on my head outside this territory, I wouldn't even be talking to you.
00:29:13 We got a deal, you and me, a deal.
00:29:16 A woman for a Gatlin gun.
00:29:18 Now, I can get my hands on that Gatlin gun this week.
00:29:21 Where's the woman?
00:29:23 You and me is a trick, Johnny.
00:29:25 What I need is a woman!
00:29:28 I can't stand Duff yelling his ear like that.
00:29:30 Sit down, Johnny. Have a drink. Sit down.
00:29:36 When I lie down at night, I'm thinking about a woman.
00:29:45 And when I get up in the morning, I'm thinking about a woman.
00:29:51 It's been years.
00:29:55 Baker, it's been years. I can't remember.
00:29:59 I can't even remember what it's like.
00:30:02 Well, Johnny, I'll tell you what it's like, first of all.
00:30:05 I don't want you to tell me! I want to do it!
00:30:08 Now, we got a deal! Gatlin gun for a woman! Now, where is she?
00:30:12 It's a sorry kind of a man who resorts to violence, Cobb.
00:30:16 Just take a drink.
00:30:24 Just take a drink.
00:30:25 They're waiting for you.
00:30:35 Don't you do that outside, bookbinder.
00:30:45 Sergeant Fitzsimmons has just finished cleaning the office.
00:30:47 No, not now!
00:30:49 Where did you find out?
00:30:52 Well, I rode out to Badwater and talked to a Mexican there that runs the cantina.
00:30:56 Where?
00:30:58 Then I rode on down to the stage stop and talked to a mountain man there named Nate Hattersby.
00:31:04 Go on.
00:31:06 Then I rode back a hundred miles to Lost Boy Pass and talked to a couple of Navajos there riding south.
00:31:12 Bookbinder, could you just get to it? What is Baker planning? Baker?
00:31:17 Something big.
00:31:20 Bookbinder, I've been in the army most of my life.
00:31:23 Thirty years in the cavalry to be exact.
00:31:25 And I have never, ever had a scout as utterly worthless as you are.
00:31:30 Get out.
00:31:32 Colonel, if a man can't find something out, he just can't find it out. Now, that's all there is to it.
00:31:37 No, that is not all there is to it, bookbinder.
00:31:40 You are paid to know, do you understand?
00:31:43 No, you don't. Get out! Get out!
00:31:49 (music)
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00:31:55 Left, wind, move!
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00:32:54 (music)
00:32:57 Well, why are the horses here?
00:33:00 (upbeat music)
00:33:02 (explosion booms)
00:33:18 (train rumbles)
00:33:21 (dramatic music)
00:33:28 - Baker.
00:33:38 It's only here, it's Baker.
00:33:39 - Right forward, right wheel.
00:33:41 - He's held up four stagecoaches in one week, gentlemen.
00:33:44 Here, here, here, and here.
00:33:48 He hasn't harmed anyone,
00:33:50 and he hasn't taken anything from them.
00:33:52 And what does that leave?
00:33:53 Obviously, he's looking for something,
00:33:55 or someone, or whatever.
00:33:57 Now, before he finds them, or it,
00:33:59 or whatever it is he's looking for,
00:34:01 I want to know who or what it is, understand?
00:34:04 Now, one thing for sure, as I'm standing here,
00:34:09 we know he's out there right now somewhere
00:34:12 holding up another stagecoach.
00:34:15 Question, gentlemen, why is he doing it?
00:34:18 Why?
00:34:20 (train rumbles)
00:34:22 - Whoa!
00:34:37 Apache flat!
00:34:44 (dramatic music)
00:34:47 - You folks better come in.
00:35:07 This'll be your last drink of water before it dry wells.
00:35:10 (dramatic music)
00:35:13 (dramatic music)
00:35:15 - What's going on here?
00:35:35 Who are you?
00:35:38 What do you want?
00:35:39 (footsteps thudding)
00:35:42 (hands slapping)
00:36:04 - I'm going to see you shot!
00:36:06 - And who's gonna do the shooting?
00:36:08 - It may interest you to know
00:36:09 that my name is Marianna Morgan.
00:36:11 My husband is the commanding officer
00:36:13 of the port at dry wells.
00:36:15 - Is that the best you can think of to scare me?
00:36:18 - You cannot be the colonel's lady, lassie.
00:36:21 - And why not?
00:36:22 - Every man in the territory knows
00:36:24 that the colonel is married to a cold lady
00:36:25 who lives back east.
00:36:27 Aye, a cold, frigid, barren woman we know her as so.
00:36:31 - You know the colonel?
00:36:33 - We've met along the way.
00:36:35 - And I suppose he told you all this about his wife?
00:36:38 - He didn't have to.
00:36:39 What other kind of a woman would make a man
00:36:41 live alone to do his duty?
00:36:44 How's your health?
00:36:45 Your belly ever hurt you?
00:36:47 - I beg your pardon?
00:36:48 - Or your head, or anything?
00:36:50 Tell you one thing,
00:36:51 you sure do look like everything is in order.
00:36:54 See you in a minute, Tommy.
00:36:57 - Bye.
00:36:58 (footsteps thudding)
00:37:05 (dramatic music)
00:37:08 (train whistling)
00:37:11 (colonel yelling)
00:37:36 - What do you mean the colonel's wife ain't here?
00:37:39 - There wasn't nothing you could do, huh?
00:37:40 - Not a thing, just--
00:37:41 - Look, they took us, what's going on here?
00:37:44 Where's my wife?
00:37:45 You, stop, where's Mrs. Morgan?
00:37:47 - Sir, I got your wife's luggage and that's all.
00:37:50 Colonel, I just don't know how to tell you.
00:37:53 - Well, find a way, man, find a way, quickly.
00:37:55 - Well, sir, your wife was tooken at Apache Flats.
00:37:58 There was about a dozen of 'em, mostly Mexican.
00:38:00 But the leader, he were no mix.
00:38:02 - You have dark hair?
00:38:05 - And a dog.
00:38:05 - Brown eyes?
00:38:06 - Yep, and a dog.
00:38:07 - Tall and lean, was he?
00:38:08 - That's right, and he had a dog.
00:38:09 - Yes, and a dog.
00:38:10 - Baker.
00:38:13 - Baker.
00:38:15 Something big.
00:38:19 Bring this man to my office.
00:38:25 - Yes, sir.
00:38:33 (dramatic music)
00:38:36 - I'll make a deal with you.
00:38:59 You can hate me, but you can still drink my water.
00:39:03 On that basis, I'll do it.
00:39:04 - I don't have a disease.
00:39:07 - Neither do I, and it's gonna remain that way.
00:39:10 Will you answer one question for me?
00:39:16 - I got no secrets.
00:39:19 - Why am I here?
00:39:20 What do you intend to do with me?
00:39:22 - You want it straight out?
00:39:24 - Yes.
00:39:25 - I'm trading you to a man for a Gatlin gun.
00:39:32 I know it ain't right,
00:39:33 but no one's ever accused me of being good.
00:39:36 I got a clong.
00:39:37 I don't want you to think that I'm bragging,
00:39:39 but I've known a lot of women in my time.
00:39:42 I don't remember seeing one as beautiful as you.
00:39:45 And it's sure gonna hurt me to turn you over to him.
00:39:49 Don't you have any idea which way they went?
00:40:01 - Nope, I sure ain't, Colonel.
00:40:02 I ain't even got a notion which way they come.
00:40:05 They was just there.
00:40:06 - Just there.
00:40:07 Are you absolutely certain you didn't hear him say anything?
00:40:13 - I didn't say I didn't hear him say anything.
00:40:16 I said I didn't hear him say anything
00:40:17 about where he was going.
00:40:19 - And you did hear him say something?
00:40:21 - Sure did.
00:40:23 - Would you mind telling me what he said,
00:40:27 if it's not too much strain?
00:40:30 - He said?
00:40:31 - What?
00:40:32 - What'd he say?
00:40:33 - He asked Mrs. Morgan how her belly was.
00:40:36 - What?
00:40:38 - Then he give her a probe or two.
00:40:45 Seemed real pleased.
00:40:48 - Who seemed real pleased?
00:40:51 - Baker.
00:40:53 - Tyler!
00:40:54 We're taking your troop.
00:40:55 Issue three days' ration to the men.
00:40:56 - Yes, sir.
00:40:57 - We'll pick up their trail to Apache Flats.
00:40:58 Bookbinder!
00:40:59 - Yes, sir.
00:41:00 (dramatic music)
00:41:05 (dog barking)
00:41:14 (dramatic music)
00:41:17 (dramatic music)
00:41:20 (dramatic music)
00:41:22 - They rode out of here heading east, Colonel.
00:41:50 - I figure they're headed for the Guadalupe.
00:41:53 - They'll stay here the night.
00:41:55 Push out in the morning.
00:41:56 - Yes, sir.
00:41:56 - See the horses at corral, Captain.
00:42:00 - Yes, sir.
00:42:01 - At a walk!
00:42:02 Forward, halt!
00:42:03 - Colonel?
00:42:18 - I reckon I've heard about everything
00:42:19 there is to hear about Baker.
00:42:20 - Oh, I know you're worried about your lady,
00:42:23 but I ain't never yet heard tell of Baker hurting a woman.
00:42:27 - Bookbinder, there are things a man can do to a woman
00:42:32 without hurting her.
00:42:33 Vile, rude, disgraceful, undignified things.
00:42:37 Unspeakable things, Bookbinder.
00:42:39 - Yeah.
00:42:40 (horses galloping)
00:42:43 - Luis!
00:42:56 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:00 - Senor Baker, four wagon loads of whiskey
00:43:05 going to Lordsburg.
00:43:06 - Good.
00:43:07 (helicopter whirring)
00:43:10 (wind howling)
00:43:13 (helicopter whirring)
00:43:16 (wind howling)
00:43:19 (wind howling)
00:43:21 (wind howling)
00:43:24 (wind howling)
00:43:39 (wind howling)
00:43:42 (glass shattering)
00:44:04 (wind howling)
00:44:07 - You stay there, miss, and I'll get you a drink.
00:44:14 (wind howling)
00:44:16 (gentle music)
00:44:23 (dog whining)
00:44:28 - This is all well and good,
00:44:31 but it's not the big thing, is it?
00:44:33 - The Indians are gonna like this whiskey.
00:44:35 - Aye, they're men, are they not?
00:44:37 What kind of an answer is that, then?
00:44:38 - We're gonna need 'em for our big thing.
00:44:40 - Okay.
00:44:43 (laughing)
00:44:45 (gentle music)
00:44:48 (wind howling)
00:44:50 (dogs barking)
00:45:11 (men cheering)
00:45:13 - They love me.
00:45:33 (men cheering)
00:45:36 - Baker,
00:45:43 Jesus saves.
00:45:46 Amen.
00:45:47 Whiskey, good.
00:45:50 You bring sunshine.
00:45:53 So good welcome.
00:45:55 - I figured, Lankan.
00:45:57 - You good man, Baker.
00:45:59 You lovely man.
00:46:02 - Well, Chief, thank you.
00:46:04 But, um,
00:46:05 well, there's just one little thing.
00:46:08 - Lovely, lovely, lovely.
00:46:12 (humming)
00:46:14 (humming)
00:46:30 (humming)
00:46:32 - Hey, Pickens, I brung you a guest for supper.
00:46:43 - Yeah, I saw.
00:46:45 And I'm glad to see you finally found...
00:46:47 (laughing)
00:46:59 - Oh, I can't, I can't believe this.
00:47:02 (laughing)
00:47:03 - What's so funny about my taste in women?
00:47:07 - Is she the one?
00:47:07 (laughing)
00:47:09 - Well, what's wrong with her?
00:47:10 - Is she the one you got for Johnny Cobb?
00:47:13 - Yeah, what's wrong with her?
00:47:15 - Joe, don't you know who she is?
00:47:18 - Well, she told us some story about...
00:47:21 You mean, you don't mean...
00:47:25 (groaning)
00:47:28 - I don't suppose you'd like to talk about it.
00:47:33 - Just before they stand you
00:47:34 in front of my husband's firing squad,
00:47:37 I'll be happy to discuss it with you, Mr. Baker.
00:47:39 Now, will you please show me to my quarters?
00:47:44 - Show you to your quarters?
00:47:46 You sleep here?
00:47:48 - Indeed.
00:47:49 And where will you sleep?
00:47:50 - Beneath you.
00:47:51 - I prefer to sleep somewhere else, thank you.
00:47:54 - I prefer to sleep somewhere else.
00:47:57 You sleep here, I'll sleep beneath you,
00:47:58 and that's the way it's gonna be
00:47:59 until Cobb comes to collect you.
00:48:01 - Tommy, how does a good man like me
00:48:23 get into a mess like this?
00:48:24 - I'm sorry, Mrs. Morgan,
00:48:49 but we don't stock Lila water.
00:48:52 - You can't seriously expect
00:48:54 that I'm gonna bathe in that tub in this room.
00:48:57 - Well, except for the Fort at Dry Wells,
00:49:00 that's the only tub I know of for 100 miles.
00:49:02 - That isn't exactly what I meant, Mr. Baker.
00:49:05 I seriously doubt whether you've ever known one,
00:49:07 but I happen to be a lady.
00:49:09 - Is that a fact?
00:49:12 - That is most certainly a fact.
00:49:14 - Does that mean that you're put together
00:49:17 somehow different than any other woman?
00:49:19 - No, I'm not.
00:49:20 - You're somehow different than any other woman?
00:49:22 What I'm getting at is,
00:49:25 if I didn't know any other females,
00:49:27 then I wouldn't know what I was looking at, would I?
00:49:30 Would I?
00:49:31 But it just so happens I know other females,
00:49:35 and I know exactly what I'm looking at.
00:49:37 So it don't make no difference, does it?
00:49:39 Out here, we all bathe in the same water.
00:49:44 I usually go first, but I'm giving you that honor,
00:49:46 you being such a fine lady and all.
00:49:50 Now here's the way it works.
00:49:51 Tommy scrubs my back, I scrub Tommy's back.
00:49:54 Pickens scrub Louis' back, and Louis scrub Pickens' back.
00:49:58 That's the way it was until you come in
00:49:59 and messed up the whole organization.
00:50:01 Now we'll just have to rearrange it all.
00:50:03 And while you're here, Louis'll scrub your back,
00:50:09 and you'll scrub...
00:50:10 (gentle music)
00:50:15 (footsteps clacking)
00:50:18 - She's still in it.
00:50:22 - Where'd you meet her?
00:50:23 - I was in her husband's company during the war.
00:50:26 We rode together at Manassas.
00:50:27 I guess I'd still be a horse soldier
00:50:30 if I hadn't lost my leg.
00:50:32 - In the war?
00:50:33 - No.
00:50:35 See, there was this girl in Virginia,
00:50:37 and her father caught us, cut it off.
00:50:40 Chopped it clean off with an ax.
00:50:44 While I was sleeping.
00:50:46 - Really?
00:50:47 - Cross my heart.
00:50:48 - You're lucky it was only your leg.
00:50:52 I know what you're thinking.
00:51:14 You're thinking that somewhere out there,
00:51:15 your husband's looking for you.
00:51:17 - It's logical, isn't it?
00:51:21 - Very logical.
00:51:22 Why'd you make him live all those years alone?
00:51:26 - I can't think of any reason in the world
00:51:28 why I should answer a question like that from you.
00:51:30 - You don't have to talk to me at all.
00:51:32 What have you got to lose?
00:51:35 - That's one way of looking at it, I suppose.
00:51:39 - You don't seem as upset as I thought you'd be.
00:51:42 - If I don't, it's because I don't believe it.
00:51:46 Things like this don't happen.
00:51:49 Not to me.
00:51:50 - Nothing ever happened to me back in Pennsylvania either.
00:51:53 That's why I came out here.
00:51:55 All my life, I wanted to do something big.
00:51:58 Really big.
00:51:59 Now I can do it, but I need that Gatlin gun.
00:52:03 - And that's where I fit in.
00:52:05 - This is my first chance to do the big thing.
00:52:07 Maybe my last chance.
00:52:10 You wouldn't understand.
00:52:13 - I understood that my husband had to be cavalry,
00:52:16 had to be a horse soldier.
00:52:18 I never sympathized, but I understood.
00:52:21 I don't believe you.
00:52:24 I don't believe you're gonna trade me for a Gatlin gun.
00:52:28 - Why don't you believe me?
00:52:30 - Because I'm worth more than that.
00:52:33 Far more.
00:52:34 And you know it.
00:52:36 And you know it.
00:52:37 (fire crackling)
00:52:40, - Looks like they've been here, Colonel.
00:53:09 (fire crackling)
00:53:23 - Colonel, dog soldiers, send a word we're coming.
00:53:26 - Tyler.
00:53:35 - Sir.
00:53:39 - I'm going on alone, Captain.
00:53:40 You take the men back to dry wells.
00:53:43 - Well, sir, the men understand
00:53:44 they're more than willing to continue on.
00:53:45 - Yes, I'm certain they are.
00:53:47 This is a very personal matter.
00:53:49 It can endanger their lives.
00:53:50 - Begging the Colonel's pardon, but don't you consider--
00:53:53 - No, no, this is not an Indian matter, Captain.
00:53:55 Just take the men back to the fort.
00:53:58 - Yes, sir.
00:53:59 - Thank you.
00:54:02 I'm sending the men home, bookbinder.
00:54:07 If you would like to go with them,
00:54:08 it's all right with me, I understand.
00:54:10 - Ah, things is getting a little dull
00:54:12 back at the fort, Colonel.
00:54:13 I believe I'll just stay with you.
00:54:15 - Appreciate that.
00:54:16 (dramatic music)
00:54:33 - Woo, hip hop, on your horses.
00:54:37 (dramatic music)
00:54:40 (smooth jazz music)
00:54:47 (alarm ringing)
00:55:01 (dramatic music)
00:55:03 - Baker, you just get purtier and purtier.
00:55:30 - I sure am a lucky man.
00:55:32 Every time I come back here,
00:55:33 I half expect to see you two gone.
00:55:35 - Every time we think of leaving,
00:55:37 Polly finds another nugget.
00:55:39 - That's right.
00:55:40 We ain't got nothing but a cow and a hole in the ground.
00:55:43 - You might say we live from nipple to nugget.
00:55:47 - Come on down.
00:55:48 I got an itch that needs scratching.
00:55:50 - All right, Tuffy.
00:56:00 Hey you, why don't you plant some flowers
00:56:02 or something on your husband's grave?
00:56:05 - He didn't smell nice living.
00:56:07 Why should he smell nice dead?
00:56:08 - I'm speaking about respect.
00:56:12 - That's right, Baker.
00:56:13 And we got a lot of respect for you.
00:56:17 - Sure am hungry.
00:56:23 You got anything cooking?
00:56:24 (dramatic music)
00:56:29 (shouting)
00:56:33 (shouting)
00:56:35 (dramatic music)
00:57:03 - Why do you suppose the army
00:57:04 always picks uninhabitable places to settle?
00:57:07 - I don't know, ma'am, but it's a fact.
00:57:10 Oh, maybe I should tell you,
00:57:11 it's customary for all ladies to check into the fort
00:57:14 at the company office.
00:57:16 First building over there.
00:57:18 Send your baggage over.
00:57:19 (dramatic music)
00:57:22 (shouting)
00:57:30 (dramatic music)
00:57:33 - I'm looking for Baker.
00:57:54 - Everybody's looking for him, ma'am.
00:57:59 (footsteps)
00:58:02 - And why do you suppose they're doing that?
00:58:06 - Well, ma'am, I could give you a thousand reasons,
00:58:09 but particularly because he's got the colonel's wife.
00:58:13 - Does he?
00:58:14 Ah, well, I never knew Baker
00:58:15 when he didn't have some man's wife.
00:58:18 Aye, he follows the skirts like a dog
00:58:20 follows the scent of a fox.
00:58:23 - How is it you know him so well, ma'am?
00:58:25 - He's going to marry with me.
00:58:27 (footsteps)
00:58:29 - I am Miss Dover McBride, and I've come to get him.
00:58:32 (shouting)
00:58:34 - You laddie, tell me this, what we gonna do with her?
00:58:45 - I don't know, but she's right.
00:58:50 She's worth a hell of a lot more than that goddamn gun.
00:58:53 (horse whinnies)
00:58:54 You know something?
00:58:55 Cobb's cheating me.
00:58:56 - Aye.
00:58:59 If only she weren't the cavalry colonel's wife, eh?
00:59:01 - That's not it, it's her.
00:59:03 It's all her.
00:59:04 She makes me wonder.
00:59:05 - About what?
00:59:06 - Now, what do you think?
00:59:08 - Look, you're gonna have to make a decision.
00:59:10 Cobb's gonna be along any day with the big gun.
00:59:13 - I know.
00:59:14 - What you gonna tell him when he comes?
00:59:15 - I don't know.
00:59:16 - If she's still here, he's gonna see her.
00:59:19 - I know.
00:59:20 Look, I got the colonel's wife.
00:59:25 Dover's coming to get me.
00:59:27 Cobb's coming with the big gun.
00:59:29 It's getting hard to keep things straight in my mind.
00:59:32 - Have you considered taking her back then?
00:59:37 - You know, I'm getting a terrible pain in my head, Tommy.
00:59:42 Would you mind just shutting up?
00:59:44 - Look, if you take her back, you'll have nothing for Cobb.
00:59:48 If you give it to Cobb,
00:59:50 we'll have the whole US cavalry against us.
00:59:52 Now, personally, I prefer Cobb.
00:59:54 I'm just trying to be helpful, you understand?
00:59:55 - Well, you're not being helpful, Tommy.
00:59:57 You're making me sick.
00:59:58 - Aye.
01:00:00 (dramatic music)
01:00:04 (sighs)
01:00:06 (dramatic music)
01:00:09 (dramatic music)
01:00:12 (dramatic music)
01:00:15 (dramatic music)
01:00:27 (dramatic music)
01:00:30 (dramatic music)
01:00:45 (gun fires)
01:00:54 - Count it.
01:00:55 (gun fires)
01:00:58 - Not enough.
01:00:59 - Well, now, why don't you try counting it, Malachi?
01:01:08 - I know how much it is, not enough.
01:01:11 - You know how much it is,
01:01:12 then you know it's what we agreed on in Duke of Macquarie.
01:01:15 - This ain't Duke of Macquarie.
01:01:19 - Say what you gotta say.
01:01:23 I'm in a hurry.
01:01:25 - Words in Tookham carry ain't money in El Paso.
01:01:27 Cost me more than I thought for the big gun.
01:01:31 Come too far, risk too much, take a loss.
01:01:35 - How much more?
01:01:36 - Half again as much.
01:01:40 - You must think my mama raised a fool.
01:01:43 - Half again as much, Cobb.
01:01:46 Take it or leave it.
01:01:50 (gun fires)
01:01:52 (dramatic music)
01:01:55 - He eat like a pig.
01:01:58 - Buenos tardes.
01:02:07 - Oh, mi amigo.
01:02:10 Tequila or whiskey?
01:02:13 - Whiskey.
01:02:14 - What do you have to eat, sir?
01:02:15 - Well, I got goat, billy, or nanny.
01:02:17 - Nevermind.
01:02:18 Do you have anything else?
01:02:20 - Horse.
01:02:22 - I would have some of the goat and whiskey.
01:02:25 - Thank you.
01:02:26 - Me too.
01:02:27 (horse neighs)
01:02:33 - Ah, there we are.
01:02:36 Muchas gracias.
01:02:37 Mr. Bookbinder here tells me
01:02:40 you're acquainted with a man by the name of Baker.
01:02:43 Is that right?
01:02:44 - Oh, si, si.
01:02:45 Your Baker's a good friend of mine.
01:02:47 Very close.
01:02:48 - Very good.
01:02:49 See, Bookbinder, when I tell you,
01:02:51 after not a hand of these people,
01:02:53 treat them nicely, decently, speak to them quietly,
01:02:55 and there's no end to what you can find out.
01:02:58 Now then, has he been around to see you lately, Baker?
01:03:03 - I don't remember when was the last time.
01:03:05 - Where does he live, Revere?
01:03:09 - No se.
01:03:10 - How many hombres ride with him?
01:03:15 - I don't know.
01:03:17 - I thought you said he was a good friend of yours.
01:03:19 - Si, mucho, mucho, mucho.
01:03:21 Very good friend.
01:03:23 - Ah, si.
01:03:24 Well, thank you very much.
01:03:26 You've been most helpful.
01:03:28 - Gracias.
01:03:30 - Plum fully information, ain't he?
01:03:34 (gunshots)
01:03:38 - What a sight.
01:03:49 I miss McCall and I should have been a general.
01:03:52 - Have you made any decision regarding the colonel's lady?
01:03:55 - You gonna start that again?
01:03:56 - You haven't got much time, Baker.
01:03:58 (gunshots)
01:04:00 - You got me into this.
01:04:05 - I got you into it?
01:04:06 - Ah, you're the one that said I should give Johnny Cobb
01:04:08 the kind of woman I'd expect him to give to me.
01:04:10 - Och aye, but I didn't promise him any kind of a woman.
01:04:13 I never spoke to Cobb, you did,
01:04:14 and you best not be forgetting it either.
01:04:16 (gunshots)
01:04:19 - Why do you suppose a man's supposed to love only one woman?
01:04:23 - It's the Lord's ruling.
01:04:24 - You know something, Tommy?
01:04:26 If she wasn't the colonel's lady,
01:04:28 and if it wasn't for Dover,
01:04:30 and if she was willing, which she naturally would be,
01:04:33 I mean, me being me and all,
01:04:35 I'd keep her for myself.
01:04:37 - And what about the big gun?
01:04:40 - We'd take that away from Cobb.
01:04:42 He's nothing but a thief and a robber.
01:04:44 He'll understand.
01:04:45 (gunshots)
01:04:47 (gunshot)
01:04:49 - Harry!
01:05:02 Harry!
01:05:05 Two men coming.
01:05:08 (dramatic music)
01:05:10 - Good evening, ma'am.
01:05:31 I'm Colonel Morgan, commanding officer of the--
01:05:33 - Come on in.
01:05:34 You don't want to wait out here.
01:05:36 - Yes, ma'am.
01:05:37 No, ma'am, thank you.
01:05:38 - You can come in too, mister.
01:05:40 - Thank you, ma'am.
01:05:41 - Evening.
01:05:45 - I'm Polly Standoff.
01:05:48 This here's my sister, Carrie.
01:05:51 - How do you do?
01:05:52 Ladies, we're looking for a man named Baker.
01:05:54 Would either of you happen to know him?
01:05:56 - Know him?
01:06:02 He come through here last year like a dose of salts.
01:06:05 He didn't even take his boots off.
01:06:07 - Yes.
01:06:09 Do you know where we could find him?
01:06:12 - Wherever it is, it's soft and warm.
01:06:15 - Why don't you sit down?
01:06:21 Make yourselves at home.
01:06:22 - Oh, no, thank you very much.
01:06:24 We'd be most appreciative if you'd allow us
01:06:27 to sleep in your shed tonight.
01:06:29 - What's in the shed?
01:06:31 - I beg your pardon?
01:06:34 - There ain't nothing in the shed for you.
01:06:36 You come right over here.
01:06:42 Sit down.
01:06:43 - Oh, thank you.
01:06:45 Thank you very much.
01:06:48 - I just love soldiers.
01:07:02 - Thank you.
01:07:04 - Sailors, too.
01:07:05 But I lean more to soldiers.
01:07:10 - Well, that's very kind of you, ma'am.
01:07:12 And it's always good to be appreciated.
01:07:15 You know, I, uh, I always felt that if more civilians
01:07:20 felt the way you do, I believe if more civilians felt
01:07:26 the way you--
01:07:27 - You don't really wanna spend the night
01:07:28 in that old shed, do you?
01:07:30 It's so cold and dirty out there.
01:07:32 - Well, I've become accustomed to sleeping in the dirt
01:07:36 and the cold and the heat.
01:07:39 Welcome to my military career.
01:07:40 Where do you think you're going?
01:07:42 - I'm not just gonna go out and get a little fresh air.
01:07:45 - No, you're staying right here, bookbinder.
01:07:47 - But, uh, look, Colonel, I--
01:07:49 - Sit down, bookbinder.
01:07:51 Sit down, it's an order.
01:07:52 Now, we're staying in this room together,
01:07:57 and when we leave, we are leaving together.
01:07:59 Is that understood?
01:08:00 As a matter of fact, we're leaving now.
01:08:02 So please, we get an early start.
01:08:05 I'll see you here.
01:08:07 Now, look, you two, I appreciate the food
01:08:11 and the hospitality very much,
01:08:12 but there is a limit to what you can expect of a guest.
01:08:15 - You ain't no guest, honey, you're supper.
01:08:17 - What?
01:08:18 - You take a turn, Polly,
01:08:19 and then you can hold the gun for me.
01:08:21 (Polly whimpers)
01:08:23 - I just love soldiers.
01:08:28 (Polly chuckles)
01:08:30 (trumpet music)
01:08:38 (trumpet music)
01:08:41 - Dismiss the troop, Corporal.
01:09:03 - Company, dismissed!
01:09:05 - Dismissed!
01:09:06 - Sir, am I glad to see you, sir.
01:09:15 - What's the problem, Fitzsimons?
01:09:16 - Well, sir, it's a woman.
01:09:18 - A what?
01:09:19 - If you don't mind my saying so, sir,
01:09:21 she's quite beautiful.
01:09:22 - Well, what's she doing here?
01:09:24 - She's looking for Baker, sir.
01:09:26 - Looking for Baker?
01:09:27 Where is she?
01:09:28 - Well, sir, I had to billet her in the colonel's quarters.
01:09:31 - You did what?
01:09:33 - Well, sir, I couldn't very well put her
01:09:35 in the enlisted man's barracks, could I?
01:09:37 (knocking)
01:09:50 - Oh.
01:09:57 Good evening, ma'am.
01:09:59 I'm Captain Tyler, Colonel Morgan's adjutant.
01:10:02 Sergeant Fitzsimons said--
01:10:03 - Tell me what Sergeant Fitzsimons said I said,
01:10:05 and then I'll tell you what I said.
01:10:08 - Yes, ma'am.
01:10:09 Well, Sergeant Fitzsimons said--
01:10:10 - I'm surprised that your army has an Irishman
01:10:12 in such a position of authority,
01:10:14 for you can never rely on one of them for the truth.
01:10:17 - He said you--
01:10:18 - It's drinking they do best,
01:10:19 and fighting and blaspheming,
01:10:21 and telling outrageous stories,
01:10:23 the likes of which you've never heard of
01:10:25 in your born days.
01:10:26 - He said--
01:10:27 - I, the Irishman with tears in his eyes,
01:10:30 will tell you that every word passing his lips is the truth.
01:10:34 - Yes, ma'am.
01:10:35 Well, he said that you, uh,
01:10:37 that you came to get--
01:10:39 - To get Baker?
01:10:40 Aye, I have that.
01:10:42 - Well, what are your plans, ma'am?
01:10:43 I mean, how do you propose to find him?
01:10:46 - I'm here.
01:10:50 He'll know.
01:10:52 (upbeat music)
01:10:57 (people chattering)
01:11:00 (upbeat music)
01:11:03 (people chattering)
01:11:06 (people chattering)
01:11:17 (people chattering)
01:11:26 (upbeat music)
01:11:29 (people chattering)
01:11:32 (upbeat music)
01:11:39 (people chattering)
01:11:54 (people chattering)
01:11:57 - They're having a good time.
01:12:02 - Yes, I know.
01:12:04 I've seen that kind of good time before,
01:12:07 many times, in the cavalry.
01:12:09 Always before they go out,
01:12:11 when there's a possibility they may not come back.
01:12:14 The Indians do it too, I hear.
01:12:16 (people chattering)
01:12:19 - I'm not giving you to Johnny Cobb.
01:12:23 - Why aren't you?
01:12:24 - Straight out?
01:12:26 - Straight out.
01:12:28 - You were right.
01:12:30 You are worth more than the gun.
01:12:33 - Isn't there another reason?
01:12:36 - If there was, why should it interest you?
01:12:40 - A woman is always interested
01:12:42 in a man's reason for changing his mind about him.
01:12:45 (people chattering)
01:12:52 - You ask me why I've made my husband
01:12:54 live alone all these years.
01:12:56 Well, we've had a month together
01:12:59 out of every one of those years.
01:13:01 And in each of those months, we lived a year.
01:13:05 Each time he took his leave, it was always new.
01:13:10 Each time we've been together, it's been new.
01:13:14 It was falling in love all over again, year after year.
01:13:21 I was always ready for him and always wanted him.
01:13:26 Do you think I would have meant the same thing to him
01:13:29 if I'd lived all those years with him in the desert,
01:13:33 in the heat, on the dirt?
01:13:35 A cold, barren woman, your friend said of me.
01:13:41 No, because you see, my bed is a rose garden.
01:13:50 (gentle music)
01:13:53 I can tell you now the real reason
01:13:56 I'm not giving you to Johnny Cobb.
01:13:58 I can't have you, why should he?
01:14:03 (birds chirping)
01:14:09 - Oh. - Oh?
01:14:15 (gentle music)
01:14:19 (birds chirping)
01:14:22 (gentle music)
01:14:38 (Johnny grunts)
01:14:47 - Bookbinder.
01:14:49 Pre the word of this to a living soul and you're a dead man.
01:14:58 (gentle music)
01:15:14 - Wake up, come on Joe, wake up.
01:15:17 Your future wife is here.
01:15:20 - Oh, where?
01:15:22 - The fort at Dry Wells.
01:15:25 - How do you know?
01:15:27 - It's true.
01:15:38 White squaw come, far land.
01:15:43 White man, stage bring.
01:15:46 - What makes him think it's Dover?
01:15:49 He heard her talking to a sergeant.
01:15:51 - Blue code.
01:15:52 White woman, Dover, Dover.
01:15:57 - Dover, it's true then.
01:16:00 Right.
01:16:01 - Hmm.
01:16:02 Baker, good friend.
01:16:12 (birds chirping)
01:16:15 You better go get her.
01:16:16 I'll meet you at Potter's Mesa.
01:16:19 (dog barking)
01:16:23 (dramatic music)
01:16:26 (tires screeching)
01:16:31 (tires screeching)
01:16:40 (footsteps)
01:16:43 - Well, Mr. Cobb, we haven't had the pleasure
01:16:47 of seeing you around the fort lately.
01:16:49 Been off on an ocean voyage, have you?
01:16:51 - Ain't no enormous business where I've been.
01:16:54 I wanted in this here territory.
01:16:56 - No, you're not wanted for anything in this territory yet, Mr. Cobb.
01:16:59 However, we always have high hopes
01:17:01 of doing business with you in the future.
01:17:03 You too, Mr. Moon.
01:17:05 Now, do you mind if I ask what you're hauling there?
01:17:08 - None of your business.
01:17:10 - Not true, Mr. Cobb.
01:17:13 Why, well, there could be rifles for the Apaches,
01:17:18 whiskey,
01:17:19 any manner of things.
01:17:24 Whose horses are these?
01:17:27 - The one there is Mr. Moon's.
01:17:29 The other is mine.
01:17:31 I bought 'em.
01:17:32 - Who from?
01:17:33 - What difference does it make?
01:17:35 - I asked, Mr. Cobb.
01:17:36 That's the difference.
01:17:38 - I bought 'em from a man named Malachi Morton.
01:17:41 - Mr. Morton sold you the saddle and the saddlebags and all, did he?
01:17:47 - Yeah, that's right.
01:17:49 - Well,
01:17:54 sold you his rager too.
01:18:04 Looks like Mr. Morton went out of business permanently, didn't he?
01:18:08 - Well, then.
01:18:09 I wouldn't do that if I was you.
01:18:14 - I just knew deep in my heart
01:18:19 we'd be doing business together one of these days.
01:18:22 - I didn't steal that there big gun.
01:18:24 Bought it from Mr. Morton.
01:18:26 - Now, a Gatling gun disappeared from the Federal Arsenal in El Paso four weeks ago.
01:18:31 I figure that one's it.
01:18:32 What do you figure?
01:18:34 - I didn't take it.
01:18:35 - That's not the point, Mr. Cobb.
01:18:37 The point is that you got it.
01:18:39 And I figure you and Mr. Moon here for 10 to 20 years in federal prison.
01:18:45 Now, of course, I could just take the gun from you
01:18:50 and look the other way while you two ride off into the sunset.
01:18:54 - What are you getting at?
01:18:56 - I'm trying to find a man named Baker.
01:19:00 I figure if there's anybody in the territory who can help me, it's you.
01:19:05 - Why should I?
01:19:06 - 10 to 20, Mr. Cobb.
01:19:09 - Miss Dover McBride?
01:19:21 - Aye.
01:19:22 - Baker sent me.
01:19:25 [♪♪♪]
01:19:28 - Whoa, yo!
01:19:42 - Oh!
01:19:43 - I'm a sweet and loving brother of Tommy,
01:20:00 who's looking after my interests in the West.
01:20:03 Oh, you're a truly dependable sort, Tommy.
01:20:06 And how's your health, Baker?
01:20:10 - Glad to see you, Dover.
01:20:12 - Are you now?
01:20:13 Years ago, when I was but a wee lassie in Scotland,
01:20:21 the Americans came to town with a traveling circus.
01:20:25 They called it the Great Big Western Show.
01:20:28 It was all make-believe.
01:20:38 - Just like you, Baker.
01:20:40 With your gun on your hip and the devil in your heart.
01:20:43 - You're not being fair to me, Dover.
01:20:45 I don't have the devil in my heart.
01:20:47 - Do you have me in your heart, then?
01:20:49 - You're the only woman I ever think about.
01:20:52 - Oh, if I believed that,
01:20:54 the United States government should ship me back to Scotland as an undesirable
01:20:58 due to mental incompetence.
01:21:00 - Do you really believe I could ever look at another woman?
01:21:04 - I wasn't thinking about your looking, Baker.
01:21:06 I was thinking about your touching and your kissing and your hugging.
01:21:10 - Men get fair hearings at a crooked poker game than they get from you.
01:21:14 - I've missed you, Baker.
01:21:20 I've missed you because I love you.
01:21:23 Are you gonna marry with me or are you not?
01:21:26 - Of course I am, Dover, but my men, they look to me and depend on me.
01:21:30 - Aye.
01:21:31 I've no doubt they look to you, Baker.
01:21:33 And depend on you, too.
01:21:35 They look to you as the embodiment of their own heathen ways
01:21:38 and depend on you for the hair of the dog that bit them.
01:21:41 Aye, pack up, Baker.
01:21:45 For if you intend to marry with me, it's back to the land that spawned you.
01:21:49 I couldn't say no to you doing something big in your life.
01:21:53 But I have a life, too.
01:21:55 And you'd best be remembering it.
01:21:57 You're not make-believe, lad.
01:22:09 You're not the great big Western show.
01:22:12 And with another brother like you, Tommy, I'd be out of the business as a woman.
01:22:25 - Aye.
01:22:27 One more week or else.
01:22:30 Or else what?
01:22:41 If you didn't make arrangements to join me in a week,
01:22:45 I'll be returning to Pittsburgh and making my bed with Angus McNamara.
01:22:50 Angus McNamara?
01:22:52 Aye.
01:22:53 You wouldn't do that to me. You wouldn't shame me like that.
01:22:56 You've been away a long time, Baker.
01:22:59 I'm a woman with a woman's feelings and a woman's desires.
01:23:03 One more week and no more.
01:23:06 Or it's back to Angus McNamara, that wee small nut of a man from Pittsburgh.
01:23:11 What a cruel woman she is.
01:23:14 Come on.
01:23:16 What a cruel woman she is.
01:23:40 What is it you want with Baker?
01:23:43 He's got something that belongs to me.
01:23:48 And you want it back, huh?
01:23:50 Yes, I want it back.
01:23:53 It must be valuable.
01:23:56 It is.
01:23:58 He steal it?
01:24:00 That's right.
01:24:02 There it is.
01:24:07 That's where you're gonna find him.
01:24:10 All right, Cobb, a deal's a deal.
01:24:14 You and Moon can go now.
01:24:16 Well, now, if it's all the same to you, we'll just tag along.
01:24:20 No, I don't need you anymore, Cobb. I don't want you.
01:24:24 Baker's got something for me, Morgan.
01:24:26 As soon as I get it, I'll leave.
01:24:29 You were heading for there all the time, weren't you?
01:24:34 Bringing him the gun?
01:24:37 Now, what does he want with a Gatling gun?
01:24:39 I never asked him. None of my business.
01:24:44 Of course, if I was to make a guess, I'd say he was planning something big.
01:24:51 Yeah? Something mighty big.
01:24:55 [♪♪♪]
01:24:58 Señor McBride.
01:25:19 [♪♪♪]
01:25:22 Look.
01:25:29 Baker, the big gun, it's coming, and--
01:25:38 Louise, the big gun's here.
01:25:40 Now, you give Cobb and Moon every chance to leave and no bloodshed
01:25:43 and get somebody to get our Indian friends.
01:25:46 You're gonna give me time to finish, laddie?
01:25:49 Carol, no, Morgan and Jesse's William.
01:25:51 - What? - Aye.
01:25:52 It's all happening at once. What do we do now?
01:25:55 Mr. Baker. Mr. Baker.
01:25:57 Any minute now, my husband is gonna come riding over that hill.
01:26:00 All my female instincts want to rush into his arms, but I won't.
01:26:04 Not only because of the horrible mess you're in,
01:26:07 but because of you and the way you've treated me.
01:26:10 Like a lady.
01:26:12 I want you to have that something big.
01:26:14 So I'll just go inside while you settle it with Mr. Cobb.
01:26:17 But please, please be careful.
01:26:21 Is the devil demanding his due, laddie?
01:26:36 I've been thinking about you, Colonel.
01:26:43 Have you? I've been thinking about you, too, Baker.
01:26:47 I've been thinking about you for days and days.
01:26:58 Yeah, well, I was just telling Tommy here...
01:27:00 Now, hold on, Colonel. It was all a mistake. Now, if I'd known...
01:27:05 Wait. Now, you see, if you're gonna fight, I don't want to fight...
01:27:12 Get out of the way.
01:27:14 Yes, sir.
01:27:15 Oh, Colonel, don't hit him again. Let's talk about it.
01:27:18 Oh, Marianna.
01:27:25 Donald.
01:27:26 Oh, you look lovely.
01:27:28 What are you doing with that dog?
01:27:30 Whose dog is that?
01:27:32 Mine.
01:27:37 Sorry.
01:27:39 She hasn't been touched. Nobody laid a hand on her.
01:27:46 I was planning on bringing her to you. Ask if you don't believe me.
01:27:55 That's enough. Do you hear me? Enough. You're both just alike.
01:28:05 Has he taken advantage of you?
01:28:07 No. He was gonna bring me to you.
01:28:10 You got that there woman for me? His wife?
01:28:20 What are you gonna give my wife to him?
01:28:22 Look, Colonel, me and you, we don't have to fight again, do we?
01:28:25 Yep.
01:28:26 Donald.
01:28:27 Baker! You and me, we got a deal.
01:28:30 Big gun for a woman.
01:28:32 I don't get the woman. You don't get the big gun.
01:28:36 Louise.
01:28:41 I got 20 guns and they're all aimed at you.
01:28:49 So that ends your argument. The big gun's mine.
01:28:51 No. Hold on a minute. The gun is federal property. You can't have it.
01:28:55 Let him have it.
01:28:56 Let him have it. It's government property. I'm a Colonel of the Cavalry.
01:28:59 No, you're not.
01:29:00 What?
01:29:01 You retired two days ago. You have nothing to say about that gun.
01:29:05 Let him have it.
01:29:07 Get off my wagon.
01:29:22 Get off my wagon.
01:29:50 All right, men. We ride.
01:29:53 Yeah!
01:30:14 Yeah!
01:30:16 Yeah!
01:30:45 Excuse me, I'll just be a moment.
01:30:48 Where are you going, Cobb?
01:31:00 There's about as far away from here as I can get.
01:31:04 I gotta have a woman.
01:31:06 What about your friend there? You wanna bury him?
01:31:09 No.
01:31:11 Maybe something will come out of the hills tonight and drag him off.
01:31:16 All I wanted was a woman.
01:31:20 Cobb.
01:31:32 It just happens that we know about a couple of women.
01:31:40 On this side?
01:31:41 No, they're just over the border.
01:31:44 Now, that don't help me an awful lot, does it?
01:31:48 Well, I just thought I'd let you know.
01:31:52 [♪♪♪]
01:31:55 What are you sitting out here for, mister?
01:32:17 I can't cross that there line. Everybody wants to kill me.
01:32:22 There's a price on my head.
01:32:25 [♪♪♪]
01:32:31 Whoa!
01:32:39 [♪♪♪]
01:32:43 [♪♪♪]
01:32:46 [♪♪♪]
01:32:49 [♪♪♪]
01:32:52 [♪♪♪]
01:33:11 [♪♪♪]
01:33:14 [♪♪♪]
01:33:32 [♪♪♪]
01:33:35 [horse whinnies]
01:33:57 [horse snorts]
01:34:00 [horse snorts]
01:34:07 [horse snorts]
01:34:25 [horse snorts]
01:34:28 Wait here.
01:34:42 [♪♪♪]
01:34:47 [♪♪♪]
01:35:14 What do you make of it, lad?
01:35:16 Where are they?
01:35:18 I do not know.
01:35:20 You better find them, Lois, 'cause I'm about to get mad.
01:35:23 [speaking Spanish]
01:35:31 [speaking Spanish]
01:35:37 [speaking Spanish]
01:35:41 [speaking Spanish]
01:35:44 [speaking Spanish]
01:36:03 [speaking Spanish]
01:36:31 Tell me, you're not Emilio Estevez.
01:36:34 I am brother Emilio Estevez.
01:36:37 Biggest bandit in Mexico?
01:36:39 [laughs] No. Those days are gone.
01:36:43 Those days are over, praise God.
01:36:45 Over?
01:36:47 I was once a man of great evil and walked in the shadows of wickedness.
01:36:52 But God, in his infinite mercy, found me and delivered me into the garden of heaven.
01:36:59 Then there's no treasure?
01:37:02 See the lilies in the field, how they grow.
01:37:05 They neither toil nor spin.
01:37:07 But even Sullivan, in all his glory, was never clothed like one of these.
01:37:12 This is our treasure, brother.
01:37:27 We share it with you.
01:37:30 Now.
01:37:38 Now!
01:37:41 [gunshots]
01:37:43 [gunshots]
01:37:46 [dog barking]
01:37:52 [gunshots]
01:37:56 [gunshots]
01:37:59 [gunshots]
01:38:02 [gunshots]
01:38:10 [dog barking]
01:38:19 [gunshots]
01:38:25 [gunshots]
01:38:28 Let's get out of here!
01:38:36 [gunshots]
01:38:39 What kind of a mess are we in now?
01:38:53 I don't know, but I wish I was back in the army.
01:38:56 [gunshots]
01:38:59 Here come your Indians!
01:39:11 [gunshots]
01:39:14 [gunshots]
01:39:17 This is all right, because here in the gum down there...
01:39:28 [gunshots]
01:39:41 Hey, they're leaving us!
01:39:44 [gunshots]
01:39:48 Where are they going?
01:39:54 They've used up your whiskey!
01:39:57 Get in between them and head us out of here!
01:40:03 [shouting]
01:40:06 Here he comes! Here comes the gun!
01:40:10 [gunshots]
01:40:14 [gunshots]
01:40:18 [gunshots]
01:40:21 [gunshots]
01:40:50 [gunshots]
01:41:17 We've done it! We've done it!
01:41:20 Baker! Baker!
01:41:23 We did it, laddie! We did it!
01:41:29 The gold! Where's the gold?
01:41:33 Where else?
01:41:39 [music]
01:41:42 There go the last of them.
01:41:53 [dog barks]
01:42:07 [gunshot]
01:42:10 [gunshot]
01:42:34 [door opens]
01:42:37 Here it is, men.
01:42:42 Oh!
01:42:46 [cheering]
01:42:52 [chanting]
01:43:02 [chanting]
01:43:05 Now pack up, Baker.
01:43:17 For if you intend to marry with me, it's back you go now to the land that spawned you.
01:43:22 I couldn't have said no to you doing something big in your life.
01:43:26 But I have a life too, and you best be remembering it now.
01:43:31 You're not make-believe, lad.
01:43:34 You're not the great big Western show.
01:43:38 [music]
01:43:41 [music]
01:43:44 No regrets?
01:44:00 Oh, no regrets, laddie. I know it's not the end, you know. It's beginning.
01:44:05 Remember what I wrote you last year when I was missing you so badly?
01:44:09 You said you would give your boots and saddle to spend one night with me.
01:44:13 Shh. Well, I don't have a boots and saddle any longer.
01:44:17 But all your nights.
01:44:20 Prepare!
01:44:25 Ho!
01:44:28 [music]
01:44:31 [music]
01:44:34 Thanks for my share, Joe.
01:44:51 Hold ranks!
01:44:57 Ho!
01:44:59 You're a fine big man there, Mrs. Morgan.
01:45:03 I think we're both fortunate, Miss McBride.
01:45:06 Aye, we are that.
01:45:09 Mind your step, will you?
01:45:21 I'll be with you in a moment.
01:45:24 Now, Tessie, my replacement will be here before long. He's unfamiliar with the territory of it.
01:45:29 I'm sure with your able assistance I'll...
01:45:31 I'll do everything I can to help him, Colonel.
01:45:33 Yes, I'm sure you will.
01:45:36 God help him.
01:45:37 Now, Sergeant, that's for you.
01:45:40 You drink it in good health and may you be in heaven half hour before the devil knows you're there.
01:45:46 Goodbye, Sergeant.
01:45:47 Sir, I...
01:45:49 Here, here.
01:45:50 Get a grip on yourself, man.
01:45:54 Been in the Army too long, Sergeant. Entirely too long.
01:45:58 Corporal, two to the left!
01:46:01 Forward, ho!
01:46:11 I'm still gonna write that letter!
01:46:22 You'll just see if I don't!
01:46:25 Finest light cavalry in the world.
01:47:04 ♪ Like a grinner saying that wants to be a Rolling Stone ♪
01:47:09 ♪ I want to be the man I'm not ♪
01:47:12 ♪ And have the things I really haven't got ♪
01:47:17 ♪ And that's a lot ♪
01:47:22 ♪ Something big is what I'm after now ♪
01:47:26 It was a dark day I humbled my poor body to you, you great ape.
01:47:35 I love him.
01:47:39 ♪ W, J, M, W, F, something big is what I'm after now ♪
01:47:45 ♪ Yes, it's what I'm after now ♪
01:47:48 ♪ F, J, J, M, M, something big is what I'm living for ♪
01:47:56 ♪ Yes, it's what I'm living for ♪
01:48:00 ♪ Living for ♪
01:48:03 ♪ After, take it, take up, give it, something big is what I'm living for ♪
01:48:13 ♪ Yes, it's what I'm living for ♪
01:48:17 ♪ Living for ♪
01:48:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:48:23 (upbeat music)
