• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “La Cabot è un mondo multistakeholder che porta avanti un dialogo fra culture per far conoscere Roma e l’Italia alla comunità internazionale. I nostri studenti sono in contatto con il mondo no profit e aziende. Un modo, questo, per far viaggiare sugli stessi binari istruzione, lavoro e mondo esterno per permettere agli studenti di sviluppare le competenze necessarie per lavorare”. Così la Direttrice del Centro di Alta Formazione e Avviamento al Lavoro1, Antonella Salvatore, a margine del Forum Public Affairs 2023, tenutosi a Roma presso Palazzo Wedekind. 


00:00 Let's talk about corporate social responsibility and I'll tell you what we do at John Cabot University to reach certain goals.
00:07 First of all, Cabot is a multistakeholder world, a world that has relations with 80 countries that are represented within the university.
00:18 For over 50 years, what we have been doing is also bringing a dialogue between cultures, bringing the international community to Rome,
00:27 to make Italy known to the international community.
00:31 We have also started a very strong relationship with organizations and companies in the Italian territory,
00:38 and in particular also with the non-profit world.
00:41 What we are trying to do, for example, is also to help young people understand how to give back to the community,
00:49 so how to learn what in American is "give back to the community".
00:53 We have created very strong relationships with these different organizations,
00:59 volunteering programs, rather than helping young people understand how to develop their emotional intelligence,
01:06 how to develop empathy towards certain groups, and at the same time bring companies to the university,
01:15 so that companies are actively involved in the development of skills.
01:21 Instruction in the world of work and the external world, therefore, must somehow travel on the same lines
01:29 and meet, because the development of skills and the future is really important,
01:38 to help young people develop skills, but skills that can then be ethically and in a sustainable way applicable to the world of work.
