Après les story, les notes et les canaux de diffusion, le réseau nous dévoile sa dernière mise à jour. Obligé vous allez tous mettre vos publis en mode amis proche que pour votre crush #miseajour #amisproches
00:00 We can put our posts on Insta as close friends
00:02 Yes, Insta has launched a new update
00:05 After the notes and the channels, now it's time for the posts
00:08 You could already put your stories in private
00:10 By the way, be careful who you put in your close friends
00:12 Hi Provence
00:13 Now it's the posts you can put in private
00:15 Let's watch the tutorial
00:16 Well, it's the same principle as putting your account in private
00:23 So we didn't really understand what it's for
00:25 But the update to know how long your crush has kept you in sight
00:27 That's convenient
00:28 Subscribe if you're the kind of person who only puts his crush on close friends.