• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi! Yes this look is happening
00:04 today! I really enjoyed the books and am so
00:08 in love with what I've seen from the movie so far. So if you
00:12 are not into this, I mean that's ok. The themes in the story
00:16 are one thing, but this is just a makeup tutorial.
00:20 So as you can see our first step is to apply
00:24 moisturizer so that our foundation application is just
00:28 better in general. I'm dotting the Makeup Forever HD foundation
00:32 all over my face and then bringing it down onto my neck as
00:36 well. Now this is a little warm for me right now.
00:40 But it's just not feasible for me to go ahead and purchase
00:44 this high end foundation in every shade that I am throughout
00:48 the year. So I just gotta work with what I have and that's why I'm blending it
00:52 down my neck and using that damp beauty blender to
00:56 help me do so. I'm using this foundation specifically because it is the one
01:00 in my collection that once applied it looks the most like skin
01:04 and not like the whole cake face seal, which nobody wants
01:08 and it's not cute. So with some concealer we're just gonna go in
01:12 and apply that under both eyes. Right? I mean
01:16 can you imagine just applying it under one? Then I'm also gonna
01:20 dab some on my nose and chin cause I'm a woman and
01:24 I get a little bit of redness there. So if you do as well, then this might be something
01:28 you might want to consider. So I'm gonna use my
01:32 finger for this. I mean feel free to use a brush, but I just feel like the warmth of my
01:36 finger is the best way to actually push this into my skin.
01:40 But it's entirely up to you. So once we've done that
01:45 we're going to go in with our beauty blender just to blend everything
01:49 out and make it look a little bit more blended.
01:53 Now blush. This is like big time guys. Ok so with any rosy
01:57 blush color just go in and apply that to the apples of the cheeks. I'm bringing
02:01 it towards the hairline as well and I'm also going to bring
02:05 that on the jawline just to make it look like blood coming from
02:09 under the skin. You know get that flushed look. At least that's what Victoria
02:13 Down did on the set of 50 Shades of Grey.
02:17 So I'm gonna take her advice, you know what I'm saying?
02:21 My inspo pick is of her and Christian in the coffee shop.
02:25 And she doesn't look like she has a contour, but my face shape is a little bit
02:29 different so I'm gonna have to go in with a contour and blend that with
02:33 my blush together. And with that same shade that's
02:37 two shades darker than my skin tone I'm going to run that along either side of my nose.
02:41 Feel free to do that as well if you need to elongate your nose and
02:45 make it look like Dakota Johnson's. And then use our fingers to blend
02:49 that out. And now with some shadow find any taupe shade
02:53 like greyish taupe shade and we're going to apply that to the lid and in the crease.
02:57 This grey shade was in the Makeup Forever Give Into Me set, but you can use anything that you
03:01 have and you can go deeper with the color in the crease to give it a little bit more
03:05 dimension. And you're gonna want to drag that on the lower lash line
03:09 as well. And matte shades are just like a really big deal for hooded eyelid
03:13 people because they just sink the hood in versus
03:17 like highlight them. You know what I'm saying? So shimmery shades are like not the best unless
03:22 you're applying them to the inner corner like I am here to just brighten
03:26 things and make everything look a little bit more bigger. Now with some
03:30 mascara. This is the Smoky Extravagant Mascara from
03:34 Makeup Forever. She once again is not wearing mascara in my inspo pick,
03:38 but I just cannot help myself. Like one or two coats I mean
03:42 I just really can't help myself. Then
03:46 we're gonna go ahead and define those brows. I'm just using a
03:50 brown eyeshadow and working from the mid to the end of my brow.
03:54 Give a little bit of head shake sass and now we're moving along
03:58 to lips. This is the Rouge Artist Natural Color from Makeup Forever
04:02 and just smack that on the lips.
04:06 That's our look for today. So thank you guys so much for watching and for being here.
04:10 Feel free to click my face in the corner above to subscribe for more content
04:14 me and I will see you guys in my next video!
